Chapter 458
The days fly by quickly, and in the blink of an eye it is the New Year's Day of the Gregorian calendar.

In a few days, it will be the annual Spring Festival of the Chinese nation.

This year, Jianshi County's New Year's atmosphere is obviously much stronger than before. Just talking about the lively popularity, it has not been seen for many years.

Since the family's company and factory have been accompanied by wind and water, young people who have not been home for many years in the past have also begun to return home.

Especially after the fairs in the county and tourist attractions in various places were established, there were countless times more pedestrians on the road than before.

As New Year's Day approaches, there are already a lot of small businesses and hawkers supporting the small stalls and selling New Year's goods.

This year's New Year's goods are obviously more colorful than before, and the people watching are overwhelmed.

There are roasted seeds and nuts such as melon seeds and peanuts, as well as small snacks such as candy prunes.

And because of the integration of the outside world, many new things have been added to the New Year's goods, including all kinds of snacks that are popular with children.

At the same time, the old stuff of the past has not been forgotten either.

New Year pictures, couplets, and paper-cuts are placed everywhere, which looks very festive from a distance.

For so many years, whether in the countryside or in the city, everyone is saying that the taste of the New Year is getting weaker and weaker.

I can no longer feel the lively and lively family celebrations when I was a child.

This is true for both adults and children. It seems that the meaning of Chinese New Year has only become a holiday, and there is no longer the excitement of counting the days to wait for the Spring Festival with full anticipation when I was a child.

For such a situation, Wang Tianyang and others naturally feel very sorry.

They never missed the Spring Festival when they were young, and the lively atmosphere.

Everyone really wants to reproduce the excitement of the Spring Festival, so that everyone can re-experience the traditional Spring Festival in the true sense.

In order to achieve this, they have prepared in advance from a long time ago.

The entire street and all the scenic spots must be uniformly put on new clothes, hung with big red and festive lanterns, and firecrackers and firecrackers are also indispensable.

Although they are all small toys for children, seeing the little guys running around screaming with a box of cannons in their hands always makes people feel soft.

On this day approaching the end of the new year, all places in Jianshi County have begun to exude a faint taste of the new year.

Many shops even took out stereos and played Gong Xi Fa Cai.

Although it is noisy, but at the same time, the taste of that year is also very strong, as if it can bring people's memory back to that era in a blink of an eye.

The taste of the New Year is reflected in all aspects of clothing, food, housing, and transportation, and people can feel such a lively and festive atmosphere from the eyes, tongue, mouth, nose, and ears.

The performance that Amei's sister-in-law said was a very important part of it.

Recently, Sister Hong's performance troupe has been very busy.

Not only do they perform dragon and lion dances to add to the festive atmosphere, but they also perform chasing new year beasts and distribute copper coins and red envelopes to the crowd, which heralds driving away evil spirits and ushering in a new atmosphere in the new year.

In order to make all the audience feel more involved, Wang Tianyang and the others also specially invited a professional team from the Chaoshan area to welcome the gods.

That is to say, let some professionals pretend to be the gods in the Chinese Taoist legends and travel the streets, spreading blessings to the crowd, exorcising evil spirits and eliminating disasters, eliminating diseases and harms.

You know, wandering god activities are very popular among the common people.

There is a saying in the Chaoshan area that if the adults in the family hear that there are big stars visiting them, they may not have much interest at all.

But if there is a wandering activity the next day, the adults can get up at four or five o'clock and go to watch the fun.

They can follow the parade from start to finish without feeling bored at all.

Wang Tianyang is very able to understand the aspirations of the Chaoshan people.

When he was a child, there was a lion and dragon dance in their county.

He thinks this kind of activity is very interesting and interesting. People are dressed in colorful clothes and are performing and praying intently.

People can't look away.

He thinks it is a very regrettable thing that such interesting folk activities gradually withdraw from the stage of history.

He believes that this kind of special festival with national culture can generate much higher economic benefits than many so-called foreign festivals.

The cultural heritage and fun contained in it are no worse than these well-known festivals.

So he wants to do something special to bring these folk cultures that are gradually forgotten by people back to people's attention.

This idea has been supported by the county government. Last year, their own employees were very motivated about it.

Everyone was inspired one by one and came up with a lot of exquisite ideas.

Among them, Wang Tianyang and Xi Sisi also specially sent people to do a lot of lottery.

As long as the onlookers join in the fun, it is possible to snatch amulets, candies or all kinds of old objects sent by the gods.

None of them are particularly expensive things, but the meaning it represents is very good.

Ping An, Health, Fortune and Fortune... and so on and so on.

This move really aroused greater interest in people's hearts. As long as they heard that there was a performance on the street today, many people would get up before dawn and walk to the street to watch the play.

Even the ethnic minorities in their remote areas, who are usually reluctant to go out and walk around, began to warm up with everyone after hearing about these lively activities.

Amei's sister-in-law has no resistance to this kind of performance of grabbing red envelopes on the spot, especially after she heard that there will be an opera performance today, and the goddess scattered flowers, she was very excited and clamored to grab a good seat to watch.

The so-called Tiannv Sanhua is a very famous excerpt from Peking Opera.

It is about a celestial girl with profound Dharma who sees a Bodhisattva teaching the Dharma.

After passing by the world by chance, seeing the prosperity and prosperity, peace and harmony in the prosperous age, so I was overjoyed, sprinkled fairy flowers in the world, and sent my blessings.

Those who bathe in fairy flowers should be in good health, free from disease and disaster.

The plague in the world will be wiped out, and the prosperous world will be peaceful.

Ah Mui had been ill, but she felt deeply about the blessings of health.

So she really wanted to grab a fairy flower and receive the blessing of the goddess.

So the two quickly finished their meal, put down their bowls and chopsticks, and ran with the crowd to watch the goddess parade.

From a distance, they saw a float in front of them slowly drifting towards them. Surrounding the float were all kinds of fairies in red, willow and green, all of them looked festive and auspicious.

"It's so beautiful!"

People clustered on both sides of the road, watching the goddess float from a distance, and exclaimed.

That day, the girl was dressed in colorful black clothes, floating lightly on the float, and several ribbons like smoke were flying in the air.

There was a joyful brilliance in her eyes, watching the scenery of the world, her red lips parted slightly, and she sang a melodious tune:

"Avalokitesvara's full moon bead reveals a wonderful appearance~
You Shancai and Longnv stand on hatchback~"

(End of this chapter)

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