Chapter 861

Lu Ziqing asked thoughtfully, "Does one have to experience sadness in order to have real joy?"

Ancestor Hongmeng said: "It's only a dream in 15 years. When I wake up, I laugh and cry, or cry and laugh. What's the difference?"

"Master, I can't see that you are still a philosopher!" Lu Ziqing drank his glass in one gulp, "I respect you!"

"Dugu Bai! Why are you still drinking?" Princess Huyang's voice suddenly came from below, and Su Xi hurriedly returned to Haitian Yijian.

Lu Ziqing looked back, and saw that Princess Huyang climbed up by grabbing Patriarch Hongmeng's lapel just like Brother Cruise climbed the rock, her face still flushed.

Su Xi's voice said: "Spare the princess more."

Lu Ziqing groaned, why does the sword spirit still care about me?But since Dugu is defeated now, naturally he has to treat the princess better.

Ancestor Hongmeng said: "Go. You young people, just make fun of yourself."

With a wave of his hand, an auspicious cloud sent Lu Ziqing and Huyang down together, and landed in front of a pavilion in Yaochi. Outside the stone fence where the dragons and phoenixes were playing, there was a pond in full bloom of golden lotus.They have been to this place before, and they will not get lost.Now after merging with the space of Huntian Hall, this place has become the meeting place of Hongmeng Sect, only the sound of Pang Min crying and laughing can be heard not far away.

Huyang Hanhan said: "Ah, I finally climbed up."

Lu Ziqing was still holding the wine bowl, seeing that there was no more wine, he put it into his treasure bag and picked it up.Look around, Yaochi Wonderland has merged with the Huntian Hall, and the appearance of the Nine Heavenly Venerates is unattainable, surrounded by clouds and mist, the figures of the Nine Heavenly Venerates and the gods of all schools are gone. Important things to discuss.The Nine Heavenly Venerates will definitely issue instructions directly to their respective sects to restore the loss caused by the immutable time and space in the past 15 years.

Lu Ziqing said: "The patriarch has business to do, let's play with us."

Princess Huyang said: "Everyone doesn't know where they are going, what are they playing?"

As she spoke, she secretly tugged on Lu Ziqing's arm, surrounded by clouds and mists, why don't we...Princess Huyang blushes, isn't this a good opportunity to make out?Hu Yang's eyes were blurred, and his mouth was ready.

A monster's shadow suddenly appeared in the mist beside him, with a long face, lying on the table, breathing alcohol and saying to the two, "Sing and dance!"

Princess Huyang was so frightened that she jumped up and down, turned around and punched her, but fortunately she was grabbed by Lu Ziqing: "Stop it—it's my uncle!"

The old Qilin covered his face in fright, what are you doing, you want to hit me again?What the hell is going on in your little head, girl, that makes you jump up and down in fright?

Princess Huyang pouted, I don't want to see you right now, old man.

Lu Ziqing slapped his head, yes, let's sing, now is the time to sing.Generally, the banquet is officially opened, so there must be someone playing the piano and singing on the side to look high-end.

Princess Huyang asked: "Why?"

Lu Ziqing said: "In this situation, there should be a song. You see your mother is crying, why don't we go and coax her?" He pulled Huyang over and whispered in his ear, Huyang smiled, okay.

Pang Min was crying so hard that he couldn't stop, he hugged Jiulang and then Juro, crying "Don't leave me", no one could persuade him.The emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty could only look around alone, pretending not to see anything, when suddenly a group of colorful auspicious clouds rushed over, and there was a crisp and strange sound of pipa inside.

"Li Dio you know the secret?"

Pang Min stopped short of breath, and almost scolded, laughing at your mother!Didn't you see the old lady crying?

As soon as the fog cleared, Princess Huyang appeared, holding a cloak in her hand, writhing there like a water plant.

Pang Min was immediately overjoyed, laughing through tears.

Lu Ziqing rode an old unicorn, pulling a borrowed pipa as a guitar in the mist: "Loneliness is locked in the dark and shaken, the soul is ecstasy and the body is ethereal... Troubled... How can we cross the blue bridge together?"

The lyrics touched all the six generals of Yinshan, Balang, Jiulang, and Shilang, isn't that what happened?
"The singing is so ugly!" Pang Min was angry and funny, but he was not so sad anymore. He couldn't stop crying, grabbed his wine glass and hit him in the mist, "Dugu Bai, get out of here!"

There was a sound of "ouch" in the mist, and I hit it straight.

Pang Min didn't expect to hit it. Princess Huyang stuck out her tongue, writhed there like a prawn, then retreated into the cloud and ran away with Lu Ziqing.

Pang Min burst out laughing after the two of them made such a fuss, and suddenly his sadness was greatly relieved, and his mood improved.Everyone who saw this scene burst out laughing, the princess is so cute, and the caring little padded jacket came just in time.Otherwise, if Pang Min kept crying, the dead would not know what to do.

In the mist, the singing sounded again, left and right.Lu Ziqing continued to sing around. Although the sound of the piano was super bad, the singing was indifferent, which made people feel elegant and proud in the midst of sorrow and joy.Everyone listened quietly, and Pang Min stopped crying.

Yin Liulang praised: "This is a good song. Junior sister, Dugu Bai is indeed a rare talent."

The emperor of the Great Zhou thought, fate is impermanent, and he sang all the things you dare not say in your heart, right?I've been thinking about my wife for 20 years, and I still want to come back from the lower realm to be a flower protector even after Feisheng. It's you guys who have been ruthless all this time!

Spending the blue bridge together, that is the story of the young master Peihang begging for water on the blue bridge, meeting the fairies in the moon palace, and finally getting married despite hardships. The blue bridge fairy cave is another name for the moon palace.Seeing Lu Ziqing and Hu Yang mingling again, Ji Guang was not happy being a father.However, Lu Ziqing sang well, and Ji Guang immediately felt a lot better.

Pang Min snorted, "What kind of talent, I believe in a courtier."

Thinking of how much she cried just now, Pang Min couldn't help but smile, and immediately revealed a dimpled smile.Surrounded by amazing and knowing laughter, a group of dead people said that we just can't let go of this smile, so we don't want to reincarnate.

Lu Ziqing and Hu Yang were relieved to see it in the mist.

Then the two clapped their hands tacitly, the plan was successful, oh yeah!
Lu Ziqing said: "I'm right, my lady won't cry when she sees you jumping on seaweed."

Hu Yang said happily: "The main thing is that you sing well."

"But you play the pipa so badly!" Li Wan'er and Lu Zishu both searched for the sound, and both of them had just recovered from drinking, and their faces were flushed.

Lu Ziqing asked, "Where's Yu Ting?"

"She's too drunk and still asleep. The junior sisters are watching over her." Li Wan'er shook her head, and took the pipa from Lu Ziqing, "Let me do it."

Lu Zishu also took out the flute, which was naturally not the Sansheng bamboo flute, but an ordinary flute.Okay, we will play a song together, Dugu Bai will sing and Huyang will dance.

Hu Yang was very confident in his dancing posture at the moment, and immediately applauded.As a result, touring concert groups appeared everywhere in Yaochi Wonderland, with chic music sounding from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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