Chapter 134 Star Ocean Council

The ninth-level technology of "curtain theory" brings a huge interstellar engineering construction method.

As small as hiding a planet, as large as hiding the entire river system, these are the effects that this technology can theoretically achieve.

However, depending on the size of the object to be hidden, the resources required for this project will also be extremely terrifying.

If you want to hide the galaxy, you may not be able to achieve this effect even if you disassemble the entire galaxy.

The essence of its technology is to distort space-time on a large scale, so that internal things are in a special space-time state that cannot be observed.

But this is only one of the links, there is another very important place in the "curtain", which is to create an identical substitute and place it in the original time and space.

It seems that only in this way can the "curtain" become perfect.

"...The things in this database are really amazing..." Li Wenyuan didn't expect that a piece of data that was decrypted at random contained a ninth-level technology.

No need to think about it, this place must be extremely precious.

"...But who made this thing?" He roughly checked the data that could be extracted behind this port, and found that there were not many of them related to humans, but most of them were broken data that had nothing to do with humans at first glance. .

It seems that what humans have left here is only a part of the record, and many others have left behind.

In other words, these databases are not, or only partially, constructed by humans.

This point can be seen from the strange storage devices that even he can't understand. Even though he can easily decrypt the part that belongs to human beings, he doesn't just solve the rest .

What's more, the equipment here is really too fragile, I don't know how long it has been stored without protection.

If it weren't for the "far traveler" who settled here and built a powerful planetary protection facility here, perhaps most of this database would be destroyed in the long river of history.

Li Wenyuan could only carefully use the drone to extract the broken data bit by bit, trying to combine them into "human" data.

This is a long process. In order not to harm these ancient equipment, only such caution can ensure the integrity of the database.

So it's no wonder that the former "far traveler" has been tinkering here for so long and hasn't come up with too many tricks.

So in his multi-threaded operation, in addition to galaxy exploration, giant structure construction, and fleet explosion, there is also an additional item to extract data from the database.

Of course, he is not the only one here, the new "far traveler" is also trying to extract data using their methods.

The repository is here, like a treasure trove, waiting for someone to unearth its secrets.

At this time, the Milky Way returned to calm again from the alternation of the old and new "Farwalkers".

Rather, because the war between these two lost empires was not so intense, and it didn't affect Chiyu like the last war between the "Watcher" and "Farwalker", many civilizations moved away from the Absolute Empire only after the initial attention. Most of the line of sight.

The lost empire is still too far away from them. Although thanks to the "synthetic evolution" shared by the new "far traveler" to the whole galaxy, only a small number of civilizations are really trying to take this path due to their own considerations.

The galaxy has returned to normal life, and new issues are put on the agenda of the "galactic community" every month.

However, most of the issues were settled after a friendly and intense discussion. After all, there were only a few issues that could be truly formulated as part of the "Interstellar Law", and most of them were not so influential.

Among them, the "Space Whale Protection Law" proposed by the Tinder Alliance has been passed through their efforts. Now the act of killing space whales in the galaxy will violate the interstellar law and will be subject to joint sanctions.

Today's Tinder Alliance is working hard on the "Space Amoeba Protection Act" and "Indigenous Civilization Protection Act". They believe that sooner or later they will be able to achieve their goals through various diplomatic means.

Of course, in addition to these daily issues, there is also an important proposal to "reform the Galactic Community" that is being voted on.

The proposer of this proposal is the Turbulent First Empire, and they want to set up a council for the "galactic community" to exercise some "privileges".

Their reasons are also very good: "Everyone is very busy and there are many differences. It is better to jointly recommend some civilizations to plan the direction for the community."

Under the current topic of "reform of the Galactic Community", there is a confrontation between various civilizations in the open and in the dark.

Although the number of seats in the "Permanent Council of the Galactic Community" has been confirmed under discussion, everyone wants to take a share of this obviously privileged position.

Whether you want to follow suit or fight for it yourself, the "peaceful" confrontation between civilizations also begins at this time.

The strength of the economy, technology, military and other aspects has become a powerful weighting factor, and the reputation of diplomacy is also of great help to the competition for seats.

So soon, the first civilization that was confirmed to have won a seat on the council appeared, and they were the "Star Alliance".

