super species player.

Chapter 390 The Ancestral God’s Game The Virgin’s Choice

Sha Jin's exclamation was like a muffled thunder, vibrating in everyone's heart.

On the altar surrounded by ruins, the huge heart sealed in the "cage" is still beating regularly, and the thousand-year-old white snake coiled between the fences is slowly waking up in silence.

Jiang Qian stared intently.

The snake scales, which are as brilliant as snow, squirm slightly, as soft as if they are boneless, as if they are "flowing" out of the fence.

Its body was calm and graceful, and it raised its "head and face" towards the four people while whispering a message, and gradually transformed into a beautiful lady with a palace style:
She has exquisite temples, waterfall-like green hair, shy eyes, red lips, flawless snow-white skin, a plump chest visible to the naked eye, and a slender waist.

She touched her sleeves with her bare hands and swayed gracefully forward, dragging a winding snake tail under her pure white dress. She seemed to be getting closer to the four of them, but she never took a step out of the altar:
"You are finally here, don't use Qianlong."

After she finished speaking, her eyes turned, and she said softly to Ayiguli, Elegy and Sha Jin behind Jiang Qian: "Thank you for your hard work."

The familiar tone gave the three people from Shenshan a big impact.

The elegy was about to be spoken but stopped, and the whole person froze in place, just like Sha Jin, not knowing how to react to this.

Ayiguli's eyebrows were slightly confused, like a lost child.

According to the speculations made by the four people before entering the domed palace, the situation of the battle for the crown prince is very likely to be driven by the selfish desires of the Virgin. In order to obtain power beyond the conventional, the card holder who is the prince is regarded as the "key" to unlock the power. It is a great irony to treat the Holy Mountain Saint and the Holy Envoy who hold faith as pawns.

But now, Our Lady of the Holy Mountain unexpectedly appears at the end of the race for the crown prince!

Or in such an incredible form...

This cast another layer of mystery on the original suspicion.

Is that the Holy Mother of the Holy Mountain?Could it be that the identity card is the strange beast White Snake... The familiar tune of "Waiting for a Thousand Years" echoed in Jiang Qian's mind inexplicably.

He looked sideways at the status of the three of them, and looked at the fair-looking White Snake Virgin on the altar again, secretly comparing it with the woman who stretched out her hand for help on the mural in his memory.

Although the details are extremely limited, judging from the general outline features, they are fifty or six points similar.

"You are the Holy Mother of the Holy Mountain?" Jiang Qian took a step forward and looked squarely at the White Snake Girl on the altar.


The woman lightly opened her lips and teeth, smiled elegantly, and spoke in a soft and moving voice:

"I have been waiting here for the arrival of the prince who is most qualified to inherit the lifeline of the Holy Mountain. Fortunately, now is the time."

"This is the spoils of your victory, and it is also the nourishment for you, Qianlong, to ascend to the position of Holy Lord of the Holy Mountain."

As she spoke, she raised her wrist and directed the eyes of the four people to the heart inside the "cage".

Jiang Qian frowned slightly.

A feeling of hunger from deep inside his organs forced him to secrete saliva continuously.

He is more familiar with this feeling than anyone else. In the "Hungry Ghost Apocalypse" copy, he suffered enough from "hunger" - what is the situation now?
But the stunningly beautiful Holy Mother of the Holy Mountain continued: "This is the entity condensed by the coming of the ancestral god into the world, and it is also the carrier of the power of the ancestral god. If you want to fully inherit the power, you need to personally transform it into your own body."

"Into my own you mean I want to eat it?" Jiang Qian said bluntly.


Our Lady of the Holy Mountain bowed slightly and made a "please" gesture towards Jiang Qian.

"Interesting." Jiang Qian smiled.

As soon as this conversation came out, even Sha Jin behind him was inevitably surprised: What is the so-called holy feast? !

That huge, red, ugly organ covered with fine blood vessels may cause physical discomfort just by looking at it for a long time, not to mention having to swallow it?He didn't know whether to admire or sympathize with Jiang Qian.

Not only Sha Jin, Ayiguli and Elegy also have mixed feelings in their hearts.

They looked at Jiang Qian subconsciously.

Jiang Qian calmly stopped where he was. After a few seconds of silence, he took steps towards the altar located in the ruins!
"Don't use Qianlong..." Elegy sighed softly.

This critical moment is related to the success or failure of the battle for the crown prince, and any unnecessary actions may have irreversible consequences.At least at the moment, no one had the thought to interfere with Jiang Qian's decision.

Since the key poison and the lock poison have been eliminated in advance, even if the Holy Mother has a follow-up intention, she still won't be able to succeed, right?
The three of them maintained this belief and silently watched Jiang Qian's moving figure.

On the altar, the distance between Jiang Qian and the Holy Mother of the Holy Mountain gradually narrowed. The Holy Mother always maintained an elegant and soft smile, like a mother full of expectations for her children.

Such a look, in ancient times, would most likely have brought disaster to the country and the people. In my memory, I am afraid that only my sister can compete with her... Jiang Qian silently made acquaintance with the other party, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Fortunately, he is not the kind of man who would give in to beauty easily.

