Qin Yuedang Kong

Chapter 137 Chapter 137: The dust of Daqin Agricultural Machinery Institute 1 has settled

Chapter 137 Chapter 130 Seven: The matter of the Daqin Agricultural Machinery Institute is settled

"The yield per mu is 210 catties!" Meng Yi sighed in amazement after only one glance.

Not only Meng Yi, but also all the civil and military people behind Meng Yi were shocked when they heard the figure of 210 jin.If the entire Great Qin can reach [-] mu per mu, the new taxes alone will be astronomical.

A few months ago, when Fusu brought up the decision to establish the Daqin Agricultural Machinery Academy in the court meeting, these people were all against it. The reason for their opposition was nothing more than worrying that the establishment of the Daqin Agricultural Machinery Academy would be a waste of people and money.The fundamental reason is that I still don't quite believe that the agricultural harvest will increase with the agricultural technology Fusu said.

For thousands of years, according to the cognition of Li Si and the officials, grain harvest is a gift from God and has nothing to do with manpower.Therefore, agricultural sacrifices have been regarded as extremely important since the Shang and Zhou dynasties.If natural disasters such as drought and locust plagues occur, it will be blamed on the emperor's failure to be moral or the warning from heaven, which is called sin years.At this time, the emperor will perform a sacrificial ceremony and confess his sins to the heaven.

Now those farmers are cultivating according to Fusu's arrangement, and they have actually achieved a yield of 180 jin per mu, which is far beyond the [-] jin per mu that Fusu had agreed with them at the beginning.

There were also some ministers who were skeptical about the result of 210 catties per mu for a while. After all, this matter too subverted their cognition. Since ancient times, farming has been determined by God, and Fusu’s move is indeed a bit too abnormal and completely subverted. their cognition.Even though what was written in the letter was convincing, they still didn't want to believe the content of the letter for a while.

"My lord, 210 catties. This matter is so important that I really can't believe it easily. Since ancient times, farming has been done in the sky. Even if there is a harvest of [-] catties per mu, it is just a fluke."

Seeing that some officials were still opposing the establishment of the Daqin Agricultural Machinery Academy, Fusu did not rush to refute, but patiently threw this issue to the officials again.

"Second prime ministers, gentlemen, it was you who made the bet with me at the beginning. If those farmers in Guilin County really reach [-] catties per mu, you will support me to set up the Daqin Agricultural Machinery Institute. Now one mu of land The food is two hundred catties, are you still denying it?" Fusu asked the officials with a serious face.

Hearing what Fusu said, the officials couldn't say anything more, so they could only look around resentfully to cover up their embarrassment.Especially those few ministers who were still skeptical about the two hundred catties per mu were feeling as uncomfortable as if they had eaten flies.

After a few breaths, seeing that the officials were choked by what he said, the expression on Fusu's face eased.

"My lords, I am not persecuting you. Think about it, if all the arable land in Daqin can produce [-] catties per mu, how much more grain will be produced? Since more people can be fed, taxes can be increased. Such a good thing , what else do you object to?"

"That's right, fellow colleagues, we made a bet with you at the Qilin Temple. Now that you have won, what else do we have to say? Veteran Li Si expresses his position here. Li Si supports you in setting up the Daqin Agricultural Machinery Academy .”

"Chen Mengyi also agrees with your son's establishment of the Daqin Agricultural Machinery Institute!"

With the public platforms of Li Si and Meng Yi, even those ministers who had opposed the establishment of the Daqin Agricultural Machinery Academy before could not say anything more.

(End of this chapter)

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