Chapter 423 Cat Life Feelings (Ask for a Monthly Ticket!!)

After the Sanhua cat was adopted from the pet hospital, it soon became a part of Mei Youyuan's Big Three family.

However, as a stray cat who has been away all year round, Sanhua seems to have gotten used to living alone. She is either resting or eating, drinking and sleeping every day.

Another interesting point is that this Sanhua seems to be very polite. For fear of making the house dirty, it doesn't want to sleep in the cat's nest in the living room. It would rather sleep in the corner outside the balcony. Yuan and the others could only move the cat litter outside.

And because of Sanhuamao's cold and reserved personality, Xia Yuan gave it a very noble name, "Niangniang".

The arrival of the empress did not make the family busy, but it significantly raised Xia Yuan and Mei Fang's expectations for returning home.

Of these two, Xia Yuan, a bright cat slave, greeted the empress as soon as she came back to serve her, and Mei Fang, a dark cat slave, stayed by her side when Xia Yuan was masturbating the cat.

Probably because she knew the kindness of her shit-shoveling officer for raising her, the empress didn't feel disgusted by Xia Yuan and Mei Fang's caressing, she would only run away suddenly when she was trying to be hugged——

"A Fang, look, when you touch your chin, she purrs so loudly! It is said in the book that this is a sign that cats feel very comfortable."

"That's right... Don't masturbate too hard. The empress usually looks good, but stray cats are very cruel when they are angry."

While talking, Mei Fang pushed Xia Yuan's hand away, and at the same time gave Xia Yuan a demonstration, "You have to be like me, so gentle and gentle."

"Again, is Niang Niang really a stray cat? Why do I feel that she is very familiar with these things in the house, especially picking cat litter and so on, I feel very good at it..."

"Actually, it may also be a cat that was abandoned or lost by the previous owner."

"I feel that the possibility of getting lost is relatively high. If it was abandoned by the owner, it probably won't be as close to humans as it is now."

Xia Yuan and Mei Fang squatted outside the balcony like elementary school students, chatting with their mother while rubbing their hands. At this moment, Lin Youxi had just finished preparing dinner, and when he saw the two of them on the balcony who were always enjoying themselves, he felt a little funny in his heart.

" two, hurry up to eat and wash your hands."

"I'm coming."

Although the empress is good at masturbation, but for Mei Fang, the wives' words are the first. He got up and went to the sink to wash his hands. Seeing Lin Youxi's sumptuous meal, he immediately let out a sound of praise , "Our Xibao is also amazing, we actually made so many delicious food today."

"No matter how delicious you make, you will get tired of eating one day, just like now, don't you like the new and dislike the old?"

Mei Fang hugged Lin Youxi and lifted her up, shaking her, greedily inhaling her scent.

"How could it be? Smoking cats is just a new lifestyle, but smoking our Xibao is a lifetime thing."

"Just your sweet mouth."

Ever since they raised cats at home, the two have fallen into a kind of cat-loving frenzy, which somewhat makes Lin Youxi, who is not so fanatical, look a little out of gregarious.

But Mei Fang will not neglect Lin Youxi because of his obsession with sucking cats. Lin Youxi's little emotions that were originally neglected are also eliminated by Mei Fang's active intimacy from time to time.

Looking at the history of more than ten years after his rebirth, the reason why Mei Fang's Duan Shui business has achieved such a successful result is also inseparable from his firm and unshakable determination.

Although the age difference between now and before rebirth is less than five years old, for Mei Fang, his life has passed more than 40 years.

Although it was a reliving of his teenage years, for him, after experiencing and making up for many regrets, he could realize more clearly that having two lovers who can be together for a lifetime is a blessing that many people cannot cultivate in a few lifetimes.

This awareness made him regard the relationship between the three of them as the top priority no matter what age he was.

Of course, this topic is a bit far-fetched. After Mei Fang and Lin Youxi finished making out, they also called to remind Xia Yuan to wash their hands and eat.

"Got it! Now!"

"Don't look at Yuanyuan there, if you don't come here to eat again, the food made by Youxi is cold."

"Let me masturbate for a while..."

Seeing Xia Yuan's still willful attitude, Mei Fang immediately stepped forward and knocked Xia Yuan on the head.

"Stop clinging to your mother like this, the cat will annoy you if you are so clingy."

At this time, Niangniang also arched her body and stretched her waist, looking very sleepy, Xia Yuan stopped her hands immediately and stood up, dragged by Mei Fang to wash her hands and put her on the table to eat.

"That's right...the doctor said before that my mother is about to give birth. I feel that my mother is going to give birth in two days. Should we leave someone at home to watch?"

"Under normal circumstances, it is not necessary. Cats have a strong ability to survive, and they can give birth to babies by themselves, unless they encounter dystocia with a very low probability."

