Anti-routine rebirth

Chapter 4 Tell a big lie and make the world dance for it

Chapter 4 Tell a big lie and make the world dance

One mountain cannot tolerate two tigers.

Unless there is a male and a female.

A world certainly doesn't need two reborns.

What's more, these two reborn people are both male.

The reborn Li Qingrang refocused on the fake Ye Hao.

"This counterfeit reborn person still needs to be disposed of, otherwise it will affect my genuine version."

As a person with a strong sense of copyright, Li Qingrang hates piracy the most in his life.

So we must resolutely get rid of piracy.

Just do what you say, Li Qingrang is a man of action.

He first took out a pair of gloves from a page.

Yes, a page book also has a storage function.

It is indeed a lost fairy artifact.

Li Qingrang liked it very much.

After putting on the gloves to make sure no fingerprints were left, Li Qingrang flicked his fingers.

The next moment, an invisible ripple surged.

Nothing seems to have changed.

But at this time, if someone pushed the door and came in, they would see Li Qingrang and Ye Hao still eating and drinking.

In fact, Li Qingrang had already made a sound-proof enchantment just now, but now he continued to stabilize his hand.

After doing all this, Li Qingrang found Ye Hao's cell phone from him.

After aiming at Ye Hao's face and unlocking it with facial recognition, Li Qingrang began to write circle of friends and memorandum diary for Ye Hao.

Diary 1:

The ten kings lost, Dagan lost, and the last hope was gone.

It is ridiculous to want to arrest Yama and Pingping Wang.

Diary 2:

It is said that the reason why the ten kings were defeated was because the star gate was closed, and they were stabbed severely in the back by their own people.

Ridiculous, shameful.

It was the ten kings who ended the war and gave me the opportunity to return to school.But I already have a hunch that the Ten Kings must be the image of a rebel in the textbook.

I enjoy the opportunity for them to return to school after working hard with their lives, and then use the methods of betraying and slandering them to achieve academic growth and even success.

I despise this approach.

I would never do that.

Black is black and white is white.

Even if the whole world turns black and white, I will still be that honest kid.

Pay tribute to the high host, dare to speak for the ten kings in the live broadcast.

Learn from the high host, we can be as humble as dust, but not twisted like maggots.

Diary 3:

There is no hope, there is no hope for everything.

If possible, I would like to die for the Ten Kings.

Moments 1:

I seem to be suffering from depression.

Moments 2:

Maybe it's not me who is sick, but the world.

Moments 3:

I don't want to become the kind of person I hate the most, but if I'm as strong as ten kings, I can't survive in this world, so what can I do?


It took Li Qingrang 5 minutes to write several private diaries and Moments for Ye Hao.

Then set the status of the circle of friends to be visible only to individuals.

After finishing all this, Li Qingrang said to Ye Hao: "Brother, I am so kind to you. Although you will repay your kindness with hatred, I will still make you a good person. Let you live a humble life and die a glorious one."

Li Qingrang was moved for a second by his loyalty.

Then he took out a silver earphone from a page of the book and put it in his ear.

Li Qingrang lightly pressed the surface of the earphone, and then waited for three seconds.

Then, he heard the expected reply.

"Qing Rang, the call will not be monitored for 30 minutes, are you safe?"

Li Qingrang breathed a sigh of relief.

Now is the time for his appointment with King Sun King.

The sun can be connected on time, which shows that her own safety and independent space have been guaranteed to a certain extent.

This is a great event.

"Well, I'm basically safe, how about you?"

Jiao Yang: "Fortunately, except for losing a certain amount of freedom, everything else is fine. You know my contacts and energy in the alien world, plus you are still alive. Although I was captured, as long as you don't have an accident for a day, I won't have any The problem is, they dare not kill me, let alone provoke you."

Li Qingrang: "I understand, don't worry, I will live well."

Among the ten kings, three kings were captured, and King Scorching Sun was one of them.

Fortunately, he survived.

So even the Star Emperor did not dare to touch the scorching sun.

Because no one can afford his vengeance at any cost.

Neither can Star Emperor.

Jiao Yang asked concerned: "How is your injury?"

Li Qingrang said calmly: "Basically, I have lost my cultivation, but don't worry, it's just starting from scratch."

The scorching sun was silent for a moment, not continuing to care about Li Qingrang's injury.

She believed him.

Jiao Yang asked another question: "Who closed the star gate?"

Li Qingrang's voice became cold: "With the authority and ability to close the star gate, and dare to attack us behind the scenes, there are only three people who can do it—Xing Jun, Jia Xiang, Yuan Shuai, and nothing else. There is another possibility—these three people did it together.”

The scorching sun was silent.


Jia Xiang.

The original handsome.

The three people with the greatest power and the highest status.

Li Qingrang said coldly: "Don't worry, I will find out, no matter who it is, no matter how difficult it is, I will make them pay with blood."

Jiao Yang did not persuade Li Qing to let go.

Because she will also check through her own channels.

They have never been people who are afraid of power.

"Qing Rang, did you think we would lose from the very beginning, that's why you kept hiding your true identity?"

Li Qingrang did not deny it: "Yes."

