I can see big data

Chapter 466 Cutting the Leeks

Chapter 466 Cutting the Leeks

After bringing Jiang Xueming to the company, the other party gave him a detailed introduction to this optical quantum chip.

Jiang Xueming first briefly explained to Li Han the functions of each part of the lithography machine, such as the lighting system, automatic alignment system, frame shock absorption system, and so on.

The technology of lithography machines is monopolized by ASML in the Netherlands. Even in the United States, if they want to make high-end chips, they have to buy lithography machines from this company.

Although this technology is not in the hands of the United States, this company has listened to the words of the United States and refused to sell high-end lithography machines to China a few years ago.

And Jiang Xueming's optical quantum chip bypasses the process of the lithography machine for the core production part.

The micro-optical path can still be manufactured with traditional lithography machines, which can be produced in China itself.

Therefore, the cooperation between the two companies is first to study the laser light source. The purpose of this light source is to emit a photon, and then use a specific device to split the photon, so that the photon that is divided into two can obtain a state of quantum entanglement.

The second part is the quantum control device.This device can change the quantum state of photons through interference with photons, and finally achieve the purpose of computing.

For these two parts, Usun Group and Wei Zhifu are responsible for the research of lasers, while Jiang Xueming continues his previous work to study quantum control devices.

The two teams can communicate with each other while performing their duties.

Li Han used a causal calculator to calculate, and the result of this action was orange, which can be said to be a very optimistic result.

After all, the results of this kind of research into unknown fields are good, which means that at least it will succeed in the end, and the previous investment will not be in vain.

"Then, I'll go back and inform my team." After signing the agreement, Jiang Xueming shook Li Han's hand and said with a smile.

"If you need anything, you can tell my assistant at any time, and she will prepare it for you." Li Han instructed.

"Uh..." Jiang Xueming hesitated for a moment, "Actually, I don't have any other requirements, I just want to remind you. This business is still very expensive. It is not a whim to invest a sum of money to get results, but needs Many years of investment."

"Don't worry, you just focus on the research and leave the money to me." Li Han disagreed, "What's more, our strong alliance will naturally attract more people's investment. This time, we are bound to win!"

The so-called investment is actually just letting others see the potential of the company.

Now, Huaxin has a "legendary investor" in charge, Yousheng Group, one of the top ten chaebols in South Korea, provides technical support, and Jiang Xueming's brand-new theory. Is it afraid that no one will invest in the combination of these three powerhouses?
However, with the help of this matter, Li Han can still harvest another wave of leeks, and this time the target happens to be ASML.

ASML is the only company in the world capable of producing high-end lithography machines, and its market value is as high as nearly 700 billion US dollars.

However, if Li Han announces in a high-profile manner that they are going to bypass the lithography machine to develop an optical quantum chip, it will inevitably have an impact on the status of ASML, and their monopoly will cease to exist.

At this time, the market value of ASML will also be hit by a wave of shocks, and there will be a slight decline.

Because China was originally ASML's "big customer", contributing nearly 20% of the company's revenue.After ASML refused to provide high-end lithography machines to China at the request of the United States, its revenue naturally dropped a lot.

But now, if Huaxin announces in a high-profile manner that it will bypass the lithography machine to develop quantum chips, ASML will completely lose its deterrent effect.After all, for quantum chips, China is number one in the world.

But this decline will not be much and will not last for a long time. After all, ASML will still be the monopoly of lithography machines in the next few years, so it will return after a small decline...

However, this is under normal circumstances.

If a little bit of negative news breaks out at this time, the rate of decline will increase.

Because ASML is special, similar to Cranberry Foods Co., Ltd., the number of shares issued is small, but the stock price is very high. The current price of each share is as high as more than 600 US dollars.This gives Li Han a lot of room to maneuver. As long as they make some core remarks about high-level corruption based on the situation of ASML, their stock prices will start to plummet.

The circuit breaker mechanism of the tertiary market of the U.S. stock market is that the decline reaches 20%, and 600% of more than 20 US dollars is more than 100 US dollars, not to mention that after the circuit breaker, trading is only temporarily suspended. will keep falling.

That's right, this time, Li Han intends to make a lot of money by shorting ASML, and then use the money to support the operation of Huaxin Company, which can be regarded as the best use of everything.

Who allowed this company to be someone else's dog instead of being a human being?

