I can see big data

Chapter 357 The Fuse of War

Chapter 357 The Fuse of War
After the graduation photos were taken, the teachers and students of the school also embarked on their return journey.

Li Han sent Wang Man home, and then went back to school to continue class.

At present, all the courses in the school have been taught, and every day in class, the teacher will take the students to review, and point out individually if there is anything they don't understand.

As for the time of physical education class, Li Han still advocates letting the students walk outside to get some fresh air.

"Mr. Li, strong." After announcing the free activities, Liu Xinyi approached Li Han and smiled, "Without saying anything, Chen Xiao took the initiative to become a eunuch."

"Actually, he can change into Jin Yiwei's clothes and stand by. I won't embarrass him." Li Han said with a smile, "But I think it's good to punish him, so I let him be an eunuch."

"In the end, your position is the position of the emperor." Liu Yingying looked at the graduation photo in her hand and smiled, "Look, you are sitting in the middle, and beside you is the teacher's wife, who is standing next to you in eunuch uniform. "

"Oh, actually, this person disappointed me a bit." Liu Xinyi sighed and said, "I didn't expect that Chen Xiao would be this kind of double-faced person, one person who is in front of others and another who is in the back..."

"You have to know, it's because I told you that you are given special care." Li Han pinched her ear and reprimanded, "If you are a newcomer, it will not be the same treatment. I don't know if you are in the blessing. blessing……"

After the graduation photos were taken, the time came to May, and there was only one month left before the college entrance examination. The students started their final sprint, and Li Han was also arranging the development route of domestic and foreign companies.

This can be seen from the water futures and electricity futures that Li Han bought in the United States before.

The soybean planting enterprises under Qiaokou Company have also entered the harvest period for this season's soybeans.

"Just do as I say." Li Han smiled, "Remember, put all the soybeans on the futures market, and don't keep any. Then in the next season, we will start planting non-GMO soybeans." ,do you understand?"

Because the schools that serve as examination rooms are different, in case of accidents on the way to the examination room, Li Han specially ordered the school to order more than [-] buses, and asked the students to meet at the school first, and then send them to the corresponding examination room.

At present, Jinwu Power has basically completed the equipment update of Apollo Power, with an annual production capacity of 200 billion kilowatt-hours.

This is also a kind of technological coercion, which will allow Jinwu Power to firmly hold the leading position in the industry.

However, there are many arguments for the two points of "supply" and "demand".

That's right, because their country is overly dependent on imports, they have no pricing power in terms of soybeans. The price of this stuff depends entirely on foreign markets.

This time, the companies that threw these soybeans into the futures market as commodity futures included three soybean planting companies under Li Han, two companies controlled by Haitian Company, and subsidiaries of Chenxi Group and Hualong Enterprises. The total quantity of these genetically modified soybeans in the three soybean planting bases controlled by the company is about 500 million tons.

However, now Li Han has not switched to cooperating with Zhuzhao Power to sell his own patents, but instead asked Jinwu Power to make new power generation panels for sale.

Leaving a little gap for domestic demand can stimulate the development of the domestic market and keep the whole industry hot.

He used these soybeans as "bait" in order to attract the wolves of Wall Street to join hands with the four major grain merchants to increase positions and raise prices as they did when they seized domestic soybeans, triggering a new round of soybean wars.

"What good food to eat this time!?" Liu Xinyi asked expectantly, rubbing her hands together.

Although these solar power plants can make profits through their new power generation panels, the patents and technology are still in their own hands, so maintenance depends on their company's technicians.

Even in the international futures market, this number can be said to be not a small number.

But Li Han has been in the US futures market for so long, and now he has seen through the essence of this country.

They don't care how many people in the world don't have enough to eat, and they don't care whether their own country's enterprises will go bankrupt because of this. All they care about is whether they can make money.

"Mr. Li, it's amazing!" Luo Wansheng said in astonishment, "Why!? Under such circumstances, there are still people buying these genetically modified soybeans from our company?! It's unbelievable!"

As for how to set the price, of course it depends on supply and demand.If the supply exceeds demand, the price will definitely fall...

As for the cat house platform, the current market value is stable at around 200 billion, and there will not be much change in the short term.

"What!? Buy up?" The CEOs of the three companies were stunned, "Is there anyone willing to buy?"

The time has come to June [-]th, the day when students take the college entrance examination.

"Of course it's because," Li Han smiled, holding his chin, "Some people think that after buying it, there is still money to be made."

In this way, they don't need to continue to build new power stations, but instead build power panel manufacturing plants to make profits from new power panels.

