Chapter 479 Daming Bank
The Meng family was shocked when they heard that private individuals could buy shares in sea-going ship companies.

She grew up in a merchant family, and she is very talented in doing business. She has never heard of this model.

Ordinarily, such a business could have been dominated by the imperial court, so why would it still be willing to allow individuals to take a share?
Even though the Meng family is an unusual woman, in the final analysis, she is the same as the businessmen and ordinary courtiers in the world. In their eyes, they only have their own small interests. Naturally, they can't understand Qin Shao's thoughts as the king of a country.

I also can't understand the idea that the emperor wants to gather the financial resources of the entire Ming Dynasty to do big things. Of course, his vision will not be the profit of a certain ship or a few ships, but to gather more power to break through the shipping of Daming. Southeast Asia, sweeping to all parts of the world.

Although this task is very arduous, Qin Shao already knew that Portugal, Spain had already occupied North and South America during this period, and now they are still eyeing Southeast Asia, and the follow-up is the rise of the British Empire.

The former Daming missed one step, and the next step was wrong...

Today's Daming is not strong enough, it can be said that it is empty inside, but the determination and courage outward are indispensable.


Although those people don't really understand what buying shares is, the new name change and opening of Daming Bank still caused a great impact in the capital.

Many people went in to see what was going on, and only after entering did they realize that it was a place where you could save money and earn interest, and you had to pay high interest for borrowing money. Isn't this the so-called bank?
Because the interest rate was good at the beginning, I heard that it was guaranteed by Shangjing Teahouse, which is quite well-known. It is a chain of book returning shops, printing factories and other industries.

Therefore, Daming Bank's business has been booming since its opening, and now it has become the largest bank in the capital. It is said that it has started to open branches in various places in Daming.

Moreover, the Jinghua Tabloid and other newspapers also secretly revealed that the Daming Bank is actually the property of the imperial court!
Only then did everyone wake up to the fact that the imperial court had played such a big game, and later saw that the imperial household department sent officials to work inside, which proved the guess.

I heard that all the staff of Daming Bank are Jinshi specially selected by the imperial court with excellent grades in arithmetic.

Today, the liberal arts and imperial examinations of the Ming Dynasty have also specifically added the subject of arithmetic, and its proportion is getting higher and higher.

Private schools and government schools in various parts of Ming Dynasty increased the study of arithmetic.

Indeed, if Daming Bank was marked as a bank of the imperial court from the very beginning, many wealthy businessmen would not dare to put their money in it. Yours may be confiscated directly.

Therefore, when they learned that Daming Bank was the Imperial Bank, many people sweated a lot.

They were all worried that the imperial court would renege on their debts. After all, it was not uncommon for the imperial court to pluck wool.

However, with the arrival of short-term deposit interest, many people's hearts began to stabilize.

Many people began to increase their deposits, and some people began to take loans from banks.

This Daming Bank is really different from the previous banks. When borrowing money, it has to check the various economic conditions of the borrowers.

Where are you from?What occupation do you do?
How much savings and property do you have at home?

Have the ability to repay the loan!

A series of rules come down, which is amazing.

Many people feel incredible.

But after this rule was spread, more and more people came to make deposits.

It's so standardized, so rigorous, it's really safe, what's more reassuring than being here!

It's just that the current Daming Bank is very different from the previous banks. Basically, the people who come to deposit are either merchants or wealthy dignitaries. If the family has a lot of money, they will earn interest here.

For ordinary small households, money is basically kept at home.

Although it is said that there is short-term interest, many people are still waiting and watching, worrying about the risks.

After all, those rich and powerful people either have identities or backgrounds. Ordinary people like them, if money is stored in it and they are corrupted, they have nowhere to reason.


Li Shan left his job and walked to the door of Hutong's house.

"Master Li is back!"

"Master Li is back!"

"Master Li is back!"

A group of people greeted each other warmly, with such enthusiasm and even a slightly flattering look, which made Li Hu sound a little embarrassed.

The person who flattered and bowed was still the old lady of the Wang family who had always quarreled with his mother and pressed the yard to the boundary of their house.

Li Shan just nodded, and didn't turn his eyebrows coldly at the old woman because of the previous conflict.

He was born in a scholar family. His father, Li Kui, was a poor scholar who never made progress in his life.

It is said that if you have the fame of a scholar, you should have a subsidy and you should be able to live on.

