I can see big data

Chapter 132 People are afraid of being famous

Chapter 132 People are afraid of being famous

Regarding this interview, Li Han didn't take it too seriously.

Although the result calculated by the causal calculator is beneficial, Li Han has no idea how and when it will be beneficial, so he can only let nature take its course.

After the reporter left, Li Han also prepared to go back to the cake shop.

Because the interview was delayed for a while, it was already lunch time, and most people in the company were already eating.As he passed one of the desks, he saw a young couple getting tired.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" The girl asked her boyfriend with a smile.

"It's delicious. Garlic sprouts are my favorite." The boyfriend nodded honestly, and the girl looked very happy: "If you like it, eat more, it's just for you."

The eyes of the two are full of affection, this picture reminds Li Han of him and Wang Man.He couldn't help but imagine that if he was just an ordinary white-collar worker, would it be the same when Wang Man came to deliver his meals?
At this moment, he suddenly missed Wang Man very much, and just wanted to return to her immediately.

However, the young couple immediately noticed Li Han who was watching from the sidelines.

"Mr. Li!" "Hello, Mr. Li!" Both of them were obviously employees of the company, and when they saw Li Han, they got up and said hello.

"Huh?" Li Han finally came back to his senses, and said with a smile, "It's all right, you guys continue to eat, I'm about to leave."

"Okay..." The two of them agreed, then tiptoed down to the side and continued to eat.

The atmosphere was ruined, and it was not good for the two of them to continue talking about each other.

But Li Han speeded up and came downstairs, and drove back to the cake shop.

Before the car stopped, he saw Wang Man sitting at the door and looking towards him, obviously waiting for him to come back.

"Meimei!" Li Han greeted Wang Man with a smile after getting out of the car. Wang Man greeted him with a smile, then pinched his face and gritted his teeth: "I'll pinch you every time you call me by my nickname..."

"Oh, miss me..." Li Han hugged Wang Man into the air and laughed.

"What are you doing? I haven't seen you for a few hours. As for..." Wang Man wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled lightly.

"That's not what you said when you were waiting for him to come back in the store." Li Jia swept past behind, "Who was walking around in the store anxiously before? I also asked you 'as for it'. "

"Tsk! Tear me down! I'll hit you..." Wang Man kicked Li Jia angrily, but it was just a symbolic kick.

Li Jia rolled his eyes at her, grabbed the broom and entered the house.

"As, in,?" Li Han looked at Wang Man and smiled.

Wang Man's eyes wandered around for a while, trying to change the subject: "Shall I eat? It's past twelve o'clock, are you hungry? It will be fine soon, wait a while."

"Hey." Li Han responded, hugged Wang Man's waist and staggered towards the store with her, "Meimei, I saw someone eating fried pork with garlic sprouts at the company today, and I want to eat it too."

"Do you eat garlic sprouts?" Wang Man smiled with interest.

Li Han nodded: "I love eating garlic sprouts."

"Okay, let's go back to the vegetable market today and buy some garlic sprouts, okay?" Wang Man patted his face lightly and said with a doting smile, "Oh, my Qiuqiu wants to eat fried pork with garlic sprouts, no problem. Go back Do it for you, be good."

"Don't use this tone of talking to a child, you girl..." Li Han pinched her butt angrily.

"Oh! It hurts..." Wang Man hummed dissatisfied, "It's okay to touch, but don't pinch..."

After dinner, I was busy for a while in the afternoon, and it was the end of another day.

After the cake shop closed, Li Han rode a small electric donkey and took Wang Man to the vegetable market.

"Garlic sprouts, garlic sprouts...here!" Wang Man smiled happily, put a bunch of garlic sprouts into the vegetable basket, and then added another bunch, "I will fry them for you to eat at night, my mother also likes to eat garlic sprouts Yes, you can buy more."

"Hey!" Li Han replied cheerfully, "Anything else to buy?"

"Let me see..." Wang Man pinched his hand and walked forward, "Hey! That mutton is on sale, buy some to make hot pot! It just so happens that the weather is cold, so it's best to eat hot pot. Let's eat garlic sprouts first, tomorrow If you want to eat hot pot, call Jiajia too."

"I'm afraid your hands will be sore again at night after eating..." Li Han joked.

"Tsk! Big pervert!" Wang Man gave him an elbow and said angrily, "Where's the hot pot ingredients? What do you want to eat?"

"Yuba, beef balls, cuttlefish balls, crispy sausages, thousands of pieces..." Li Han muttered, Wang Man gave him a smile and gave him a look: "I know to eat meat... eat some green vegetables too, buy some spinach and bean sprouts and go back to eat." In the hot pot."

After buying vegetables and going back, Wang Man hurriedly prepared dinner. The family sat at the table and ate. The cat, dog and chicken also ate on the balcony. This scene made Li Han feel very warm. If his father It would be even better if mom was there too.

