I can see big data

Chapter 267 Gambling

"Huh? No one wants to cheer?" Li Han sighed pretending to be disappointed, "Teacher is a bit disappointed."

"As a teacher, how can you beat a student? This violates the school's regulations!" At this time, a very beautiful girl suddenly stood up and pointed her mobile phone at Li Han, "I want to report you."

"Teacher, this is out of legitimate self-defense." Li Han smiled slightly, "School regulations are nothing, what is the basic law of our country? Criminal law and civil law, I just need to follow these two laws. Violating this The provisions of the two laws are invalid provisions.”

As he spoke, Li Han grabbed the shoulder of the split student next to him and pulled him up.

The student stood up and then squatted down clutching his crotch, unable to get up from the pain.

"Let me see, this student's name is..." Li Han checked the student roster, and then looked at the squatting student next to him, "Student Dai Shaofeng? You can go back to your seat first."

Dai Shaofeng squatted on the ground and held his crotch, although his expression was painful, his eyes were still full of dissatisfaction.

Li Han sat on the podium with arms folded: "Teacher, I want to remind you that the teacher joined this school as a professional kickboxing boxer as a physical education teacher. So, don't fight with the teacher, because..."

Speaking of this, Li Han said with a sinister smile: "Teacher has killed people in the arena."

The students at the scene looked skeptical, but more or less retreated, only the girl holding the phone sneered: "I don't believe you dare to hit us! We are students, you are the teacher!"

"That depends on the situation." Li Han smiled, "What if you attack me? Then my counterattack is self-defense."

Saying that, Li Han waved his hand: "Let's not talk about that, today is the first day the teacher takes you. You have to get along well in the next year. In short, let's introduce yourself first, name, hobbies, and specialties. Start with the first group and go."

While the students were introducing, Li Han checked their information against the student roster.

The attitude of the students' self-introduction was not very serious, either perfunctory or nonsense, so Li Han didn't take it too seriously. His purpose was to match the person with the name and observe the student's personality by the way.

However, judging from the report card, it is not that the students in this class have not studied well.

Among the 42 students in the class, two of them could rank among the top ten in the school, even in the entire Beichang City, they are quite excellent.Among the remaining 40 people, 20 people are in the middle and lower reaches of the whole school, and the remaining 20 people are at the bottom of the whole school.

Generally speaking, this is not a group of children who love to learn. The average scores of the whole class are stable and the bottom of the whole school.

As for the interests that the students themselves said, there are all kinds of interests, such as playing games, drawing manga, playing basketball, sleeping, eating, everything.

Of course, Li Han was just going through the motions, he didn't take what these students said at all.After all, the so-called hobbies of a group of high school students are basically eating, drinking and having fun. How do they know what they really want to do?

However, the students in the class are indeed very versatile. There are six sports students, long-distance running, sprinting, high jump, and basketball, but Li Han is more concerned about the remaining two sports students.One of the two girls is learning floor gymnastics, and the other is 100-meter butterfly, which is a relatively rare sport.

Sports students in these events are also more common in private schools, because private schools usually have larger gymnasiums and swimming pools, which are more convenient for these students to practice.

In addition, the biggest feature of this class is that there are so many beautiful women.

The two girls who specialize in sports are very beautiful and well-proportioned, and the girl who is grabbing her phone to report him is even taller, slender, fair-skinned and beautiful, and the other girls who are picked at random have beautiful features, and their average appearance is terribly high .

As for the boys in the class... Although there are one or two handsome ones, their average appearance is far worse than that of the girls.

After getting a general understanding of the information of these students and matching their names and faces, Li Han finished his self-introduction.

"I've heard so much from you guys. There seems to be none of the more than 40 students in the class who are interested in learning?" Li Han smiled with interest, "Why is that?"

"What's the point of studying?" A boy with small eyes and hooked nose said with a smile, "It's tiring and boring. Who would take learning as their hobby? And in the end, when they enter the society, 90.00% of their knowledge is useless." .”

"Liu Yingying, Chen Wenchao." Li Han pointed to the two people in the class.

A girl with braids stood up. Her eyes were slightly smaller, but she had delicate features, a slender figure, a quiet and well-behaved temperament, coupled with this white shirt and jeans, she was simply the goddess of first love in the hearts of thousands of students.

Then, another thin boy stood up, about 1.7 meters tall, and looked out the window expressionlessly.

