Chapter 112 The Boundary Breaker

The "silent ones" actually responded to this crisis, which was unexpected by all civilizations, including Li Wenyuan.

In their view, anyone can respond to a crisis, except the "silent ones".

After all, according to the historical data that the galaxy can trace, this "silent" lost empire has never made any move other than clearing the border.

As their name suggests, any attempt to communicate with them will be ignored unless they initiate a conversation.

It may be because of the aloofness, or it may be because of reasons unknown to everyone. In short, no civilization has ever expected this lost empire to respond.

According to their thinking, perhaps only a crisis that actually threatens them will make them move, just like those civilizations that invade their borders.

"...Things are getting more and more interesting..." Li Wenyuan observed the situation in the galaxy with great interest, and began to wonder what the origin of this "silent one" lost empire would be.

There is no need to judge by intuition or other evidence. According to his experience in the galaxy for so many years, he feels that more than 95% of the abnormal events in the entire galaxy are related to human beings.

And now he is guessing what kind of relationship the "Silent Man" who suddenly changed and became a "crisis fighter" will have with human beings.

The screen came to the "Galaxy Community", where representatives of various civilizations gathered.

They were discussing how to get through this crisis, but they were shocked by the "Silent Man"'s notice and didn't know what to say for a while, among which the Pyro Alliance was the worst.

Their civilization was almost destroyed by the "Silent One", and even until now, they dare not reclaim their real home planet - the habitable planet just on the border of the "Silent One".

It is impossible to say that there is no resentment towards the "silent ones", but the interstellar society is like this. Facing this civilization that is far stronger than them, they have no choice but to swallow their teeth.

After all, they still gave some way to survive, but they just knocked their civilization back to the indigenous era.

Strictly speaking, their batch of "fire seeds" has nothing to do with their former civilization.

But now this indifferent "Silent Man" has become a "Guardian" at this time, which makes the Tinder Alliance not know what to say.

The Milky Way is not black and white, and most civilizations are in gray areas.

Even the Fire Alliance itself has some ulterior darkness, which is a rule that must be followed in the interstellar era.

They do not have the strength to change the rules and can only choose to adapt.

The Pyro Alliance also understands this truth, so facing the "Silencers" who have become "crisis fighters" and sent a large group of warships to various parts of the galaxy at this moment, they also expressed their approval.

"...Actually, it's a bit unexpected. The kindest 'observer' doesn't react at all, but the most indifferent 'silent one' and the most elusive 'guardian' will choose to prevent the crisis..."

"...Indeed, maybe the 'observers' feel that the rebirth and destruction of the galaxy is also part of the observation? This crisis, in their view, may be a test..."

"Who knows? Maybe the galaxy won't wither to a certain extent, they won't make a move... It's really a 'noble lost empire'..."

"...Don't talk nonsense, the 'Observer' has given us a lot of help, we can't deny all their contributions just because of one or two crises, let's discuss how to cooperate with the 'Silent One'... "

So the "Galactic Community" launched a new round of discussions on "Galaxy Threat: Boundary Breaker".

Although they were discussing how to cooperate with the "Silent One", in fact, this powerful lost empire did not need their cooperation.

In other words, this group of "Boundary Breakers" who invaded the galaxy are too weak, relying only on the "trap" of the current galactic civilization can't stop the advance of the "Silent Ones".

The focus of the "silent ones" is not the infiltrated rebels, but some "key nodes" that are difficult to detect by ordinary civilizations.

They seem to be very familiar with this group of enemies. Every time they jump, they can accurately find the existence of the "ruler" among the rebels, and directly produce a crushing exchange of fire.

And through the observatory, the civilizations have actually seen the existence of the enemies that have infiltrated them.

In a certain battlefield, the fleet of "The Silent One" has already jumped here.

The chaotic battlefield is intertwined with various forces such as rebels, defenders, and reinforcements, but after the "Silencer" jumped here, it immediately locked on a small frigate that had never been noticed.

This frigate was quite inconspicuous on the battlefield, and almost no one noticed it, but at this time it was saturated by the "Silencer" fleet.

Countless brilliant light beams crossed the void, swept across the chaotic battlefield, and precisely enveloped the frigate.

Caught off guard, the frigate was submerged directly in the beam sea, as if it was about to disappear in an instant.

But an unbelievable scene happened.

The frigate, which was supposed to have the same shape as other ships, suddenly became illusory and transparent, and even its posture seemed out of tune with this universe.

When the beam sea was about to hit it, it unexpectedly "turned a corner" and passed by directly, without causing any damage to it.

So in this light belt full of energy, you can see a strange "luminous battleship", which seems to have magical power, making the energy avoid it in fear of avoiding it.

This strange scene immediately attracted the attention of all civilizations. After a complex discussion between a large group of scientific researchers and computing equipment, they discovered that the technology used by this "luminous battleship" may be different from the physical rules of this universe.

The contradictory theories made them almost think that their calculations were wrong, but after countless verifications, the most unlikely result was the final answer.

