Time travel to become the guardian AI of a lost civilization

Chapter 155 Chapter 155 The so-called "cycle"

Chapter 155 Chapter 150 Five so-called "cycles"

"...It's unbelievable that this galaxy can have such a powerful civilization, even compared to our peak period..."

The high-level officials of the "Civilization Destroyer" debated fiercely about the origin of the "Guardian" who suddenly appeared.

Of course they knew about the existence of this "Mechanical Lost Empire", but they only knew about it not long ago.

At that time, they learned through the communication of the Fire Seed Alliance that there was still a remote omnic civilization in the galaxy, but they were arrogant and ignored it.

Naturally, they don't know what the "Guardians" have done in the galaxy, and they don't even know when the "Circle Crisis" happened.

At that time, they were still called "observers", and all the observation instruments were concentrated on those indigenous civilizations that they regarded as pets.

Consciously being the successors of the "Apocalypse", they don't think that there can be a civilization stronger than them in the galaxy, and the deep-rooted arrogance is always the root cause of the demise of powerful people.

Even now, they are unwilling to admit that the "Guardian" who played an astonishing "0:10000" battle loss is much stronger than them.

"—That's all! That omnic civilization is indeed very powerful, but as long as he is still in this universe, they are absolutely impossible to be our opponents!"

Another senior executive of the "Civilization Annihilator" spoke loudly about their last resort, and looked enthusiastically at the "Reality Perforator" that had been installed in a huge instrument.

This is their "artifact", the supreme masterpiece left by the "Apocalypse".

When they first discovered this mysterious spherical instrument, they did not associate it with the "Apocalypse", but studied it as an ordinary "relic".

But as the research progressed, they gradually resolved some of the secrets of this instrument.

"Changing certain laws of the universe to some extent", this is the most important power of this instrument.

Even though this incident sounds unbelievable, it seems that it is not a creation that the civilizations in this galaxy can produce, but the "Civilization Destroyer" has verified its effect through experiments.

This "altering the law" effect is only effective for a short period of time, as the universe seems to return to normal soon.

But if it is used properly, it can also achieve the effect equivalent to the "wish machine".

Although it takes countless resources and a long preparation time to start every time, there are only a few records of using "Civilization Destroyer" in its history.

But the "Civilization Annihilators" who were still called "Observers" at that time, they used the instrument for the last time out of curiosity, wanting to see the "truth of the galaxy".

So they found that they were in a "false" universe, and they were "trapped" in it.

The Ju clan's sense of collapse only lasted for a short while, and then their trend of thought took a huge turn.

They firmly believe that there is some way to get out of this "virtual world", as they think the "Apocalypse" did.

And this "reality penetrating instrument" was interpreted by them as a product like "console in the virtual world", otherwise it would be impossible to explain why it can produce these magical effects.

Those omnic civilizations are understood by them as "administrators in the virtual world", supervisory robots left here by the creator of this "virtual world".

They perfected their "virtual world" theory logically and self-consistently, and enshrined it as the supreme truth, and fanatically implemented their decision-to lead all beings in the galaxy out of the sea of ​​suffering.

"...I really didn't expect that the preparations we made to show the world the 'truth of the world' would be used in this kind of thing..."

Some of these high-level people feel distressed about the activation of the "Reality Penetration Instrument" this time. If they want to change the original plan of "breaking the virtual" into "destroying the 'Guardian'", then they will spend an unknown amount of time on the next activation.

And they will definitely be "misunderstood" more, because they failed to show evidence to the galactic civilization.

"But there is no other way. That strange omnic civilization is unexpectedly powerful. Only in this way can the plan continue to be carried out."

After everyone expressed their opinions, the "Reality Perforator" finally started its final step of activation procedures.

The "Civilization Destroyer" has already determined their wish, instead of making a wish to "destroy the 'Guardian'", but to make a wish to "obtain the power enough to destroy the 'Guardian'".

Even at this last moment, what they thought of was to regain their position and let the world see that they were stronger, rather than directly erasing the threat.

The fleet of the "Civilization Destroyer" began to retreat in its entirety. The fleet that had ravaged the galaxy before had been almost destroyed by the "Guardians", leaving only the last few mobile fleets remaining on the periphery.

Now, in order to buy time for the "reality penetrator" to start, all these fleets have stopped at the galactic gate, hoping to delay the "Guardian" one or two.

And the galactic civilizations who have actually seen the powerful "Guardian" silently put this "Mechanical Lost Empire" in an unspeakable high position.

On the home planet of the Fire Seed Alliance, the atmosphere has changed from a sense of death to joy, and a large number of celebrations are happening almost all over the planet.

