Chapter 859 10 People Drink Immortal Wine

Jinse's piano sound suddenly produced an ominous mournful sound, which affected the whole team.Everyone is thinking, it's not me that has a problem, it must be someone else!

"Don't worry about others, it's about to end, show your best self!" Xumizi saw that the panic was spreading rapidly, and immediately transmitted the sound into the secret, only the disciples of Tianqiong Academy could hear, "Steady ! Jinse, I'm watching you!"

Jinse rode a white crane and flew straight up to the sky. The emperor Baose faced the sky, and there was a golden light at the opening of the clouds. This is the morning light brought by Tianqiong Academy, which symbolizes the future of Tianqiong Academy...

Zhen Yuanzi vomited with a wow.

Jinse was stunned, did my performance make Master sick?
Xumizi blew a side note and almost hit her.Then a white crane bumped into with the canopy marshal with a fat head and big ears. It was supposed to be two white crane teams crossing under Jinse's feet, but now they hurriedly stopped but couldn't stop anymore. The pig's head slammed into her chest with a squeak and let out a scream. The nine-foot rake just hit the strings of her piano, making a mournful sound of strings breaking.There was a series of crashes in succession, dozens of white cranes and all kinds of fairy spirits crashed into a ball.

All the audience were stunned. They acted so well just now, why did they make a mistake all of a sudden?Because the formation was originally divided into two groups of white cranes, which crossed and flew under Jinse's feet, they all collided into a ball now, changing from a picture scroll full of fairy spirits to a chicken coop roiled by weasels.The white crane was transformed by the teenagers, and when they collided together, they immediately changed back to their original shape. A large group of teenagers and girls screamed and collided with all kinds of fairies into a big ball in mid-air, and all kinds of magic weapons shot out all over the sky with brilliance. .

Lu Ziqing exclaimed, wow, this is the moment when a new star is born, it is so creative!Everyone collided together and sparked, falling to the ground and turning into a new mountain. This is a great fusion of nations!

A strong young man resisted the embarrassing atmosphere, maintained his chic and elegant, slowly landed on the crowd, and played the last note of the flute. This person was Xu Mizi, the eldest brother of Tianqiong Academy.This profound skill and excellent psychological quality made this Yin have to hang around for three days no matter what.Then there was a bang, and a piece of emperor's treasure fell from the sky and hit Xumizi on the top of Xumizi's head. Xumizi rolled his eyes and fell down.

Lu Ziqing was the first to jump up and cheer: "Good!"

It turned out that this is a funny show!To be able to perform the birthday celebration dance dedicated to the ancestors with the visual sense of "Tom and Mouse" is really amazing!The only one in the big week!
Su Xi hurriedly stopped Lu Ziqing, don't boo, this is not a joke, this is really a bad show.Su Xi knew that Lu Ziqing drank too much, although he looked sober, he was already a little drifting.

Lu Ziqing said strangely: "How can this be booing, I really haven't seen anything funnier than this..." He laughed so hard that tears came out, is this scene talking about stepping on the bones?Once you succeed in everything, you will be struck by lightning. What a rich connotation!

Su Xi couldn't help laughing, as long as you are happy.

Jinse gritted her teeth and pushed away the pig's head that was pressing on her, and stood on top of the crowd and took the lead and said loudly: "I wish my ancestors blessings like the East Sea, and longevity than Nanshan!"

All the disciples of Tianqiong Academy hurriedly shouted congratulations hysterically, otherwise it would not be considered over.All of them were so crushed that their faces twitched, and they had to try hard to keep smiling.

Lu Ziqing burst out laughing immediately, and there was a lot of joyful laughter all around, which added a lot to the atmosphere.

Zhen Yuanzi just vomited and saw the chaos off the field, and was so angry that he vomited blood for three liters, his eyeballs protruded, what the hell are you doing? !

At this moment, Lu Ziqing said with sword heart: "Cheers!"

Immediately, Abbas and other disciples of Hongmeng Academy, and even the entire Xiaoyun Sect applauded.Although everyone can't understand Lu Ziqing's excitement, but after laughing, there should be some cheers.Anyway, Yan Shisan said that there should be cheers here, so everyone cheered quickly.

Then the audience around also booed and applauded together, and even the immortals in the sky couldn't stop laughing and cheered one after another.

Zhen Yuanzi and the disciples of Tianqiong Academy are ashamed, is this a boo?
The huge figure of Tianzun behind Zhen Yuanzi leaned over, and Patriarch Tianqing praised Zhen Yuanzi: "The effect is good! Surprisingly good-looking! Everyone likes it!"

Zhen Yuanzi pushed Patriarch Tianqing's face back, you must be demented, sit down.

Xie Wushuang's face was full of black lines. Patriarch Tianqing has been seriously injured for 500 years, and he has never cared about the affairs of the world. Maybe he is really a little demented.

Fortunately, at this time, a fog in the arena covered the chaotic crowd of Tianqiong Academy and transferred them back to the stand in an instant.

After the performance of the birthday celebration, the fairies in the fairyland of Yaochi waved their sleeves and brought fine wine to every distinguished fairy.The same is true on the table below, there are pandas holding the wine jars everywhere, and when the wine jars are opened, the fragrance will fill the courtyard, filling every guest.

Immediately everyone was excited, this is the real Yao Chi Immortal Wine!Xiang, this wine is really fragrant!Everyone drank water before!
Ancestor Hongmeng raised his glass to invite:

"All gentlemen, let's raise our glasses together and drink the Yaochi Immortal Wine!"

10 people toasted together and congratulated in unison: "The ancestors will enjoy immortal blessings forever, and live as long as the sky!"

Zhen Yuanzi also got the wine glass, smelled it, and was shocked, this wine is wrong!He immediately wanted to exclaim, slowly...

I saw that all the people drank the wine in one gulp, and then watched 10 people crash, and [-] fell down.

Lu Ziqing laughed out loud, you guys can't even drink!
Xie Wushuang looked at the wine glass in shock, and asked Zhen Yuanzi suspiciously: "Master, is this wine?"

Zhen Yuanzi silently drank the wine glass in his hand, his face livid: "Drink."

Xie Wushuang started to drink too, and just as she finished drinking, the wine glass in her hand suddenly became full again.

Xie Wushuang blushed, this wine is so strong!I'm a dragon, how can I get drunk after a glass of wine?Eh, no, the aroma in this wine is so familiar, it seems to be ginseng fruit?

"Master, what is this?" Xie Wushuang raised the wine in his glass to Zhen Yuanzi despite his drunkenness.

Zhen Yuanzi nodded silently, that's exactly what you think.

The fairies poured wine for those who were not yet drunk, and the banquet officially began.

Someone looked at the sky with drunk eyes, hey, why does it seem that the sky and the earth are getting closer, and the immortals in the sky seem to be connected to the ground?

"Yaochi Wonderland?" Those who were still awake reminded each other, "Wonderland has come!"

(End of this chapter)

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