Lin Youxi was very interested in this cold knowledge that Mei Fang knew, "Speaking of which, only human beings are the most vulnerable when they are pregnant, and it seems impossible for one person to do it alone."

"I just feel that my mother is very strong. Whether she is abandoned by the scumbag owner or the scumbag cat, I will lead my baby to live bravely and strongly."

"Does Yuanyuan adore such a strong mother?"

"Well, I adore it but I think I can do it too."

"real or fake?"

Lin Youxi joked to Xia Yuan while picking up vegetables and eating:
"Here, you can also imagine the scene of being a human being. One day you are pregnant with A Fang's baby, but because you are addicted to masturbating cats, A Fang Shen and I took advantage of you to oversleep one day and left you here. People raised Xiao Yuanbao, do you think you have the courage?"


Xia Yuan tried to make up the picture, and suddenly the food in the bowl was no longer fragrant, and the meat in his mouth could not be swallowed anymore, thinking about it, he stared at Mei Fang bitterly:

"Fang, why did you abandon me?"

"Why, why..."

After Xia Yuan muttered a few words, she really entered into this grief and indignation, and stared at Mei Fang with tears in her eyes, which made Mei Fang very speechless.

"Oh...don't get into the drama so easily, okay? How could I abandon you?"

"Yeah, it's not impossible... When we all have babies and I'm old and I become a yellow-faced woman, you will change your mind and like other young and beautiful women... You are the big boss, the technology And it's so good, there must be a lot of women who like you..."

"B-By then, I'm sure I won't be that good anymore!"

Mei Fang said and hurried up to touch Xia Yuan to show comfort, "Anyway, don't think about so many miscellaneous things..."

"I'm going to think about it."

Xia Yuan rubbed her eyes, "Anyway, I'm very sad now, Afang, you have to be responsible for me."

"Responsible! I must be responsible to you."

Mei Fang hugged Xia Yuan, kissed her, hugged her high, and coaxed her for a long time before comforting her.

At the same time, Mistress Sanhua outside the balcony squinted her eyes to watch the scene inside the house from time to time, and her pupils seemed to have a different kind of brilliance.

In this way, Xia Yuan's cat lived for a short time, and soon Empress Sanhua showed more signs of the expected date of delivery.

Because I heard that cats don’t want people to see them when they give birth to kittens, otherwise they will hide the kittens, so Mei Fang Xiayuan made a big cardboard box for the mother to hide in it to give birth; and Lin Youxi It focuses on preparing nutritional supplements for cats during pregnancy, so that the mother can have enough strength to give birth to a baby.

In this way, in the day-to-day anticipation, Mei Youyuan finally gave birth to a new life in the home of the Big Three, and many cute little milk cats appeared in the cardboard box of Empress Sanhua.

"One, two, three, four...five, six, that's a lot, six kittens were born all at once!"

Sanhua gave birth to a total of 6 kittens, including 2 white cats, 2 orange cats, and 2 black cats. As a result, all of them were pure-color cats, which made the three of them feel incredible.

"Good guy, this can handle water better than me."

Hearing Mei Fang's emotion, Lin Youxi couldn't help but punch him, "It's not a family, and if you don't enter a family, isn't that the way it is?"

The empress became very weak after giving birth to the cat. Mei Youyuan also helped to take care of the weak empress besides taking care of the little milk cat. After taking care of the frail empress for another week, the empress also recovered her former spirit and became physically fit. Light as a swallow, even more active than when he first came home.

While Xia Yuan was busy, she also felt infinite happiness, and even shared her experience and lessons of raising big cats with everyone in the live broadcast.

However, such days did not last long. After the kittens could open their eyes and move, she suddenly disappeared from the house one day.

Because Niangniang itself is not a runaway character, Xia Yuan and the others are used to locking the doors and windows at first, but they don't care much about it later on. Who would have thought that it would suddenly run away in such an environment?

At first everyone thought that the empress was hiding somewhere to rest, but they couldn't find it after searching around the house, and they couldn't hear the empress' snoring.

Later, everyone searched around the community again, and then Mei Fang began to post cat hunting notices according to Xia Yuanlin Youxi's suggestion, but he never received the find record of the empress.

In the past few days when she couldn't find her mother, Xia Yuan has been a little bit lost, because she spent a lot of effort on raising cats. Under Mei Fanglin Youxi's persuasion and guidance, she eased up a little bit, because cats The kittens were bleating with hunger, Xia Yuan and the others could only focus on feeding the kittens.

They went to the supermarket to buy goat milk powder to soak in baby bottles, lived the life of a nursing father and mother in advance, and then waited for the mother to return.

