Smelting and Exploding the Heavens

Chapter 342 Difficulty of Death Level

Chapter 342 Difficulty of Death Level
Fan Zhuoyuan can feel the subtle vibrations caused by the quarrels in the meeting hall during the daytime through his extremely sensitive body tactile perception.

At night, he could even feel the deathly silence after the members cleaned the hall and closed the lobby door.

Often after this, there will be a very regular vibration, which makes him feel happy.

That was Cheng Shiyao playing the piano, the sound of the piano entered the closed cage through the air duct, because the vibration of the rhythm has a sense of beauty, so even if Fan Zhuoyuan couldn't hear it, just touched it, he seemed to be able to feel all kinds of joy and anger Sorrows, and the sorrows and sorrows of the piano players.

Human beings are inseparable from emotions. Being able to feel the emotions of others can resonate with his own emotions. This is also the happiest moment in his almost desperate and lonely day.

After the ear consciousness was broken, under such circumstances, Fan Zhuoyuan persisted for more than a year before finally practicing it.

He couldn't believe how the divine monk of Baima Temple that Mu Qingyan told him back then had achieved this step and lived as usual.

Fan Zhuoyuan is a person who has insight into the mysteries of the body and the essence of the meridians. Through his strong control over the physical body, he can cultivate his inner strength far faster than ordinary people.

Even if that divine monk has outstanding bones, it will take at least a few years to cultivate this consciousness, and he hasn't gone crazy in these few years, that level of mind is unimaginable.

If Fan Zhuoyuan hadn't had Cheng Shiyao playing the piano nearby every night for entertainment this year, he would have almost become a lunatic.

After successfully cultivating ear consciousness, the system suddenly sent a task.

"The Luozu religion has flourished again, and it has gradually eroded from Liaodong to the grasslands and the pass, and its power is becoming stronger and stronger. In the Liaodong Tazi regime, there are also many upper-class nobles who believe in the Luozu religion.

In order to prevent Luo Zujiao from subverting the world, it needs to be completely wiped out.

Task 20: kill the head of the enemy, behead the leader Mo Hanzhao, reward [-] proficiency points and [-] karma points;
Task 20: Break the orthodoxy, destroy the Luo Zujiao sub-helm main altar, reward [-] proficiency points, and [-] karma points;
Task 20: Get rid of the foundation, only new ideas can replace the old ideas, spread the purpose of Huaiyang Society to Liaodong to fight against the ideology of the Luozu Sect, reward [-] proficiency points, [-] points of karma, and enter the next world. "

Seeing this task, Fan Zhuoyuan knew that the final task had come.

He really wants to go out and finish it, but it's really inconvenient for him to move at this time, it's better to wait for the consciousness and heart to be cultivated before leaving the level.

Therefore, without delay, he wrote a letter with charcoal, and played it through the vent while Cheng Shiyao was playing the piano.

When Cheng Shiyao read the letter saying that Fan Zhuoyuan was about to start to seal off all vitality and practice bigu, she knew in her heart that the most critical moment had come, and she felt slightly worried.

And Fan Zhuoyuan also made the final preparations, first dissipating all his internal strength, and fulfilling the requirement of establishing a demon in the Dao Heart Demon Planting Dafa.

However, the power of external skills is still unparalleled, and the body is very strong, so he used the method of body training to destroy his own body, endured hunger and starvation, and made his life reach the limit, thus successfully igniting the demon seed, and completed the fourth step of Dao Heart Demon Planting Dafa. Stage magic.

The fifth stage is the magic robbery with the effect of resurrection from death!

At this stage, Fan Zhuoyuan can finally start to go all out to cultivate the fifth consciousness of the Eight Consciousnesses of Ultimate Bliss.

He used the secrets of the exercises to lie on the straw mat and cut off the nervous system of the whole body.

At this moment, not only the whole world left him, but Fan Zhuoyuan even felt that he was far away from himself.

Without vision, hearing, smell, taste or even perception, I don't know if vegetative people have this kind of feeling.

I heard that some vegetative people are just unable to move their bodies, but they can still perceive the external situation, and they have been lying on the hospital bed for more than ten years.

In the end, he communicated with him through brainwaves, and the only message the vegetative person sent back... was—kill me!

And Fan Zhuoyuan also seemed to have this feeling. His soul was imprisoned in his body, but he couldn't control his body, completely losing contact with the outside world. This feeling was more terrifying than being in the [-]th floor of hell.

At least in hell, fear and pain are also feelings and emotions, but here is deathly silence, nothing.

There is no hope, no despair, no space, no time, no concepts, everything is absolute nothingness, but my spiritual consciousness is very clear.

In this state, because there is no concept of time, it is very possible to feel that the consciousness has been supported to the limit, but in fact, only one second has passed.

