Another large group of butterflies appeared in front of them, blocking the way. Lu Ziqing shouted loudly, and two Tianxing Sword Qi crystals burst out into the Soul Burning Sword Gang, sweeping away the group of butterflies. Lu Ziqing rushed past in an instant without looking back. Leaving the butterfly group behind.

The screams of Yun Xi and Xue'er came from Hai Tianyi's sword: "Run quickly——!"

Lu Ziqing didn't need to look back, he could see what was behind him through the sight of the sword spirits, like a flood of flowers and butterflies, chasing him. Fortunately, the flying speed of these things was much slower than his own, and when Lu Ziqing finally flew over the top of the crater, the butterflies stopped chasing him, dispersed with a bang, and flew back to their original branches.

The Tianxing Sword Qi crystal has been repositioned, and the angle between the two crystals has changed visible to the naked eye, indicating that it is very close to the third crystal.

Lu Ziqing was frightened by the sight in front of him. Inside the crater was a huge red and black ocean! Although there was red magma flowing everywhere, the strange thing was that no hot air waves could be felt. This completely subverted Lu Ziqing's understanding. Magma should be hot, but here, the magma just feels warm and moist. Moreover, there are many huge pits on the surface of the magma, just like the face of pockmarks, and there are more pits than the surface of the moon where meteorites have hit. In addition to these magma, there are ponds formed by black water inside the crater, and the monsters come from these. Climb out of the pond and out of all kinds of potholes and corners.

Lu Ziqing was flying so fast that he couldn't see clearly for a while, but gradually, he also saw clearly that the black pond inside the crater was filled with rotten soil, and the magma pit was full of corpses! All kinds of corpses, human, demon, dragon... On the surface at the bottom of the crater, some broken tree root-like root systems protruded. The demons stayed under the roots, and there were many that exuded souls. The ghosts of light also crawled out from under the tree roots and wandered in the lava and pools in groups, like a sacred pilgrimage.

Lu Ziqing flew over a huge magma pool. The demons here seemed different from other demons. They actually had armors! I saw them making weapons and even armor in the magma pool. When they discovered Lu Ziqing's invasion, they let out a low roar, and then several zombie dragons took off into the air and chased Lu Ziqing.

Lu Ziqing didn't have time to think too much, he just flew as fast as he could, flying hundreds of miles, and then he followed the guidance of the two sword energy crystals and rushed directly into the largest dead sea. As expected, those monsters and dead dragons gave up the pursuit and ignored them.

Lu Ziqing continued to swim quickly towards the target, and he was very close. A wave of evil and painful thoughts invaded him, and Lu Ziqing immediately used the Jade Pure Mind Technique to resist. All kinds of negative emotions in life come like a tide, but they are quickly purified by the Yuqing Heart Method.

Soon Lu Ziqing saw something like a nebula, floating in the dark sea water, with two Tianxing Sword Qi crystals pointing straight into it. Lu Ziqing rushed forward and couldn't see why. He just thought it was a large transparent thing.

"Could it be that this is the Lord of the Abyss?" Lu Ziqing had no time to think and directly knocked out the Tianxing Sword Qi crystal, tearing the nebula-like thing in front of him into pieces. This is the sharpest sword energy in the world, it can crush everything. Lu Ziqing also used all his strength for this blow. Although he couldn't see it, there must be something in this nebula.

The sword energy seemed to tear apart a barrier in an instant, and immediately, the third crystal of Tianxing Sword Energy flew out from the shattered nebula.

At the same time, this fragmented nebula was also activated. It seemed to wake up from its slumber and surged rapidly. Soul lights were everywhere, condensing into the huge face of the dead souls, and rising from the coiled body. The state dissipated, revealing densely packed legs and a demon-like white skull. Huge fangs emerged from its mouth. It turned out to be a giant centipede-like monster, which opened its mouth to bite Lu Ziqing. It opened its fangs, and a nebula-like brilliance spurted out of its mouth, but Lu Ziqing ran away without looking back.    Only fools fight the Boss at this time! Those huge fangs that made people's scalp numb just by looking at them were chasing after Lu Ziqing. If he got entangled, he would be dead!

Lu Ziqing rushed out of the dead sea, his sword quickly rose into the air, and he watched as the monster roared out of the sea and then fell helplessly. At this time, demon monsters everywhere were alerted and flew over on zombie dragons.

Lu Ziqing cursed the street, relied on his telepathy with Nightshade, found the direction of the meeting, and flew high into the sky. The flying speed of these zombie dragons is not very fast, but the monsters above are more difficult to deal with. These demons wearing armor are undoubtedly much more difficult to deal with than the demons in Nanhai Town, and they are among the elite troops of the demons. They were riding dragons, and they started using magic from a distance of dozens of feet, shooting out balls of black light at Lu Ziqing. These black lights are wrapped in resentful spirits and will automatically pursue them.

Lu Ziqing's sword flashed wildly one after another. Judging from his many years of gaming experience, such attacks must not be received forcefully! He used the Hongmeng Wushen Qi to construct the Tianhong Armor, and used the sword Qi to blow away the resentful spirits. His figure was already soaring into the sky like a rocket.

However, at this moment, a huge suction force suddenly came from behind him.

"Bone Transformation Dragon!" Lu Ziqing was very familiar with this devouring ability, so he shot out a Dragon King Evil Killing Pill with his backhand, and then sent a sharp sword energy.

The whirlpool-like devouring feeling immediately disappeared, and a skeleton dragon let out a painful howl and vomited in the air.

Lu Ziqing shoots another Tianxing Sword Qi crystal, you die!

However, at this moment, a dragon claw struck down with bloody lightning, and half of the sky was covered by the thunder set off by the dragon claw. The Tianxing Sword Qi crystal immediately retreated, and the three sword Qi crystals circled around Lu Ziqing at high speed, smashing the fallen dragon claw into pieces.

"Ouch——! It hurts——!" This voice sounded very happy, as if enjoying it, and it was a bit familiar.

Lu Ziqing looked at the scarlet red dragon that appeared in front of him, and his heart suddenly sank to the point where it could no longer sink. He never expected to see Sister Hong in this place!

Moreover, Sister Hong's appearance is completely different from before. After turning into a dragon, her size is much larger, and her whole body is full of powerful aura, which is completely different from before. One of her dragon claws was torn apart by the sword energy crystal, and blood mist gushed out from the severed limb. Within a short time visible to the naked eye, the dragon claw returned to its original shape.

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