I can see big data

Chapter 188 Two-pronged approach

Chapter 188 Two-pronged approach
For a long time, Li Han thought that Baizhe Bakery was only supported by a group of regular customers. He never thought that their popularity had already spread through word of mouth from customers.

And because both Wang Man and Li Jia wanted the store to remain the same, Li Han didn't think about the popularity of Baizhe Cake Shop.

Therefore, during lunch, Li Han used the big data APP to check the customer big data of the cake shop.

What stands out is that 79% of the customers in their store are repeat customers, and most of the customers will buy the high-quality afternoon tea again within a week, and 84% of the customers choose to recommend it to people around them after tasting it.

Although Li Han doesn't know how popular the cake shop is, the data is already quite impressive.

Judging from this data, there is indeed capital to open a branch.

Moreover, the scale of Baizhe Cake Shop is relatively small, and it is actually very easy to take shape. The kind of milk tea shop and chicken steak shop can be opened with a little modification, just buy a hand grinder coffee machine and an oven.

Thinking of this, Li Han made up his mind and came to the side to send a video request to Liu Chang.

After connecting, Li Han said straight to the point: "Starting from today, you can ask my brother-in-law to arrange for someone to buy another [-] or so small shops, just like the roadside milk tea shop and Zhengxin Chicken Chop. Just rent for three years. Don't buy it."

"Thirty stores?" Liu Chang asked in surprise, "Are you going to open a milk tea shop?"

"No, it's a branch of Baizhe Cake Shop." Li Han explained, "I did some research today and found that the two beauties in our shop are much more capable than I thought, so I decided to tap their potential and put The branch opened."

"But what about the manpower?" Liu Chang asked worriedly, "Do you want to start training again?"

"Simple," Li Han said with a smile, "you just go to the Franchise website and post a franchise news, telling everyone that we provide the storefront, equipment and cost, and invite them to settle in. A store only needs two to three clerks, and it can be a couple or a couple. It can be a good friend, one person makes desserts, one person makes coffee, and one person is in charge of the cashier, and we get 30% of the monthly income."

"We provide the storefront, equipment and materials, so it's enough for them to send out a few people?" Liu Chang pondered for a while, "Wouldn't it be too bad to get [-]%?"

"Of course the rent will be deducted from the profit of the store. If the profit of the month is not enough to offset the rent, then there will be no commission." Li Han continued, "We provide recipes, and the church is included. The income is calculated on a pro rata basis, and they can Earn more and earn more."

"What you said sounds a bit like a liar outside who cheated on the franchise fee..." Li Jia muttered beside him.

"It's a little..." Li Han smiled dryly: "But the contract must be formal, and they will know it after reading it."

After speaking, Li Han reminded Liu Chang: "The only thing is to sign a non-disclosure agreement. They are not allowed to disclose the formula and set meal combination of our store, otherwise they will pursue legal responsibility, and then the rest can be restricted by the normal terms."

"Opening so many houses all at once...would it be a loss?" Liu Chang asked worriedly.

"It's okay, I'll pay for the loss." Li Han said with a smile, "It's money, earn it when it's gone, don't worry."

"Okay!" Liu Chang was relieved after hearing this, "But, can you really hire a church?"

"It's very simple. First of all, you can ask them to have a certain level of cooking when you recruit people. After that..." Li Han said, gently pinching Wang Man's little ear who was listening to his chat, and put her Pulled to the front of the screen, "Let these two girls teach those who joined, until the church. If my cousin who never cooks can learn it, then others can too."

Wang Man's eyes widened and pinched his face in dissatisfaction, and then greeted Liu Chang on the other side of the screen: "Good afternoon."

Li Han pressed Wang Man's head, and continued: "After the first batch of people have learned it, it will be easy. Create a group for everyone to exchange ideas. On the one hand, you can teach other people the better techniques you have discovered. , On the other hand, these can teach newcomers together, and everyone helps each other to make this brand bigger and stronger together.”

"Sounds very good, I like this model." Li Jia laughed beside him.

Wang Man sighed: "I'm afraid not everyone is so kind. There will definitely be people who learn the recipes and become famous and quit the alliance."

"Let them go, we own the facade and the brand, and we only need to recruit two more people to fill the vacancy." Li Han rubbed her braids and laughed, "As for after they quit the alliance... I ask You, if a new burger joint told you that their burger was exactly like the Golden Arches, would you eat it?"

"That depends on the price." Liu Chang replied over there, "If the price is the same, then why don't I go directly to the Golden Arch?"

"Right?" Li Han turned to Liu Chang and said, "If they withdraw from the alliance and go it alone, they can only lower their prices. In addition, without the bonus of our brand awareness, their business will also decline. After withdrawing from the alliance, their income will actually increase. less, and as long as we recruit another group of people, there is no loss."

