Time travel to become the guardian AI of a lost civilization

Chapter 178 Who is Watching the Milky Way?

Chapter 178 Who is Watching the Milky Way?

【...This is the "Galaxy Observatory". If you have nothing to do with it, please leave immediately, otherwise you will be punished by the garrison fleet】

The special signal wandering in this galaxy made Li Wenyuan alert.

Although he had heard similar signals in the "Epsilon Shelter", but unlike that ring world, there seemed to be hostile target reactions here.

Almost at the same time as his thoughts, the scientific research spacecraft that jumped here popped up a "locked" alarm.

The next moment, a beam of light shining from the center of the galaxy passed by the scientific research spacecraft.

In the blink of an eye, a mysterious fleet is docking in the starry sky here.

A pulsar in the center of the galaxy is providing gravity for this star field. It stands to reason that such a celestial body with frequent electromagnetic pulses will cause the spacecraft's shield system to fail.

But the mysterious fleet stationed here seemed not to be affected by this space environment. Their shields flashed a strange red light, blocking the electromagnetic pulses that were constantly coming from the battleship.

Their ship types looked different from any of the existing galaxies, but Li Wenyuan felt very familiar.

The running databases were compared spontaneously, and soon in a series of records, a video clip he had seen was found.

That was a long time ago, before the "Watcher" was destroyed by the "Circle", and "Farstrider" hadn't formally launched a heavenly battle with the "Watcher".

Although there are undercurrents in the galaxy, they are all battles between civilizations. It is far from the crisis of the destruction of the galaxy as it is now.

And the series of video records that were remembered at this time were found in the second ring world destroyed by the "far traveler" - the ring world of the eternal lighthouse.

At that time, Li Wenyuan speculated that the "far traveler" in ancient times should have suffered heavy losses in a crisis caused by human beings, and had to move to the "source of knowledge" planet.

The content of that video record is the scene of the "far traveler" fighting against the hostile forces suspected of "artificial crisis".

The warships of the hostile forces are very special in shape. They look like regular blocks made up of a large number of pyramidal metal structures. The larger ships look like giant sea urchins on a space scale.

They are completely different from the ones that humans usually use. They don't have the romance of big ships and cannons, nor the deterrence that steel giants should.

Even so, the strength of that kind of battleship is obviously powerful, directly shooting down the entire galaxy for several eras.

Li Wenyuan once sent the search for clues of this warship to the Galactic civilizations in the form of a task, and wanted to mobilize adventurers from all over the galaxy to see if they could find some clues.

But nothing has been gained.

Until now, after seeing the battleship stationed here in this special "Galaxy Monitor" galaxy, he suddenly discovered it.

The warship here looks like the original model of the enemy warship in the "Galactic Crisis" manually triggered by humans.

They are also massive objects cobbled together from a large number of metallic geometric structures.

However, unlike those "crisis battleships" that generally showed a symmetrical structure and geometric arrangement, the battleships here were extremely irregular, as if they were put together by a child, ugly and ugly.

If it weren't for the fact that these "battleships" can emit light beams from some inexplicable geometric structures, Li Wenyuan would think that they are space junk.

After being warned, Li Wenyuan was not afraid, although it seemed that all outsiders were not welcome here, including his "guardian matrix".

But there was obviously a huge secret to be explored here, and he couldn't just leave empty-handed.

So, as soon as he let the scientific research spacecraft leave, he brought a large fleet here.

Although these "irregular warships" with strange appearances seem to have strong combat effectiveness, Li Wenyuan is not a vegetarian either.

The moment the fleet entered, the "Suppression Stand" installed on the Titan flagship began its work.

The two suppressive stances belonging to "ghost signal" and "primordial fear" enveloped this galaxy, and also enveloped the strange battleships stationed.

Although the "warning" signal is still wandering in the galaxy, but this time the warships did not make threatening shots.

Dozens of beams hit the Titan flagship and the fleet led by it impartially, and the beam of high-energy particles gathered was deflected by the flashing purple light shield. Although the energy of the shield was consumed, it was far from destroying the shield. still early.

At the same time, Li Wenyuan also discovered an astonishing fact, that is, the "repressive stance" has no effect on those strange warships!
"Primitive fear" is good to say, if this kind of "fear halo" against organisms encounters robots, it will work as well as it will not.

The strange battleship on the opposite side doesn't look like it can carry living organisms, and it seems normal for the "primitive fear" to fail.

But the "ghost signal" is different. This kind of "signal virus" with strong penetrating power and imperceptible infectivity has always been invincible in his use, and he has never encountered such a situation before. .

The "ghost signal" doesn't seem to be able to infect the enemy's spaceship at all. This phenomenon generally indicates that either the opponent is a "physical man" who does not use any artificial intelligence and operates purely manually.

Or the opponent's protection level against electronic warfare is at the same level as him, or even higher than him.

No matter which one it is, it can show that the fleets stationed here are not simple.

However, Li Wenyuan was not flustered by the failure of the "suppressive stance". After all, this kind of equipment is still auxiliary in nature, and real battles often require the battleship itself to be strong enough.

Those strange battleships are certainly very powerful, but their number is really too small, excluding carrier aircraft, there are not even 100 of them.

The number of warships brought here by Li Wenyuan is ten times that of them, and this is only a part. If necessary, it is not impossible to double this number.

If a 1v1 duel between warships is launched, it is really hard to say the outcome of this galaxy battle.

However, it is the normal state of the Galaxy to overwhelm people with power. It is not difficult for ten to beat one.

In the end, those strange battleships could not withstand the saturated firepower after all. No matter how special their shields and armor were, they were eventually pierced through the hull by a luminous spear, detonating the core of the battleship.

The small commotion in the galaxy was quelled in this way, followed by a large number of scientific research spacecraft.

Most of them are scanning the wreckage of those strange warships, trying to extract useful information from them.

The other part of the spacecraft is the only celestial body that has come to the galaxy except for the central pulsar.

The structural layout of this galaxy is already obvious enough, a garrison fleet, a pulsar, and a special planet revolving around the pulsar.

A rough scan shows that there are a large number of robots on this planet, as well as a huge number of giant arrays arranged like antennas.

At first glance, these things seem to have no name, but when you think about it carefully, you will find that the arrays seem to be some kind of "monitors".

They aimed at every star field of the galaxy, collected all the information of the galaxy, and uploaded it to the unknown deep space through unknown means.

It looks... as if something is "watching" the Milky Way.

(End of this chapter)

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