Chapter 125 Les Miserables
The Eugene galaxy is an ordinary galaxy in the Milky Way.

Compared with those inconspicuous galaxies, there is one thing worth noting about the Eugene galaxy, that is, there is an indigenous civilization here.

It was an aborigine that evolved from creatures similar to canids, and they had furry bodies in order to adapt to the cold climate of their planet.

According to recent discoveries, this indigenous civilization here has advanced to the atomic age, and nuclear energy has become an efficient energy source in civilization.

However, the aboriginals are the aboriginals. Except for the civilizations that need sociological research, and a civilization that is keen to help the aboriginals, it is difficult for most civilizations to be interested in the aboriginals.

However, apart from civilization as a whole, there are still many individuals who are interested in indigenous people, such as some "indigenous poachers".

In fact, the poaching of the natives in the Eugene galaxy was once very rampant, and the canine natives here had a moment of sky-high prices in the interstellar pet market.

However, with changes in market hotspots and the operation of the Tinder Alliance in the "Galaxy Community", the punishment for indigenous poaching has gradually become stricter, and the native canines here have gradually been forgotten.

Today, no one is interested in the ordinary natives here, and even poachers are too lazy to come to this place.

But it is very unfortunate that the Eugene Galaxy is just next to the "Serving Paradise" that just joined the interstellar society.

What's more unfortunate is that these machine servants of "Serving Paradise" decided to find more masters, so they set their sights on this indigenous planet nearby.


"Xiaocheng, your recent work attitude is not good... Look, everyone else is fighting for the future of the company, why do you get off work as soon as you arrive?"

"...the company doesn't have overtime pay, and I don't work overtime."

In a company in an indigenous country on this planet, there is a friendly exchange between a boss and a subordinate.

Xiaocheng is a new employee of this company. Although the old employees advised him not to leave work so early, he insisted that it is illegal to have no overtime pay.

So after he didn't "voluntarily work overtime" for a week, his boss interviewed him.

"Xiaocheng, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. Why doesn't the company have overtime pay? But the company is very difficult now, and it is in a critical period of its career. We need to tide over the difficulties together!"

"Look, which one of those old employees is not voluntary? Xiaocheng, you are still young, you have to learn to empathize, learn to understand the company's difficulties, and overcome them. Only when the company gets better will everyone get better! "

Xiaocheng listened to his boss's "hard-hearted" instruction, secretly glanced at him, and didn't say a word.

The boss's words were very emotional, and his tone was cadenced, as if he was really in some terrible difficulty and needed to overcome it together.

But in fact, Xiaocheng saw that his boss bought a flat with all the money some time ago, and even secretly picked up a car and gave it to a relative of a big man, and he didn't know where the money came from.

"Hey, Xiaocheng, I know you are young and vigorous, but being young also has its advantages! If you start fighting at this time, your life in the next ten years will not be a problem!"

"I think I was as young as you back then, but I have worked hard for more than ten years to achieve what I am now! You are younger than me, and the future is immeasurable!"

"So listen to my advice, work hard, fight hard, think about your future, the next big boss is you!"

"...Yes, you educated well..." Xiaocheng didn't want to listen to these nonsense anymore, followed what his boss said, and then found an excuse to leave here.

Several old employees also saw him, but they all passed by after a hasty greeting, still struggling to work overtime.

Seeing these "voluntary overtime" employees and thinking about his vision for the future, Xiaocheng sighed and left the company.

The place where he works is considered a big company, and it has colluded with many forces. An ordinary person like him can't beat them at all.

There have been many hard-headed youths who decided to use extreme means of suicide to threaten their bosses to obtain their due rights after the arbitration failed.

But they were soon labeled as "maliciously asking for salary", and they liked to be imprisoned for several months, and their lives were ruined.

He's just enjoying as much of his little time off as possible before the company gets impatient, and he'll be one of those "voluntary overtime" employees before too long.

The scenery along the way is a bit depressed, and it is now winter, when the average temperature is below zero.

But occasionally some beggars who are driven away can be seen on the street. These disabled people cannot find any jobs. In order to maintain their lives, they can only hope that someone on the road will give them mercy.

However, it is clear that they "affected the appearance of the city" and were expelled by the patrol.

Although there are "relief stations" sponsored by noble grandpas in this city, only those who can do heavy physical labor are accepted there, and the number of places is limited every day.

But this scene is already common in the city. All the pedestrians on the street just glanced indifferently, and then went to do what they should do.

Although Xiaocheng's heart is touched, he can't do anything about it. After all, he himself has to live frugally to make ends meet.

He had no choice but to hurry past the unpleasant scene, except to send his blessings in his heart.

There is still some distance for him to go home. Although it is far away from the company, he can only afford to rent a house in this place.

Before he had walked a few steps, he heard a noise coming from the intersection ahead.

But I saw a few aristocratic grandpas racing on the main road with a perfect drift at the intersection, speeding past in the blink of an eye, only seeing black spots that are rapidly shrinking, it is hard to imagine how fast they drove.

One of them was not very good at technology, and he passed Xiaocheng by Kankan. He first felt his hair being blown by the strong wind under the action of the air current, and then his heart was beating violently belatedly.

He almost died just now, and the sense of horror after he realized that he was already sweating coldly, and goose bumps appeared all over his body.

This completely unpredictable life-and-death situation caused him to lie limp on the ground, breathing heavily, and struggled to stand up after a while.

He glanced at the patrols just now, but saw that these guys seemed to be nothing, as if they didn't notice the illegal behavior of drag racing, and they were still reprimanding those pedestrians who were walking on the road normally, telling them that if they crashed into the car of the noble grandpa They can't afford it for the rest of their lives.