The outcome of the technology blockade will definitely not lead to China's decline, but will only force out China's potential and allow China to develop its own high-end chips.Therefore, Li Han does not feel guilty about his short-selling plan this time.

"Brother Han, will they really believe what you say?" Liu Jiana asked hesitantly.

"Then let's see who can fool me." Li Han patted her on the head and said with a smile.

That's right, in fact, the buying and selling of stocks is not so much to see whether the company has potential, but rather to see whether the stock traders will be fooled.

The mechanism of the stock determines that it will inevitably be affected by human factors, so shorting and longing actually depends on who can fool the public.And Li Han has a big data APP, and all the materials he produced are real.

After returning from the company, Li Han began to prepare for this stock transaction.

It just so happened that after Pepsi-Cola acquired Weisen sparkling water, they could earn billions of dollars by selling the stocks of these two companies, and then use these billions of dollars as the principal to go short of ASML and earn hundreds of dollars from it. Hundreds of millions of dollars were used to support Huaxin.

When Huaxin's technology is successfully developed in the future, the money he invested will be multiplied by more than ten times, just as a guarantee for the future of his son and daughter.

That night, while playing with the baby, Li Han told Wang Man about his plan: "How about it, isn't your husband great? This is called stealing from the rich and helping the poor, and let these people get their due retribution."

"Yes, yes." Wang Man smiled and hugged Li Junhao, "Dad is great, you will also work hard for the common people of this country like Dad, you know?"

Li Han smiled, reached out and touched Li Junhao's head and said softly: "You have to study hard so that everyone in this country can have a job, eat food, buy a house, and see a doctor. I couldn't The completed business shall be inherited by you."

"Why? You said it as if you were destined not to finish it." Wang Man glared at him angrily, "You are still so young, and you have entrusted such a heavy burden to your son... Let's work hard together anyway."

"This is not giving him a heavy burden, this is giving him a red dream." Li Han smiled, shaking Li Shiyun's little hand, "My baby girl just enjoy life, sister Gu Xiao Family, elder brother takes care of everyone."

"Humph, that's great..." Wang Man smiled sweetly, and her little feet rubbed against his leg lightly.

After PepsiCo announced the acquisition of Weisen sparkling water, the stock price also began to rise.

Although the increase is not very large, but the size of Pepsi is there, and there are too many tradable stocks in the market, so Li Han has successfully made billions of dollars after selling the stocks he bought in advance.

Counting the capital he invested, the current capital is about 150 billion US dollars.

With the money, the next step is to make preparations for shorting ASML.Before officially announcing the cooperation between Huaxin Group and Jiang Xueming's optical quantum chip, he must have more real materials to attack this company.

First, Li Han identified the bribery scandal of the company's executives through the other party's capital flow, and then he also determined from the big data of the contacts that the other party had connections with some secret organizations in the United States, and exposed the list of customers to the other party.These two pieces of news are enough to make rich people sell their stocks.

In addition, Li Han also prepared some other small revelations to arouse public opinion from the public.

In this way, everything was ready, and he waited for the time to come, and then severely cut Asme as a leek.

On June [-]th, Wang Man's birthday came, which was her [-]st birthday.

"Happy birthday, my baby..." After waking up in the morning, Li Han hugged Wang Man tightly in his arms.

"Oh, this day has finally come." Wang Man sighed melancholy in his arms, and muttered unhappily: "I am also a person who turns 29 to [-], and will be an old woman who is going to be four..."

"Don't be afraid, you look similar, look at this little butt..." Li Han picked her butt with his index finger, "It looks like jelly, it's still dangling."

"Oh, you hate it!" Wang Man rolled his eyes at him, "I have forehead lines, and you are still feeding me..."

"I hate it? Are you sure? Last night, I made a reservation for you at the Golden Arch and KFC at [-] o'clock this morning?" Li Han asked, holding her chin.At that time, Wang Man's beautiful eyes lit up, and her face was completely sleepless. She sat up like lightning: "I knew my husband was the best! I'll get up now and brush my teeth!"

"Still pretending..." Li Han sneered, "You think I didn't notice that you ate only a small meal last night, just to eat more today because you were hungry? I am the man who has been with you day and night for three years .”

"Hehehe, I was discovered by my husband." Wang Man smiled happily, "Isn't it his birthday?"

"There are other gifts." Li Han nodded her nose and said softly, "I'll give it to you when I eat fried chicken."

(End of this chapter)

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