Chapter 164 To Be Their King
The reporter of the Financial Circle can almost directly assert at this moment: Deng Kai won!
He beat the Clarion.

As a competitor, although the announcement of this matter will damage the reputation of the entire Argentina, the "Financial Circle" can take the opportunity to attack the "Clarion" and then attack the city.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take down an old foe!

The big deal is to say sorry to Deng Kai on behalf of the whole country afterwards.

Decently grabbed such a huge benefit, they even wanted to say thank you to Deng Kai.

Thus, the most explosive news in Argentine football this year was born.

"I am Lionel Messi - the first recipient of the Deng Kai Children's Football Foundation!" "

Thunder rolls!

Argentine football was dumbfounded.

The news quickly spread to European football, and major media rushed to report.

This is even more ups and downs than the super IP movie "Star Wars Prequel" released in North America before this summer.

"So it was him!The fans supported by Deng Kai are actually the most ball-sensing Argentine players in history! "

"Fans are Stronger Than Idols Series!Messi admitted that he was sponsored by Deng Kai, liked to watch the opponent play football, and was moved by the opponent's spirit! "

"Super Oolong!The player that the Argentine media brought up to question Deng Kai turned out to be a player funded by Deng Kai! "

"The strongest slap in the face!Messi made his social account public. He is a die-hard fan of Sporting Lisbon player Deng Kai! "

"Why would Deng Kai be questioned by the whole world and not disclose Messi's name?The reason behind it is heartwarming! "

"Growth Hormone Deficiency!Messi revealed his illness and rescued his idol Deng Kai! "

"What kind of idol is there, what kind of fans are there!In order to prevent Messi's growth hormone deficiency from being exposed, Deng Kai endured the abuse and doubts alone. Messi wanted to help Deng Kai clarify his own football path! "

"What is Growth Hormone Deficiency?"Messi's future height is likely to be less than 1.6 meters! "

"Exorbitant Treatment Costs!Messi's family couldn't afford it, and the club chose to give up, but Deng Kai, who was thousands of miles away, sent life-saving money! "

"Messi's father: I would rather Messi's father is really Maradona, because then we don't have to worry about his medical expenses.We had given up treatment at that time, but Deng Kai's relief helped us. "

"Deng Kai: Messi is indeed a genius, but I hope that the Bugle can help him solve his dilemma before using him to attack me.After the Bugle News came out, so many people praised Messi, but who really cared about him and cared about him?Is this how you Argentines treat your heroes?This kind of thing will never happen in Portugal and China! "


All the theories of the Bugle newspaper are based on the fact that Deng Kai did not sponsor Argentine players and that Messi is far better than Deng Kai.

As a result, now...Messi overturned these two points at the same time.

The Financial Times started as another part of the voice in Argentina, came out to reflect, oh no, came out to set things right.

They represent the overall situation of the Argentines and express their sincerest apologies to Deng Kai.

They also donated [-] euros to the "Deng Kai Children's Football Foundation" and Messi personally.

On behalf of the people, they tried the Argentines who first grabbed Deng Kai's seat, ruining them.

It is reported that the few people who snatched positions were even put on sacks and beaten more than once in their hometown.

Because they disgraced Argentina.

Some of them received death threats. Even if it was later proved by the police that it was just a joke, it was enough to reflect the harshness of their living environment.

Their whole life may have undergone bad changes because of this incident.

As a result, the "Clarion" lost its credibility in the country, and its sales were cut in half.

Instead, it was cut in half for three consecutive months!

A huge conflict triggered by a fight for a seat directly brought an international major newspaper to the brink of bankruptcy.

It also made "Argentines unreasonable and unqualified" become the mainstream impression in Europe and Asia.

It can be described as a heavy loss.

In Argentina, some people also criticized Messi at the beginning, thinking that his actions contributed to the arrogance of outsiders.

However, after Maradona said that "Messi is doing the right thing" and "seeing Messi is like seeing my young self", the crisis of public opinion around Messi was lifted.

But a very real problem was also placed in front of him.

That is because of his appearance, his "dwarfism" has been known to everyone in the world.

Even if he takes growth hormone, the theoretical maximum can only grow to 1.7 meters.

His football path was cast a shadow.

Before playing the first game of the new season, Deng Kai also sent a message to encourage Messi: "It's okay, your talent has attracted the hearts of many clubs, and you can try your luck in Barcelona next year."

Messi: "I don't like Barcelona"

Deng Kai: "?"

Messi: "Their fans always say they don't welcome dwarfs"

Deng Kai: "Then go conquer them and become their king!"

Messi: "Be like you, be a Caesar to those who doubt you!"

Deng Kai: "Come on, come on!"


"The goal is scored! It's incredible! Cristiano Ronaldo completed a hat-trick!"

"After jumping to U17, Ronaldo is still very adaptable. No, he doesn't need to adapt, he directly became the king of this level!"

"C Ronaldo also became the first player in the Sporting Lisbon U17 echelon to score a hat-trick in the first official game."

"Deng Kai also completed the assist and scored twice."

"They beat their opponents to the ground."

"Some people said before that the joining of the Chinese would greatly weaken the strength of Sporting Lisbon's U17, but now it seems that it has not had the slightest impact."

"Wu Xudong seems to be very comfortable in the position of the right avant-garde."

"Head coach Triguera is warming up the new players. It seems that he is going to replace a few players so that more people can adapt to the game. The players who are warming up are Yu Shihao, Hao Junmin and Shao Jiawei from China!"

"We are very likely to witness four Chinese players plus one ethnic Chinese appearing on the Portuguese football field at the same time today."

After Ronaldo scored, Deng Kai went to celebrate with him.

But today's Ronaldo is in a very strange state. He rejected Deng Kai's celebration.

"Are you targeting me?" Deng Kai saw Ronaldo and other teammates clapping in celebration.

"Yes." Ronaldo was noncommittal.

"Why? My aunt is here?" Deng Kai expressed his incomprehension.

"The conversation between you and Messi made me sick." Ronaldo said arrogantly, "So Messi is your best friend now, right? Go celebrate with him!"


Deng Kai smiled: "Isn't it Luo, are you so unconfident? You are my comrade-in-arms, and he is just my sister, ah bah...he is my fan, this is a completely different relationship."

(End of this chapter)

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