"...What a fucking world..." Xiaocheng murmured to himself, and then dragged his weak body back home as quickly as possible.

He was really afraid that he would almost encounter unexpected accidents like just now. As the patrol team said, the compensation after his death would not be able to pay for the noble grandfather's car.

After returning to his "kennel", the sense of security gradually calmed his still-shocked heart.

He lay tiredly on his bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze for a long time before he took out a book from the bed within his reach.

The cover of the book, which has been read countless times and looks somewhat damaged, is printed with the words "Unsolved Mysteries of the World".

It's one of his favorite books, and he especially loves one of its "unsolved mysteries"—the mass disappearances of decades ago.

At that time, large-scale disappearances of people often occurred all over the world. The source and result are unknown. It is only known that many people mysteriously disappeared from this world.

Although the aftermath of this incident has settled down, the speculation about this incident has never stopped, including "chaos in time and space theory", "government conspiracy theory", "terrorist creature theory" and so on...

What Xiaocheng agrees with the most is the "alien abduction theory".

This guess is that a group of aliens used ultra-high technology to capture these people for some purpose.But this guess is also the least agreed with, because no one thinks that aliens will do such a boring thing.

But Xiaocheng yearns for this matter very much. He has nothing to worry about, and he hopes to see the wider world before he dies, even if aliens treat them as pets, or something worse.

His family has actually been cut off in his generation. All his relatives died early due to various reasons, and he is the last only seedling.

And he doesn't plan to get married, even if the law here stipulates that if you don't get married or have children, you have to pay a high fine, he doesn't want his offspring to live in such a sad world.

This "Unsolved Mysteries of the World" has been torn up by him, but every time he reads this one, he relishes it, hoping that a group of aliens will really come to take him away.

After relishing "Unsolved Mysteries of the World", he calculated the rest of the rest time, and found another new book that he hadn't finished reading - "Ideal World", and continued to read it.

This book is full of yearning for the extremely favorable living conditions in the future world, which is very popular among poor classes like them.

But this is actually a "bad book" because its author is an aristocratic grandfather who does not understand the sufferings of the people. The "ideal life" in the book is an extension of the current life of these upper-class people.

There is even a classic sentence in it: "If you have no food, then eat meat."

However, it does not prevent Xiaocheng from liking to read this book. It is a good material for dreaming and can add a lot of pictures to the fantasy time.

"...That's great...Is this the life of noble grandpas? I hope I can have this dream tonight..."

Thinking so, he took out the "Dream Capsule" placed deep in the drawer.

This is a "low-end luxury product" developed by a certain noble grandfather out of mercy for the lower class people. This medicine can make users have a high probability of dreaming their favorite dreams during sleep.

As long as you give more hints before going to bed, you can have a wonderful dream, and it is not impossible to experience the life of a noble grandpa in your dream.

Therefore, even though this drug is not a small burden on the brain, it is also wildly popular among the low-level people, and most people's wages are spent on it.

While the emptiness upon waking is severe, the "addiction" of dreaming is completely irresistible.

What Xiaocheng has now is the last one, and he has always kept it as a thought, but today's encounter made him need some spiritual comfort.

So after dinner, he took this "dream capsule" and soon fell asleep.

He had a wonderful dream.

He found that he was no longer in this fucking world, but in a dream "paradise".

There, he is only responsible for playing, and he does not have to worry about any other affairs, but is handled by a kind of robot.

He doesn't have to work, but he can work with a playful mind if he likes.

There is no annoying boss, and there are no various restrictions of disgusting people. He can quit at any time and return to the life of entertaining to death.

And everything he likes, those alien life and cosmic adventures can also be perfectly experienced in the virtual world.

If possible, he really hoped that this dream would not end.

But dreams are like this, there will always be a day when the bubble bursts.

Xiaocheng woke up from sleep again, and what came into view was her "kennel".

A huge sense of emptiness surrounded her. At this moment, all kinds of dark emotions rushed into her heart. She began to self-doubt and self-fear, which soon evolved into extreme destructive emotions.

She doesn't want to feel this emptiness anymore, she wants to jump off the tall building and bid farewell to the whole world.

"...But suicide will be punished...punished...?"

"It's strange... There are some memories..." She hugged her head, trying to recall her past and everything in this world.

She should be a company employee, she works from nine to five every day, and was reprimanded by her boss not long ago.but……

"Boss...?" The fat figure in the memory was already blurred, and even began to fade rapidly, and soon disappeared directly from the memory.

In its place are her dream lives, ones that seem to be things she actually lived through, not just "dreams".

But her cognition here is not abnormal.

She still remembered that this world was once unified by a nation on the grassland, but this huge country collapsed in just a dozen years, and those divided countries formed the current social structure hundreds of years later.

It seems that all unpleasant memories have been erased, and some only have basic cognition and some "extra memories".

"I am...I should be...Xiaocheng? My job today is..." When the memory recalled this, she suddenly fell into a state of extreme sleepiness, and was about to fall asleep almost immediately.

It was also at this last moment that a warm embrace embraced her and said in a soft voice:
"...Go to sleep, master, you don't need to work. After you wake up again, everything will be over..."

Her memory fragments are here, and the "kennel" has returned to peace.

Afterwards, the seemingly ordinary "kennel" suddenly changed drastically. The dilapidated walls and houses returned to a bright and beautiful appearance, with countless technological crystallizations all over it, which seemed to be the "future world" in Xiaocheng's dream. .

And in this beautiful building, a series of voices of communication sounded:
"...I thought that using the familiar environment projection could help the 'master' gradually adapt to the new body and new life, but unexpectedly, it had the opposite effect and induced the owner's self-destructive emotions."

"Sure enough, the 'masters' are too fragile and must accept our protection..."

(End of this chapter)

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