"The key point is to prevent them from being able to warn them," Tsuki Shigure said. "You can't use the fog method in front of the barrier tower, so you can only make a surprise attack. We can disguise ourselves as guards and approach, but those two big iron men have to be dealt with instantly."

Those two iron men look very strong and require a lot of strength to fight against them.Moreover, they are engraved with star mark runes all over their bodies, and they seem not to be afraid of magic.

Li Waner explained: "This is called the Star Walker. There are people inside it. We need to break the iron man's chest and kill the real body inside."

This is very similar to the giants of the Mountain God Sect. It was made by Xingyuehai after absorbing some of the Mountain God Sect's techniques. Although it will not shake the earth, it can release thunder.

Xiong Er raised his claws and volunteered. He could kill one of them.

Princess Huyang's body lit up with green light, she turned into a red panda, raised her bear paw: "I'm in charge of the other one."

Xiong Er was shocked. It turns out that you, princess, are also a bear?It immediately knelt down in front of Princess Huyang. When the big bear paw touched the small bear paw, the tacit understanding immediately doubled. These guards shouldn't doubt us wild animals, right?
Shen Ziyue also raised his hand to ask for a fight. Xiong Er immediately shook his head and refused. You pig monster, please stop taking credit from me.Princess Huyang also shook her bear paw, "Senior Brother Shenziyue, even if you look like a pig, you can't be considered a wild animal!"
Shen Ziyue's face was covered with black lines, and Tsuki Shigure said: "Just use the wild animal plan."

So Xiong Er took off the gorgeous saddle and pretended to be wild animals with Huyang Dundun. They twisted their buttocks and walked slowly towards the two giant armored puppets.

The Star Mark Guards were all surprised, and then their love overflowed.This should be a mother bear with her cubs, so cute!Wow, these two bears are so beautiful!It looks like a holy beast at first glance, especially this big demon bear, which has some smell of void and chaos.And that little bear is actually black and white?Isn’t this the symbol of the sun and the moon!Why do they come out of the dense forest?Must need help!
They were overflowing with love when they saw two bears raising their paws towards their giant puppet guardian - the Star Walker.Both bears stood upright, and the little bear lit up with green light, condensing into a huge bear shadow, which was not small at all.With a few clicks of the bear's paw, the sharp claw wind tore apart Chenxing Walker's chest with great force, revealing the short guard inside.Before the guard could scream, he was torn to pieces by the bear's claws and died immediately.

At the same time, experts from the Hongmeng Sect wearing Star Mark Guard clothes suddenly attacked.Li Waner and others quietly approached the Star Tower, and when the guard's attention was attracted by the bear, they suddenly launched a surprise attack and killed the others as well.When a sentry hiding in the barrier tower saw this, he immediately picked up his horn to sound the alarm.Suddenly there was pain in his neck, and Qianlong silently jumped on his shoulder and stabbed his throat with a knife.

Everyone broke out in a cold sweat and almost failed before they even entered the door.

Yue Shiyu praised Qianlong: "I didn't expect you to be really reliable."

Qianlong looked arrogant. Do you know Jinshankou Camp?Without being able to become invisible, Ben Long spied on countless pieces of information in the camp. Until now, no one there knew of Ben Long's existence!

Being small can sometimes be powerful!
Look at that stupid big guy Shen Ziyue. Now he can only take off the shell of the Chenxing Walker, wear it on himself, and pretend to be a puppet. He has to hold his head carefully when walking.

Everyone simply hid the bodies of the Star Mark Guards and quickly entered the tower. They saw a huge spar, as clear as crystal, floating in the center of the circle, gathering the starlight.There is also a black meteorite as big as a fist among the crystals, and a sentence also appears in the circle: No matter day or night, the stars are always there.

"Could this be the raw material of the Sky Star Stone?" Huyang smashed the crystal with a hammer. He felt that the meteorite inside was a bit similar to the life-saving artifact Sky Star Stone used by Xingyue Sea to escape. "It should be." Li Waner picked up the broken crystal and the meteorite.It feels like the meteorite has condensed starlight and slowly crystallized over the years. After processing such a meteorite with secret methods, it becomes a star stone.People who hold the Sky Star Stone can quickly fly to a designated safe location like a meteorite streaking across the sky, without being limited by most time and space, provided that starlight can reach it.

As soon as the crystal was broken, the barrier of the Star Tower disappeared immediately, leaving a gap for the moonlight to shine through.At the same time, Hongmeng Sect masters can also use fog to create a mirage and pretend that the barrier is intact.

Someone cast a mirage spell to make the Star Tower and the sentinels outside look the same as before. In this way, other guards could not see anything unusual just by looking at them from a distance.

"Quick, take advantage of the fact that Emperor Xingchen is distracted and can't notice us now, so hurry up and act." Yue Shiyu led the team and quickly entered the city along the waterway.

The moonlight condensed into a shadow of the Blue Moon Star Lord on the ground, guiding them on the way.After all, this is Biyue Xingjun's former residence, and she is very familiar with the roads.When they encounter a patrol, Biyue Xingjun will warn them in advance and let them hide in a hidden place.

A group of patrolling Star Mark Guards came over, and there was also a Star Walker inside.Yue Shiyu and Li Waner, disguised as Star Mark Guards, came forward with two bears and greeted each other. The other party asked curiously: "Why do you bring bears with you? Wow, these two bears are so beautiful!"

Suddenly there is an invisible brilliance falling from the sky. Biyue Xingjun directly uses her magical power to punish you on behalf of the moon!Except for the Star Walkers, all the Star Mark Guards were knocked unconscious in an instant.Then the two bears smashed Chenxing Rambler to pieces together, Tsuki Shigure used fog to block the sound, and everyone quickly dragged the body away.

The next star tower appeared in front of us. Everyone was already experienced. Shen Ziyue pretended to be a star walker and walked with his arms up, so that he looked more like a patrol.Everyone disguised themselves as Star Mark Guards and approached very naturally as if on patrol.The other party will ask why there are bears, and then they will do something together...


Over at Riyue Mountain, Emperor Xingchen and Mo Wuji became increasingly irritable.

Because Lu Ziqing's escape route was too erratic, Emperor Xingchen had given up chasing the fly and instead helped Mo Wuji deal with Lian Tianhua.His sword light, entwined with the brilliance of the dark and azure void, struck the ten thousand year ice wall, and the ten thousand year ice wall shattered.

The Star Emperor said disdainfully: "The stars have been around for hundreds of millions of years since the beginning of the universe, and the ice that lasts ten thousand years is just the appearance of a wave."

Mo Wuji looked at the left hand of Emperor Xingchen, why are you always protecting your chrysanthemum?

Chapter 1020 was missing more than 200 words after it was published. I compared it with my document and felt that there was nothing illegal about the missing paragraphs, so I revised the chapter and added those paragraphs back.Then, that chapter was blocked directly!I had no choice but to delete those paragraphs and apply for unblocking. So far, my application has not been successful.I have put the complete version of that chapter in the readers group, and you can check it out in the group files.

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