"Wonderful..." Wang Man suddenly said.

Li Han couldn't help laughing, and lightly lifted her chin and teased, "Are you a cute kitten? Come on, let me hear you again with a 'meow'."

Wang Man's face was slightly red, and seeing the playful expressions on Li Jia and Liu Chang's faces, her face became even redder, and she hammered Li Han's shoulder: "I hate it, can you be more serious when you talk about business? People are watching... ..."

"In short, our development policy is like this." Li Han continued, "The operation model of Baizhe Cake Shop has a small number of people, so the pursuit is quality, and it relies on retaining customers to create profits, and the demand for promotion is not so high. .”

"The advantage of this model is that it can bypass the commission of the food delivery platform, and you can support yourself only by regular customers. And the output is low. A store can produce about [-] copies of high-quality afternoon tea every day, even if it opens three times. The demand of ten stores will not be saturated. However, since it is handmade dim sum, of course, we must pursue the principle of preferring shortage to excess, and the production volume should not be too high, so that customers will lose their freshness.”

"But it doesn't matter even if there is excess capacity. We can let Baizhe Cake Shop produce bread, which can be used to supply the bread demand for Liuli's handmade burgers to internally digest. This will also save costs for both parties. In the future, the two stores will occasionally offer discounts Get in touch, eat hamburgers and get homemade desserts, or buy boutique afternoon tea and get hamburger coupons..."

Li Han eloquently explained the operation model in his mind to Liu Chang, Wang Man and Li Jia in detail, and the eyes of the three were shining brightly.

"Brother, you are simply a genius!" Liu Chang exclaimed, "Did you plan like this from the beginning?!"

"It wasn't planned like this from the beginning, but I did think about it, but it just took shape recently." Li Han touched Wang Man's head and said, "The main reason is that this girl has caught my attention recently."

"What about me?" Li Jia pointed to himself and asked unconvinced.

"You're great too." Li Han patted her on the head and smiled, "It's hard to manage this store well when I'm lazy in the store every day."

"That's about the same, hehe..." Li Jia nodded and smiled in satisfaction.

"Okay, I got it!" Liu Chang said energetically, "I will explain this operation plan to everyone today. I have a hunch that sooner or later we will be able to become a big brand comparable to the Golden Arches and KFC!"

"Of course." Li Han smiled passionately, "When these two stores grow bigger and our brand is well-known in China, we will buy some fast-growing snacks, soft drinks, and instant noodles. Now that the food industry has become dominant, let’s set foot in other circles, engage in clothing, and make games! Finally, we join forces with Qiaokou Company, and we will break into foreign markets and turn him upside down!”

"Oh! It's on fire!" Liu Chang laughed excitedly, and then asked worriedly: "But, in that case, we need a bigger company and more people. Where are we going to get these? We can't use our own family members." ?”

"Let's expand slowly, it will take a long time." Li Han said nonchalantly, "But there is one more thing, the facade of the cake shop should be near the self-operated store of Jiaxing Coffee, on the one hand, it is to catch their popularity and snatch them away. customers, on the other hand, it is also to hit their business and prepare for the acquisition of them in the future.”

"Understood." Liu Chang responded, "Then I will explain to the people below first."

After cutting off the video, Li Han began to think about the next allocation of funds.

The development of his plan is fast, but it needs to invest tens of millions to open the store first, and then slowly pay back the cost if it depends on burning money.So he had to figure out how much he would spend to buy Jiaxing Coffee.

These budget tasks are a waste of time and have low returns, so Li Han is going to hand them over to others.

And Liu Chang's "ignited" just now reminded him of a person: Wang Zhenyu once said that he wanted to work with him.

After the initial group of people provided funds as shareholders of Qiaokou Company, Li Han had fewer contacts with them.

Li Han only met Wang Zhenyu and Chen Jianjun at the general meeting of shareholders, but since they received last year's dividends, they seem to just want to count the money, and occasionally they can be seen talking about the recent past in the previous group Bring up a BMW or something.

He didn't know if Wang Zhenyu was still interested in following him, so he was going to go back and ask.

After discussing the details, the afternoon was almost over, and the three of them closed the cake shop and prepared to go home.

"Goodbye, my dear partners." Li Jia waved to them both, "Shall we cheer together tomorrow?"

After Li Jia left, Li Han put his arms around Wang Man's shoulders: "Okay, let's go back today and sort out the recipe of the starry sky pudding and send it to Huihui? Then I pray that she can learn it quickly."

"No problem, I promise to teach her within three days." Wang Man smiled confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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