Fungi that can parasitize other organisms are not very rare in nature.

As long as the environment is suitable, basically every civilization can find similar things in their home planet without going to the sky.

Most of them are parasitic on insects. These fungi adapt to the environment by controlling the insects' flesh to meet the needs of growth and reproduction.

There are not no fungi that can parasitize higher animals, but most of them exist as a disease. Generally speaking, they will not cause the death of the host, let alone control the host's brain.

A typical example is athlete's foot in certain large primate species.

But expanding the scope to the interstellar, it is quite normal for there to be a fungus that can parasitize most creatures and control them?
The scientists of the Tinder Alliance gathered together at this time, studying the news about "Cordyceps disease" from "Serving Paradise", and discussing it from time to time.

With a rigorous attitude, they tried to find signs that the news was "false", but these xenophobic servants used unassailable evidence to make them realize that these "corpse civilizations" were indeed a parasitic fungus in essence.

"That being said, why didn't they go directly to the 'Galaxy Community' to talk about it? Aren't they already appointed as members of the council?"

Someone asked such a question, but it was quickly answered:

"...Didn't you hear the last word? This is the 'reward'! The 'reward' we have been working hard for!"

"With the contribution of this heavyweight news, as long as we can survive this crisis, our diplomatic weight will be increased unprecedentedly! By then, we may be the last seat on the council!"

At least the question about why "Serving Paradise" gave them this news has been answered, but new questions have emerged:

"...But, I have something to say, why did these machine servants get the 'corpse' and get it back from the army of the dead like mad dogs? They defeated an army of the dead head-on?"

Some of them have difficulty understanding where this mysterious omnipotent mechanical servant civilization has the power to deal with the army of the dead.

You must know that even the "benevolent shelters" are now on the defensive, building space fortresses within the borders of the country, instead of taking the initiative to fight against the "invasion of the dead".

It's not that no civilization wants to collect data by itself to verify the truth of what the "benevolent shelters" said, and the result is that these "space undead" have caused them a big defeat.

Different from the superficial madness and disorder, these "space undead" seem to be able to quickly understand the enemy's plans and configurations, and the so-called "traps" and "tricks" are almost impossible to take effect on them.

No civilization so far has dared to gather all its fleets together and try to fight an army of the dead to prove the truth of a lost empire with a good reputation.

In other words, they don't want them to do this. If other civilizations do it, they will definitely agree with it and make an epic for it to honor these civilizations that have made outstanding contributions in the galaxy crisis.

Perhaps the best way at this time is for the "Galactic Community" to call on all civilizations to form a "Galaxy Allied Forces" and use this "death squad" to obtain information.

But the sudden addition of "benevolent shelters" disrupted everything.

Under normal circumstances, it is very normal to obey the arrangements of the "Galactic Community", but they also need to obey orders from the lost empire. After all, the lost empire is still too powerful for young civilizations.

Just like the "Guardians" directly put "establishment of a pan-galactic trade market" on the agenda in the first Galactic meeting, and it was unanimously approved.

If there is really a Lost Empire involved, then the authority of the "Galaxy Community" will undoubtedly suffer a huge blow.

If it weren’t for the fact that the “transfer of civilization positions” required by the “benevolent shelter” is too important and must be done with caution, otherwise the galactic civilizations would have followed the order of the “benevolent shelter” long ago.

Such a situation is really helpless, but there is no way, the fleet in the interstellar is the most important standard of strength, if you can't beat it, you can't beat it.

The scene returned to the scientists of the Fire Alliance. Some of them just wondered where the "Servant Servant" got such a strong strength to defeat the army of the dead.

But this doubt was quickly overshadowed by more important circumstances. At least the information given by the machine servants was true, and they had the means to get it.

"As those servitors said, this is a horribly contagious fungus that can infect the entire planet in less than half a month."

"And this kind of fungi is not mild, they will kill the host and transform the host's corpse into an environment suitable for their survival."

"The corpses of all organic organisms seem to be within their parasitic range, ranging from giant cosmic creatures like space whales to small ordinary insects, all of which have corresponding parasitic conditions."

"The habits of these fungal life are still unknown. They seem to only have biological instincts, but they can always show some unexplainable intelligent phenomena from time to time, as if...someone is manipulating them behind the scenes."

The words of a certain scientist caused the entire laboratory to fall into a moment of silence.

Those who doubted the "Observer" early on all thought of the lost empire that was very active in the "Galactic Community", and now it's time to call him the "Benevolent Shelter".

"...To be honest, do the 'Benevolent Shelter' really not know what the nature of these undead creatures is? They have been fighting with them for so long, have they never achieved decent results?"

"...There are a lot of doubts, but don't speculate. At present, we only know the bodies of these 'undead creatures', and we still don't know anything about their origin."

The leader of the Fire Alliance also joined the controversy in the laboratory. He is also a very knowledgeable scientist himself, so it is not surprising to appear on this occasion.

"The most important thing now is to inform the galaxy of the nature of these undead creatures."

"Whether it is for those civilizations who want to accept the asylum of the 'benevolent shelter', or for those civilizations who are fighting alone, this is extremely useful news."

So it didn't take long, when the "Galactic Community" was still struggling with the "Invasion of the Dead", the information shared by the Fire Seed Alliance eased the heavy atmosphere a bit.

"...It turned out to be 'cordyceps disease'? Relevant samples were also provided. The evidence is convincing. It has been confirmed that the essence of this 'undead invasion' is an indiscriminate attack by a group of parasitic fungi. Maybe we can use this to formulate a strategy against revolutionary battle plan.”

A representative of civilization made such a suggestion. The civilization behind him is still vacillating in the matter of "whether to accept asylum", but he himself is a firm advocate of the war.

"If it's a fungus, I remember...'Underground Forest Kingdom'? Didn't you evolve from fungi? Use your invincible fungicide to find a way?"

The representative of the "Underground Forest Kingdom" who was called spread out his mycelium tentacles, and replied with his mechanical sounder:
"The physique of fungi and fungi cannot be generalized. We once killed more than half of our compatriots because of the leakage of fungicides in extreme anger, but this does not mean that it can work against 'cordyceps disease'."

"This is something that even the Lost Empire needs to treat with caution. Do you think it will be knocked down so easily?"

The debate on how to deal with this "Undead Invasion" is still going on, but they have learned the essence of "Undead" at this time and they have already had a glimmer of hope.

At least until the deadline given by the "merciful shelter" comes, they still have to fight on their own for a while.

Subsequently, the first proposal related to this crisis was passed.

In the star map, the red block representing the "galactic threat" is still expanding, but it still has no name.

Originally, the "Galactic Community" was still hesitating whether to name this crisis "Invasion of the Dead" as the "Benevolent Shelter" said.

But with more corroborating information from the Ignition Alliance, they decided to name the disaster "Cordyceps" and confirmed the galactic focus:

"Galaxy Focus: Fungal Control; Goal: Eliminate 'Cordyceps'."

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