It's just that Li Kui's health is not good, and he spends a lot of money on medical treatment, making life more and more difficult.

Despite this situation, Li Kui insisted that his son Li Shan should not do technical work to make money, but study and take scientific examinations. Studying is a big item that costs money. In recent years, Li Shan has failed several times in the provincial examinations, except for being a scholar like his father. .

Li Shan had seen Li Kui's persistent failure for many years since he was a child, but he didn't dare to provoke his father, so he could only rely on his mother's sewing to keep him studying for many years, and he secretly helped others copy books to improve family life.

Because the family is poor, the Li family has often been looked down upon and treated coldly by people around them.

After all, there is no need for a small place in this capital, and there is no shortage of officials at the feet of the emperor, and poor talents are not rare.

Li Kui ran out of fuel last year and died!

Li Shan dropped out of school directly and worked as an accountant in a grocery store, and his life gradually improved.

Some time ago, a classmate told him that a rich bank in the capital was looking for jobs, saying that it wanted to recruit jobs that were young, strong in learning, and excellent in arithmetic, so Li Shan went to sign up.

When he got there, he had to take the written test. He was very surprised and found that his classmates were also taking the test there.

Li Shan's classmate is the son of a wealthy businessman, and his family has many shops. He helped introduce Li Shan's previous work.

"You...why did you apply for the job?"

Li Shan was very surprised.

"Let me tell you the truth! This bank belongs to the imperial court. My father got the gossip. Those who can work in this bank are all from the imperial court, but there are not enough people. We need to recruit some from the private sector. It's just that the number of people is limited. We It's also the news that I found out, and the notice has been posted, but many people don't know the situation and didn't come to sign up, I know you need this job, let's do it well, I heard that the salary is very good!"

"But doesn't your family have a shop? Where are you going to do business?"

Li Shan didn't understand his classmate Hu Min, but his family had five shops.

"You may not know about my situation. My father has four sons, and I am in the middle. My father and mother do not love each other. Those shops will be mainly managed by my elder brother. It would be nice if I could share some profits. I can only find out by myself." Lu, my father wants me to take the imperial examination, but it’s not like you don’t know my learning ability, I’m not as good as you! I’ve been taking the exam for a few years, and it’s getting worse every year. My father knows the gossip and wants to It is also a way out, let me take the exam, maybe we will also be employed by the imperial court in the future!"

Hu Min said in a low voice.

Every family has its cupboard!

For many families who do business, the eldest son inheritance system is adopted in many cases in order to divide the family wealth among multiple children and reduce the cohesion of family property.

Not to mention this era, it is the era when Qin Shao stayed, and it is the same for some family businesses.

No matter how powerful the family business is, once it is divided equally by multiple children, it is basically over.

Li Shan knew that this was a rare opportunity, so he answered those questions seriously, among which were the most arithmetic questions, and he was quite good at this.

After the grades came out, Li Shan's grades were relatively high, and he was admitted directly.

Then there is a series of months of training and induction.

Li Shan is now in charge of the counter reception at Daming Bank.

Being able to work in Daming Bank, and now knowing that Daming Bank is the property of the imperial court, the status of the staff there is naturally rising.

It is said that all the people inside have met the emperor, and the emperor has personally received them.

Don't look at the capital, the people in the capital have seen the world compared to many people in other small places, but because of the circle, many people may have never seen the emperor in their entire life.

The staff of Daming Bank was received by the emperor, this honor...

Since someone in Li Shan Hutong found out that he worked in Daming Bank, their attitude towards him has undergone a 180-degree turn, which is called hospitality.

Many distant relatives now also visit Li Shan's mother at their home. Li Shan has never heard of many so-called relatives.

When the family was the most difficult and the poorest, and my father was sick, those so-called relatives didn't even have a face-to-face photo!

In short, he is now surrounded by good people, and those evil people in the past have now become good people with smiles and flattery.

He has indeed seen the current emperor, they are just small employees of the bank, yes, the emperor said that they are all employees, they are part of the bank, the emperor did not specially receive them, but took the lead in training them!
The emperor said that they were the staff of the first Daming Bank, which is very special. They should also become trainers in the future. Daming Bank will be a great change in history, and they are likely to be included in the annals of history!
After getting in touch with the new emperor and those people, Li Shan's once small world was completely opened up. What a man should see is the outside world, not the square inch in front of him.

