Chapter 184 The Unfinished Megastructure
The time came several months after Li Wenyuan left the "observation terminal".

At this time, he confirmed the status of the "Central Processing Unit" and "Galaxy Monitor" according to the remaining data of the "Core Database", and gained a lot.

In addition to these two places, there is another very special place that also appeared in the command records of the "core database", that is, the center of the galaxy.

At that time, he conducted investigations on both the "observation terminal" and the "galactic center channel" at the same time, but the center of the galaxy was different.

This may be the most dangerous place in the entire galaxy. Even if the average technology level of the galaxy today seems to be able to navigate space without pressure, it is impossible to say that exploring the center of the galaxy means exploring the center of the galaxy.

According to the current speculation of galaxy scientists, they believe that the center of the galaxy is a supermassive black hole, which has become the main source of gravity to maintain the spiral galaxy of the Milky Way.

This supermassive black hole has a mass about 500 million times that of an ordinary G-type star. Such a huge gravitational anomaly can be easily discovered even by indigenous civilizations.

According to the theory of galactic scientists, this supermassive black hole may have formed in the early days of the universe, formed by the merger of supermassive proto-galaxies that commonly existed in the early universe.

Such a huge gravitational force has led to a very high-density group of stars in the galactic center space. They revolve around the black hole at a very high speed and change their trajectories under the gravitational force of each other.

From a more macro perspective, the huge group of stars gathered in the center of the galaxy will make it extremely bright.

But gravity not only brings stars, but also enough interstellar dust to block the light of the star cluster and make the center of the galaxy not so dazzling.

However, some observatories very close to the galactic center can still detect the highlight from the galactic center from time to time.

Collisions between stars are common occurrences here, and the space environment here is not only completely unsuitable for the birth of life, but also unsuitable for ordinary interstellar civilizations to explore.

Although the galactic civilizations have guessed that the hyperspace channel that is obviously not "naturally generated" was built by an ancient civilization, and this civilization must have a level of technology that they cannot imagine.

But they don't think that this civilization can build a safe hyperspace channel leading to the center of the galaxy. This kind of "highway" has always existed only in theory.

But the "Guardian" once again broke their cognition.

The "Mechanical Lost Empire", which seems to be looking for something in the galaxy all the time, seems to have discovered the secret of the galactic center, and is preparing to complete a feat that galactic civilizations have never verified - reaching the galactic center.

A large number of cutting-edge scientists who have been intoxicated in the space field for many years came to the galaxies on the edge of the Milky Way one wave after another, as if sitting up in a dying illness.

The purpose is nothing else, just to witness the opening of the Yinxin Road.

Even ordinary people who are extremely susceptible to public opinion have paid more or less attention to this matter.

This is what they talk about when they are free, and it is also the capital for bragging on the Internet.

In this interstellar environment where the information network is extremely developed, if you can't keep up with current events, you will fall behind in the circle of friends and be ridiculed in just a few days.

"...Although this is indeed a feat in scientific theory, is the access to the Milky Way really that important?"

Someone posted such a post on the interstellar forum, and it immediately attracted hundreds of thousands of replies, most of which were explaining the actual significance of this pathway.

"If there is a galactic passage, then this can become a shortcut across the galaxy. From one end of the galaxy to the other, there is no need to pay high stargate usage fees or take unstable wormhole passages."

"The unique celestial environment of the galactic center can also make many contributions in the field of science. Perhaps scientists can use this to continue to explore the origin of the universe."

There are normal answers, and there will naturally be abnormal answers.

Although the interstellar civilizations of the Milky Way are nominally in the "interstellar age", due to different family histories, different civilization processes, and different social systems, the actual quality of citizens of each civilization is uneven.

Among them, there are many people who go online just to vent, and those whose whole mind is full of conspiracy theories.

"Don't understand this? Even the children on my mother planet know this kind of thing, what a fool."

"Pure passers-by, one thing to say, one thing to say, no blows, no blacks, is there a possibility, I mean possibility, maybe the 'Guardian' wants to use the supermassive black hole in the galaxy's center to do bad things? For example, destroy the galaxy?"

"What happened to 'Guardian'? They saved the galaxy twice and you just reward them like this? If I were 'Guardian', I would be blind to save space scum like you."


So in the increasingly fierce scolding battle, this supposedly mediocre post unexpectedly appeared on the hot searches of several civilizations at the same time, and finally had to be blocked by the administrator of this interstellar forum.

And different from the very simple views of the people, the actual controllers of those regimes in the galaxy civilization understand more things and think farther.

At this time, several months have passed since the previous change of the "Guardian". Although this time scale is very short in the interstellar world, it has put great pressure on these civilizations.

Those "ghost signals" that suddenly appeared and disappeared suddenly due to the "guardian"'s rampage were like a sharp sword hanging over their heads.

For several months, they have prepared for the worst all the time, and that is to become enemies with the "Guardians" who once guarded the galaxy.

Even though several civilizations headed by the Fire Seed Alliance tried their best to guarantee the "Guardians", as the heads of civilizations, they must consider any possibility.

Judging from the results at this time, the "Guardian" does not seem to have any problems due to the previous changes, and is still running around the galaxy, making some big discoveries from time to time.

However, vigilance is still deeply buried in their hearts. The temporary calm hides a deep undercurrent, and the discovery of the Yinxin Passage is just the beginning.

In the end, under the watchful eyes of countless people, Li Wenyuan finally found those unique space coordinates.

"...The entrance of the hyperspace channel is changing. No wonder it is so difficult to find. Although the spaceships that received the wrong instructions from the 'Guardian Agreement' came to the designated coordinates, the entrance has long been changed..."

Looking at the "hyperspace entrances" that were only found after the carpet search of countless scientific research spacecraft, Li Wenyuan finally felt a long sigh of relief.

These hyperspace channels leading to the galactic center are very narrow, and they seem to have been stabilized by humans, probably to ensure that the hyperspace channels will not be affected in the galactic center space.

This kind of overly stable hyperspace will even isolate the search of ordinary detectors, and it really can't be found without a certain level of proficiency.

Moreover, those hyperspace entrances are also unusual. In order to adapt to the rapidly changing positions of celestial bodies in the environment of the galactic center, they also have the ability to follow changes to a certain extent.

After countless years, these hyperspace entrances have long been different from the places humans first built, and some are even located in the corners of the galaxy.

Ignoring those watching galactic civilizations, he crossed the hyperspace channel leading to the center of the galaxy with his own expectations.

The hyperspace journey passed by in a flash, and in a blink of an eye he came to the galaxy opposite the passage—an ordinary star system without any habitable stars.

But that's only a small part of the environment, with an incredible-sized "halo" serving as the backdrop for the entire galaxy.

It is a super black hole located in the center of the galaxy, and even the largest O-type star is just a small glass bead compared to it.

The light belt formed by the high-speed friction around the gas gives it the appearance of a "halo", but the "halo" at this time is not complete.

Because there are also "megastructures" matching its size that cover part of it, making it not so perfect.

It was an unfinished giant structure, but it was a part of this giant structure, and its size was countless times larger than the "Sky Veil Battleship".

The faint signal flashed by, and finally formed such a message.

[The lost connection is detected... "Alien Gate-Galaxy World", and it is connecting...]

(End of this chapter)

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