This is very frightening. After Fan Zhuoyuan entered this state, first of all his rationality remained, and he thought of the mental method in the Theory of the Eight Consciousnesses of Ultimate Bliss to cultivate.

But since he couldn't perceive the existence of the body, he didn't know whether the body was practicing according to the formula.

Then he tried to meditate, allowing himself to maintain a kind of absolute tranquility as usual.

But because he has no concept of time, he has persisted in this situation for an unknown period of time, and it is becoming more and more difficult for him to maintain this kind of tranquility in his conscious mind, even if he wants to fall asleep, it is impossible to do so.

Just sticking together like this, without peace or perception, a wave of mania suddenly arises in this lightless, soundless and selfless world.

The first thing I want to do when I get manic is to get in touch with the outside world. No matter what kind of contact it is, as long as I can perceive the outside world, it is the best!

He wants to break this cage called the physical body. Only by releasing it can he truly transcend himself and reach bliss.

It's a pity that he can't control anything. With his empty consciousness, it is even more difficult to break the physical cage of physical existence, just like a soul trapped in the abyss forever and cannot be reborn forever.

In fact, ever since Fan Zhuoyuan severed his body consciousness, his body has started to operate the mental method in the Theory of the Eight Consciousnesses of Ultimate Bliss, which is an instinct born after practicing this method.

At the same time, the demon seeds in the body were also ignited at this moment, and just waiting for an appropriate time, there would be a miracle of resurrection from death.

The mania of Fan Zhuoyuan's conscious mind has been conflicted in his body for an unknown amount of time, and it is still difficult to break through this cage called the body.

In reality, seven to seven 49 days have passed, and his body is also in the tortoise's breath and bigu, running the mental method of the 49-day Great Circle.

Everything is operating according to the situation in the theory of the Eight Consciousnesses of Ultimate Bliss, without any deviation.

Cheng Shiyao also played piano music nearby every evening, no matter the wind or rain, as agreed.

Finally, with the initial success of the mental method, the five senses disappeared, and the spiritual sense hidden deep in the sixth sense consciousness gradually emerged.

Spiritual perception is a mysterious and elusive existence, which is the advance induction of external things at the soul level.

Fan Zhuoyuan's conscious mind, trapped in the cage of his physical body, was affected by this, as if a "window" had appeared in the endless dark prison.

This "window" may be very small, as if it is still covered with curtains.

Fan Zhuoyuan sensed this, and his conscious mind immediately brightened up. He had tried that extraordinary method before, intending to separate his conscious mind from his body and travel around him.

But that's because the mental method related to body consciousness has not been completed, and the various gates connecting the whole body to the spiritual consciousness have not been opened, so his intention to operate the mental method is useless.

This mental method is not a mental method that operates through the meridians of the physical body, but a method that is operated by the spiritual consciousness, and its root comes from spiritual perception.

The purpose is to make one's perception escape from the prison through the "window" covered with curtains, and enter outside the body.

But Fan Zhuoyuan still tried for a long time, but he still couldn't get out of this window, and then he thought that Buddhism pays attention to the relationship between intentional and unintentional, and the focus of the current mental method is also on the relationship.

If you are so deliberate, you will definitely not be able to do it.

Simply, Fan Zhuoyuan felt the window and tried to find a way to calm down first. After suppressing the mania in his conscious mind, his sixth sense gradually became stronger.

Just by chance, Fan Zhuoyuan failed to break out of prison, but felt a familiar vibration frequency through that window.

That was Cheng Shiyao's piano sound. Although he couldn't hear the sound, nor could he perceive the real vibration, he could feel an emotional vibration beyond the five senses.

Fan Zhuoyuan can even simulate every note in his conscious mind according to the vibration frequency, including the rhythm and priority of the notes, and gradually compose a piece of music that he has never heard before.

Every day, Cheng Shiyao's piano sounds will be played at a fixed time, and Fan Zhuoyuan will also fully enjoy the short rhythm and emotional communication, thus recording the real time of each day.

This made his conscious mind no longer have that feeling of nothingness, and he could truly enjoy peace.

In this way, the conscious mind, which is troubled by all kinds of emotions and desires, sinks, and what comes up is the sixth sense of inspiration!
A few years have passed, and when spiritual perception has completely dominated, the mental method that must be operated by spiritual consciousness immediately exerted its greatest effect.

Suddenly on a certain day, Fan Zhuoyuan found himself in a place filled with mist, surrounded by an indescribably obscure emptiness.

Here, he looked down and saw himself lying on the straw mat like a dead self.

Fan Zhuoyuan was taken aback, and quickly looked around, it was the iron cage where he was locked up.

"It's really been practiced?! Is this the sixth sense—the realm of consciousness?"

With a thought in his mind, Fan Zhuoyuan actually passed through the thick layer of soil from the meeting hall to the retreat place at the bottom.

