I can see big data

Chapter 450 Toys

In fact, there is really no need for Li Han to be afraid of the Samsung chaebol.

Although the Samsung chaebol has a big family and a big business, it is not a family business of one person.Samsung's market value is more than 3000 billion U.S. dollars, but the assets of Samsung's chairman are less than 100 billion U.S. dollars, which is the best proof.

Today, it is no longer one person who controls the Samsung chaebol, but the entire board of directors and shareholders. They have to consider the interests of all shareholders in their actions, and it is impossible to dump all their assets on a certain company because of personal grievances.

But Li Han is different. The companies under him basically listen to him alone.

In addition, most of the Samsung chaebol's industries are manufacturing industries, and the funds must be used to maintain the operation of the entire enterprise and cannot be spent entirely.

And Qiaokou Company is an investment company, and its purpose is to spend the money in hand.

Therefore, it seems that a company with assets of more than 500 billion U.S. dollars is confronting a chaebol with a market value of 3000 billion U.S. dollars, but the actual situation is that the Samsung chaebol is at a disadvantage.A decision made by the other party has to be discussed repeatedly by the board of directors. By the time they start to act, Li Han's plan has been completed.

After the two from Samsung left the office, Li Han was still sitting in his seat, smiling with his chin in his hand.

But the four girl group members next to him looked disturbed, discussing something in a low voice.

"Are you afraid?" Li Han turned to the four girls and smiled, "Are you afraid of them or me?"

After the translator helped convey his meaning, the four young girls whispered a few words, and the translator explained: "They said that they were all scared. They also said that no one in Korea would dare to disobey the Samsung chaebol."

"Unfortunately, this is not South Korea." Li Han couldn't help but said, "They don't need to be afraid of me, and..."

Speaking of this, Li Han's smile disappeared instantly: "Soon, they don't need to be afraid of the Samsung chaebol."

There is a saying that everyone pushes the wall down. When Samsung is strong, many people will fawn on them and lick them, but once their power is gone, the ending will be very miserable...

"Okay, thank you four ladies for coming to support us today, I will send someone to send you back." Li Han waved his hand and said, before turning around and leaving.

But the four members of the girl group seemed puzzled and said a few words.

"They asked you, is this over?" The translator hurriedly called out to Li Han.

"Otherwise? What else do they think?" Li Han turned his head and asked with a smile.

As he said that, Li Han pointed at these girls and smiled: "Why do those chaebols play with you? Because they can feel power in this way. But I am different, I am playing with them, the level is different. "

Li Han raised his hand and shook his five fingers slightly, then waved to these people, turned his head and left the office: his goal has been achieved.

Let these girl groups come here to let them spread the news that "Samsung's cooperation was rejected".

These South Korean celebrities have frequent contacts with politicians and businessmen. These girl groups will spread the news to other businessmen and politicians through their peers, so that the rich and powerful people in South Korea will know that Samsung is in China. His nose was gray.

In other words, this incident will officially declare that Samsung's entry into the Chinese market has failed.

There is no land to build a factory on, and the raw materials for mobile phones have forced them to raise prices. Now Samsung has completely lost its direction.They spent 2000 billion, but now the 2000 billion is not enough for them to enter the Chinese market.

And Samsung's failure will inevitably set off the success of Usun Group. After all, they have successfully opened up the Chinese market, which will help them attract a large wave of investment, and their assets and market value will continue to increase sharply.

In this regard, Li Han only needs to continue to wait for the results of the "cause" he planted before.

In addition, another "cause" that Li Han planted before has also borne fruit at this time.

Under his guidance, Sirik Bank declared bankruptcy, which led to a decline in the entire banking sector in Europe and America.In order to save its own banking sector, the Fed's plan is of course to print money, and they can't figure out other tricks.

However, the Fed raised interest rates originally because too many dollars in the market caused inflation, but now it continues to print money in order to save the banking sector.This is like taking poison while taking antidote. It is a dying struggle.

I believe that the day when the United States will fall into a financial crisis again is not far away. This is also a weakening for the group of people on Wall Street.

But Li Han also has another unexpected harvest, that is, under the influence of the U.S. debt plunge this time, Ruixin Bank in Switzerland also went bankrupt.The reason for the bankruptcy is similar to that of Silik Bank, the difference is that Ruixin Bank has a greater influence than Silik Bank.

The bankruptcy of Ruixin Bank this time was beyond everyone's expectations. At this time a year ago, the bank was still managing more than one trillion US dollars in funds. Now it is bankrupt if it is said to be bankrupt.

In order to save the bank, the Swiss government had to do it in person.

