Chapter 130 The Rekindled Passion

The ring-shaped giant building is orbiting the star.

This giant building, which is similar to the ring world, but has a completely different actual function, has had an effect.

The naked eye cannot see what happened in this space, but in fact, in the observation stations of various civilizations, this galaxy has disappeared from the star map.

It is as if the entire galaxy is covered by a huge curtain, and no signal can be received.

This is the effect of the giant structures built by these "Ancient Travelers" here:
【Arena (Superlight Interrupter)】

[Introduction: In the interstellar era, superluminal speed has become an indispensable part of life, but also because of this, various behaviors of fleeing in battle abound.Doesn't anyone want to have a duel between men?Based on such considerations, a structure for completely blocking faster-than-light travel came into being.Unlike the superluminal suppressor, this thing does not distinguish between friend and foe, and it is more complete, people inside cannot get out, and people outside cannot enter]

According to the tradition of their ancient rituals, this kind of battle between names should be held in this kind of place.

Of course, apart from the ritual requirements, there is also a trap here.

Now the "Farwalker" fleet has only a few small ships for sentry, and the rest of the main fleet has been dragged to the pulsar galaxy and the "Infinite Lighthouse" galaxy.

In this place where the "superluminal interrupter" is built, it is certainly impossible for the fleets used by the "far traveler" to "change homes" in a short time to leave here.

When all the existing super-light speed methods fail, they can try to fly to other galaxies at sub-light speed, but it is better to wait here for the end of the effect of the giant structure, or to completely destroy the giant structure.

However, megastructures are not as fragile as ordinary buildings. Even a stellar-level modular structure will take a long time to explode, and megastructures will not completely fail just because of a small injury.

To make this "Superlight Interrupter" ineffective, at least 50% of its area must be destroyed, and this time is enough for the "Ancient Travelers" to deal with their enemies, and then wait for the group to be trapped stuck guy.

"——Commander! The space-time structure in this area is unprecedentedly stable! Even if our jump engine is overloaded, it can't tear up the space-time structure here!"

"Our hyperspace engine can't detect the hyperspace entrance! We can't use this most basic method to leave this galaxy!"


A large number of similar reports were passed on to the fleet commander of this "decisive fleet", and without exception, they all stated the fact that they were temporarily trapped here.

And the old commander who once made great contributions to the "far traveler" also understands that they really "come to the end" this time.

The "source of knowledge" of the mother star is basically unguarded, and most of the "far traveler" people gather there.

Their territory that no one can shake will soon become the territory of others. After they leave this galaxy, what awaits them is only a new empire.

There is no need to expect those weak vassal civilizations to be useful at this time, their ancient compatriots have similar or even superior technologies to them.

Perhaps at this time, those "former vassals" have already defected to the current empire, or maybe they have become independent.

And they are obviously enemies of this newborn empire. After leaving here, they will face the embarrassing situation that they can't even do the daily maintenance of the fleet.

Perhaps in the future, they will face endless pursuits and a difficult life of drifting in space, which is undoubtedly a very unacceptable thing for the "far traveler" who once indulged in pleasure.


The old commander looked at the universe outside the porthole, appreciating this place with an admiring mentality after a long absence.

The scenery here is not so good, only a glowing star and a working ring megastructure.Compared with those galaxies known as "natural wonders of the universe", this place has nothing but giant structures.

"...But how long has it been since we did this?" The old commander raised his prosthetic hand and slowly covered his eyes.

He thought of his young age when his natural lifespan was still very small and he was not extended by cell vitality agents. At that time, he also harbored curiosity about the stars and the sea.

In order to get more contact with the stars, he has been an adventurer, an explorer, and many freelancers who are more suitable for staying in space.

He once ventured in the ancient ruins with several alien explorers incognito, and also fought against space pirates with weapons he had never met before.

The docile space whale once played with him in the cloud sea of ​​the gas giant planet, and the wreckage of the spaceship that has gone through vicissitudes of life was also slept in the black hole under his guidance.

That was his happiest time. He felt that the universe was so interesting like never before. He wanted to drift in the sea of ​​stars all his life, even if he died, he would die in the universe.

But the call-up order for the home planet came down, and he was forced to be a member of the space force because of his rich space experience.

Though no longer quite free, he still forged ahead through the ranks with a zest for civilization.

