I trained my sister to the eighth level of boxing

Chapter 889 Yu Min Visits Julu Mansion

Chapter 889 Yu Min Visits Julu Mansion

The eldest sons chased Suzaku, rushed down the mountain road quickly, and then saw Lu Zishu looking at them in the Qiankun formation.The footsteps of a group of people stopped abruptly, and they crashed into a ball.

Lu Zishu asked puzzledly, "What are you doing?"

"We think..." Lei Qiu and the others laughed dryly, "We think that only you, Lu Zishu, are worthy of owning such a divine bird!"

"We've figured out the trick to taming it." A group of eldest sons echoed, "Just give us a few more days..."

"But it belongs to my family." Lu Zishu was speechless.

A group of eldest sons saw Suzaku circling in the sky and turned into petrification one after another.This Suzaku belongs to your family?
Lei Qiu saw Lu Ziqing, and recognized him this time: "The white strips in the waves?"

Lu Ziqing said, "Yes." Then he pouted at Lu Zishu, "Lu Zishu is my sister."

"Could it be?" A guess arose in Lei Qiu's heart. The big vulture from Shenwumen...

Lu Ziqing nodded: "It's the same one."

"But that..."

Lu Ziqing said nonsense: "The Suzaku moults when it is young, it is ugly, and its cry is ugly. But, you have to believe it, it is really the same one."

Zhu Yu flapped his wings and flew up, spraying a shocking amount of poop on the head of the sluggish Lei Qiu, splashing white spots all over the heads of the group of eldest sons, and then Zhu Yu screamed happily, and disappeared into the universe formation.For a gentleman to take revenge, one brew is enough.

Lu Zishu looked at a group of eldest sons covered with snow, and didn't know what to say: "See you later."

Lu Ziqing took all the people and disappeared into the Qiankun formation, Lei Qiu and the eldest sons were completely stunned.

Suddenly there was a cry on the mountain road: "How can you forget me? Wait for me!"

Seeing that the light of the Qiankun Formation was about to dissipate, the warriors of Shenying had already disconnected the teleportation, Xuanwu sword sage Wei Yue directly transformed into Xuanwu, rolled down from the mountain road into a big turtle shell: "Get out of the way! ! Hurry up!"

"What is this, mythical beast Xuanwu?" Lei Qiu was both surprised and delighted, "It can still talk!"

"Xuanwu is also fine, grab it!"

Then there was a bang, the huge power of Xuanwu and the spikes on the tortoise shell knocked Lei Qiu and the eldest sons into the air.

Wei Yue scolded the street, caught up to the last moment in time, and disappeared into the universe: "Mom sells batches, where are these second-hand goods!"


The Xiannongtan outside the Julu Mansion, the Qiankun Formation was directly transferred here.

This is the re-established Hongmeng Altar, which enshrines the ancestors of Hongmeng and the gods of Nongsang. Many disciples of Xiannongmai settled here, and together with Baicaomen, they helped the people in various villages grow peppers and cotton.The temple of Ancestor Hongmeng, which had been destroyed in Julu Mansion for a long time, reappeared here. Everyone paid respects to the statue of the Ancestor seriously. reverberates.

Ban Shugong and several Tiangongmen master craftsmen all put on bamboo hats, simply covering their faces.Tiangongmen's gate rules forbid them to have too much contact with the world, so they take a cold-eyed attitude towards everything in the world.In addition to the investigation and research related to the project, they will also record to what extent the world's technology has developed, and whether there are abnormal black technologies disrupting the world.

After leaving the Xiannongtan Temple, you can see the magnificent city walls of Julu Mansion, which is not inferior to the scale of Wangjing.Bustling crowds have resumed on the official roads. The vendors and the endless stream of people in all directions make people wonder whether the chaos just a few months ago was an illusion based on rumors.

Tianguan Yu Min praised: "This is really unexpected, Julu Mansion restored order so quickly."

Lu Ziqing said proudly: "My father has implemented a series of reforms throughout Julu County, bringing many grain stores and shops that are related to people's livelihood into government operations, so that prices can be stabilized."

It's not bragging, except for our Lu family, who can restore the prosperity of Julu's completely collapsed city so quickly?Even if the emperor gives money, he can't do it!
Yu Min looked at the "Lu Ji" signboard hanging on the official grain store, and said with a smile, "Isn't everyone in Julu's official camp surnamed Lu?"

"I can't help it." Lu Ziqing quickly explained that my father's thunderous tactics offended many people. Many local snakes were resisting the reform.But the common people still want to eat. Luji Grain Store, Luji Restaurant, Luji Commissary, and Luji Cloth Shop all use the most affordable prices to protect the interests of the people.As time goes by, everyone will naturally know that Mr. Lu is good, and those slanderous words will no longer be heard.

Lu Zishu also hurriedly introduced one by one to the heavenly official Yu Min: "Julu Mansion is a place where all directions are attacked, and naturally it is to develop commerce. In the past, it was controlled by the four major chambers of commerce. Now after they are eradicated together, small and medium merchants can It has been well developed, and the current government is committed to protecting the underlying economy."

"Yeah." Yu Min expressed her understanding. To be honest, if the Lu family hadn't paid for it themselves and took the risk, the market wouldn't have stabilized so quickly.

Lu Ziqing said: "We are not only stabilizing prices, but also overhauling the school. As the saying goes, there are too many rich and unkind local tyrants and evil gentry, and we must strengthen their education. My father and the local honest and upright people ruled together. Many industries of the Great Chamber of Commerce are now being rebuilt, government schools are established, and culture and education are strengthened. This is where the previous Julu Mansion was seriously lacking."

"The government has retained the relatively well-developed opera industry and catering industry. The current Julu Mansion is best known for its folk cuisine."

"In summer, there will be a bumper harvest of long-staple cotton and dragon pepper, and the entire Julu County will have a strong characteristic industry. Both farmers and businesses will benefit, and public grievances will soon be eliminated."

Lu Ziqing talked about the focus of this trip: "So what is most lacking now is the road! It is a strong transportation capacity!"

The powerful immortal method of Qiankun Formation cannot replace folk transportation.One is that people without cultivation base cannot use it by themselves, and the other is that the magic power required to move the goods is beyond imagination.Tiangongmen has a deep understanding of this. If the immortal method is abused, the spiritual energy in the world will be exhausted rapidly and it will become a dead place.

At this time, Suzaku had already quickly carried Wei Yue, the basalt sword sage on his back, and flew back to the Lu residence to report the news. Master Lu was shocked when he got the news, and the heavenly official Yu Min came to visit. Hui's distinguished guest, but why did he come to visit so suddenly?

Wei Yue explained: "Master Yu just wants to ask for a glass of wine and have a relationship with you, sir, and doesn't want to make something earth-shattering."

Lu Yucun immediately notified all the staff and servants at home to clean the courtyard and welcome the distinguished guests.

The officials of Julu Mansion were shocked, did we commit a crime?Did the imperial court kill the donkey so quickly?No, we donkeys are just starting to pull the mill!

(End of this chapter)

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