He can even see small creatures such as mice and earthworms in the soil layer from a strange perspective, and he can also perceive the various changes that occur when the soil layer is squeezed, which is extremely wonderful.

In the process of crossing the soil layer, he didn't feel any sense of blockage, and he emerged from the ground very easily.

Secret way: Being a ghost should be this kind of feeling. If ghosts really exist, how do they affect reality with spirit bodies?
Just as he was thinking about this curiously, he suddenly noticed that it should be evening at this time, because Cheng Shiyao's piano sound was still being thought of outside.

But the meeting hall is not closed, it seems that they are still working overtime, no, it is not overtime, the hall is full of high-level officials from Huaiyang Club.

Even Liang Tianyi, who was stationed in Jizhen, had rushed back, together with Dong Lun and a few people who were promoted later, a total of nine people were discussing matters here, with serious expressions.

Fan Zhuoyuan found that although he could hear them talking, he didn't seem to hear them through common sense. He used a special method to directly absorb the other party's thinking, thus perceiving the information that the other party wanted to express.

This means that he not only knows what the other party says on the surface, but also knows everything in his heart.

This feeling is like mastering mind reading, and the opponent has no way to deceive himself.

At this time in the meeting hall, Dong Lun looked at Liang Tianyi with a serious face, and said: "Vice President! The situation is critical now. The president has been in retreat for more than three years, and the situation is unknown. Can't we find him to leave the retreat!"

The thought in Dong Lun's mind was: "Is it possible that the surname Liang wants to monopolize the power and completely abolish the authority of the chairman? If so, I will not let him off easily!"

Liang Tianyi argued: "The president lives in seclusion in Huangshan, and I have been staying in the border town of Ji Town to defend against the Tartars. If you want to call the president, you still need my consent. I don't believe that Dong Lun didn't send someone to Huangshan The president's retreat!"

But Liang Tianyi was thinking in his heart: "Three years ago, Chairman Fan carved the word No. [-] in the world in Shanhaiguan, which scared Mo Hanzhao so much that he dared not take a step into the Central Plains.

Now that Mo Hanzhao has left the customs again, he has engraved the words "I am the only one" on another mountain wall next to Shanhaiguan.

Looking at his sword intent, not only is it not inferior to the four words left by the president, but it is even better in terms of precision and stability.

He is confident that he will fight the president, and he will step into the Central Plains in a short time. Now he has sent Liu Shengyijian to the Central Plains to challenge. "

Everyone was speechless when they heard Liang Tianyi's counter-question, and looked at Dong Lun one after another.

Zhang Qi said: "The president said that to find him out of customs, more than half of the nine-member committee must agree, and it must be at a critical moment for the life and death of the Huaiyang Society."

Liang Tianyi said: "Yes, but looking at it now, it seems that the critical moment of life and death is not yet reached."

Someone said: "This time, Mo Hanzhao, the Luo Zujiao in Liaodong, sent Liu Sheng to the Central Plains with a sword, and challenged him everywhere. No one can beat him. Duanmu Qi, the owner of the Nine Color Banner in the north, and Qin Baichuan, the owner of the Seven Star Tower in the south, have fought against him. It was a disastrous defeat.

And Liu Sheng Yijian is not the strongest swordsman of the Luo Zu Cult, and there are blood demons, the left envoy of the Demon Cult, and Mo Hanzhao on him. "

Dong Lun gritted his teeth and said, "I have completed the Dao Heart Demon Planting Dafa and the Demon Seed, and I was taught the phantom body technique by the president himself, and the bloody ten-style knife intent has been honed on the battlefield, so I have agreed to fight with Liu Sheng at the beginning of next month. A duel!"

Everyone was amazed, and all kinds of thoughts came to Fan Zhuoyuan. Fan Zhuoyuan was relieved that none of them were gloating. They were all worried about Dong Lun, and some even scolded him for being reckless in their hearts.

This shows that in the three years since I was absent, the Huaiyang Society has not only operated smoothly, but the hearts of the people have not been separated, on the contrary, they have become more united. After all, they are all organizations united under the same interests and the same philosophy.

Dong Lun raised his hand and said: "I have seen Liu Sheng's sword technique, although it is very fierce, but I think I still have the power to fight.

But no matter what the outcome is, Luo Zujiao Mo Hanzhao will definitely go out and wash the world with blood. I hope that everyone will not worry so much and go to Huangshan together! "

Tang Ao rubbed his nose at this moment, smiled, and said: "You don't have to argue, I went to Huangshan secretly to see it. You all know that I am practicing the star-absorbing method taught by the president, which has serious drawbacks.

I often fight with people, and I can't control my desire to use this evil skill, so I felt the backlash of my internal power as early as a year ago.

Therefore, I quietly went to the place where President Huangshan retreated, and tried to sneak into it... there was no one there! "

(End of this chapter)

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