"Yes, it will be soon..." Li Han nodded in satisfaction and thought to himself.

At this time, there was a news broadcast on the TV, and a familiar voice came from it.

"Do you have any knacks in financial management? What makes you invincible?" the host asked curiously.

And the familiar voice replied: "It's mainly based on foresight. Making money is basically about seizing business opportunities before others, just like raising pigs. Everyone knows that when raising pigs to make money, it's too late to follow suit." It's..."

"Hey, isn't this Xiao Li?" Dong Yuehua pointed at the TV and smiled, "Hey, you're on TV now?"

"Is this the interview you talked about during lunch?" Wang Man asked curiously.

"Yeah." Li Han said with a dry smile, a little bit embarrassed, "I didn't expect it to be broadcast so soon."

"It's quite handsome." Wang Man said with great interest, "My Xiaohan looks very good in a suit."

"Indeed, it looks like the shoulders are very broad." Dong Yuehua nodded with a smile.

In fact, Li Han didn't take this matter to heart, after all, how many people still watch TV these days.

But that night, Li Han's phone calls were rang off by relatives at home.

However, to Li Han's surprise, the relatives did not act particularly obsequious. On the contrary, everyone was happy and proud of him.Of course, everyone also proposed that they want to invest and make money with him.

For this matter, Li Han first calculated it with a causal calculator, and the result was orange, which showed that this matter has certain benefits.

But the benefits are obviously not economical. After all, the relatives in the family are only around the well-off level.

Presumably, the benefits should be related to family affection?
Li Han then asked for his parents' opinions, and the parents were more in favor of this matter. After all, we are a family, and we can help as much as we can.

After careful consideration, Li Han agreed.

In fact, it was his second uncle, Li Wenbo, who he was more concerned about.

Ever since the second uncle's son went to study abroad in university, the second uncle always showed off his son in the United States when he met everyone at home, and most of the time he showed off forcibly, and he just brought up some irrelevant topics.

For example, at the New Year's dinner last year, the second uncle spoke earnestly about Li Han's marriage, saying that he is not too young to get married.However, after talking for a long time, he suddenly changed the subject, saying that his wife is going to have a baby in the future, so he will take his wife to his cousin in the United States, and when the time comes to give birth there, he will be able to obtain American citizenship.

After all these nine turns and eighteen turns, it finally got around to the matter of his son studying in the United States, which disgusted Li Han so much that he couldn't eat all night, and he still feels vaguely nauseous when he thinks about it now.

But apart from this second uncle, the other relatives in the family are pretty good.And because this second uncle has been domineering at home all these years, everyone hates him, so this time he followed Li Han's investment and secretly excluded him.

"Huh?" Li Han imagined it for a while. At this year's New Year's dinner, when his second uncle mentioned at the dinner table how much his son, who hadn't come home for several years, had achieved in the United States, the whole family teamed up to scold him. picture...

"It seems to be very cool..." Li Han thought to himself while holding his chin.

Thinking about it this way, Li Han also agreed with his relatives to join, but he also made it clear that investment is risky.

"Oh, this was done to me." Li Han said with a sigh, throwing the phone aside.

"It's not bad, it connects the whole family together." Wang Man smiled beside him.

"Who knows what will happen in the future?" Li Han sighed: he agreed to this interview because the results of the causal calculator are beneficial, but judging from the current situation, he does not see any "benefits".

Of course, the events are short-lived, so perhaps they will be beneficial in the long run?
"Forget it, let's sleep with your girlfriend in your arms." Li Han sighed, and pulled a strand of Wang Man's hair, "Meimei, sleep?"

Wang Man looked at the time, then nodded with a smile: "Well, it's not too early, it's time to go to bed."

After turning off the lights, Li Han put his arms around Wang Man's slender shoulders and hugged her in his arms.

"The hug is too tight..." Wang Man complained softly.

"Get used to it slowly." Li Han hugged her even tighter domineeringly.

"Then tell me to turn around..." Wang Man hummed, and Li Han finally let go, Wang Man turned her back to him in his arms, and curled up in his arms.

"Huh..." Wang Man let out a satisfied sigh and fell silent.

But after a while, she turned around and kissed Li Han on the face: "Good night...I love you."

"Good girl." Li Han patted her head and kissed her lightly on the face, "Sleep well, sleep peacefully, I'll be by your side, I won't go anywhere. Every morning when you open your eyes, the first The one who saw it was me."

"Hmm..." Wang Man responded softly, breathing slowly and gently.

The next morning, when Li Han woke up, he immediately looked at Wang Man in his arms.

The girl slept with her mouth open so that her saliva flowed out, purring softly like a cat.But her expression and posture looked very relaxed, not at all like the insecure look he had seen that morning.

Only then did Li Han feel relieved, and buried his face in Wang Man's hair.

(End of this chapter)

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