Chapter 171 Within the Horizon
Li Wenyuan entered the "horizon of vision", and as he expected, this was a journey with no return.

After all, the anti-gravity principle of the matter decompressor cannot drag the spacecraft away from here intact. Compared with the infinitely compressed matter, it is still too difficult to drag away a precise object of the size of the spacecraft.

He can go out now, but he knows that the moment he leaves the "event horizon", the spaceship will completely disintegrate due to its own anti-gravity system, turning into a group of fine elementary particles.

This doesn't match his needs.

So the moment he entered the "horizon", he decided to keep the spaceship within the "horizon" forever.

At this time, there is only darkness in the "horizon of vision". From a sensory point of view, the black hole seems to be another universe, but there is only complete darkness and dead silence here.

The outer universe can still be seen in the "event horizon", which presents a sphere, just like observing a black hole in the outer universe, and the "universe" in the black hole is also observing the outer universe.

At this moment, Li Wenyuan seemed to feel that he saw the entire universe, and the incredibly huge supercluster of galaxies was just an insignificant pixel in that "cosmic sphere".

The Milky Way is a certain color block that cannot be distinguished within this pixel.

This feeling of "seeing the whole universe" gave Li Wenyuan a sense of shock. Although he had prepared for it, at this moment he felt that the universe was too huge like never before.

He hasn't even fully explored the current Milky Way, which is just a small part of the universe.

However, so many fresh lives can be born here, creating magical stories one after another.

"...Did human beings come to the black hole and decide to enter the real 'sea of ​​stars' after seeing this scene?"

Li Wenyuan inevitably had such an idea. After truly seeing the vastness of the universe, he can understand that the Milky Way has never been a place worth stopping forever.

Curiosity is the nature of creatures, and the yearning and exploration of the unknown will always be the driving force for progress.

And this spectacle in the black hole also aroused Li Wenyuan's enthusiasm for "human beings".

The sphere representing the "universe" is gradually moving away as the spacecraft falls, which means that the spacecraft is approaching the "singularity".

This is where the black hole ends, a point where the density tends to infinity.

But the space-time rules here have changed under the incredible gravitational force, the spacecraft will always fall to the "singularity", but it will never enter the singularity.

Soon, there was only silence and a spaceship that was always in a "falling" state.

The anti-gravity system is still working tenaciously, which allows Li Wenyuan to preserve the mechanical consciousness here and think about the secrets here.

He went into a black hole, but he didn't find anything there.

Maybe the ultimate secret will be hidden in that "black hole singularity", but it is impossible for his spaceship to crash there one day.

Except for the "singularity" and the "cosmic sphere" that is no longer visible, there seems to be nothing in the black hole.

There is no "end of time" as the "professor" said, and there is no "never-ending cycle".

Just like the implication of a black hole, this is a dead place where everything ends.

"...Why, is it because I wasn't 'named'?"

Li Wenyuan thought about the possible situation, and guessed whether a necessary step was missing.

In the message left by the "professor", it was mentioned that more than ten human warriors received the "nomination" and entered the black hole.

There seems to be some unspeakable existence in the black hole. It looks at the "universe" and invites the warriors to come here.

It's hard to say whether coming here is a good thing or a bad thing, but Li Wenyuan knows that there must be enough amazing secrets here.

Even if he just knew that there was "something" inside the black hole, and this "something" had an unknown relationship with human beings, this matter itself was enough for him to gain something.

"Now what I have to think about is how to receive the 'nomination'..."

He thought of Gray Wind, that inexplicable "auditory hallucination".

Based on this experience alone, he was completely unable to sum up the conditions required for receiving a "nomination".

Although he also tried to let Gray Wind stay in this galaxy, the facts proved that the incident was really like an "auditory hallucination", no matter how much he went in and out, he couldn't get a new "designation".

"...In the end, do we still need to continue looking for clues in the galaxy?"

Everything seemed to be back to the very beginning, and the trip to the black hole helped him reconfirm what he should do now.

Although it is not that there is no gain, at least his current pursuit direction has returned from the existence in the black hole to the Milky Way, but Li Wenyuan is still a little unwilling.

So thinking about it, he tried to open the technology tree, and then he was taken aback.

Because he discovered that the research progress bar of the tenth-level technological "singular cycle" that took tens of thousands of years to research and was not necessarily successful, actually slowly moved forward.

