Anti-routine rebirth

Chapter 37: My Day 3 Reflects on Myself

Chapter 37
Qin Shence outside the window was in a mess in the wind.

As the leader of the Shence Army who moved to Kyushu and made great achievements in battle, what scene has she not seen?

But she had never seen this kind of scene created by her junior brother.

Feeling a chilly feeling in his body, Qin Shence gritted his silver teeth lightly, and said in a hateful voice, "Junior brother, we will have a long life in the future."

This time she made a note.

Next time, I must make my junior look good.

Li Qingrang in the room dug his own earpick, and said to himself: "Fang Chang? I did use this alias when I was walking in the rivers and lakes."

How good is Qin Shence's ears?

Hearing Li Qingrang talking to himself, she was so excited that she accidentally fell from the window.

Fortunately, she is Qin Shence.

Otherwise, she might follow in the footsteps of Boss Yue.

After falling lightly to the ground, Qin Shence gritted his teeth and pointed at Li Qingrang's room, then suddenly burst out laughing.

"It's good to be shameless, it's good to be shameless. Junior brother, let's be more shameless."

"That way you can live longer."

"You can all live well, and I will feel at ease."

Yes, peace of mind.

She fell into the hands of her junior brother tonight, of course it was because she was careless and did not regard the junior brother as an enemy, so she gave Li Qingrang the opportunity to plot against her.

But even so, there are not many people who can plot against her.

With the little junior brother doing this, she doesn't need to worry about Li Qingrang's safety.


After Qin Shence left, Li Qingrang first went to Li Feng's room to see his father.

Li Feng slept soundly.

He was not disturbed by the turmoil outside tonight at all.

Li Qingrang walked to Li Feng's bed, covered Li Feng with a quilt, and took away the tranquilizing incense he had placed before returning to his room.

After returning to his room, he took out his mobile phone and checked the situation on Liu Li's side.

After Boss Yue died, he had already started to monitor Boss Yue's house.

It's just that he didn't tell anyone about it, and no one found out.

Boss Yue is already dead, and Li Qingrang will not allow anything to happen to Yue Zhongyan and Aunt Zhang now.

He won't take care of them for a lifetime, but during this time, he will take care of them.

What's more, Liu Li is with Aunt Zhang tonight.

During the monitoring, Li Qingrang saw that like Li Feng, Liu Li was also sleeping soundly.

In fact, tonight, Li Feng and Liu Li would not be in any danger.

But all things are forewarned, and if not forewarned, they will be abandoned.

As a reborn person who died once, Li Qingrang cherishes the chance of his own survival, and the chance of his parents' survival even more.

Plus all he did was head off.

So, you can't be too cautious.

His habits of caution were formed early.

The teacher also mentioned him in this regard.

Li Qingrang remembered very clearly that the teacher said that only by living can there be hope, and if you want to live, you must be cautious.

That's why he has remained a mystery.

Mystery often means security.

Even within the ten kings, he still does not disclose his information.Except for Jiao Yang, no one knows his true identity.

It's not that you don't trust other brothers, but you have to be responsible for your own safety.

This is a cultivation that goes deep into the bone marrow.

But tonight, what he did was still too big.

After Qin Shence left, Li Qingrang made sure that his parents were safe, and logically, he should go to bed and rest.

But Li Qingrang took out a page of the book.

Without triggering the "chat" function of a page of the book, Li Qingrang used the "offline" mode this time, and only used the page of the book as a blank sheet of paper.

He started writing on it.

This is also a habit that Li Qingrang has maintained in the past few years:
I examine myself three times a day!

Instructions from the teacher.

The teacher said that compared with the improvement of strength, it is more difficult for a person to improve wisdom and bad habits.

There is no end to strength, but IQ can determine whether you can live to the end.

Before going to bed every night, review the things and decisions you made during the day.

Analyze the pros and cons of these decisions.

The advantages continue to persist.

The shortcomings are corrected.

When people can criticize themselves, it is often the beginning of a strong self.

