I can see big data

Chapter 492 Big Brother

Just when Li Han began to investigate the flow behind the various funds on Wall Street, he discovered a clue.

Although the participating foundations are different in different projects, it seems that the Kangda Group is involved in every action.This confuses Li Han, since Kangda Group doesn't invest much in each project.

So, he further investigated the funds and personnel exchanges of the Kangda Group, and only then did he understand the reason.

Kangda Group has contacts with all Wall Street institutions, and they are obviously in collusion with these projects.

"No..." Li Han shook his head and muttered to himself: "Leadership" rather than "collusion".

He feels that Kangda Group seems to have become a bright light on Wall Street.

However, how did Kangda Group become a bright light?What qualifications does it have?Among the many fund companies on Wall Street, Kangda Group is not a company with very old qualifications or a lot of funds under management. How can it lead the entire Wall Street?
You know, there are three companies on Wall Street that manage more than one trillion dollars in funds.

Thinking of this, Li Han launched an investigation on this company. After such an investigation, he discovered the "qualification" of this company.

First of all, when he regained the soybean market, Kangda Group realized that something was wrong when the four major grain merchants raised soybean prices, and then calculated that soybeans might fall in the future, so they opened positions in the futures market in advance. In this soybean war, it lost money and made a small profit.

Li Han knew about this, but what he didn't know was that Kangda Group actually used various methods to stop losses or make small profits in every subsequent action.For example, when shorting the Singapore dollar, when Li Han's plan started to work and before the exchange rate of the Singapore dollar rose, Kangda Group converted the Singapore dollar in hand into RMB, eliminating the risks involved.

When shorting Game-sport before, they were also the first to realize the danger and leave the market, resulting in a loss of only tens of millions of dollars.Li Han's series of actions against Wall Street, on the contrary, helped Wall Street people realize the capabilities of Kangda Group, thus making this company the "leader" of Wall Street.

However, it was a lot easier for Li Han. Just like his original plan, he only needed to launch an offensive against the Kangda Group.However, Li Han reckons that one failure may not be enough to make rich people lose confidence in Wall Street, and it needs to launch multiple blows, and finally give it a big wave.

"Tsk, quantitative investment..." Li Han said with a smile, "Just wait for me."

After that, Li Han waited for opportunities while preparing funds.

Although Xia Wenhua is now Li Han's agent, helping him with various chores, but her job is to help the poor, so she will go back to her hometown every once in a while, and she will handle the company's work remotely.

Anyway, as long as there are no problems with her work, Li Han doesn't bother to dig into these details.

At present, most of the projects invested by Wall Street are basically websites such as Microsoft, Google, Apple, and Amazon. These projects are long-term holdings, and their purpose is to preserve the value of the funds in hand.The short-term projects they invest in are gold, silver, oil and energy, and Li Han can understand their thinking.

After all, in the face of the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hike, the repatriation of the U.S. dollar and the plunge in U.S. debt have caused chaos in the banking sector and the U.S. economy. Metals naturally become the best choice for currency preservation, the demand will start to increase, and the price will naturally rise.

But Li Han is not optimistic about things like gold and silver. After all, these things are just like currency.

The Fed's four consecutive interest rate hikes have made the world pay for the inflation in the United States, which has aroused dissatisfaction around the world.

And even if the interest rate is raised, the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury also said that he is "considering" increasing the U.S. debt ceiling from 31 trillion to 51 trillion. The translation is: You will not pay back the money you borrowed from us, and you will not pay it back later. I'm in the mood.

This behavior really aroused public outrage, and all countries responded accordingly.

For example, countries such as Europe, India, and China announced that they would directly use their own currency instead of the US dollar for settlement in trade, thereby reducing the impact of the US dollar’s ​​interest rate hike. Even India came out to join in the fun, saying that future transactions with Malaysia will be settled in rupees.

But the most important and direct impact is that Russia, Saudi Arabia and other countries have announced oil production cuts.

After the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, the US dollar, which was directly linked to gold in the past, began to be linked to oil after the famous war of aggression.Now this inflation is happening. Originally, one ton of oil could be bought for US$20, but now it costs US$[-] to buy one ton. This is equivalent to the devaluation of the US dollar by half, so the United States has to lower the price of oil.

