Chapter 929

The eight cloud neutrons rolled up the Gangfeng with all their strength, making them appear even larger in size, causing chaos in front of the pass like a fierce god blocking the road.All the roadblocks were sucked up by Yun Zhongzi and thrown all over the sky. The sergeants on the side of the road screamed and evaded, but they did not dare to attack Yun Zhongzi without orders.In fact, even random attacks are useless. Cloud Neutron has no entity and is not afraid of pure physical attacks.Therefore, facing the powerful crossbows around them, Yun Zhongzi dismissed them.

Nightshade even showed her vicious dog demeanor and threw the general order directly at Da Xi's face.

Daxi stretched out his hand to catch it, a bolt of thunder flashed from the commander's command, was shaken away by Daxi's stellar energy, and scattered into the air.Daxi's face is very gloomy. How dare you be more arrogant than me when you first arrive here?What kind of monsters are these?Never seen it before, not even heard of it.

Nightshade said contemptuously: "I have handed over the general order to you! Check it quickly, if it delays the commander's entry into the city, you will all die——!"

As he spoke, the eight huge cloud neutrons also roared in unison, and suddenly a thunderstorm was set off in the air, frightening all the Tiger Wing Rangers to run away immediately. The sergeants at the top of the city either used Gang Qi to protect their bodies, or huddled directly under the wall. .

Daxi waved his hand and said, "Retreat."

Before receiving the general's order, he could pretend not to know the origin of this army. It was his duty to investigate carefully.Now that the general order has been handed to him, it would be a bit ignorant to stop him and question him again.Looking back, Danyangzi asked, since I have received the general's order, why do you still dare to block my army from entering the city?Then aren't you looking for death?

The Tiger Wing Rangers all withdrew, and all the roadblocks under the city were quickly opened.But in just a short time, the baggage convoy was only half a mile away from the city.

Lu Ziqing roared at the people who were knocked away: "Get out of the way! Everyone, make way! Can you afford the punishment for delaying the army's entry into the city?"

Wasui directly uses its horns to open the way. No matter what kind of roadblock or boulder it is, it shakes its horns and smashes them all.The strong wind shattered everything, the stone grinders opened the way to the sound of war drums, and the rugged road instantly became smooth.

The baggage soldiers at the back saw how fierce the vanguard in front was, and they all pushed the carts as hard as they could to the beat of the drums. The huge baggage carts dragged by oxen and horses created a new marching speed.Lu Zishu's vitality domain was slightly released, and the cows, horses, and civilians all seemed to have endless strength, shouting chants and galloping forward in small steps to the exciting drumbeats.

The roadside was full of scattered debris and defenders rolling on the ground. They all groaned and thought to themselves, can you not shout to get out of the way after knocking us away?

A veteran lay on the ground, rolled skillfully to a safe position, and stopped in a comfortable position. He whispered to the recruits around him: "Don't get up yet. Wait for the leader to pass, so as not to get scolded."

Originally, these defenders were responsible for showing off their power, and the camp wanted to show off its power to the newly arrived troops. This was obvious at a glance.Although it works well most of the time, there are occasional snags.What is in front of me is that although it is a baggage team responsible for escorting grain and grass, it is flying the flag of the Lieyang Army. The city is not blind, how can it not be seen?It's just that they, the lowest-ranking sergeants, have the misfortune of being caught in the middle.

"Wow!" The recruit Danzi next to him suddenly let out a sleepy voice.

The veteran raised his head and saw a bright blue sun all at once.Lu Zishu sat on the back of a blue and white lion unicorn, with a dashing and heroic posture, and a steely strength in the deserted scene. She showed the calmness of man and horse as she galloped past. "Wow!" The veteran was surprised to realize that he had made the same sound as the recruit. Then he was surprised to find that the place where he was hit no longer hurt, and the wound torn by the strong wind had also healed!Gusts of breeze fell, and their injuries were healing quickly?The cyan sun carried a warm wind, exuding the taste of being alive under the sun.

No matter who follows such a general, they can come back alive!

Such thoughts instantly rose like wildfire in the heart of the veteran. His eyes became awe-inspiring, and he bowed his head and prostrated in front of the swords held high by the generals behind him.

The convoy loaded with heavy supplies, grain and grass rolled past like a torrent. The sound of people's footsteps, shouts, neighing of cattle and horses, and the violent rotation of wheels was so intense, and the morale was as hot as fire.

Lu Ziqing, who was at the front, had already arrived at the city gate, and saw two mountain giants as tall as mountains approaching him.

"Kid, slow down!" the giant in the lead grinned ferociously, "be careful of hitting the city gate!"

The two of them reached out and rushed toward Fa Sui, intending to use their strength to force the big monster to stop.Speaking of body shape, both of them were taller than Fa Sui, and their bodies were as solid as stone, and they didn't care about Gang Feng at all.

Mountain God Sect?Lu Ziqing knew that many disciples of the Mountain God Sect had a good relationship with the Shenwu Sect and served in the military.This rock-like body is their cassock.In fact, their bodies are wrapped in rocks just like ordinary people.

With a loud bang, Fa Chong's horn that could destroy rocks was caught by two people together.The tremors of the earth also disappeared, and everyone could not shake the ground, and could only fight each other with brute force.

Fa Sui was angry. This was the first time I saw someone trying to compete with me!Under the flying collision, Fa Sui, which was dragging the huge stone roller, pushed the two giants five feet away, but its momentum was still resisted by the two.

Lu Ziqing was also a little surprised, and then he understood that these two people were local mountain gods, and their power was enhanced by the surrounding mountains. No matter how powerful they were, they would not be able to withstand them.However, the Xiaoyun Sect's sword energy was its nemesis. Lu Ziqing raised his drumstick, beat the drum with all his strength, and shouted: "Get out of the way!".

The sword energy hit the two giants at the same time with the sound waves of Kuotian drum. The thunderous drum sound made the eyes of the two go black. At the same time, the sword energy had detected the acupoints on their bodies. With a single movement, he penetrated into the bodies of the two of them.

Everyone saw two stone giants as tall as mountains suddenly knocked over backwards, their bodies covered with cracks, and they became motionless.

Fa Sui dragged a huge stone roller and rushed between the two giants with thunderous steps. The sergeant responsible for opening the door was frightened. They delayed deliberately to create a reason for the two mountain gods to block the way. Unexpectedly, The two mountain gods were knocked over at once.Seeing that the huge rhinoceros monster was already swinging its horns and crashing towards them, if the door wasn't opened yet, it would hit the city gate directly.As a result of this collision, whether the door was not knocked open or the door was broken, someone must be responsible for it, and the scapegoat must be those of them who were responsible for opening the door.

(End of this chapter)

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