"You two are among the top five in the school. Even in the city, you are quite good. Are you not interested in studying?" Li Han asked curiously, "It's okay, just tell the truth."

"My mother asked me to learn what I learned." Liu Yingying lowered her head and replied, her eyes were a little empty, she felt like a puppet being held by a string, not only without a soul, but without even a trace of will to resist.

"Then what would you like to do without your mother's intervention?" Li Han asked, crossing his arms.

"I don't know, just do what you want to make money." Liu Yingying replied indifferently, "I just want to pay back what I owe to my mother quickly, and then think about doing what I want to do."

"Go out and sell to make money..." A boy whispered in the crowd, and the class suddenly laughed.

But Liu Yingying was not angry either, she remained expressionless, as if she was indifferent to everything.

Li Han, on the other hand, stared at the boy in the crowd and narrowed his eyes: "Zhao Lin, right? You are such a scum, no one has taught you a lesson, right? Try saying it again, see Shall I teach you a lesson?"

Zhao Lin lowered her head in the crowd, not daring to speak, and the laughter of the others stopped abruptly.

Li Han continued to turn to Chen Wenchao: "What about you? Why are you still learning if you are not interested?"

"Because my family is poor, there is no other way to go." Chen Wenchao replied looking out the window.

"Really? I see." Li Han didn't ask too much, but turned to the students in the class and said with a smile: "Since none of you are interested in studying, how about we have a VAM agreement? I'll make a condition , if you can do it, I will give you corresponding rewards; and if you can’t, you have to do what I say. How?”

"Anyway, let's learn." The girl who was grabbing her phone to report him before said with a sneer.

This girl is called Liu Xinyi. For a moment, she reminded Li Han of Wang Man in junior high school. She was also amazingly beautiful, but her temperament was completely different from Wang Man.

Wang Man has a sweet appearance and a pungent personality, while Liu Xinyi is the cold and arrogant type.

"Don't worry, this bet is definitely that you have an advantage." Li Han said with a smile, "The content of this bet is that within the next week, you can challenge the teacher. Teacher, no matter what you do in the future, the teacher will ignore you and will never blame you, nor will you tell your parents."

"What about the specific rules?" Liu Xinyi asked Li Han sideways.

"There are no rules. You can do whatever you want. You decide the event, and you can even find someone to take part in the competition instead of yourself." Li Han said with a smile, "Of course, this rule is also applicable to teachers."

"Then what if you win, teacher?" Liu Xinyi frowned, "What price do we have to pay?"

Li Han smiled slightly: "Of course the teacher asked you to do something, so you have to do it. How about it? Is there any student who wants to challenge the teacher first?"

The students discussed in a low voice, and then the student with small eyes and hooked nose stood up: "Teacher! I'll compare with you!"

Li Han looked at the student and said with a smile: "Student He Xin, right? What do you want to compare with the teacher?"

"lol!" He Xin said confidently, "Let's solo!"

"What's the point of solo?" Li Han crossed his arms and said, "As far as I know, there doesn't seem to be solo in the regular matches of this game, right? They're all 5v5, so how about we have a 5v5 match? Four teammates, I am looking for four teammates to play a regular BO3 match, do you have any objection to that? All other students can come to supervise this match.”

"Hey? Teacher, I'm giving you a chance. You might still have a chance against me alone." He Xin wiped his nose with his index finger and smiled, "I'm not afraid to tell you, I'm a member of the wcl team. You have won the No.4 result in the Beichang City City Competition, if I call members of our team, you will have no chance at all."

"Huh? Team wcl, it's interesting." Li Han became a little interested, "How about this, today is too sudden, give the teacher some preparation time to find teammates, do you have any objection?"

"No." He Xin smiled and shook his head, "It's just right, my teammates should be able to come tomorrow."

Li Han nodded: "In this case, the teacher will create a WeChat group first, and everyone will add it. You will rest tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, right? Let's pick a day to play this BO3 match, what do you think? As long as you can win the teacher, no teacher will care about you in the future, nor will you sue your parents."

"Teacher, that's what you said!" He Xin smiled triumphantly, "Hey, students, come to see me hang and beat Teacher tomorrow!"

The students in the class whispered for a while, and everyone seemed very interested.

After all, Li Han got [-] to [-] today, who wouldn't want to see such a teacher being slapped in the face by students?

"Okay, then it's settled." Li Han said, and handed out the phone, "Come on, scan the QR code to join the group, enter and change the note to your real name."

(Happy New Years to everyone in advance)

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