Chapter 169
Deciding to go into a black hole is an incredible idea.

Everyone knows the nature of a black hole, a terrifying celestial body from which not even light can escape.

Writers in the galaxy have created many works related to black holes, some of which are philosophical and science fiction.

But all this is just their conjecture. No one knows what the black hole really looks like.

Fanatical misanthropes in the Milky Way once rushed into the black hole, but people only saw the spaceship being torn apart, disintegrated, and turned into a part of the rays released outward in the high-speed rotation.

Normal people are not willing to go into it to find out, even those scientists who want to go "within the horizon" dare not enter the black hole.

Research will only be conducted within a limited distance and opinions will be expressed.

But today, Li Wenyuan has a different view on black holes.

"The gigantic building 'matter decompressor' has managed to snatch food from the black hole, at least it is not a place where you can only enter but cannot exit..."

He controls a "matter decompressor" built in the galaxy where the "fishbowl" planet is located. This giant building is now decompressing the infinitely compressed matter from the black hole all the time.

It is conservatively estimated that this matter decompressor can work for hundreds of millions of years. If the black hole is not replenished with matter, it may not even take so long to make it disappear from the universe.

The difficulty of the problem now is how to ensure that part of his consciousness can fall into the "black hole event horizon".

After staying in this universe for so long, Li Wenyuan is more or less able to allow part of the consciousness to enter the individual machine like a real machine intelligence, and exist in the world as a "sub-individual" controlled by him.

This feeling is like having countless "synaptic limbs" with complete feelings in the body, which cannot be explained by a simple "clone".

Through this method, he can avoid the risk of consciousness entering the black hole. No one knows whether this part of consciousness within the "black hole event horizon" will return.

And by backing up that part of consciousness data, if there is an accident, he can also directly abandon that part of consciousness to end the risk.

It's just that his consciousness is still an extremely complex and huge data after all. Even if there is only a part of it, in order to ensure the normal interaction of the stream of consciousness, it needs to be carried by more sophisticated equipment.

And the strength of this kind of equipment is usually unable to withstand the tidal tearing caused by the gravity of the black hole. Maybe he needs to use the anti-gravity technology of the material decompressor that is enough to snatch food from the inside of the black hole.

So he began to create a suitable consciousness carrier based on the principle of the material decompressor.

And when he was trying to prepare for entering the black hole, the galaxy also underwent many changes.

After Hawkeye Khan came out of the "Greenhouse Dragon Nest", the first thing he did was to find his "spiritual mentor".

He is an extremely powerful psychic, but his psychic potential has always been hidden, not in the "predator tribe" who is begging for food or on the way to beg for food. Obviously, there is no one who can perceive this potential people.

So he has always looked ordinary. Even after witnessing the terrifying fleet of the "Guardian" and longing for this power, he is only dreaming in vain and struggling in actual operation.

After all, among these predator tribes, there are also some people who have long understood their own decay and are also planning to reorganize the predator tribe's ambitions.

Their prestige in the tribe is higher and their background is richer, and the marauder warriors are more inclined to follow the leadership of an "old and wise man" rather than a young boy who is not dry.

But all these difficulties were solved after he met his mentor.

His mentors discovered his psionic potential and inspired his psychic powers.

The current him, Hawkeye Khan, also possesses a powerful spiritual power comparable to that of the "Heavenly Chosen One".

And his mentor, after hearing his appeal of "unifying the tribe of predators", although he didn't say whether he helped or not, no matter what questions he asked, he could get guidance.

Because of this, he gradually flourished in Khan, defeated one enemy after another, and got closer and closer to that dreamed position.

He originally thought that it would be like this, and he would smoothly sit on the position of the Great Khan, establish his "Great Khan Empire", and ask the galaxy civilization to bow down.

But a sudden "unknown person" completely disrupted his pace, and even made him feel "ashamed".

That "lone wolf" directly became Khan with a speed far more terrifying than him, and won most of the hearts of the people.

And ever since "Lone Wolf" appeared, he found that he seemed to have been robbed of something mysterious and mysterious, and everything became difficult.

Such as slipping suddenly during a martial arts tournament, such as the engaged childhood sweetheart falling into the arms of others, such as failing to hunt the ether dragon but accompanying the only fleet at hand.

If he is the "Child of Destiny", then the lone wolf is the "Killer of the Destiny's Child", dimming the light that should have been shining.

In this cold galaxy, only his mentor can give him some warmth.

So, he drove his tattered car to this galaxy with a group of special beings.

As soon as you enter the galaxy, you can see the dense nebula that seems to fill the entire space of the universe.

These nebulae seem to have been artificially released, because the celestial bodies here have formed a stable celestial system, and there should not be such a dense original matter.

But look to the center of the galaxy, above the stars, to see where these nebulae come from.

A huge rock that looks like an upside-down mountain peak floats above the star. Such a huge foundation stone platform is enough to support several super-giant cities.

On the top of the cornerstone platform, there is an upright mountain peak with a similar structure. It seems to be pressed on the cornerstone, but there is a gap between them.

The space between the two giant stones suspended by mysterious power is surrounded by unfeelable spiritual energy. It seems to come from another world, and a huge amount of nebula matter is gushing out from it.

Anyone who is familiar with the Void Realm will find that this galaxy seems to be imitating the feeling of "Zero Dust Wreathed" inside the Void Realm.

And Hawkeye Khan, who came here again, also let go of the unhappiness just now, and flew happily to the looming city between the huge mountain-shaped rocks.

This is where his mentor lives, a group of people who have in-depth research on voids and psionics.

No one knew where these men came from, but Hawkeye knew where his mentor came from.

That is also the "civilization vest" he often uses in the galaxy, a civilization that was destroyed by "the end of reincarnation" - the large group of Dankam.

Just like the "Watcher" was not completely destroyed, after all, there are still wise men in the Dancam group who predicted the end and sent people to hide early.

The one that is here now is the one that is hiding.

And this city that looms in the void is called the Void Walker by Hawkeye Khan.

The nebula is still unwinding, and Li Wenyuan, who is about to enter the void, also uses the anti-gravity technology of the matter decompressor on a spaceship.

Part of his consciousness had already slipped into it, and he drove the spaceship towards the black hole.

(End of this chapter)

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