It's a pity that this "rescue" method is really ridiculous.

Nobody wanted to buy Ruixin Bank, which was in crisis, because after the acquisition, not only would there be no benefits, but billions of dollars would have to be spent to fill the loopholes of Ruixin Bank. Money to buy?
In order to allow Swiss Bank to acquire the bank, the Swiss government forfeited nearly 200 billion AT1 bonds of Ruixin Bank.Moreover, this round of acquisition is a compulsory acquisition, that is, the acquisition is completed without the consent of shareholders.This caused the bank's shareholders and users to lose a lot of money, and its largest shareholder, Saudi Arabia, lost more than one billion US dollars.

This has further affected the trust of depositors in European and American banks, so that a large number of users withdraw money from European and American banks and transfer them to banks in other countries, which is likely to trigger a new round of subprime mortgage crisis.

This ending is something that Li Han didn't count on, it's a good and bad ending.

The bad thing is that in this round of credit crisis, no country can be spared. In fact, the bonds of all countries have fallen by 6% to 10%, and domestic bonds have also been affected, but the impact is relatively small, only falling by 2%. .

The good thing is that after the crisis of confidence in European and American banks, a large amount of funds will flow into the country, and the European market will be very short of money under the influence of the Fed's interest rate hike and the crisis of confidence.

This allows Li Han to better control his power in Europe in the future, so as not to be stabbed in the back when confronting Wall Street.

Generally speaking, the current development is very beneficial to him, which makes Li Han in a particularly good mood: first harvest Samsung's wealth, and then go to developed countries such as Japan and Europe.

That night, when eating at home, Li Han suddenly felt: "It feels so good to be a villain."

"You child, what did you do wrong?" Ye Xiaofang frowned, and then she became angry instantly: "Oh! You bastard, didn't you do something to the Korean girl!?"

"What are you talking about, Mom?" Li Han said angrily like his own mother, "I told you I'm not interested in those women!"

"Mom, don't worry, I am very confident in our relationship." Wang Man picked some food for Li Han and said with a smile, "Xiao Han has his own reasons for doing things."

"This is my girl." Li Han patted her little head and smiled.

In fact, it is difficult for Li Han to explain to his mother why he is not interested in those girl groups. He is always just a son in front of Ye Xiaofang, and she doesn't know what he can do.

She didn't know that those who regarded the girl group as toys were also toys to him.

"Then what do you mean it feels so good to be a villain? What bad things have you done?" Ye Xiaofang asked persistently.

Li Han thought for a while, then replied: "To be precise... use violence to control violence, use the methods of bad people to deal with bad people."

"But you have to pay attention to your own safety." Dong Yuehua picked up a chicken leg for Li Han at this time, "Our family's money is already good enough, the most important thing is to think about how to live a good life with the family in the future."

"That's right, this child is growing up day by day, so put more energy on him." Li Jianguo told the child while feeding him complementary food, "Otherwise, when the child grows up, he won't even kiss you."

"I know, I know, I still spend a lot of time with my wife and children every day. Right, baby?" Li Han said, stretching out his index finger to Li Shiyun, the little baby was immediately attracted by him, and reached out to grab his finger.

"Oh, she's eating, don't make trouble with her!" Ye Xiaofang slapped his hand away and frowned, "Eat your meal."

"Oh, only my wife loves me." Li Han put his arms around Wang Man's shoulder and sighed.

"Hmph..." Wang Man couldn't help but kissed him on the cheek: "I love you."

The next day, Samsung's stock price suddenly began to plummet, falling by more than 14% overnight, and more than 400 billion US dollars in market value evaporated.

Of course, Samsung's stock price was already falling, but the decline was very small, but now it has completely collapsed.

This is because the news that Samsung and Qiaoguchi collapsed yesterday has spread in South Korea.

The more well-informed people are, the more assets they have in their hands, so they chose to sell the shares of Samsung, and then turned to buy the shares of the company with the most potential, which is Yousheng Group, so as to further promote Yousheng Group share price.

This is how Li Han transferred the market value of Samsung to Yousheng Group.

As for shorting Samsung Group?Just to make a sum of money to facilitate the next investment in Japan and Europe.

Shorting Samsung Group itself does not cost much, because shorting only requires a certain deposit, which will be refunded afterwards, and the handling fee accounts for a very small proportion.As for the money spent on buying land in various cities, it will eventually be sold.

So this time the action against Samsung, Li Han rarely said that he could earn 500 billion U.S. dollars.

The reason why he can earn so much with so little money is because everyone is his accomplice in this short-selling operation.

Wall Street's short sale of Yikang Group was nothing compared to Li Han's short sale.

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