Time travel to become the guardian AI of a lost civilization

Chapter 200 A Little "Guardian" Shock

Chapter 200 A Little "Guardian" Shock

"It's the 'Scavenger Battleship'...that's the right place."

After discovering that there was such a warship in this galaxy that was consistent with the garrison warship of the "observation terminal", Li Wenyuan determined that this must be the place he was looking for.

Not only that, but it has been mentioned many times in the introduction and remarks about this batch of "Scavenger warships" that the batch of warships in front of them are "antiques" and collected cultural relics.

Such a state is tantamount to explaining that the "collection planet" mentioned in the museum area of ​​"Eternal World" is the one here.

This made Li Wenyuan, who found the destination directly after the first contact, a little happy.

But then, he began to be wary of one thing, that is, would these "clearer warships" here be in a hostile state like the ones in the "observation terminal"?

Judging from the currently known information, the "Scavenger Battleship" seems to have been "infected" and is not under the management of Li Wenyuan's "Guardian Matrix". According to his speculation, it may be the "active purification center" that caused all this.

If this is the case, it doesn't seem impossible that there are still many uncontrolled "clearer warships" in the galaxy.

Immediately, Li Wenyuan discovered that those "Scavenger warships" and the surrounding warships belonging to the "Conqueror Empire" were in a state of "firing" together.

Each fleet is an ultimate top lineup of more than [-] warships, and battlecruisers account for half of the number.

And the emperor, who was already in a bad mood and was looking forward to using a shocking performance to improve his mood, now had an even more ugly expression on his face.

After all, being able to overwhelm a "guardian" is the pinnacle of Disheng, and maybe it will be recorded in the history books of the empire in the future.

The minister had expected this result a long time ago. When the emperor decided to use "fireworks" to show "the way of hospitality", he knew that the matter would be over.

The minister put away the alarm document as if he was used to it, and replied calmly:
"I'm dead. I thought that this matter must have been done by the so-called 'guardian'. That omnic barbarian didn't understand His Majesty's hospitality, so he wanted to show off his power at this moment."

He understood that His Majesty the good-looking emperor would not let go of such an opportunity to "show off his majesty".

The minister suggested to the emperor more than once that he should inform the "guardian" of the "firework display" news, even if it was just a series of signals.

If successful, the "Guardian" does not respond to this behavior.

However, it is the minister's instinct how to speak nicely and convey the main information at the same time.

Unusual energy fluctuations were gathering in the main guns of those battleships. Although he did not receive the news that the scientific research spacecraft was "locked", he still took a serious attitude.

But... failed?
If the "Guardian" misunderstood this signal, then they would lose all face even if they lost their wife.

The huge production capacity brought by multiple giant structures is basically used by him to produce warships. After all, building a new giant structure is a long process, and there is no place to consume the excess production capacity.

But the emperor felt that this was a violation of the authority of the emperor. As the ruler of the galaxy and even the entire universe, why should he condescend to tell others what he was going to do?
So this matter was finalized, and it was happening at this moment, and without accident, it brought the worst result.

The alarm came too urgently, and it was sent to the emperor without even following the usual etiquette.

The minister who received the "reward" bowed his head in thanks, but his expression was full of bitterness.

"What's going on here? Aiqing, tell me?"

After all, it is a battleship related to the "Active Purification Protocol", so it is always right to pay more attention.

And the above is just a part of his fleet.

Although the emperor still called the minister standing beside him "Ai Qing", in fact he threw the physical alarm document on the minister's face, with a dangerous expression on his expression.

Everyone knows that the "Farmland" galaxy is one of the forbidden areas of "Pressolin". Does His Majesty the Emperor really feel that the entire galaxy is in his pocket?

He had dissuaded the emperor many times, asking him not to think of receiving the elusive omnic in this way, but when he understood that the emperor actually wanted to use this opportunity to promote the country's prestige, he gave up dissuading him.

This kind of news is useless to others, but it can make His Majesty the emperor feel more face-saving.

The reason can be guessed after a little thought. It is nothing more than that those "fireworks" are regarded as hostile signals.

And at this moment, those unknown signal sources that are "approaching" must be from the "Guardian" without guessing.

"... Well said! I am very happy, that... the 'farmland' galaxy will be rewarded to you!"

At this moment, the number of warships gathered in the "Empire of the Conqueror" home system exceeds [-], which is already much higher than the number of warships of the two warring parties, the "Empire of the Conqueror" and the Pyro Alliance.

Even though he knew that a storm was coming, the embellishments he used in telling the emperor were all flattery, as if it was no big deal.

And those infiltrators who were deliberately let in by the "Empire of the Conquerors" also witnessed this "epic" scene, and immediately tried their best to pass this information out.

For the sake of caution, he transferred ten fleets here, and another thirty fleets cruised at the border of the "Empire of the Conquerors", in case any fish slipped through the net.

What's more, he didn't receive any explanation or warning about this scene from the "Conqueror Empire". He has reason to suspect that the "Active Purification Protocol" has actually controlled this place.

And in the interstellar space that the arrogant emperor couldn't see, part of Li Wenyuan's fleet had already jumped to the parent galaxy of the "Empire of the Conqueror".

After thinking about it, he can only continue to explode the fleet.

Then, after this, under the propaganda of the public opinion agencies, the rumors that "the 'Conqueror' imperial fleet review ceremony successfully deterred the 'Guardian'" will spread widely in the galaxy.

Therefore, the Emperor of the Conqueror Empire, who was still looking forward to giving the "Guardian" a little "interstellar shock", suddenly received an alarm from his subordinates that "a large number of unknown signal sources are found approaching here".

It didn't take long for the entire galaxy to know that the "Empire of the Conqueror" seemed to have offended the "Guardian", and attracted the siege of the fleet of the Lost Empire.

They didn't know the cause of the incident, but all kinds of speculations turned into gloating in the end.

Therefore, in the mood of "anticipation" among the civilizations, the light curtain formed by the salvo of two thousand warships directly covered the "toothpick fleet" of the "Conqueror Empire".

Even if the stars here are all normal, the civilizations still have a feeling of seeing a supernova explosion.

(End of this chapter)

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