Time travel to become the guardian AI of a lost civilization

Chapter 120 A new member of the Galactic Community?

Chapter 120 A new member of the Galactic Community?
The headquarters of the "Galaxy Community" established in a triad galaxy received two new messages on this day.

"Oh? Another new interstellar civilization wants to join the community?"

Looking at the two new requests to join, the sky clan's duty officer showed a very happy expression.

Sky clan, this is an idealistic theocratic monarchy civilization, their state religion is high, and their emperor is regarded as the incarnation of gods in this world.

They are a civilization that evolved from birds. Before they formed a civilized civilization, the species of the Sky Clan soared among the towering and steep mountain ridges for hundreds of thousands of years.

Although in the process of evolution, their wings no longer have the real function of flight, they can only be used as an aid to gliding.

But the wings are still the most important body part of the sky clan, and only the closest people can touch them.

Today, the sky clan has set off a "retro" craze. They are trying to restore their ancient wings to their peak through genetic means, so that they can fly the sky again without tools.

However, this kind of tide usually has nothing to do with people in distant places, such as this representative of the Sky Clan civilization who is on duty at the headquarters of the "Galactic Community".

The "Galaxy Community" is not always in a meeting. During the occasional recess, there will be some civilization representatives on duty to handle some simple affairs.

Among them, inviting and accepting the addition of new civilizations is a relatively important part of these simple affairs.

During this period of time, in addition to the Sky Clan, there were also multiple civilizations including the Fire Seed Alliance and the Saculus Vengeful Crusaders who were on duty during this time.

The duty representative of the sky clan is very happy, but he is not happy that the number of members of the "Star Sea Community" has increased again, but that his civilization can gain additional weight in the next motion vote.

The "Galaxy Community" is dedicated to connecting the entire galaxy. During the period when civilization representatives are on duty, if a new civilization joins the "Galactic Community", the civilization behind these on-duty personnel can get a vote weight bonus only once.

If it works, the voting weight bonus can be sold at a good price this time. After all, diplomacy is also a link between interstellar civilizations.

Of course, reviewing the qualifications to join the civilization is also one of the obligations that the on-duty civilization needs to undertake.

Although the "Star Sea Community" welcomes joiners, not all civilizations are within this scope.

Just like "killing the swarm", this extinct civilization has never paid attention to the "galactic community", and the "galactic community" will not invite this civilization at all.

The first thing the civilization on duty needs to confirm is whether the joiner is such a "bad civilization" that violates the "interstellar law".

But for the vast majority of people, this is not the most important thing, because generally speaking, civilizations that want to join the "galactic community" will definitely be prepared, at least on the surface they will be a normal civilization.

Usually it's a process.

"Let me take a look at the detailed documents they provided, maybe I have to actually investigate...'Serving Paradise'? Really, how could a civilization give itself such a name..."

When the representative of the Sky Clan saw the beginning of the document, he almost couldn't hold back the expression on his face, and even made him think it was a typo.

As we all know, the name of civilization is a very important thing in diplomacy.

Generally speaking, the official name is based on the name of the country plus the form of government. In addition to the language used by this civilization, it will be explained again in the common language of the galaxy.

The typical ones are Mingbo Technological Dictatorship and Ke Ruibo Interstellar Trading Company.

Occasionally, some civilizations use words with strong imagery instead of their civilization names, such as the Spark Alliance and Turbulent Empire.

But there will always be some "maverick" civilizations that act differently in this regard.

The stone man civilization that once threatened to make the "watcher" and "far traveler" fall at their feet is such a guy.

The official names of their civilizations would take a few minutes for a fast-talking speaker, and could even fill a page if written in Galactic Common Language.

For this kind of guy who thinks he is special, the galactic civilizations directly use the conventional name, such as directly calling it "Stone Man Civilization".

And the civilization in the document in front of him, which claims to be "Serving Paradise", seems to be a unique civilization, which makes the sky clan's duty officer feel a little helpless.

"...Isn't it okay to name it carefully? Who understands the 'Serving Paradise' you mentioned..." He shook his head, planning to give a good suggestion to this new civilization as an "old senior" in the future, so that they can understand the civilization in the galaxy. unspoken rules.

But as he continued to look down, the expression on his face gradually became strange.

"Uh... is this... an organic civilization? Or an omnic civilization? Why can't I understand it..."

In the basic information provided in the document, about 10% of the population of this self-proclaimed "Serving Paradise" civilization are biological organisms, while the remaining 90% of the population are all service robots.

