Chapter 442
Just after the bankruptcy of SILIK Bank, the Federal Reserve and the U.S. treasury department took joint action to back up deposits of the bank's depositors, and all funds can be withdrawn from March [-].

For the first time in U.S. history, the government stepped in to pay for failing banks.

But everyone knows very well that what the Fed rescued was not actually the banks, but the U.S. debt.

In fact, the Fed is the happiest when these banks fail.Because the most bought U.S. bonds happen to be the U.S.’s own banks. When these banks go bankrupt, they have to mortgage the U.S. debt at a low price. After the Fed buys it, it can relieve the government’s debt pressure.

But if the incident is allowed to simmer, the banks will collapse one by one, and the US debt will eventually collapse.If the U.S. debt collapses, there will be a big problem in the United States.

In short, because of the dispatch of the Federal Reserve, those depositors of Silik Bank were finally able to get their money back smoothly, and almost no innocent people were implicated in the whole incident.

As for the several million dollars of shares in Xilik Bank that Li Han bought, although he has lost a lot now, compared with the final income, this small amount of money is simply insignificant to him.

What's more, Li Han doesn't have to rush to sell these shares.After Silik Bank goes bankrupt, someone will definitely buy it. When someone buys it, the stock price will still rise after slow operation, and you can make some money if you sell it at that time.

As the US banking sector was hit, Wall Street's short-selling of the Singapore dollar quickly collapsed.

After losing the "internal support", under the joint efforts of the Singapore government and these "internal support", the exchange rate of the Singapore dollar against the US dollar quickly recovered, and even a slight depreciation of the US dollar was caused by the bank bankruptcy.

Of course, this also means that Guo Fengyi, the richest man in Singapore, is going to lose money on currency futures.

He shorted the Singapore dollar at a price of 1.5:1, and now the price is 1.1:1.

There is no need for Li Han to give instructions on what to do next, everyone waits to count the money and it's over.

And, the best part is, the money they made this time came from rich people on Wall Street and Singapore who wanted to short their national currency.

Li Han earned this money with peace of mind.

Nearly 500 billion U.S. dollars was invested, and the profit was 200 billion U.S. dollars. In addition, Li Han also made 30 billion U.S. dollars in the futures market, and the total profit was about 240 billion U.S. dollars, which was about the same as he expected.

According to the investment funds, the income of Qiaokou Company, Cranberry Company, Qiaokou Bank and Li Han is about 80 billion U.S. dollars, and the remaining more than 100 billion U.S. dollars is the income of other investors.

And because of Li Han's shareholding in these three companies, his personal income in this wave reached 50 billion US dollars.

In this way, his assets have successfully reached 250 billion US dollars, and he has gone one step further on the rich list.

On the day of March No. 16, everything was basically a foregone conclusion, and Xia Weiping also contacted him personally.

"Mr. Li, congratulations! This time we really won a big victory!" Xia Weiping smiled happily, "We have made a lot of money!"

"Win-win, win-win." Li Han said with a modest smile, "Without everyone's funds, this wave of business would not be possible. Because everyone provided sufficient funds, the income this time was higher than I expected. Some. Everyone's happy, right?"

"It's just that I didn't expect you to be doing such a powerful thing..." Xia Weiping said with a look of admiration, "With the help of the Federal Reserve behind the scenes, Wall Street is no match for you, so you can only run away in despair." Out of Singapore. That's really unheard of..."

"You're serious." Li Han said with a faint smile, "It's them themselves that led to today's ending. I just dug a hole and they jumped in by themselves."

"Please continue to lead us in the future." Xia Weiping bowed respectfully and cut off the video.

Although Li Han didn't tell everyone his purpose beforehand, but now that things have come to an end, looking at the chaos in the United States and contacting Li Han's previous actions, everything will naturally become clear.

Therefore, now Li Han, the "legendary investor" in Beichang City, has become a legend in the entire business world.For Li Han, this reputation has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that he can mobilize more manpower and funds in the future. The disadvantage is that Wall Street is now paying attention to him, and he and his company are likely to become the target of public criticism in the future.

However, the United States is now in chaos, with bank bankruptcy, U.S. debt plummeting, dollar depreciation, and inflation. It will take at least several months to clean up the subsequent mess, so Wall Street has no time to deal with him in a short time.It is precisely because of this that Li Han needs to accumulate a certain amount of power and funds before the other party cleans up the mess, so that he can fight against him at that time.

Now in China, he basically has no rivals. Everyone knows his skills, and he can make money by following him.

In addition to Xia Weiping, Li Han's other partners also sent celebrations in their own ways.