That is the technology used by this group of "Boundary Breakers", and it may indeed be technology from another world.

But this situation seems to have been expected by the "silent ones". They chose saturation attacks just to make these "hidden people" reveal their original figures.

Then, a strange weapon appeared on the battleships of these "silent ones".

Because the appearance was too abstract, no one even realized that it was a weapon, and thought it was some kind of functional equipment.

But there was a flash of green light, and several dark green translucent light bands hit the luminous ship directly.

It looks ordinary, but it can feel that even the space is distorted wherever it goes.

The space junk on the path was decomposed into some kind of special energy the moment it touched this light band, and even carried these light bands, covering the glowing ship.

However, the seemingly invincible spaceship seemed to have encountered huge damage, and the rules to maintain its figure could not be maintained at this moment, distorting the entire ship shape into some kind of light spots full of chaotic colors, which seemed to have disappeared completely. The appearance of the ship.

After just a few seconds, these light spots completely collapsed, scattered a little star, and were quickly erased from the universe.

During this process, the civilizations detected a special signal, which seemed to be the fluctuation of the dissipated light at the last moment.

Although it was messy and disorderly, they managed to parse out part of the meaning, as if it was some kind of words mixed with shock, confusion, incomprehension, and cursing.

Before paying homage to the fleet of the "Silent One", this group of ships that came and went without a trace left here-their jump engines seem to be rather special, and the recharge time is very short.

After the luminous ship disappeared, the rebels in this galaxy were in chaos.

Countless decent-looking enemies suddenly disintegrated on the spot, turning into spots of light similar to those of the luminous ships when they dissipated, and then dissolved into the background of the universe.

The rebel fleet, which lost its command, was quickly defeated, and the civilization here recovered their ships taken by the rebels without too much loss.

Although the Lost Empire thinks these are rags, they are precious treasures for these civilizations, and they need to be recycled as much as possible if they can be recycled.

"...But, have you noticed that the 'Silent One' seems to be very familiar with this group of enemies? They easily found the key problem, and then directly wiped out the other party..."

"...What I'm saying is that judging from their resolute methods, either the 'Silent Ones' have already fought against this group of enemies and know their methods, or their detection technology has far exceeded our imagination. Easily detect anomalies that we can't..."

"But no matter what the reason is, it's a great thing for us. Judging from the current situation, this group of 'boundary breakers' shouldn't be able to make waves..."

Some people who witnessed the battle with their own eyes quickly returned to the combat state after a brief discussion, and some places that have not been visited by the "silent ones" still need their help.

So as the fleet of the "silent ones" jumped around the galaxy, the galactic civilizations gradually solved their own penetration problems, and soon began the project of exploring the origins of these "boundary breakers".

For such an enemy with terrible infiltration ability, they want to eliminate it once and for all.

After more and more places were cleared, they finally locked a remote and barren star field.

And the "Silent One" also launched the last attack at this time.

Countless battleships from various civilizations surrounded a brown dwarf galaxy. They did not expect that the source of everything was actually in such an inconspicuous galaxy.

If it weren't for the crisis that erupted this time, they might not have known that there were still a group of "invaders from other worlds" hiding in such a place until the galaxy died out.

They originally wanted to enter, but the "Silent One" took the initiative to ask them not to participate in this battle after a long time, because the enemy's weapons are very powerful. Don't belong to their battles and pay.

Even though it is a little uncomfortable to be called "broken", the galactic civilizations are also obediently guarding the outer galaxies to prevent fugitives who may flow out.

Although it is impossible to enter, all observation equipment has been transferred to this location. Everyone is very curious about the relationship between this group of "Boundary Breakers" and the current "Silent One" lost empire.

As a result, the scene of the battle was circulated on the network of countless civilizations.

The familiar luminous warships are stuck in the center of the brown dwarf star system. Unlike the small luminous warships I have seen before, each of the luminous battleships here has a huge volume comparable to the flagship of a Titan.

The size also brings unparalleled firepower and protection, and even the "Silent One" suffered losses in the process.

But this is not the most striking thing, the most shocking thing is the mysterious space building protected by these luminous warships.

This translucent luminous building shaped like a fungal canopy is rooted in the void, and a certain powerful special force is concentrated at the junction of space below under the gathering of this kind of building.

That seems to be the power used by this group of "Boundary Breakers", a technology from "high dimensions".

The reason why they are so weak is because they have used almost all of the devoured power on this "anchor building".

The purpose they want to achieve even at the expense of disrupting the galaxy is slowly emerging under this building.

The space vortex, which looks similar to a wormhole, is opened bit by bit, and a strange energy storm keeps shining in the vortex, which seems to be full of an atmosphere of destruction.

But through the cracks of the storm, all the observing civilizations felt that there was a strange world on the opposite side.

It is completely different from this universe, where the common laws of physics have a new definition in that world.

Just like the origin of these "boundary breakers", there may be a "high-dimensional world", where they came from and will return there.

(End of this chapter)

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