A week has passed, and the cats are thriving day by day, but the figure of the empress has never appeared.

Every time Xia Yuan thinks of this matter, besides being sad, she also feels embarrassing:

"Obviously her cubs are still at our house, why did she leave her cubs and run away without saying a word? Her babies are still so young, how can she be willing to leave them alone?"

Mei Fang thought for a while, "Maybe it's because he thinks we are worthy of trust? The children will have a better life with us, and we feel that raising another one is a burden for us... or something like that."

But Lin Youxi doesn't think so, "Because the empress is a stray cat, she is used to living a free life alone, so she feels that after giving birth to the cubs, she has fulfilled the mission of procreating offspring and can return to her original life. Bar?"

"But I'm really sad woo..."

Xia Yuan lay in Mei Fang's arms and acted like a baby, "We take care of it so well, why does your mother still refuse to stay with us... Wouldn't it be happier to have a warm home here than wandering outside? "

"Cats are not difficult animals to raise."

Mei Fang thought for a while, "Hmm... Maybe it's not that it doesn't miss the life here?"

"It's not that I don't miss you..."

"I've seen it before and heard that when a cat knows that it is about to die, it seems that it will take the initiative to leave the owner and find a quiet place to die quietly... like this."

"That's worse than my mother's yearning for a free life alone."

Xia Yuan shook her head and said, "If that's the case, I might as well let my mother be more selfish and go after the life I want... It would be too sad for a cat to die alone."

Lin Youxi couldn't help but sigh after hearing Xia Yuan's emotion:

"Which one do you feel more saddened, dying in the thoughts of your loved ones, or living alone without all your loved ones around you?"

Xia Yuan thought for a while, and then without hesitation, "It should be the back. In the front, although I will feel sad when I die, I am not the one to see off. I can still see my descendants, or relatives and friends. Well done, everyone misses me very much... In this way, even if I die, I won't have so many regrets."

"But, living alone is..."

Xia Yuan paused, "There is a great sadness that is indescribable."

Lin Youxi nodded with a smile, then looked at Mei Fang aside:

"What does Ah Fang think of this?"


Mei Fang frowned and thought for a while, and then thought for a while, "Yuanyuan and I have the same opinion... To be able to witness the inheritance of life with our own eyes is the meaning of apoptosis."

"A Fang suddenly put on some scholarly and expert arguments, and talked about the biological apoptosis, right? I hate it..."

"Oh, I suddenly think this sentence is very handsome, I can't even pretend."

Seeing Mei Fang and Xia Yuan beside him making noise, Lin Youxi enjoyed the atmosphere very much, and never disturbed them until the end when he suddenly said:
"If, when we grow old, one of the three of us dies before the other two—"

"Yes! Bah, bah, bah! Why do you suddenly say such an unlucky thing? It's really not like you."

Xia Yuan went to pat Lin Youxi's mouth as she spoke, "My mother said that it doesn't count if you wipe it like this."

After Lin Youxi cooperated with Xia Yuan to pee, he continued:
"However, that kind of thing always happens, doesn't it? I just want to hear what you think."

Just when Xia Yuan was silent and didn't speak, Mei Fang who was at the side suddenly answered:
"I think, if there is no way to save it, I might want to die with him, haha."

"Ah, Ah Fang?"

Xia Yuan stared at his sweetheart beside him in surprise, "Are you... serious?"

Mei Fang nodded slightly, "Because whether it's a world without fate or a world without Youxi, I can't accept either."

"That's not what it means for me to be where I am now."

Mei Fang, who has been reborn, firmly believes that her rebirth is to make up for regrets.

If you can't make up for the regret of crossing life and death, you are a complete loser...

"'s my favorite Afang."

Lin Youxi nodded vigorously, showing a long-lost bright smile, "If that happens, I will do the same thing as you."

"Ah...that--you are talking about an accident, aren't you talking about the situation of dying of old age! Then, what should we do when we get old..."

"In fact, I don't want to live for too long, and the quality of life is not good for too long. I feel that I can go to Ruitu together when I am 60 years old. What does A Fang say?"

"Well... Let me look at Yuanyuan... I feel that Yuanyuan will want to live for a long time."

Xia Yuan nodded seriously, "This world is so beautiful, why don't you live to see more? I am a woman who wants to live a long life!"

"Well... since Yuanyuan said so, then Afang and I can only work hard together to live."


"Why do you make it look like you are accommodating me!"

 The code is finished at four o'clock in the morning. There are illustrations in this chapter and the previous chapter, so you can open it later.

  In addition, ask for a monthly pass again!Today is the last day, everyone quickly vote for me!
  The next chapter, Connecting Fate and Deciding Fangxi if13, will be finished today, and I will make up 10000 words.

(End of this chapter)

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