If I remember correctly, this is the teaching of Confucian sages, which Wei Sheng summed up as "self-criticism".

Li Qingrang was very grateful to the sages.

In Li Qingrang's opinion, the methods and theories of these giants are more valuable than sky-level star skills in many cases, but they are always ignored by people.

In the past few years, with the help of the giant's method. Theory, Li Qing made a clear sense of his own growth.

So he also sticks to this habit.

Li Qingrang began to write vigorously on the "one-page book".


"It's too risky to pretend to be Yan Luo on tour tonight.

Since Qin Shence's arrival, younger brother Tancheng has had someone who can truly threaten my life.

Tonight, if Qin Shence does not stand by my side, I will be in danger of being exposed.

Even life-threatening.

Although I judge that she is 99% trustworthy, King Yue's vision of seeing people is not that bad, and I have personally contacted her, so her position is not in doubt.But not afraid of 1, just in case, she still has a [-]% chance of standing on the opposite side of me.

With the presence of "fox talk and gibberish", it is not a big problem for me to save my life, which is why I dared to test Qin Shence again.

Judging from the results, Qin Shence had no problem, and the adventure tonight was a success.

She didn't suspect that I was King Yama, which was normal. After all, people wouldn't believe that an ordinary college student was King Yama, and people were more willing to believe that King Yama's disguised identity was also a big shot.

What's more, I'm not the King of Yama.

But the probability of an accident is always only 0 and 100%. I should take it as a warning, and must not be arrogant because of the success of this adventure.

Don't take the success of taking risks as the norm, and take taking risks as the norm.Know that a good rider falls from his horse, a good water drowns, a good drinker gets drunk, and a good fighter dies.

Remind yourself of one thing all the time—success by luck has nothing to do with your real strength.

Luck is luck. Although the result may be success, I must distinguish the difference, so as not to cause misjudgment and inflated psychology, so that I cannot recognize myself.

Introspection is over.

This matter was indeed impulsive on my part, which disrupted the previous plan and increased the risk that could not have occurred.

But I reflect on myself three times. Although I am aware of my mistakes, I cannot punish myself for them.

In dark times, failure to resist means complicity.

If I keep quiet, I will be safe and sound, and the price will be borne by other innocent people.

It's not my fault, but I can't sit idly by.

It's fine if I don't find it, but I have.

When I found out what happened to Boss Yue, I knew there was more than one Boss Yue in the world.

Most importantly, those brothers who share life and death together.

Boss Yue can still be embarrassed for supporting us, but what about those brothers who really fight side by side with us?
They followed us through life and death, through thick and thin, and although I don't owe them anything, I also know that they, like me, did not jump out of the cracks in the rocks.

They also have families.

I can't let my brothers bleed and then sit back and watch my brothers' families continue to cry.

If I am in a desperate situation, I will die if I show up, and I will not act impulsively.

But if the current environment can be changed by only risking 1%, so that innocent people will not be implicated, and meat-eaters will be restrained, then I will naturally do my part.

Prudence is to keep me alive, but not just to live.

Life has its own thickness and meaning, whether it is me or someone else.

I have my code of conduct, prudence is my quality, but not my pursuit.

Sitting and watching the vicissitudes of life in the outside world, I stand still - that was never my way.

Three provinces are completed today.

I was aware of my impulsiveness and risk taking.

But if I do it all over again, I will still be like this! "

Li Qingrang put down the pen in his hand, read his review again, and then nodded.

The next moment, starlight flashed, and a page of the book returned to a blank sheet of paper.

Li Qingrang also closed her eyes with peace of mind, and went to bed.

This night, he slept very peacefully!
White light enveloped Li Qingrang's whole body.

The system prompt lights up quietly:

[The host successfully upheld justice for Boss Yue, and rewarded Haoran's righteousness training progress by +1! 】

[The host is knowledgeable and still fearless, and understands the heart of righteousness and arrogance, and rewards the progress of awe-inspiring righteousness +50. 】

【Host please make persistent efforts! 】

(End of this chapter)

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