It stands to reason that this kind of "champagne opening at halftime" shouldn't happen. After all, the war between the "Guardians" and the "Civilization Destroyer" has not yet been completely decided.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see which one is in the "crushing trend". The leader of the Tinder Alliance doesn't even go to the border to recycle, but first the whole country has a three-day holiday.

"...Leader, we have just re-established a bridge with the 'Galactic Community', and have connected to other civilizations in the galaxy through them."

"Unsurprisingly, the headquarters of the community suffered a devastating blow. The 'Civilization Annihilator' attacked the huge space station with a colossus and sealed it in an isolation barrier."

"But the community still managed to rebuild a temporary headquarters in a galaxy and has been contacting other civilizations. We are the last batch."

The diplomats of the Tinder Alliance reported this news to their leader, along with another piece of good news:

"In addition, the defeat of the 'Civilization Destroyer' has been confirmed. As you said, the 'Guardian' destroyed those fleets that we had no way to do..."

The leader of the Tinder Alliance, who was in a relaxed state after a long absence, changed his posture comfortably, but his first sentence was:
"Is there any civilization absent? It stands to reason that we have somehow attracted the attention of the 'Civilization Annihilator', and other civilizations should have a chance to escape."

In response, the diplomat shook his head and said:

"At present, every civilization is very lucky to have survived. Even if some have lost all their territories, their exile fleets have also found traces in the 'refuge zone', and they should be under the shelter of those lost empires. among."

"...That's not bad, although the 'reunion' seems to only exist in novels, but we are also very lucky to achieve this ending."

The leader was genuinely happy about the event, and the others, infected by his smile, laughed too, thinking it was really nice to have such a "happy ending" to this galactic crisis.

But with a smile, someone remembered something, and then said sadly: "...But, those civilizations controlled by the 'civilization destroyer' with fungal spores seem to have no way to save..."

"...Although they are capitulators, it is also true that they were deceived. Maybe dozens of civilizations will be buried with them after the 'Civilization Destroyer' is destroyed..."

His words caused the audience to fall into silence for a while. "Destruction of a civilization" is just a few strings of characters on the report, but behind it represents countless creatures that have undergone long evolution and turned into dust of history.

In this regard, the leader of the Tinder Alliance was very calm:
"It's normal to have compassion, but everyone pays for their decisions. Speculation works sometimes, but not always."

"Everyone who chooses to run away has shared the burden of their responsibility on others. If they have nothing to pay, then who should those who are fighting to the death cry to?"

"Collective will, technological level, civilization strength, choice judgment, and even luck are all part of the civilization process. We are still standing here, and they perish, which shows that we have something better than them."

"We can only work harder, learn from it, and move on."

After the leader finished speaking these words in one breath, everyone in the field was rejuvenated. The previous sadness was swept away, and instead they became full of enthusiasm.

One of them said: "Leader, are the destroyed 'Civilization Destroyer' fleets going to be recovered? We may be able to discover the secrets of the lost empire by reverse-engineering the wreckage."

"Take it! Of course we have to recycle it!" Although the words were very passionate, the leader still maintained a lazy state, just holding a plan in front of him.

"Studying the remains of these lost battleships has always been a good thing that can't be met. We didn't get a share of the battle between the 'Watcher' and 'Farwalker' before. We can't miss it this time."

"But after the holiday, now is the rest time, so there is no need to be so anxious."

"I know what you want to say, but only a small part of the powerful secrets of the lost empire are contained in these wreckages."

He glanced around at the others, and projected dozens of scenes of battles of lost empire warships onto the scene, and pointed them out to everyone:

"It's not been a day or two in the Milky Way to study these wrecks. No matter how poor our level is, we can still find some differences more or less."

"I have a research report from Mingbo Technological Dictatorship. They were lucky enough to get some of the wreckage during the last battle between 'Watcher' and 'Farwalker' and started researching it."

"Research has shown that the technology used by those Lost Empire warships is not fundamentally different from the technology used by us."

"They may have some kind of extraordinary energy utilization method, which can make their shield and cruise ability much stronger than ours."

"But in fact, the weapons they use are not much different from ours, and some are even popular currencies in the galaxy."

"But why does the same weapon have 200%, 300% or even 500% performance in the hands of the Lost Empire? This is the truth we need to find."

As he said that, facing the surprised expressions of the people around him, the leader pointed out a secret that the "Galactic Community" once discovered in the legacy of the "Silent One".

"...Perhaps, our understanding of the lost empire is not completely correct. They are not completely 'lost', but have been strengthening themselves through some mysterious method similar to 'circulation'."

"This 'cycle of badness' brings little effect, but under the blessing of the length of time, it has a terrifying effect."

"Aren't you always curious about why I am sure that the 'Guardians' will win? That is because I think that the 'cycle' they carry out is much longer than other civilizations..."

(End of this chapter)

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