Chapter 180 Human figure

The real name of this planetary machine that is "monitoring" the galaxy all the time seems to be "observation terminal".

And human beings did not leave some information in this place as expected by Li Wenyuan, but this information...

[Let's guess who will come here, will it be Xiaojian? 】

[Well, in fact, there is no need to guess at all. After all, this message has a corresponding trigger condition. If it is not the "Guardian Matrix", what they will see will only be other information]

[But it doesn't matter, even other information can help them understand this universe]

【Then the first thing I want to say is related to "you"...】

As you read this, it's surprising what the information reveals.

Unlike the human remains encountered before, the information left here is very specific, and it seems to be entered for the "Guardian Matrix".

What's more important is that the following information may even be for him to read.

Li Wenyuan's heart jumped inexplicably. At this moment, he faintly felt that perhaps his "mystery of life experience" was about to be revealed.

【It's a pleasure to meet you at this time, our oldest "compatriot", Mr. Li Wenyuan】

[I am a doctor, one of the creators of the "Guardian Matrix"]

[I don't know what unknown state the galaxy is in when you read this message, but your state is certain]

[The "Guardian Matrix" will not understand these words, but will only faithfully record them in the database. If you understand these words, it means that our last effort was successful after all]

[You are the backup protocol of the "Guardian Matrix", the existence of the "soul" of this mechanical intelligence]

[You should be able to tell from the name, right?The full name of the guardianship matrix is ​​"Wenyuan-type guardianship matrix", and this machine intelligence was named after you at the beginning of its construction]

【As for why it is a "backup agreement"... I will tell you about it later】

[You are a human being from before the "Awakening Era", don't doubt your identity, and don't be limited by your digital consciousness]

【Your "soul" is indeed a real human being】

The information left here directly confirmed his identity, but Li Wenyuan didn't feel a sudden realization, but just felt a sense of peace that a mystery in his heart had been settled.

He also more or less guessed his origin as the "guardian matrix", and after solving the problem of the "core database", he felt that he might be a special "protocol".

The underlying protocol "Guardian Protocol" that was responsible for maintaining the operation of the "Guardian Matrix" had a fatal error due to unknown reasons.

Under the many crises, his "backup agreement" finally took over the operation of the "Guardian Matrix", and the "Guardian Agreement" locked itself in the core database—this was what he guessed at that time.

Now it seems that his guess seems to be very likely to be true?
With more doubts, Li Wenyuan chose to continue reading.

[The "Awakening Era" is the era of great evolution of our human beings, and a meteorite has brought us the opportunity for super-speed development]

【—Psychic energy, this is the power brought by that meteorite. The high concentration of Zelo crystals contained in the meteorite activates the potential of our psionic energy.】

[Isn't it amazing?Does this look like the "spiritual energy recovery" in the novel?It wasn’t until we thoroughly understood what “psychic power” is that we realized that each of us is actually a “chosen person”]

[Tens of billions of "chosen people", can you imagine how our civilization has progressed? 】

[The "Era of Awakening" lasted only 20 years, and we have entered the next stage - "Era of Ascension"]

[This is our most glorious era and our longest era]

[We killed a "Star Devourer" at the beginning of this era, and made its remains into a memorial building]

[This giant luminescent creature was approaching the solar system at sub-light speed tens of thousands of years ago, but before we killed it, it would need to go on a sub-light speed journey for tens of thousands of years to reach the solar system]

[What a sad scene this is!Although it is a hazard that wants to extinguish the sun, before it arrives, it will directly "starve to death" because the journey is too far and the energy is exhausted]

[Even this giant space creature is like this, let alone those civilizations? 】

[So we came up with an idea - to build a "highway" for every galaxy in the Milky Way, so that beings who are troubled by the speed of light can cross the galaxy without too much technical content]

[We are very clear that our "talent" can hardly be reproduced, and we must use a more convenient and popular method to realize our ideas]

[After several proposals were rejected one by one, we finally adopted the method of "opening up hyperspace"]

[In this special space, the speed of light can be easily reached and then quickly surpassed.A series of "space corridors" composed of them will become a necessary means for interstellar civilizations to communicate with each other in the future]

[With the help of the power brought by psionic energy, we shuttled in a stable area that was unknown at the time, laying a hyperspace between galaxies-we later learned that the stable area was actually a void]

[During this period of time, we have experienced many things... such as trying to digitize consciousness, or carrying out all-round genetic modification]

[Leaving "gifts" in some places we are optimistic about is a common behavior for us, and we have never slacked off on our own development]

[Until we encountered the first civilization capable of traveling faster than the speed of light with its own power, they were the Zelo tribe]

【Zero is the ashes of the Zelo tribe, and high-concentration Zelo crystals are hard to find. After consulting the history of the Zelo tribe, we found that their use of spiritual energy was even much later than ours.】

[We who are still busy laying out the hyperspace, at the last moment of the self-destruction of the Zelo tribe, we realized one thing belatedly——Where did the Zelo on the meteorite that brought us change come from? from? 】

[After this, we gradually realized that this universe is not as simple as we imagined, and the secrets hidden in the deep space may be more terrifying than we imagined]

[And the physique of our "chosen people" in the whole family is not due to "luck"]

[So we quickened our pace, eager to find out the truth, and finally found the answer we wanted in the black hole]

[The existence of the galaxy itself is extremely dangerous. In order to avoid this risk of destruction, we have to "seal up" it]

【However, imprisoning the entire galaxy is not what we hoped for. We still expect more and more future companions to emerge from this land where we were born】

[The "Guardian Matrix" is not only the "guardian" of the galactic civilization, but also the "destroyer" of the galactic civilization]

[As long as the level is not enough, there will only be a "cycle" again and again]

[And you are the "last resort" we left behind after making full preparations for the galaxy]

[We believe that only cold mechanical intelligence can keep a clear mind for a long time, but everything should be just in case]

[The beginning of this history is you, and the end should also be you. The sense of ritual has always been very important, isn't it? 】

[If in a certain distant future, even the "Guardian Matrix" has a problem with the passage of time, then you will be the one to turn the tide]

【Looking forward to one day in the future, we can meet again】

[Special note: The above information will be recorded in confidential areas such as "observation terminal", "central processing unit", "core database", "black hole horizon" ... etc.]

(End of this chapter)

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