Li Wenyuan's current technology tree progress is generally still at the level where the seventh-level technology is the majority and is moving towards the eighth-level technology, but this does not mean that he can directly study the "singular cycle" of the tenth level across two levels.

He originally thought that he would be able to try level ten technology at least after having those "super giant structures" that are far beyond ordinary giant structures, but the strange situation in the black hole made him a little unbelievable.

According to this progress, the "singular cycle" can complete a cycle in about a hundred years. Compared with the effects brought by the "singular cycle", this speed is undoubtedly an extremely efficient speed.

For a time, a lot of speculation emerged.

Li Wenyuan kept perceiving the surrounding black hole environment, trying to discover something, but could only see a dead silence.

"...Has human beings ever encountered a similar situation? If that's the case...then, is the 'strange cycle' understood by them under such circumstances?"

The personality of the "strange cycle" is too high, it is hard to believe that this is a technology that should exist in this universe.

He has imagined the existence in that black hole as omnipotent as possible, perhaps only in this way can explain all the visions in the black hole.

In the end, Li Wenyuan switched his main consciousness outside the black hole with thinking.

His consciousness data link does not use the method of "passing" to exchange data at different distances, but this time he fell into a black hole, and he also confirmed that part of his consciousness was not lost.

Inside the black hole does not seem to be as scary as imagined, except for the fact that it will never come back.

However, the consciousness data backed up before is no longer useful, and now Li Wenyuan can switch his main consciousness to the spaceship that is forever falling in the black hole at any time.

The flow of time there becomes very slow due to the black hole, and that part of the consciousness will be equivalent to being "imprisoned" and cannot be released.

But compared to the gains in the black hole, this loss of consciousness is nothing.

There is only one thing to pay attention to, not to indulge in the black hole space for too long.

In fact, the moment he entered, he realized that the time outside the black hole was passing rapidly.

The differentiated time flow rate caused the consciousness data in the two places to have different degrees of abnormality. After the consciousness switched back to the normal universe, a short-term correction was required.

In his opinion, this "black hole journey" only took a few minutes, but it has been several years for the outside world.

From the perspective of interstellar civilization, this time scale is far from being called "the vicissitudes of life", but it is still extremely long for an individual's life.

Those scientists who have been observing the black hole have changed a group, and the hard life of the dead planet is not something everyone can bear.

Although the new scientists are also observing the black hole, they are different from the previous scientists. They pay more attention to the dead planet itself, and have no response to the image of the spacecraft that is stagnant outside the "horizon".

The passage of time has no effect on Li Wenyuan, he himself is a string of data that will not die of old age.

Although the situation in the Milky Way has undergone major changes during the time when his consciousness switched, but without the "Galaxy Threat", Li Wenyuan put most of his focus in another direction.

The trip to the black hole has confirmed that he has not waited for the time to arrive, but it also temporarily ruled out a direction for him.

The exploration of the unknown regions of the galaxy will continue, but in parallel with this carpet search, there is another process that has been "pending" a long time ago.

That was when he first came to this universe, the core database that had been on the earth and was in a "disconnected" state.

You know, until now he has actually used "universal databases".

The core database, which obviously has a huge secret, has long been listed as a "key object" by him.

Since the "Level [-] Singularity", he has started to repair all the facilities on the earth.

Most of them have been repaired by him long ago, but only this core database is very strange.

The small building clusters that seem to occupy a small area, less than one-tenth of an ordinary metropolis, require an unbelievably terrifying amount of energy consumption.

The "Dyson sphere" and "fourth-level singularity" that can supply all his buildings, megastructures, and fleet energy consumption so far cannot meet the needs of supplying the core database.

Li Wenyuan couldn't understand why a building cluster of this size would need to consume such a huge amount of energy.

In order to ensure the safety of the galaxy and improve his own strength to deal with potential threats, he had to temporarily put aside the connection to the core database and instead strengthen himself first.

But with the information about "self" that the ether dragon inadvertently mentioned this time, and after experiencing this trip to the black hole, he felt that he had to continue to follow this route.

Since one "Dyson ball" is not enough, let's have a few more.He already has a plan for the "super Dyson sphere", and this time it will fully meet the needs of the core database.

He believes that this time there will be no gains.

 Things at home are a bit complicated during this period, but the unstable update is my fault, sorry everyone.

  Here is yesterday's portion, there will be more tonight, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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