He had fantasized countless times that he was shrouded in horse leather in an epic space battle, and he also fantasized about infiltrating the enemy's interior alone, delivering key information to the home planet as an unsung hero.

He felt he would become a soldier, die for his country, or come home with glory.

But these fantasies and hopes failed to come true in the end.

He was appreciated by a big man in the space force, and was trained as a key talent, receiving the most comprehensive education and the strictest protection.

None of them really need to go to the battlefield, all the battleships are filled with robots and fleet combat AI, and he is just controlling these fleets as a "behind the scenes".

What made him famous was nothing more than a simulated battle in the virtual world, after which he took a high position as the new fleet commander.

His leader also helped him to this position and returned to his home planet to indulge in pleasure. Only then did he realize that their entire civilization had actually fallen into entertainment.

And he himself was restricted to the position of "Fleet Commander", and he also fell along with civilization for a long time.

He once thought that even this is not bad, he can use the virtual world to complete the idea of ​​"exploring the universe" in his spare time.

But after walking through the long night, he always felt that something was missing, something was missing.His subconscious thought that this was not the life he wanted, but "Entertaining to Death" infected him like a virus and made him unable to extricate himself.

But now, in this place where the superluminal speed is restricted, his old but still strong body ignited his blood after a long absence.

This is an excellent epic venue. In the background is the "Infinite Lighthouse" with extremely high historical significance. The two sides in the epic are "far travelers" who come from the same vein but have embarked on different paths.

An ancient feud seemed to end here, and his original mission had long since been burned in boiling blood.

Now he is not a "fleet commander", but a "warrior", fighting for a long-forgotten ideal.

His prosthetic organs should keep him calm all the time, but at this moment, his body has surpassed the limitations of mechanical functions, rekindling a forgotten passion.

"—If the 'end' is here, let us end this final scene with a duel between warriors!"

The commander's always dull voice seemed extremely young and full of vigor at this time.

His words were transmitted to everyone in the fleet along with the signal. These young people who had to fight in person because of the robot riot looked at each other, not understanding why their commander lost his mind.

But then, an ancient record surfaced in their auxiliary memory chip.

It was a series of pictures from a long time ago. They saw a species very similar to themselves, living a primitive life of raw hair and blood.

Although simple, it seems to be the most important link in the entire civilization process.

The struggle between the tribes did not lead to a large-scale war, and they seemed to feel that this was a kind of "internal friction".

So the original took a less bloody approach to the problem.

The leaders of the tribes will fight each other, and the losers will be merged.

This ancient custom was forgotten long after they went to heaven, but it never disappeared, but was deeply hidden in their blood genes.

Now they understood that their commander was following this ritual, and their enemies seemed to be doing the same.

Some people want to suggest that their commanders don't have to do this, because their fleet is large enough to drown these old warships here.

But this "warrior" who has regained his blood makes everyone ready to watch the battle, and will never allow them to interfere with their battle.Life or death, this will be an honorable duel.

The Titan flagship on which the commander of the "Farstrider" fleet began to send a signal to the ancient warships in the galaxy, and those ancient warships also responded after a while of silence.

"—Unexpectedly, I just wanted to see their crazy ugly appearance, but it seems that these fallen people are not all idiots."

Talking in the ancient battleship are the few "Ancient Travelers" who chose to stay here. Their thinking network and memory have backups. Even if the individuals here are destroyed, they will not really die.

And their reason for staying here is also very simple. Apart from wanting to really have a "glorious decisive battle", they also want to see what decisions these ancient enemies will make when they fall into the trap.

"But I didn't expect...the extravagant life didn't corrupt everything about them, and there are still people who are enough to walk with them."

"Then do you still need to think about the answer? The 'Glorious Battle' that was originally hopeless once again has participants, and we can't let our feet go."

So during the signal exchange, a small spaceship broke away from the ancient battleship and flew towards the empty space of the galaxy.

And the commander of the "far traveler" fleet also came to the battlefield in a small spaceship himself.

This is a single-piloted small spaceship, smaller than the smallest frigate in the galaxy, and they are more often used as "unmanned cannon fodder".

But at this time, the two duelists each rode on such a spaceship and approached the place they chose for the final battle.

At this moment, they are all fighters born for this battle. There is no greeting, and there is no start signal. The battle begins when they come into effective range of each other.

(End of this chapter)

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