The U.S. approach is to release its strategic oil reserves in the past at low prices, thereby driving down prices. As a result, at this time, oil producing areas have announced production cuts, resulting in high oil prices, and U.S. inflation cannot be alleviated.

Under such circumstances, it is normal for Wall Street to take a fancy to oil. They think that the price of oil will continue to rise, but in fact it is not necessarily true.Why is oil so important?Because oil has so many uses.

But its main use is to produce gasoline, or energy in other words.

As long as a new energy source can replace gasoline and thermal power, the status of oil will become lower and lower, and oil is a non-renewable resource, and it is inevitable to find alternative resources.

And this energy that replaces petroleum is, of course, solar energy.

In fact, Europe has the greatest demand for energy, because Europe will inevitably face the problem of power shortage due to environmental problems. As long as the energy problem in Europe is solved, the price of oil will not rise at all.

Fortunately, Li Han can solve this problem.

"Nana, please inform Jinwu Power." Li Han pressed on his phone, "We will build solar power stations in some European countries with suitable environments."

If the other party doesn't come to him, then he can go there on his own initiative, wouldn't it be fine?

Of course, the purpose of building a solar power station locally is also to provide green electricity to the local area, but the price of this green electricity will definitely be higher than the cost of their own power generation.Europe will definitely welcome Li Han's proposal: they can directly buy green electricity without paying construction and maintenance costs, which simply solves their urgent needs.

What's more, the power station is built in their country, and if it is used well in the future, it can be purchased directly, right?
Li Han mainly builds these power stations in several countries that are relatively short of electricity. As long as this decision is made, their energy problems can be alleviated immediately.As the demand for oil decreases, the price will naturally fall.

It's just that Li Han will control the intensity, make oil fall a little bit, and make small profits for Wall Street people turn into small losses, but it will not fall too low: he will not be so kind to help the United States solve the inflation problem.

As for the new solar power stations built in Europe, the cost is about [-] to [-] million. At present, Jinwu Power has perfected the technology in this area, and the project itself can definitely make money, so there is no need to worry about losing money.

What's more, Li Han can accept it even if it is at a loss, because the establishment of this new power station is a good advertisement for Jinwu Power, and it can make other European countries take a good look.

If this plan is feasible in other countries, it is not too late for other European countries to learn from their successful experience.After all, the energy issue is a pain for the entire European continent, and every country in Europe will have to face it sooner or later.

On September [-], Jinwu Power announced that it will build solar power stations and UHV transmission lines in five countries: Poland, Germany, France, the Netherlands and Belgium, and these five countries immediately expressed their welcome.

Of course, both countries have also provided certain support for this project, such as tax relief.After all, Li Han's action is also helping everyone.

After the Federal Reserve raised interest rates one after another, the relationship between European countries and China has begun to warm up, which shows that everyone has the idea of ​​getting rid of the hegemony of the dollar.

And Li Han's move helped Europe solve the headache of energy problems, and promoted the trade between Europe and China. Li Han himself can make a fortune from this transaction, and at the same time promote Jinwu Power's technology.

This deal couldn't be more cost-effective for Jinwu Power.

"Hey, it's good that the motherland is strong, and we businessmen can follow suit." That night, after putting the child to sleep, Li Han couldn't help but sigh, "If it was changed before, the plan would definitely not go so smoothly. of."

Li Han turned to Wang Man and touched her face: "In the past, no one dared to confront the hegemony of the United States because they were afraid of sanctions. But today, there is a big brother who, after they were sanctioned, was so big that an airplane missile fell into a ballpoint pen." Small steel balls and the basic necessities of life in the middle can help them solve it, so basically they will not be afraid of this sanction.”

"Is this big brother our country?" Wang Man put her face on his hand and said with a smile.

"Exactly." Li Han kissed her on the lips, "On this premise, I can negotiate this deal. Otherwise, a few years ago, I would end up with HW. Of course, now the United States Severe inflation and self-insurance are also one of the reasons. However, the RMB is being internationalized, which is a real progress.”

"My husband also contributed." Wang Man wrinkled her little nose and smiled.

"Yeah, I can do more." Li Han clenched his fists and murmured to himself emotionally.

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