"It's amazing. I didn't expect even Wall Street to run away in front of you. This is really a miracle." Kong Jianhua said excitedly, "Only people in the circle know how powerful this is, because Wall Street The action this time was actually based on the hegemony of the U.S. dollar. And you can use such a small amount of funds to help Singapore withstand this attack!"

"It's really admirable." Nie Caibin also said with a smile, "With a talent like you, God really blesses China."

"I was actually quite worried at one point." Li Han said with a smile, "I was very nervous in the middle of the process. If something goes won't fail, it just needs more funds and time to continue mediation."

"Mr. Li, I want to remind you that after this wave of operations, you are now a thorn in the side of Wall Street." Kong Jianhua frowned, "Your glass handmade burgers have provided a lot of jobs and tax dollars for the United States. Maybe the U.S. government won’t do anything to you, but that crowd on Wall Street is different. They’ll keep an eye on you, and they’ll do it if they get the chance.”

"I know." Li Han nodded, the corners of his mouth slightly raised: "I'm ready, the next plan..."

"Really? Since you said so, I guess we don't need to worry." Nie Caibin smiled slightly, "However, if there is anything we can help, please let us know." As he spoke, he suddenly He changed his tone and said half-jokingly, "Let me and Lao Kong make some money along the way."

Li Han couldn't help laughing: "Yes, if there is a chance to make money, I will definitely inform you two."

After cutting off the video, Li Han smiled and breathed a sigh of relief: Anyway, I still made a few friends.

But for these two, Li Han felt that they could not be called friends, but more precisely, they should be regarded as comrades.

However, he still likes dealing with these two people very much. Although the friendship between gentlemen is as thin as water, when it is time to help, he knows that these two people will definitely lend a helping hand to him within their ability without hesitation.

As for his next plan... In China, he has basically won it now. With the resources, assets, and connections under his hands, in China, he doesn't need to look at anyone's face, but everyone has to look at it. His face.

Therefore, his next plan is to capture foreign companies and hold shares in large companies in Japan, South Korea, Europe, and the United States.The purpose is not to get their help, but when Wall Street is besieging him, these people will not turn against each other.

It's time for the name of Qiaokou Company to go abroad.

"These people are really shameless..." At this time, Wang Man was cursing while watching the drama beside him.

Li Han touched her beautiful legs: "Who made my little angel so angry?"

"This movie." Wang Man raised her little finger and pointed at the laptop screen in front of her, "Korean movies are about these chaebols. They are absolutely lawless. It's really hateful to treat other girls as playthings and escape legal punishment."

Seeing Wang Man's gnashing of teeth expression, Li Han suddenly couldn't help laughing: "Silly girl."

"Don't tell me that these movies are all made up." Wang Man rolled her eyes at him, and said in a rambling manner: "This is based on real events, just to satirize the chaebols in their country. It is said that in reality, South Korea's The chaebols are even worse than this, even the president dare not offend these people..."

"Then..." Li Han put his arms around her slender waist and tugged her into his arms: "Please please me, and I will teach them a lesson for you?"

Wang Man's beautiful eyes opened wide, and she asked curiously, "Can you even do this kind of thing?"

"There's nothing you can't do." Li Han smiled, "Do you know how much your husband's assets are? 250 billion U.S. dollars. If it were the companies in which I hold a controlling stake, the assets would be as high as more than 1000 billion U.S. dollars."

Speaking of this, Li Han lifted Wang Man's chin and smiled: "Do you know how much the richest man in South Korea has? More than 60 billion US dollars. Which chaebol among them can be bigger than me? In front of me, who dares to call themselves Is it 'Chaebol'?"

"Hmph, look at your complacency..." Wang Man squinted at him and smiled, "Wouldn't it be possible for you to live in Korea and do whatever you want? No one can control you, and you can still let girls from other girl groups come to accompany you every day you."

"You said that." Li Han snorted disdainfully, "In which country can I not do whatever I want? Do you think I can't do whatever I want in our country now? It's just that I won't do that."

"Then why don't you do that?" Wang Man smiled sideways at him with winking eyes.

Li Han knew what Wang Man wanted to hear, so he said it. Of course, this was also what he said in his heart: "Because you are my conscience."

"Hee hee..." Wang Man rushed forward and hugged his neck: "Husband is the best, I will give you a reward today."

As she said that, Wang Man turned her head and rummaged through the closet: "I bought a set of clothes. I heard it was a character in a certain game. I remember the name was a curse word. It seemed to be called 2B..."

(End of this chapter)

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