He no longer cares about those parents who used to be short-sighted at home, those so-called ordinary people who are not in the same world as him, there is no need to deliberately retaliate and suppress them just because they have a certain status!
Their showing weakness and flattery is already the greatest punishment for them!

Summer insects cannot speak of ice, well frogs cannot speak of sea, and ordinary people cannot speak of words.

"Shan'er! You're back!"

As soon as Li Shan entered the door, the old lady came out from the kitchen.

"Mom, don't you have a sore foot? Why are you cooking again? Didn't I say that I would buy some food from the restaurant when I come back from work?"

Li Shan supported his old mother distressedly, took out the cooked food from the wine shop from his arms and said.

"Oh! You spent a lot of money buying so much meat! Shan'er, mother knows that you will make money, but you still have to save the money you make, don't spend it recklessly, and save the money for you to marry a wife in the future. Let's have some home-cooked food!"

Mother Li looked at the meat and vegetables with some distress. The price of the food in the restaurant outside was quite expensive, and they were usually reluctant to eat it.

"Mother, don't worry, I'm doing this job very smoothly. Among the newly recruited people, I'm the fastest at calculating. The supervisor told me that I will be asked to collect and bookkeeping tomorrow, and my salary will also increase." In half, you won’t have to worry about money anymore! As for the daughter-in-law, don’t worry, with my current status, so many people come to kiss me, your son has to pick and choose, find a virtuous and capable one! As for the gift money , you don’t have to worry, we’ll just do it as usual, I’ve seen it, as long as you have status and money, the Yue family will not only keep your mouth shut, but also subsidize a lot, so you don’t have to worry about it in the future!”

Li Shan smiled.

He really sees clearly now that when you are at the bottom and have no ability, you are basically surrounded by people who make things difficult for you.

In the past, their family was poor, and his old mother was always worried that the family would end up here, sorry for his dead father.

He asked the matchmaker and the people around him to tell him his wife, and they didn't ask too much, they were about the same age, just a hardworking and virtuous woman, beauty and ugliness didn't matter, anyway, their family was so poor.

As a result, the women introduced to them were not only poor and ugly, but those people's families even opened their mouths to ask for a lot of gifts, which was completely a posture of selling their daughters.And those women still look dirty, can't read a single word, and some speak very rudely.

Now not only the neighbors around have to introduce someone to him, but those people in their bank also asked him about his situation. Knowing that he was not married, they directly said that he had a niece from the same family who was about the same age as him, so his mother had Kong can meet with the other party's family, and then decide if it feels appropriate.

Moreover, the supervisor also asked someone to tell him in private that his niece's parents are both in business. There are two grocery stores in the capital, a son and a daughter. They dote on their daughters very much. A piece of land is used as a dowry, and as for the dowry, it only needs to follow the customs of ordinary families in the capital.

Li Shan is not a fool, and the conditions of the other party can be said to be very generous, at least for a family like his.

If he was the original identity, the other party probably wouldn't even look at him!
The reason why the other party was able to let go of his status and was willing to marry a family like theirs was naturally because of his current status.

Being able to work in Daming Bank is not only because of the good salary, but his family conditions will get better and better in the future.

Li Shan has already calculated that in his current situation, he can move out of the original small house and replace it with a larger one in two years. The house they live in now is a house shared by two families. Occupies two rooms.

The reason why the other party fell in love with him was because of his potential, as well as his contacts and strength in the Daming Bank.

Daming Bank is the bank of the imperial court, and the information and trends in it will affect the business environment, as long as anyone with a business mind understands it!
"Okay! Okay, my son is capable! You're right, the people on the other side of the alley almost break the threshold of our house every day, and say they want to introduce someone to you. I listen to you and say that you are old. If you don't listen to me, you need to discuss your affairs with you, but now it's a lot less!"

Mother Li smiled.

She has a gentle personality, unlike some mothers in many families who are more powerful, she is more attached to her son, which also cultivates Li Shan's more independent personality.

"Mom, don't talk so much, the food is getting cold, let's eat quickly, I'm hungry!"

Li Shan didn't want to talk about those annoying things anymore, so he changed the subject.

"Good! Good! Let's..."

"My God! What's to be done! What's to be done!"

Mother Li's voice hadn't finished yet, when a burst of crying suddenly came from outside!

(End of this chapter)

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