Chapter 160
"Yo! Good brother! How are you doing recently?"

"...Look, who is here. I just made an energy drink, and I'll give you a drink. You're welcome."

"How many times have I told you that those drones need to be used in the deep sea, you can't... wait, a guest is here, I'll tell you when I go back... Are you a representative of the Fire Alliance? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

A representative of the Fire Alliance, who had just arrived at the new headquarters of the "Galaxy Community" and was still getting familiar with the environment, looked at the enthusiastic people around him in bewilderment, not knowing what was going on.

At this time, he was holding a hot energy drink in his hand, and there were souvenirs from various civilizations hanging around his waist, and there was even a well-domesticated mollusc lying on his shoulder, rubbing his face affectionately.

Because the "Galactic Community" received the Interstellar Conference gifted by the "Guardian" as its headquarters, the Galactic Conference, which had been at a standstill before, also restarted again.

As a member of the Galactic Civilization, the Tinder Alliance naturally also got involved.

But from the moment his spaceship docked and he got off the ship, he found that the people around him looked at him... differently!

Because their Tinder Alliance's words against other civilizations are very fierce, there are basically few civilizations that look at them with a good face, either indifferently, or don't start in disgust.

But now, from these warm words, he saw kindness, friendliness, and even...flattery.

"...What happened?" Before he could figure out the situation, he was pushed into the meeting place by the crowd, and the meeting started inexplicably.

"...Ahem, silence! Although there are still a few representatives who are not present, we can't wait too long. Now I announce that the first post-war summary meeting will begin now!"

Accompanied by a burst of voices, a table of data appeared in front of each representative.

Although the function of Interstellar Gathering is just that - let a group of people come to a meeting.

However, the megastructure-level venue still has a level of technology that cannot be underestimated. At least many civilizations that have never actually been there before have invited representatives to participate after a long absence.

The "Galaxy Community" is very happy about this matter, as for what their purpose is, this is not in the "Galaxy Community"'s attention.

When the table data flashed, there was a lengthy congratulatory speech first, congratulating Galaxy for overcoming this crisis, and not many people were absent.

Secondly, I would like to thank several lost empires for their outstanding role in this crisis. Although it is not clear whether those lost empires are watching, the process still has to go.

In the end, everyone who was present was introduced, and many honorary prefixes were added to representatives of several powerful civilizations.

No one likes this kind of formalism, and everyone understands it, but it has become one of the necessary processes as a convention.

Listening to these nonsense content, the representative of the Tinder Alliance complained in his heart: "...I will raise an issue first, and we must prohibit this kind of unhealthy trend."

The noisy hellish tirade finally came to an end, and the content of the tabular data changed again and again, and soon the sleepy delegates became serious.

The originally dull atmosphere turned serious, and everyone's expressions were very solemn. Even the faceless representatives of the fungal civilization used electronic screens horizontally in front of their faces, and used the characters "serious" to represent their current expressions.

"...This time, some of these civilizations have left us forever... Then, according to statistics, there are...the number of those who died in battle and disappeared in this crisis, and this number is still rising."

"...Unfortunately, they were not able to watch the day when the stars rose again with us. All we can do is remember them and move on..."

The community venue fell into silence, no one spoke, and everyone mourned in unison at this moment.

This is the only thing they can do for the dead as the living. It is their behavior at this time to observe silence in the meeting place, and after the meeting is over, they will use their own customs to pay homage to the dead.

The custom of the Tinder Alliance is a space funeral. They will specially build a "coffin spaceship" to load the bodies of the war dead, and then sail to the void of the universe that no one can predict.

As an interstellar civilization, one must die in space—this is their motto.

They will also hold this kind of ceremony for the extinct natives, because they hope that in this way, these civilizations that perished before touching the starry sky can feel the warmth of the universe.

A serious atmosphere enveloped the venue, and it took a while to recover.

Behind those strings of numbers are the corpses of countless devotees. It is because of their efforts that civilization still exists.

Expansion is a part of the civilization process, and remembering the past is the core means to keep the road straight.

After this crisis, the civilizational cohesion of every civilization has been greatly improved like never before.

Their cornerstone is already very solid, perhaps in the future, we can see their radiant moment.

"...Then, we will move on to the next link."

The organizer in the center of the venue operated the instrument and opened the interface full of topics after a long absence.

The solemn and solemn atmosphere also relaxed, and these civilization representatives understood that the real confrontation was about to begin now.

"...The first item is: the topic interrupted due to the crisis - the establishment of the Star Ocean Council."

For this matter, the representative of the Fire Alliance has no interest.

Their voting rights on this issue have long been sold to other civilizations at a suitable price, and now he is thinking about when to put the "Space Amoeba Protection Act" on it.

"Then, this topic has actually already had a result, and now it's just an announcement."

Hearing this sentence, the representative of the Tinder Alliance felt a little strange.

"... When did this happen? I don't remember that there is still one position short? Did we miss any meeting?"

He questioned the other representatives beside him suspiciously, but got an unfathomable expression, which made him even more strange.

It wasn't until he heard "--Tinder Alliance" and the other representatives looked at him enthusiastically that he realized something, and then looked towards the center of the venue, where the list of the "Galaxy Council" was reflected.

Among them, the Alliance of Stars, Empire of the Conquerors, and Paradise of Serving are impressively listed, while the Alliance of Fire Seeds is a bit out of place.

"...This...isn't it right?"

He didn't even know how their civilization, which ranked second to last in the "Galaxy Civilization Strength Table", got this position, but the affirmative eyes of the people around seemed to say something.

After he stammered a lot of words such as "I'm very honored" and "Thank you everyone", he still felt a little dizzy and didn't know what was going on.

He really didn't know that the behavior they took for granted, but very bold in the eyes of other civilizations, was recognized by most civilizations.

The dedication of the Tinder Alliance to this crisis is obvious to all. If there is an evaluation, they are enough to be called "great crisis fighters".

Perhaps from the moment their leader gave an impassioned speech, contributed a habitable planet to accommodate the refugees, and held the "planetary bomb" trigger, the divide has already disappeared.

What is in the galaxy now is not a weak "fire" that wavers, but a rekindled "fire".

(End of this chapter)

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