I trained my sister to the eighth level of boxing

Chapter 983 Conquering a new mount

Chapter 983 Conquering a new mount
Everyone who saw this sword light shuddered at it, what an arrogant sword light!The condensed sword energy is like a koi carp, and it is swaying like the sky and the earth are burning, making people's souls fly away.

This monstrous sword energy instantly cut through the chaos shield of Demon God Bu Song, and chopped Demon God Bu Song and the poisonous snake on his arm from the air to the ground.Lu Ziqing uses the internal and external sword energy that can break through the void. This is the sword technique that once killed the great demon Mirage. It has the power to destroy dimensions and can naturally cut through the chaos shield of Demon God Busong.

Demon God Bu Song looked at the power of this sword in disbelief, wailing and being annihilated in the flames of the sword light.The thought of leaving his name in this foreign land now made him feel ashamed.What he is particularly lucky about now is that he has never said his name out loud before!I hope people in this place don’t understand the food language...

The physical pain and anxiety are nothing to the Demon God Busong, who has a strong recovery ability.But this sword energy actually stabbed his demon soul, which made him horrified and shocked. This was the first time he encountered a sword energy with the ability to burn souls!He had to consider self-destruction in order to return to Chaos as soon as possible, otherwise this sword would destroy his soul.The surrounding Shenwu Sect soldiers took the opportunity to fire another wave of arrows. Demon God Bu Song, who had lost his Chaos Shield, roared angrily and was pierced by cloud-piercing arrows fired by dozens of military crossbows. His body exploded and shattered. The flesh and blood disappeared into a chaotic whirlpool.

The surrounding soldiers burst into cheers, having killed such a powerful demon with ease!

The guard also admires Lu Ziqing, brother, you can do this!I thought I had to wait until a certain sect commander arrived to destroy this demon, but I didn't expect that your sword skills could really break through the opponent's defense.

There was also a dying demon bear on the ground, its body covered with crossbow arrows, like a giant hedgehog.The surrounding soldiers with guns surrounded the demon bear and prepared to kill it.But a mist swept over and the magic bear disappeared.Everyone groaned a few times, and then they all thought that the bear disappeared with the death of the devil.

Lu Ziqing thought, how could he kill such a cool mount casually?When he first saw it, he felt that the bear was very cool, and it should be in line with Huyang's aesthetics. He could give it to Huyang as a gift later.And even if they can't tame it, I believe Huyang and Li Waner will like the bearskin coat.The bear's hide was so big that it was enough to make one for each of them.

Seeing that the demon god was killed, the big-eating assassins knew that there was no hope of their escape. They suddenly shouted a few times together, and then stabbed each other into the hearts of those around them with their knives.The assassin leader saw everyone dead, his face turned black, and he fell to the ground with a plop and died.Since the assassination of Princess Fatima failed, they could not fall into the hands of the Zhou people alive.

The sergeants around wanted to check the corpses, but suddenly all the corpses burst into flames, and soon they were burned beyond recognition.

"Don't touch! It's poisonous!" The person who wanted to put out the fire became dizzy and vomited as soon as he took a few steps closer. He quickly stayed away from these corpses.

Fatty Tianzhu was overjoyed when he saw that all the cannibals were dead, and immediately pretended to be aggrieved and cried.He swore to the sergeants that he was innocent. He had discovered the evil intentions of these cannibals, so he came with a group of mercenaries. Unexpectedly, the cannibals killed all his people.

Lu Ziqing waved his sword, and Fatima came out and said coldly to Fatty Tianzhu: "You lied!"

Fatty Tianzhu bit back: "Generals, please see, they are in the same group as the big cannibal!"

The guard gave you a big slap in the face and blinded you. This is our General Dugu!

Fatty Tianzhu's face suddenly turned pale. He didn't expect that this young man was from the Great Zhou Army, and he seemed to have a high position.

Lu Ziqing was speechless and waved his hand: "Catch him and torture him! His property will be confiscated to the army." Fatty Tianzhu shouted: "You can't do this!"

Lu Ziqing said: "In order to save your life, you gave all your property to these big-eating assassins. These properties no longer belong to you, so naturally they have to be used to compensate for the losses here."

Suddenly Fatty Tianzhu collapsed to the ground, which meant that everyone heard and saw everything.

The owner of the barbecue stall was also arrested, and he explained to Fatima in shame: "I just accidentally chatted with someone and mentioned that there is a girl who knows how to taste wine, who is very similar to us cannibals. As a result, someone came to her door very quickly. They brought your portrait, saying that you must be Princess Fatima, and threatened me to lead the way. If I lied to them, they would kill my whole family, and I really had no choice..."

Fatima reached out and slapped him, and then asked Sergeant Da Zhou to let him go, and it would be a clean slate.The barbecue boss left gratefully.

Fatima felt a little depressed when she was betrayed by the Dashi people. Lu Ziqing took her away from Wuhufang to find another place to live, and set off before dawn the next day.

Flying straight west from Tianwu City, you will enter the Guyue Tianshan Mountains. This Tianshan Mountains have similar names to the Tianshan Mountains on Earth, but they are not the same existence.The main altar of the Mountain God Sect is on one of the main peaks, and can be reached by an ancient road.But this road is already an inaccessible road to death for mortals, and it is only a quarter of the way across the entire Guyue Tianshan Mountain.

Lu Ziqing arrived at the westernmost outpost of Dazhou at noon, and the climate had changed from summer to winter in Dazhou.There were only five sergeants here. After checking Lu Ziqing's seal, he enthusiastically heated water for them to drink.Lu Ziqing gave them some fresh vegetables and fruits, but the soldiers were more happy than seeing meat. They immediately stewed mushrooms for Lu Ziqing and Fatima's lunch.But when they heard that they wanted to continue westward and cross Guyue Tianshan Mountain to Yuezhi, the soldiers stopped them one after another.

"The ancient roads of the prehistoric times were not walked by humans!" Fire Chief advised, "That is a road that only mountain gods can walk."

"Ten miles up from here is a glacier with a man-eating snow monster. Even if you can get through it, you will face never-ending storms and snow. People who died 1 years ago, people who died 1000 years ago, people who died 100 years ago All the people are the same, frozen forever in the ice wall. Even the souls of these dead cannot go to the underworld, and can only mourn in this ice and snow."

"If you want to go to the glacier and see the scenery, we can still lead the way. But if you want to cross the Guyue Tianshan Mountain, it's impossible unless someone from the Mountain God Sect sends you there!"

Lu Ziqing said: "You don't know something about this. In fact, there are two ways to cross Guyue Tianshan Mountain." He had already understood it clearly before setting off.

The fire chief brought a bowl of fragrant mushroom soup and asked for advice: "I would like to hear the details."

(End of this chapter)

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