Chapter 223 Recording a Promotional Video
Most of the user groups of station C are student parties, and the main age group of users is between 14 and 24 years old. The effect of traditional publicity methods may not be able to win their support, and if the video itself is not good enough, it will affect the reputation of station C. It will also have bad effects.

Based on such prerequisites, Mei Fang formulated a specific shooting plan for the promotional video.

1. The promotional video is expected to be 4 minutes long, with 1 minute of self-introduction and 3 minutes of talent show (guitar playing and singing).

2. Wearing clothes should be youthful and beautiful, and at the same time hope to show some of your own Two-dimensional attributes.

3. In order to reduce the interruptions received in real life, adopt the method of publicity without showing your face.

Of course, after the third point was brought up, everyone felt that this approach would be a bit deceptive. After all, I have sung these songs in school. Since I plan to "debut", I must be mentally prepared to be picked out sooner or later.

Mei Fang's consideration is that it is still 2012 after all, and the hostility on the Internet is far less terrible than ten years later. Yuanyuan Youxi and himself will reveal their identities sooner or later. Xia Yuan's sense of mystery.

As for the video shooting, Wan Chaoxiong and Xiang Bingbing were invited to participate in the video shooting. Everyone discussed the location and decided to shoot in a small pavilion in the school. The background ensured a low degree of recognition.

After confirming the scene and shooting personnel, Xia Yuan is worrying about the costumes for the promotional video.

"Afang, Youxi, do you think it's better to wear a sailor suit or a lo skirt, or just wear a school uniform?"

"The lo skirt will be a bit too two-dimensional, and it doesn't fit the style of a guitar singer. The school uniform... It's like telling netizens that we are attached to Jiangcheng Shiyi."

Lin Youxi put forward her own suggestion to Xia Yuan, "I think the sailor suit is better, it fits the youthful and beautiful style that A Fang wants, and it is also two-dimensional enough."

"Thinking about it this way, it's true."

Xia Yuan looked at Mei Fang thoughtfully, "What do you think, Ah Fang? Do you also think it would be better for me to wear a sailor suit?"

"Well... Speaking of which, Yuanyuan, can you get a sailor suit?"

"Although the school can borrow, but the quality is not good enough, I will buy online these days."

"Remember to buy a longer skirt. If you reveal too much, your father will be annoyed when he sees it."

"Why is my father...and pushed my father out, it's because A Fang doesn't want me to reveal too much!"

Xia Yuan pinched Mei Fang's cheek with a smile, leaned into Mei Fang's ear and said, "Then I can buy two, long ones for video recording, and shorter ones, just... wear them for A Fang to see, okay?" ?”

Xia Yuan is still not very proficient in the technique of teasing Mei Fang. It was originally the stage of attacking Mei Fang, but in the end she blushed first.

Although Yuan Yuan said that he was high in offense and low in defense, Mei Fang himself was not that high, and he touched his nose in embarrassment when he was teased by Xia Yuan.

"From, where did I learn the strange words, first shoot the video well, and talk about the rest later..."

Xia Yuan stepped up his offensive when he saw that he had succeeded, "So, are you interested? I bought it only if you were interested."

"Buy them all, it's not that you can't afford them, and it's okay to have one more... But remember to swipe my account, this is considered a public expense."

"I know, I know."

After Xia Yuan finished speaking, she smiled and sat on the sofa to choose clothes. Lin Youxi put Xia Yuan's shoulders to remind her, "Yuanyuan, remember to buy more pantyhose when you place the order."


"Since Afang doesn't want you to show too much, it's a good choice to cover your legs with pantyhose."

"Is that what you're talking about... ah... um... uh..."

"This store is good, you look at this one."

Under Lin Youxi's instruction, Xia Yuan found something that made her blush, and immediately exclaimed: "Yes, Youxi... Do you like this kind of socks? This one is too bold!"

"I don't care. The main reason is that Afang likes this one better. He must be very excited to see you wearing it, especially the white one."

"When did I say I like pantyhose, hello!"

Mei Fang expressed his protest and dissatisfaction on the sidelines, "Don't make what I say seem like a pervert."

"He said he wasn't a pervert." Lin Youxi bit her lower lip, and then questioned Mei Fang, "Did you forget what you did to my stockings last time?"

"That was an accident, okay!"

Xia Yuan chimed in from the side, "Ah Fang is the only one who is stubborn."

"What strange things did you say, hello!"

Lin Youxi finally asked Xia Yuan to buy a pair of black pantyhose, but after all, she couldn't wear them to school, and the purpose was unknown.

After preparing all kinds of pre-work, everyone found a weekend to shoot videos at school.

After getting along with each other for this period of time, Wan Chaoxiong gradually became acquainted with the people in the studio. Having seen their performance on stage, he is also full of expectations for Xia Yuan's fame.

"As far as the quality of our single is concerned, as well as the level of professional video production, I want to say that as long as we can get into the recommended position, we can guarantee to be the first lady in the music section!"

Xiang Bingbing was also very curious about the results of this video recording, "If Yuanyuan becomes an Internet celebrity in the future, will he not have to go to class?"

"It's not like... After all, it's just a pure hobby."

Xia Yuan stroked her hair, rearranged her clothes with Lin Youxi's help, and then picked up the guitar that Mei Fang handed her, which made Xia Yuan feel very at ease.

"In addition, I also want to develop my career..."

After all, Afang and Youxi are both making games and websites. I have to follow in their footsteps and become an excellent creator...

Xiang Bingbing half kneeled and raised the camera to point at Xia Yuan, "Yuanyuan, are you ready?"

Xia Yuan coughed a few times and then cleared his throat, "We can start now."


Xia Yuan waved to the camera and greeted,
"Hi everyone at station C! This is Yuan, Yuanbao desu! Puff haha... This is so fun, can you re-record it?"

Xia Yuan greeted Mei Fang who was outside the camera, but Mei Fang just shook his head. He felt that such a real reaction was fine.

"Hmm... Our director said that there is no need to re-record, so I will continue... Today is the first time I meet with you, and I want to share with you the first mini-album "Accompanied by Yuanxi" released by our team. My two childhood sweethearts and other good friends completed the creation together, I hope you like it! Next I will bring you a singing of one of them, please help me applaud and encourage me, crab!"

Xia Yuan first applauded himself a few times, and then played the song "In That Not Far Away" live in the video.

Because it was just singing with guitar accompaniment, and Mei Fang wanted to see a NG, Xia Yuan’s performance was not perfect, and there was a funny scene where she bit her tongue and sang the wrong words, although it was not recorded in the video, But sounds and movements can be felt.

Xiang Bingbing showed Mei Fang and Wan Chaoxiong the finished video.

"By the way, is there really no need to re-record this way? Isn't there a lot of mistakes?"

Mei Fang and Wan Chaoxiong waved their fingers almost simultaneously and shook their heads.

"This kind of young and unfamiliar but natural and unpretentious feeling, the hard-working girl who strives to pursue her dream is the most attractive character design of our family Yuanyuan!"

"Mr. Mei really deserves to be a man who engages in games. You really understand the idea of ​​a two-dimensional dead house best, and your speaking style is exactly the same as that of our young lady at station C!"

"What do you mean very similar..."

Xia Yuan shook his head when he heard this.

This Ah Fang standing in front of you is the station master of station C [There are forests in the mountains] the real lady!

But apart from emotion, she was also a little worried.

Can a video like this really impress those users of Station C?

 After thinking about it, I changed the plot of the last paragraph of the previous chapter a little bit. If you feel something is wrong after reading it, you can read it further. Can the next chapter be updated before 12 o'clock, let us wait and see.

(End of this chapter)

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