He originally thought that this was an organic civilization that abused robots, but to his surprise, according to the overview in the document, these servant robots have completely controlled the civilized government, and even these documents were actually submitted by these servants of.

According to the definition of omnic civilization in the galaxy, this is actually an omnic civilization.

However, in the information provided by these machine servants, it is repeatedly emphasized that they work for the "master", that is, those biological organisms. They insist that they are just a service system, and the masters of this civilization are still those biological organisms.

At the same time, they also mentioned that they were worried because the number of "masters" was too small, hoping to find more organisms willing to accept their service.

"The goal of joining the Galactic Community is...'to turn all organisms into their masters'?! My dear...this statement is a bit dangerous..."

The various anomalies in "Serving the Paradise" caused the civilized representative of the Sky Clan to hesitate. He originally planned to pass directly, but now it seems that further investigation may be needed.

Although it is said that this is just a process, but he will suffer when he really puts some extermination regime into it.

So he temporarily put the document aside, ready to wait for other examiners to discuss the decision together.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the joining application submitted by the second civilization.

"...I hope there will be no problem this time..." He tried to comfort himself, but after seeing the name this civilization called themselves, his heartbeat slowed down again.

"...'Galactic Consortium'? Is this...another omnic civilization?"

The omnic civilizations in the galaxy can be counted with two hands, and this time there are two at once, which makes the examiner wonder if the organic life somewhere has played himself off again.

"But at least... the name sounds normal..."

He thought so, and then continued to read.

"...Their main species is prosthetics? A prosthetic civilization that has completed the collectivization of consciousness... Some are slightly different, and they should be counted as 'hive civilization'? But they insist that they are mechanical intelligence... "

"Then the goal of joining the Galactic Community is...'Eliminate all barriers between species'? It's a great idea, although it's a bit extreme, but...maybe it's not bad?"

The representative of the Sky Clan obviously didn't understand the real meaning of "eliminate all barriers between species", and thought it was some kind of slogan similar to "eliminate tyranny".

Perhaps he would not have praised it so much if he had understood the true goals of the Galactic Consortium.

"Well, the two omnic civilizations that came this time are a bit strange. It's better to say that omnic civilizations are always so strange... Let's discuss it in a small meeting later."

He believes that other inspectors must have the same idea as him, and must maintain a scrutiny attitude towards these two omnic civilizations.

It is impossible to treat some civilizations that have already flourished in the Milky Way, basically all votes are passed directly, and there is no need for inspection.

So after all the censors had seen the materials, a small meeting on how to deal with these two "special omnic civilizations" began.

In fact, many people are unwilling to go to the territory of omnic civilization for field investigations. Many styles of mechanical intelligence are very different from biological intelligence.

The most typical is "bioelectric power generation". Mechanical intelligence does not need to eat, but needs to be powered.

Although for them, this is actually a kind of behavior similar to the "eating" of organic organisms. Even if the efficiency is not high, the mechanical intelligences are not opposed to doing this if they have spare power. Mosquito legs are also legs.

But it’s different for organic civilizations. When they see those animals soaked in nutrition tanks, unable to survive or die, and always in a state of power generation, it’s hard to hide the feeling of fear from the bottom of their hearts. .

In this regard, the omnic civilizations were still very strange, and expressed strong condemnation of the organic civilization's behavior of "slaughtering" and "eating" creatures.

They believe that this is the most inefficient way of energy utilization, and it is completely an "irrational behavior" carried out by organic civilizations to satisfy their desires, and should not be advocated in the Milky Way.

Those who don't know think these omnics are some kind of "interstellar animal protection organization".

The organic civilizations never thought that they would be beaten up by omnics in this matter, which made them hold back their words of condemning omnics as "inhumane".

Although the only few omnic civilizations in the galaxy finally passed the review and became members of the "galactic community", there are still not many people who are willing to touch these cold mechanical intelligences.

But this opportunity to gain one-time diplomatic weight is very rare, and they cannot be picky. Even if they don't want to, the civilization behind them will force them to go.

So after some discussion, the "Joint Review Team" composed of these civilizations decided to start the review from the "Galaxy Consortium". few.

And these people will be jointly protected by the "galactic community" and the civilization behind them, and as a kind of diplomatic envoy, they will go to the home star coordinates provided by the "galactic community".

They will spend some time there to confirm whether the "Galaxy Family" can become a member of this "extended family".

(End of this chapter)

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