Without making any pause, he walked straight towards the huge heart and walked forward.

The fences that formed the "cage" gave way to both sides until Jiang Qian stepped into them and stopped in front of the huge heart.

The huge heart was still beating at this time, and even accelerated the beating rhythm due to Jiang Qian's approach, as if it was already aware of what was about to happen.

"Then don't use Qianlong, please."

The voice of Our Lady is like a sweet spring in the mountains, refreshing the heart and mind.

She stared at Jiang Qian's back, and Ayiguli, Sha Jin, and Elegy were also staring at Jiang Qian's figure.

They didn't notice that the Virgin's smile was getting deeper and deeper, so deep that it was a bit weird.

"Let's get started. You've already felt the call of power, right?"

Jiang Qian swallowed subconsciously. Indeed, he had already felt that as the distance got closer, the desire to devour this heart became stronger!

So, he raised his wrist and pointed the child's water gun in his hand at the center of his heart:
"Yeah, I feel it."

This action happened so suddenly that the Virgin's increasingly profound smile completely froze on her face: "What...are you doing?!"

And the huge heart that the water gun was pressing against also missed two beats due to this sudden external stimulus!After the stagnation, there is an accelerated and violent beating...

Sha Jin and Elegy in the rear opened their eyes wide and quickly made war-ready postures!
Ayiguli lowered her eyelids sadly.

"Don't use Qianlong?"

The Holy Mother seemed to be aware of her momentary lapse. She quickly adjusted her expression and advised in a gentle tone:
"Stop losing your temper. You are the outstanding prince selected by Ayiguli and the upcoming Holy Lord of the Holy Mountain. As long as you eat this heart, the power of the ancestral god will be completely used by you! You can either If you choose to stay in the sacred mountain and enjoy the freedom of the world, you can also return to the lawful officialdom and become famous all over the world with your new strength. Isn't it... good?"

Unfortunately, Jiang Qian's spiritual vision had already clearly seen the changes in her expression.

Even if the other party didn't show a fierce look, the murderous intention revealed by that instant change could not escape Jiang Qian's awareness.

Any language used to package and win over is so powerless in the face of facts.

"Do you want to continue acting?"

The muzzle of the water gun was attached to the arteries of the huge heart. Jiang Qian looked sideways at the so-called Holy Mother:

"I'm afraid only a guy with a special hobby like Shang Xiao will laugh at such an outrageous act of oral heart. I won't provide it for your entertainment, Lord Ancestor God."

Hearing this, the Virgin's pupils suddenly shrank.

Jiang Qian smiled.

Facts speak louder than words, and there must be monsters when something goes wrong!

For him, the lessons learned in "The End of the Hungry Ghosts" do not need to be repeated a second time.

So it was time to pull the trigger. "Etc., etc!!"

The Holy Mother of the Holy Mountain rushed forward and reached out to grab Jiang Qian!
Without the kind-hearted look and pleasant appearance before, the culling movements and speed showed the strength of the six-state priesthood, and he instantly approached Jiang Qian's back - an empty door that could kill with one blow.

Jiang Qian did not hesitate and pulled the trigger of the forbidden plunder of life!
Under the clear touch, a stream of water spurted out from the muzzle of the gun, and as expected, hit the hugely beating heart.

In an instant, a burst of light radiated from Jiang Qian's chest, and the Holy Mother, who was only a palm away from Jiang Qian, was frozen in mid-air!
The Virgin's expression was astonished, but she was unable to break through the current restrictions. She watched helplessly as her heart twisted and shrank under the attack of the water gun until the beating frequency attenuated.

Until she was bounced away by an invisible force and fell to the edge of the altar...

Jiang Qian never looked back.

He doesn't need to look back, the 360-degree vision perspective is at his disposal.

At this moment, he was still holding the prohibited water gun obtained from the unsolvable dungeon "Children's Paradise". This prop, which can ignore the rules of super crystals and plunder lives in the dungeon environment, was his trump card that he had never disclosed before.

It is officially activated for the first time since the last time it was tested in the "Containment" instance.

Effect: Better than expected!
At least according to his prediction before taking action, it is already a miracle that he can stand here unscathed now.

However, the three people under the altar have not yet fully reacted.

Ayiguli, Sha Jin, and Elegy were all shocked into a cold sweat by Jiang Qian's actions and the Virgin's killing.

"Is it really a trap..." Sha Jin said with a stiff expression.

"Why did the Holy Mother have to keep her hands off Qianlong? What's with that strange water gun and that weird power?"

Elegy also froze in place, looking at Jiang Qian walking towards the Holy Mother on the altar:

"Also, what did he call the Holy Mother just now?"

"Ancestral God." Ayiguli repeated, her eyes still fixed on the altar.

Elegy and Sha Jin were slightly startled when they heard the sound, and looked at Ayiguli.

Ayiguli, who had a fearful look on her face just now, now had a sad look on her face. She looked at Jiang Qian on the altar, tears falling down her cheeks without any warning.


"Ahem, ho ho! What a surprise, you kid..."

The half-animal Madonna lying on the ground spoke in the voice of an older man.Jiang Qian was not unfamiliar with that voice.

