I trained my sister to the eighth level of boxing

Chapter 967 Qingyang Army is fierce

At this time, a small dragon as big as a snake had woken up Lu Ziqing. Something was wrong.

Lu Ziqing was shocked, your sister!Quickly use the koi waist tag to wake up Lu Zishu. Wake up, someone is attacking at night!
Yan Zongze signaled everyone to release their murderous intent and gave the order: "Let's begin." He also told the sentries of the Qingyang Army that you can give a warning.

Before the sentry could move, suddenly gongs sounded loudly in the camp, and someone shouted loudly: "The enemy is attacking! Form up to fight!"

The entire Qingyang Army camp was immediately filled with tiny sounds and calls to wake each other up.

The four Qi Jinlong brothers woke up together and quickly and quietly started to get dressed.

Since that night, they shouted a warning and bought more time for everyone, which can be regarded as a crime.After being released the next day, Lu Zishu personally treated their injuries as a reward, which also restored their reputation.The four brothers cried bitterly, and finally no one despised them. It felt so good to be human again!

Next, the teaching team focused on their ideological work, and within a few days they no longer wanted to run away.What others can do, of course we, the sons of generals, can do too!We are by no means a cancerous family member who has sneaked into the ranks of the Qingyang Army. We cannot disgrace the old Qi family. The Qingyang Army Quotes say it best: If you don’t steam the steamed buns, you will lose your reputation!

Although they missed a few days of training, the four brothers got dressed quickly due to their relatively high level of cultivation.The Qingyang Army is really awesome. They also grew up in a military town and knew that their own army could not assemble so quickly.

In the darkness, they could hear the team next to them putting on armor faster than them. The four brothers risked their lives to catch up.There was nothing I could do about it. It was all due to proficiency. The captain's cultivation level was lower than that of the four brothers, but he was proficient in it. He could put on the armor well without even looking at it.

"The helmet fell off..." Qi Shuixiong, the youngest, touched the ground with a bloodless face and his hands kept shaking. This was actual combat!

He picked up the helmet with one hand and put it on his head. The team members had already put it on, a full twenty counts faster than them!

"Don't panic!" The leader of the team ordered everyone to pick up their weapons and line up, while helping the water bears tie their armor straps. "The others go out to line up first. There are still thirty to count. You can do it! Pick up your shields. Be careful to protect your head!"

In the darkness, the eyes of the four brothers of the Qi family were wet and warm. This is the meaning of being comrades in the Qingyang Army!I used to think that the captain's cultivation level was not as good as the four brothers, and I looked down on them from the bottom of my heart. Now I feel how ridiculous I am. I used to be a pig!
Amid the nervous gasps, the earth trembled slightly, the sky was filled with fire, and the fierce murderous aura could be felt. The enemy was very strong!

But when all the people stand in a team, close together, they become a strong collective, and the fear disappears.All the people roared from their chests in unison: "Kill--!"

Outside the camp, the generals were slightly surprised by the Qingyang Army's quick response.

Lei Tong said: "It's okay. It seems that there are not only open whistles, but also hidden whistles."

Everyone deliberately rode their unicorns around in the air, throwing balls of fire into the sky to make the enemy attack more real.The sect commanders also released their own pressure, and even rained down fire on the open space in the camp.

Lei Tong fell to the ground and stamped his feet vigorously. Muffled thunder-like sounds rang out from the ground, using this subtle earthquake to intimidate the Qingyang army and create more panic. "Let's see how long it takes for them to calm down." Lei Tong said with a smile. His foot stamped on the ground, which was really no different from the movement of the mountain giant when he was running.

Then I saw groups of soldiers, wearing helmets and armor, carrying swords and guns, rushing out of the camp. Those who came out first were protecting the people behind them. In the darkness, you could feel the uniformity of the army.

Everyone was shocked. Is it really so fast?

The muffled thunder of Lei Tong's footsteps was still reverberating. The Qingyang Army had already assembled. Each neat team unsheathed their swords, strung their bows, and rushed toward the camp gate with neat steps. Someone shouted: "Enemy!" The main force of the army is at the gate!" Everyone everywhere shouted in unison: "Kill——!"

First, a hail of flaming arrows shot towards the camp gate, lighting up the sky, and then the thunderous footsteps of tens of thousands of people sounded from far and near.The sound of machine guns sounded in unison. As long as the opponent was not one of our own, we would fire a wave of volleys first to suppress the sky and the surrounding area.

"F*ck!" Lei Tong was stunned. How many words did he say?The Qingyang Army has all dressed up and is coming to fight!The volley of military crossbows is no joke. No amount of energy within a hundred feet can stop the volley of military crossbows.The Qingyang Army seemed to be well prepared. The crossbowmen all obeyed the orders in unison, aiming first and then launching a volley, covering the entire sky in an instant, making it impossible for the enemy to escape no matter how fast they were.

Yan Zongze and other sect commanders took action together to deflect the incoming arrows.Several sect commanders pretending to be enemy troops in the sky were so frightened that they turned around and ran away. Some of them had no time to run, so they could only use their whole body to swing their weapons and fire the crossbow arrows.If he was shot to death by the Qingyang Army while pretending to be a sneak attack, it would be a disgrace!
Eunuch Wei said excitedly: "Ninety numbers! It's really ninety numbers!"

He started counting from the first sound of the gong. After a full count of ninety, the Qingyang Army launched an attack!
A ray of blue sun lit up the sky. Lu Zishu recognized the bosses and quickly ordered: "It's not an enemy attack! Stop firing arrows! Stop! It's a drill!"

The Qingyang Army's large group of men and horses had already rushed forward with great momentum. Lei Qiu, Daxi, General Dingyuan and other eldest disciples were all dumbfounded. The firelight had already illuminated each other, and murderous intent rushed directly to their heads. Shields and spears rolled towards them. The people behind were already preparing to throw the rising dragon spears, and the gun heads were condensed with flames. They saw thousands of rising dragon spears about to be thrown out at once!The Shenglong Gun's attack capability is higher than that of military crossbows. It can't be blocked by copper or iron walls when thrown together, and even shields can be blasted through. Moreover, the explosion of fire produced by throwing them together is equivalent to a large-scale pyrotechnic explosion, which can spread hundreds of feet.

Even Yan Zongze was sweating.

At this time, everyone in the Qingyang Army stopped all actions following Lu Zishu's order, and then the generals of each team were giving commands: "The acting is over! Everyone is listening to the command! Stand at attention——!"

With a few swish of armors and footsteps, the army collectively stood at attention, changing from an offensive state to a still state, with almost no collision.

"Sheath the knife!"

"Every team listens to the order! Bring the whole team back!"

Amidst the neat commands, the soldiers of each team stood in place in neat lines, then ran, turned around and took them back to the camp in an orderly manner.In the blink of an eye, 5000 people were brought back neatly and disappeared completely without any noise or confusion, not even a sound of surprise.

The silence and order at this time shocked them even more than the combat effectiveness of the Qingyang Army before.

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