Jiao Yang: "Why?"

Li Qingrang: "Our strategy is wrong. The nobles opposed us. The blood we killed in Ganjing flowed into rivers, but we didn't kill them all, leaving behind troubles. The people supported us, but we didn't directly communicate with them. This kind of support is only limited to the spirit. We are always fighting alone, but we don't have overwhelming strength, so we will lose."

Jiao Yang: "But you still went to the star gate, why? This time we were almost wiped out."

Li Qingrang answered calmly, but he was also very firm: "Brotherhood, friendship, and family and country feelings are all enough for me to join the war. And failure is valuable, even if you can't win, as long as you can hurt the opponent , can also curb the other party's greed. Every drop of blood we shed is not in vain, but someone must pay for the blood we shed."

Scorching Sun laughed loudly: "You and I think exactly the same."

"I know, the success rate of your pre-battle deduction is only [-]%." Li Qing said: "Bawang said that you joined the war because of me, so I underestimated the King of the Sun, you were never that kind of little girl."

The ten kings naturally came together to fight side by side because of their like-mindedness and the righteousness of their family and country.

But there are still close and distant relatives, and even once faced each other with swords and swords.

It's just that the brothers fight against the wall to defend against their insults.

Li Qingrang has been hiding his true identity before, even among the Ten Kings, only Jiaoyang knows his true identity, so the others think that there is something tricky between Li Qingrang and Jiaoyang.

In fact, it was only because Li Qingrang trusted Jiaoyang more.

"Jiaoyang, I need you to do something for me."

"You said."

"Are you still doing research on illusion star technology?"

"Yes, I can still do research now. Although I am a prisoner, they are not willing to waste my wisdom. And my teacher has a lot of authority. With her protecting me, many of my researches are still progressing normally."

"Very well, King Baqi's son is also studying under your teacher. He is best at dreams and fantasy star skills. I need you to influence his subconscious mind, so that he thinks that he is doing a false rebirth for others through illusions or dreams. research, and the object of his research is me."

This world is dangerous.

So just being prepared is not enough.

Li Qingrang is going to play a reborn person, but what if someone doesn't believe it?
The ability to talk nonsense is very buggy, but it can only reduce the judgment of others to a certain extent, and it does not mean that it can minimize the IQ of the other party.

Li Qingrang still hasn't figured out how to upgrade the rambunctious words into the halo of subduing wisdom.

So on this basis, Li Qingrang was going to save a lot.

Arrange more umbrella tools for yourself.

This tool man will think that Li Qingrang's various abnormal conditions are all because of his arrangement, causing Li Qingrang to think that he has been reborn.

If someone thinks something is wrong with Li Qingrang and starts to investigate Li Qingrang, they will find out about this tool man.

Tool people will also protect Li Qingrang for their own research.

In the early stage, this tool man will become a very powerful shield for Li Qingrang.

And after Li Qingrang didn't need this tool man, he threw the tool man aside.

With tool people around, those who investigate him will come to the conclusion that his rebirth is fake.

But if they continue to investigate deeply, they may find that Li Qingrang is not a test product of this tool man, and then they continue to investigate, and they will find that Li Qingrang's rebirth is not fake at all.

They may be skeptical about the results of the first investigation.But when they confirmed their suspicions, it was easy to believe the results of the second investigation, because the results of the second investigation confirmed their first suspicions.

The more difficult it is to get something, the more you will cherish it after you get it.

Pride is something that is firmly rooted in the human soul.

And after many investigations, successfully verifying that the information I got is correct, I will firmly believe it.

This kind of double preparation is enough to set up a double defense for Li Qingrang.

And his true identity will be successfully concealed.

Jiao Yang didn't know all of Li Qingrang's thoughts, but she could easily guess Li Qingrang's first-level thoughts, and felt that it was feasible.

"You want to hide your identity and cover up the abnormality of your rise through the son of the Eight-Different Prince. This is a good idea. I will start to arrange it right away, but it will take time."

Li Qing gave way: "Do it under the condition of ensuring your safety and privacy, I can wait."

Jiao Yang said: "I know, you don't have to worry about me. But the reborn must know the future, what should you do?"

Li Qing said: "Because I was reborn, under the butterfly effect, the future will naturally change."

Scorching Sun: "..."

It is justifiable and irrefutable.

But she is also universally recognized as a young genius, and she quickly draws inferences from one instance.

"Qing Rang, if your identity as a reborn person is exposed, no, you can even deliberately expose it to some high-ranking people, and then use this to break into them and let them do things according to your ideas."

Li Qing laughed: "Jiaoyang, sometimes I really doubt that you are another me in this world."

That's what he thought.

What is the reborn doing secretly?
I, Li Qingrang, act upright and upright, I am a genuine reborn person, who am I afraid of?

False reborns need to hide.

Our original Reborn has never been afraid to tell people.

Tell a big lie and make the world dance to it.

This is worthy of his identity and means.


Thinking of Ye Hao's previous life because he was killed by the aftermath when he was duel with King Baqi, Li Qingrang was filled with righteous indignation.

Good brother, don't worry, I will send King Baqi to meet you underground as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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