I trained my sister to the eighth level of boxing

Chapter 1072: Feel the Pure Land of Bliss

Chapter 1072: Feel the Pure Land of Bliss

Lu Ziqing smelled the fragrance of pear blossoms from Qiluo's body, and his sadness suddenly stopped, and he was secretly shocked. This evil wind was so powerful that he could not resist it at all with his own power.

Qiluo said: "What flows in this river of Hades is not water, but countless sins. Even if the Great Luo Immortal falls into it, it won't be much better than you."

A strong wind blew, and Qiluo's misty curls were blown away, which seemed very bad.Lu Ziqing was almost thrown out, and subconsciously hugged Qiluo's waist, finding that it was soft and warm, not like a spirit body at all.

Qiluo yelled lightly: "Don't touch it with your hands!" But she didn't have time to teach him a lesson, so she could only concentrate on flying the misty scroll across the River Styx.The higher you fly, the stronger the wind becomes, so Qiluo can only fly close to the river, which is safer.Her white cloud sleeves are like a pair of wings, and the scroll is trailing behind her, like a big white peacock flying.

Although the Styx River is very wide, Qiluo is familiar with walking and flew across it in a short time.Many souls were running away on the shore, and they seemed to be afraid of Qiluo.

Lu Ziqing asked strangely: "Isn't this the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss? Why are there so many sins and wandering souls?"

Qiluo said lightly: "The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is easier for people to get lost than the endless hell, and bliss and pain are inseparable. When you indulge in bliss for a hundred years, endless sins will naturally be born, and then you will fall and wander."

Lu Ziqing shook his head: "I don't understand."

Qiluo said: "If there is only happiness, how is it different from the walking dead? The more happiness you have, the less you will feel happiness, and then you will degenerate into these wandering souls, pursuing eternal happiness by the River Styx, but... I can’t feel true happiness...one day I will jump into the River Styx myself.”

Lu Ziqing was horrified: "What will happen?"

Qiluo sneered: "Who knows? The River Styx is endless chaos, and there are as many sentient and heartless worlds as sand. After you jump in, whether you become an ant, a flower, a plant, or a demon is all yours. Choice. But in short, if you jump into the River Styx, you will be far away from the reincarnation of the world and become completely free."

While he was talking, a stormy wave arose on the River Styx.

Qiluo also frowned: "It's weird, I don't know what's going on with the wind today."

The Piaomiao Scroll shook violently. Not to mention Lu Ziqing couldn't bear it, even Qiluo hurriedly hid in the Piaomiao Scroll.Then the misty scroll was blown high into the air and kept spinning over the Styx River. Lu Ziqing held Qiluo's waist tightly and wouldn't let go. If it accidentally fell out, he didn't know what would happen to it.

"Don't hug her so tightly, I can't breathe!" Qiluo squeaked, but she didn't push Lu Ziqing away because she was also scared. She felt safer being hugged tightly by Lu Ziqing.

The misty scroll flew in the strong wind for a long time, and finally landed gently on the ground.Qiluo breathed a sigh of relief and sat up from the roll with a blush on her face.

Lu Ziqing also let go of his hand at this time, jumped out of the misty scroll, and looked around in surprise.What I saw was an extremely pure scenery, including all the topography, pavilions, waterfalls and flowers in the world...and many of the scenery were full of whimsical ideas, so beautiful that they were unreal.A milky white river flows through the grassland, exuding the fragrance of milk.Lu Ziqing picked up a handful and smelled it. Sure enough, it was milk.

"Don't drink it!" Qiluo flew over and warned, "The living must not touch the food of the dead."

The Styx and the strong wind just now had no idea where they had gone, as if they had been blown far away by the wind, and then drifted far away.There is joy and peace everywhere here, and countless souls have nothing to do here to have fun and participate in endless banquets.There is no death, no hunger and disease, no ethics and family responsibilities, all souls are just having fun together.I saw men and women teasing each other and having fun together casually. Everyone was young and beautiful, no old people or children were seen, and everyone stayed young forever and wore gold and silver.

Lu Ziqing said in surprise: "Is this really good?"

It's like a large-scale drug scene. These people look happy, but their emotions are completely numb.If you look carefully, you can see that some people are laughing crazily, but it sounds like they are crying.The vows made during each other's lifetime are just a past in vain here, with no shame and no need for morality.This is a place filled with desire.

Qiluo explained: "This is the realm of six desires. There are only some of the lowest levels of bliss. The six desires of eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind are satisfied. It is enough for ordinary people to be able to stay away from the cycle of pain and have no hunger or worries. Even if they are given elegance They don’t know how to appreciate art, and only use money to measure it. Luxury is their desire and their bliss.”

"The value of the existence of these souls is to provide soul power for the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss and provide resources for our Misty Palace." Qiluo said disdainfully, "This is their own choice. The only result for all sentient beings is to die."

Lu Ziqing was silent. Qiluo was right. These were all their own choices.In the Pure Land, it is easier to fall.Because things must be reversed when they reach their extremes, when you only have happiness, it seems that all you can pursue is degradation.

"Let's go, we haven't arrived yet. To cast the treasure scroll for you, we have to go to a deeper place." Qiluo continued to take Lu Ziqing, heading towards the depths of the Pure Land of Paradise.

At the end of this oasis, countless soul scrolls appeared, each with a different magnificent scenery.The soul can choose the picture scroll it likes, enter it, and start a new life.

Qiluo introduced: "This is the world of fame and fortune. The souls who can come here are more classy and will not be confused by simple material luxury. Each of them has their own world and established their own rules." . They can also invite others to come to their own world to pursue their ideals and share their success."

Lu Ziqing looked back and saw that many of the souls in the world of fame and fortune came from the realm of six desires. After enjoying all their desires, they seemed to have entered the state of sages and began to pursue taste and some more advanced ways of existence.Naturally, compared with the Six Desire Realm where wine ponds and meat forests were just now, there are only a very small number of souls who can consciously become sages and come to the world of fame and fortune, one in ten thousand.Because those who can still pursue fame and wealth despite being satisfied with material desires and sensuality are not ordinary souls.

Qiluo is very familiar with some of the great soul scrolls here. These souls were often great people when they were alive. They could create extraordinary art. In the world of fame and fortune, they would continue to pursue powerful power and expand the territory of the Pure Land. earth.

(End of this chapter)

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