"What are you worrying about? As a new generation of domestic 'legendary investor', will I ruin my reputation?" Li Han sneered, "In short, if you have no better way, just do as I say. .”

The three CEOs looked at each other and could only follow suit.

From the perspective of normal people, when the domestic genetically modified soybean market is not optimistic, no one will buy the commodity futures of this batch of soybeans. After all, China’s soybean imports account for 60% of the world’s total. Batch futures are too risky.

Although soybeans can be stored for up to two years, companies need funds to maintain operations, and it is certainly impossible to wait for two years.

To put it bluntly, businessmen in this country don't care about anything but money.

When soybeans are used as futures, it is not just a plant, but a "financial management product", which is the same as stocks.

At this time, the CEOs of seven companies could no longer hold back, and were waiting to have a meeting with him online.

Today, the stock price of Jinwu Power has basically stabilized, and its market value has remained at around 350 billion.

So when Li Han threw more than 1000 million tons of soybeans into the futures market, the key is not the price, but "more than 1000 million tons."

"Who told you that we are buying down? We are going to buy up." Li Han said proudly, crossing his arms.

"Okay, let's get in the car." Li Han waved his hands and urged, "When you finish the exam, the teacher will treat you to a big meal."

On the one hand, it can continue to stimulate the green electricity market, and on the other hand, it can also make money through patents.

"Under such circumstances?" Lin Liqiang asked puzzled, "This is really puzzling."

"Of course." Li Han said with a smile, "Put all your soybeans this season on the futures market."

"Yes, teacher." The students in the class responded one after another.

Li Han prepared the location of the [-] stores in the United States, and then set the general development route of the domestic company, and the time came to June.

To enter the overseas market, rely on first-hand "UHV power transmission technology", which Wu Gang and Ringpu have been researching for more than a year.I believe that in the near future, there should be a breakthrough in this regard.

"But wouldn't that still be a loss?" Yang Zhilin, CEO of Huangbai Group, frowned, "Now the price of genetically modified soybeans in China will only continue to fall, which is a question of how much."

"We're not nervous." Liu Yingying said with a slight smile, "Anyway, if you don't do well in the exam, you can hang out with the teacher."

"Mr. Li, what kind of medicine are you selling in the gourd?" Zheng Guofu, the general manager of Fengle Plantation, asked worriedly, "If you don't make it clear, we can't explain it to other shareholders of the company."

Under the influence of Li Han's remarks on genetically modified soybeans, the price and demand of domestic genetically modified soybeans have dropped a lot, and it is definitely not worthwhile to sell them now.

"Mr. Li, it's the harvest season, what should we do with these soybeans?" Luo Wansheng, the CEO of Jiarui Company, said anxiously, "You said you would put them on the futures market, but with the current market... are you sure you want to sell them?" Do you do that?"

On this day, the three soybean planting companies in which Li Han holds shares held an online meeting.

After watching the students get on the bus, Li Han returned to the office.

"Okay, this day is finally here." Li Han looked at the students in his class and took a deep breath, "I know everyone is very nervous now, so relax, take a deep breath, and be fine as usual."

And Jinwu Power can concentrate on investing funds and energy in technology development while making profits, preparing for the development of overseas markets.

This production capacity is not enough to meet the demand for green electricity in the domestic market even if the speed is increased, but Li Han does not plan to expand further.

"Jinsha Food Club." Li Han poked her forehead and said, "Get in the car! Your examination room is Beichang Normal Middle School."

"Don't think it's a good thing to hang out with me. It's painful to do something you don't like." Li Han tapped on her head, then changed the subject: "But, it's true, as the squad leader said. The teacher will give you the bottom line. Just play to your original level, and it’s not that if you fail the exam this time, your life will be over.”

"It's nothing puzzling. Tell me, what controls the price of soybeans? Is it the demand for soybeans in our domestic market?" Li Han asked with a smile, "It's not...it's the four major grains of ABCD that control the price of soybeans." business."

This lot of futures, on the surface, seemed to be for making money, but in fact it ignited the fuse of this war.

Through big data, Li Han confirmed that those who bought these soybeans were basically Wall Street crocodiles, and their purpose of buying this batch of soybeans was to "become a dealer."

In the next step, they should use some method to lower the price of soybeans to cause panic, and then take the opportunity to buy wildly, and then raise the price of soybeans in some way, and make a lot of money by buying low and selling high .

What Li Han has to do next is to expand the scale of this war.

(End of this chapter)

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