Time travel to become the guardian AI of a lost civilization

Chapter 175 The Possibility of the Star Sea Empire

Chapter 175 The Possibility of the Star Sea Empire

"...Is it really this?" When he saw the most eye-catching information record in the "core database", Li Wenyuan also had a feeling that it was so.

He had more or less guessed before, what made the "Guardian Matrix" what it is now, and even the underlying "Guardian Agreement" was locked in the "Core Database".

At that time, he thought it was some kind of "terrorist threat" hidden in the galaxy similar to "Boundary Breaker", but he still couldn't figure out how it was possible for human beings to severely damage such a "Guardian Matrix" before they left. threats remain.

But after getting in touch with Ether Dragon and the "core database", he gradually realized the possibility:
Is there a possibility that the galaxy crisis is actually me?
This kind of speculation also has a corresponding possibility. He unearthed a record in a certain ruin a long time ago.

That record mentioned that humans had conducted a "Galaxy Civilization Stress Resilience Test" and manually triggered an artificial crisis.

At that time, he didn't think of himself, but the news accidentally leaked from the ether dragon reminded him of it.

The "Guardianship Matrix" seems to be also called the "Galactic Civilization Comprehensive Tester". If so, then the "Stress Resistance Test" is probably part of it.

If he was asked to speculate on this unknown history for tens of millions of years, he would think that there was a problem with the "Guardian Matrix" during the long running time.

This problem, which was infinitely magnified in time, eventually led to the self-correction of the "Guardian Matrix", the "Guardian Protocol" was locked in the "Core Database", and the other mentioned "Active Purification Protocol" disappeared .

After that, he became some kind of "special agreement" of the "Guardian Matrix".

It now appears that this mysteriously missing "Active Purification Protocol" is very likely to be the source of the "threat".

However, there is no evidence yet. At this time, the "remaining time of the Galactic Civilization Stress Resistance Test" is counting down from the first 20 years.

When Li Wenyuan tried to terminate this "test", he got a reply of "the object does not exist, the command is wrong".

This further convinced him that there must be something wrong with the "Active Purification Protocol".

At this point, the synchronization between the general database and the core database has been completed.

Li Wenyuan thought that he would gain a lot from it, at least the technology tree would be greatly supplemented, but it turned out that this complex of buildings is enough to hold a broken "guardianship agreement".

There is very little useful data, and a large part of it is missing, which makes Li Wenyuan wonder if it is a good thing done by the "Active Purification Protocol".

Although there is little harvest in the "core database" itself, there are many points to be investigated in the intrusion from the "core database".

Including "Central Processing Unit", "Galaxy Monitor", "Galaxy Center Megastructure" and other places that Li Wenyuan had never known before, because of the "Core Database", they were exposed to his eyes.

This is also a gain.

So he began to look at the coordinates of the destinations where the fleet was preparing to make the jump, and selected those galaxies that were "in" an unknown state.

Although he has explored the galaxy for a long time, there are still many unexplored places.

And his scientific research spacecraft and fleet are about to head to the special galaxy in it.

At this time, the galactic civilizations have not recovered from the heavy news sent by the "galactic community", and they are all in shock.

There is no other reason, that is, there may really be a problem with the "Guardian".

The rapidly spreading "ghost signal" record has been seen by all civilizations. Although it is unbelievable, they have to admit that it is indeed a weapon used by the "Guardian" to deal with the "Civilization Destroyer" fleet.

The decryption of the "ghost signal" is difficult to achieve, and the galactic civilization has not been able to discover anything from the signal in a glimpse.

They can only define the similarity of this signal according to the performance of the "ghost signal", and the result has long been determined. The "ghost signal" has been listed as a "weapon" by the galaxy civilizations.

This time, the sudden outbreak of the "ghost signal" due to the change of the "guardian" made the galactic civilizations vigilant.

Even though it was soon interrupted and disappeared, as if it had never been there, the galactic civilizations had to take it very seriously.

They want to know whether this "giant" who has been guarding the galaxy for a long time will give them a huge "surprise" like the "observer" once did.

"...In summary, on behalf of my emperor, I propose to all the ministers of the galaxy to set 'Guardian' as the first candidate civilization for 'Designated by Natural Disaster'..."

Accompanied by the suggestion from the representative of the "Empire of the Conqueror", there was an item on the agenda-"Pre-designation of natural disasters: guardians".

Although "pre-designation of natural disasters" is not the same as "designation of natural disasters", if this issue is passed, then according to the law of the "Galaxy Community", all member civilizations need to enter the state of second-level combat readiness.

This almost means that the "Guardian" is considered a threat.

So the representative of the Tinder Alliance "vetoed" the proposal from the "Conqueror Empire" without even thinking about it.

This is a privilege that belongs to the civilization of the "Galaxy Council" that was approved in a previous meeting. They can directly veto a proposal and let it directly enter the follow-up process of "the issue has not been passed".

However, this right council civilization will not be easily used, because generally speaking, the proposal of an issue usually represents the binding of the interests of many civilizations.

Vetoing this topic means directly ignoring the appeals of these civilizations, and the council that vetoed the topic will face a considerable degree of diplomatic pressure due to the approval rate of the topic.

Since this right was activated until now, the Fire Seed Alliance has not used this right once, but today is an exception.

"...Space amoebas still have the meaning of repaying them, not to mention saving the 'Guardian' of the galaxy twice. We will keep this kindness in mind even after ten thousand years, but is this how you repay them?"

"Don't blame me for speaking harshly. Could it be that your civilization is full of a bunch of galactic trash who don't have the virtue of knowing how to reciprocate?"

The Tinder Alliance once again showed their sharp words, and the reprimanded "Empire of Conquerors" reacted quite violently.

He immediately made a movement similar to "pilgrimage" in a certain direction, with an extremely solemn posture, and at the same time he kept chanting words of confession.

Under the familiar eyes of the crowd of onlookers, it took a while for the representative of the "Conqueror Empire" to finish a series of formal actions, and then said with a gloomy face:

"You are insulting our emperor, do you want to start a war?"

The imperial regime of the "Empire of the Conquerors" has penetrated into the hearts and minds of every people for a long time.resist?The non-existent, neural implants covering the entire population and efficient genetic technology have formed an unbreakable control network.

These people will not realize that they are "controlled", they will only fanatically worship the emperor and the upper class dignitaries, even if they sacrifice everything for them, they will not be afraid.

However, this diplomat is not in such a controlled situation. Only high-level forces in the empire can take up this position.

However, it was precisely because of this that he needed to make a series of confessions to prevent him from being punished by the emperor after his handling of the matter was passed back to civilization.

Regarding the angry words of the "Empire of Conquerors" civilization representative, the representative of the Fire Seed Alliance behaved very calmly, as if he had no idea what he just said.

Seeing this, the representative of the "Conqueror Empire" could only swallow his anger and proposed the next topic according to the original plan.

"...Although this minister's attitude is not very friendly, our emperor is merciful and ignoring the past. Although some people disagree with the topic just now, I think some people will like the next topic..."

"...I propose to carry out the 'Galaxy Community Reform' starting today."

 One more chapter in a while

(End of this chapter)

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