Jiang Qian walked towards the "Madonna", bent his knees and half-crouched down, and looked at her.

His eyes were as calm as ever, but "The Holy Mother's" eyes were full of hatred and anger!
"I knew your final counterattack wouldn't be defeated so easily. You were waiting for me here." Jiang Qian raised the corner of his mouth and sighed.

In his mind, he recalled the previous scene of being surrounded and killed by black energy. At that time, the snake king used the domineering energy of the four beasts to disperse the diffuse black mist, thus revealing the location of the altar.

From this point of view, it is just a deliberate move by the opponent, just to lure the emperor into a urn and reap the consequences.It's a pity that Jiang Qian was not dazzled by the position of the Lord of the Holy Mountain and the power of the Ancestral God.

Even in the lawful officialdom, he has never been a character under anyone's control.

However, "The Holy Mother" laughed strangely: "You kid, you think... you have won? Haha, if it weren't for the hidden restriction on your body, you would have died just now!"

Jiang Qian was slightly taken aback.

Hidden ban?

"What hidden restrictions?" Jiang Qian couldn't help but ask when faced with this concept that was beyond his own knowledge.

But "The Holy Mother" had a mocking look on her face: "So you don't know... Hahaha, there is such a thing. Your kid's luck is really enviable!"

"What are you laughing at? What are you talking about?" Jiang Qian reached out and grasped the "Virgin Mother's" soft and boneless shoulders, exerting pressure.

He knew very well that inside this beautiful body, there was a weird thing that didn't belong to this world!Just like the headmistress who gave him the "power of compatibility" in the "Children's Paradise"...

But the more urgently he wanted to know, the more "The Holy Mother" couldn't help laughing. Although she was about to die, she laughed until tears filled her eyelashes.

Not expecting an answer, Jiang Qian gradually loosened his hands and his expression returned to indifference.

Under the vision of spiritual vision, the vitality poured into the body of Our Lady of the Holy Mountain is gradually diminishing:

"Since I have nothing to say, I will die with this secret."

"The Holy Mother's" smile finally stopped!

Looking at Jiang Qian's condescending face, the corners of "her" mouth twitched twice, and finally threatened:
"I am an exile who does not belong here. Death is my relief...but you, boy, you will never be free! Hahahaha!"

The laughter echoed on the altar, making people feel horrified.

This being known as "God" is not willing to die in silence.Until the end, "she" still had strong greed and resentment in her eyes, staring at Jiang Qian, as if she was casting some kind of curse.

But everything finally calmed down.

Jiang Qian stood on the independent altar and looked at the half-animal White Snake Madonna paralyzed in front of him.

"Hey, don't use Qianlong. How are you?" Sha Jin called from under the altar to confirm Jiang Qian's status.

Jiang Qian raised his hand to signal the other party to be quiet.

Under the spiritual vision, the Virgin Mary is still alive.Just like Shuilongyin, the roots of his body were not damaged by the ancestor god's "sojourn".

He knew that the real Holy Mother of the Holy Mountain was about to wake up.

Sure enough, the slender snake body hanging on the ground trembled slightly, the faint light caressed the snake's scales, and the stunning beauty's eyebrows stretched, and she slowly woke up in silence.

"What?!" Sha Jin became nervous again.

"Wait a minute," Elegy stopped Sha Jin, "Is that the Virgin herself? She is still alive!"

But seeing the Virgin White Snake lying on the edge of the altar, she raised her body with her hands and looked at Jiang Qian standing in front of her with a confused expression. Surprise, doubt, and vigilance flowed through her eyes in turn, and finally, they melted into "firmness"!
Then, she waved her long sleeves.

The fences that were originally relegated to both sides transformed in the wind, locking each other side by side, tightly trapping Jiang Qian, who was standing on the spot, in the center of the altar!

"...Holy Mother?!"

The three people in the audience were stunned by this unexpected method.

It stands to reason that the Holy Mother should not know that Jiang Qian has broken the restrictions of the Lock Gu and the Key Gu. Even if he wants to control the crown prince who finally wins, he must at least wait until he leaves the illusion of the sacred mountain, right?
What is the purpose of launching an attack now?
Not only could the three people in the audience not figure it out, but even Jiang Qian, who was in the "cage", couldn't figure it out either.

The "hidden restriction" mentioned by the ancestor god was still lingering in his mind. It was a bit surprising and weird that he ended up behind bars after being distracted for a moment.

The most surprising and weird part to him was: the current physical condition of Our Lady of the White Snake...

"It almost caused a big mistake again. Fortunately, I locked you up in time."

The White Snake Holy Mother had slowly stood up from the ground and faced Jiang Qian with a firm expression:
"This platform and this cage are all fortresses set up to seal the turbid power of the ancestor gods. As long as you enter it, you will never be able to escape."

With their eyes facing each other and their spirits intersecting, Jiang Qian could clearly sense the completely different charm between the Madonna just now and the Madonna now.The beauty of the former lies in form, while the beauty of the latter lies in spirit and rhyme.

"Shouldn't you say thank you first? At least I got rid of the parasites for you."

Jiang Qian took a step forward:
"What does it mean now."

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