This is an old interstellar civilization. Although it is still very young compared to the lost empire, they are still a group of old-timers compared to most other civilizations.

The Alliance of Stars was born on an ordinary planet. There is no commendable technology, and no emotional epic. Everything was very ordinary before they went to space.

The only thing that is special is that they took to the sky a little earlier than other civilizations.

But after touching the starry sky, they soon discovered that they might not be so "ordinary".

When the sublight craft left the gravity well of the star for the first time, they discovered a huge structure standing outside the galaxy.

It was a star gate, and it was like an ancient inheritance that brought the technology of the star gate to them.

After passing through the star gate, they discovered a treasure of an ancient civilization. With the help of this powerful help, they quickly became famous in the star sea, and quickly built a prosperous star gate network with their advanced understanding of star gates.

And this is the origin of their civilization name.

In order to ensure that these star gates are firmly in their hands, their technological and military strength should not be underestimated, and they are also at the forefront in the star sea.

Even today, they have never stopped building stargates in various places.

It's just a convenience for them to charge more "stargate usage fees", but they do objectively bring the galaxy closer together.

Now I don’t know how many civilizations are inseparable from their star gates. Every time the maintenance of the star gates can see some dependents enter a short period of stagnation.

Because of this, when the Star Alliance expressed their desire to fight for a seat, they quickly received a lot of support and firmly occupied their position with an overwhelming advantage.

With one less seat on the permanent council, the remaining three seats have drawn fiercer competition.

Among them, the first to qualify is a monarchy civilization, but unfortunately it is not the Turbulent First Empire, but another old interstellar power - "Empire of the Conquerors".

Don't get me wrong, this is not a Lost Empire.Although "XX" has become the exclusive title of the lost empire, there will always be some ambitious civilizations using some ingenious means in this regard.

For example, the full name of this interstellar civilization is called "Conqueror Empire", not "Conqueror".

That "empire" is not just a name for their political system, but also a part of their civilization name.

Every time they talk about things in the "Galaxy Community", they always emphasize the full name of their civilization, in case someone thinks they are "calling themselves a lost empire."

However, when facing some civilizations that they have taken as fiefs, they occasionally omit the title of "empire" to show off the prestige of a lost empire.

The current "Conqueror Empire" has not expanded for a long time, and they have shifted the burden to the tributary civilizations they conquered, and have fallen into a life of pleasure early.

If one discards the economic, technological and military level that is "as humble as an ant" compared with the lost empire, they can actually be regarded as a "lost empire" to some extent.

However, compared with the image of the Lost Empire, which hardly pays attention to foreign objects, the "Empire of the Conqueror" is very keen on participating in interstellar affairs, and always maintains a high profile.

This time, the "Empire of the Conqueror", which claims to be the "Superior Kingdom", will naturally participate in the election of the seat of the Star Ocean Council, and successfully won a seat with the efforts of a large number of tribute civilizations.

The remaining seats also soon ushered in the second qualifying person, which is an emerging omnic civilization-"Serving Paradise".

The seemingly xenophobic omnic servants originally did not want to participate in this matter, but the few omnic civilizations strongly recommended them, as if they felt that their state of symbiosis with organic creatures would be better in " Play a role in the "Star Sea Community".

And out of consideration for the distribution of forces, this "exclusive servitor" representing the omnic civilization also won the support of most neutrals and won the third seat.

Therefore, the competition for the last seat is unprecedentedly fierce, and most civilizations are racking their brains and using all their strength to help stand in line, in order to win the last seat.

As for the swarm?The number of their civilizations is so small that they are counted in the "omnics".Everyone is gestalt conscious, so it is reasonable to be treated like this, right?

Of course, not all civilizations in the "Galaxy Community" are interested in competing for seats.

The Tinder Alliance is one of them. Although they also hope that they can become a "permanent council civilization", they understand that they are too young to compete with those old civilizations.

So after selling their team selection for a good price, they continued to invest in the cause of indigenous and space wildlife.

One of their interstellar adventurers and Native educators discovers an Native civilization, and word comes of a special discovery.

There seems to be a magical "wishing machine" in that indigenous civilization, which made them full of curiosity about this place, so they sent people here.

As everyone knows, a threat sweeping the entire galaxy is about to start from here.

(End of this chapter)

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