I wake up Naruto world

Chapter 137 Soup God

Chapter 137 Soup God
"Legends say that this world was originally just a barren land without extraordinary energy."

"Suddenly one day, some kind of strange energy gathered from an unknown place. And this energy is both a blessing and a curse."

"For life without intelligence, these energies allow them to grow rapidly, and even help them give birth to intelligence."

"However, for those lives that already possess intelligence, these energies are like poison, causing them to irreversibly continue to transform in the direction of animalization."

"This situation has lasted for a long time, so long that all life on this land thinks that this is what their world looks like."

Liya spoke silently, Xinghuo listened carefully, and the room was filled with a certain mysterious atmosphere.

"After a long, long time, a towering giant tree rose from the ground, covering most of the world."

"From then on, that weird energy started to thin out and eventually fade away completely."

"Instead, it is the energy called "Chakra" emanating from this giant tree. "

Liya paused for a moment, her eyes gradually drifting away, as if some kind of emotion was brewing.

"Another mutation of energy, the result is obvious, that is the mass extinction of life."

"The lives that do not adapt to the changes die in large numbers, leaving only those who adapt to become the new masters of the world."

"The life between adaptation and non-adaptation migrates towards the edge of the world."

Hearing this, Xinghuo seemed to realize something.He looked at the pair of fluffy little ears on Leah's head, and it turned out to be the case.

The girl ignored the boy's unscrupulous eyes, gave him a light look, and continued her story.

"At the edge of the world, the energy is thin. Although the resources are insufficient, but fortunately, the environment is stable. Without those catastrophes, life can be regarded as peaceful and comfortable."

"However, the good days are always short-lived."

Speaking of this, Xinghuo observed that a crystal tear slipped down Liya's cheek quietly.

"The world is changing again."

The girl's voice began to tremble a little, as if she was experiencing some kind of great horror.

Xinghuo moved his butt subconsciously, and sat next to the girl.He could feel that it was not only her voice that trembled, but also her body.

Leah also seems to have gained some kind of spiritual support because of Xinghuo's approach, allowing her to continue the story.

"The earth collapsed, and countless cracks appeared in the sky, and the world split apart."

With only a dozen or so words, Xinghuo has an immersive and creepy feeling.

The so-called end of the world is nothing more than that.

Compared to this catastrophic scene, the previous energy changes were only at the kindergarten level, not worth mentioning at all.

"Dead, basically dead. Alive, that's a miracle!"

Liya's tears couldn't stop anymore, like a trickle, gushed out from the corners of her eyes, and slid down her delicate face, wet her clothes, and touched Xinghuo's heart.

To be alive is a miracle.

What else can better reflect the humbleness of life than this sentence?

Those who did not adapt to the changes in the world actively migrated to the edge of the world, just to survive.Little did they know that there was a bigger catastrophe waiting for them.

The world is split apart, how can life continue to exist?
If Leah was talking about herself, or her racial history, then it was certain that her very existence was a miracle.

Xinghuo handed over a paper towel, and after it was completely wet, handed over a new one.After repeated several times, Leah's crying slowly stopped.

She raised her head to look at Xinghuo, feeling a charming and poignant beauty.

"After the cataclysm, less than one hundred people survived. But life has to go on, doesn't it?"

The girl's face was slightly flushed, as if what she was going to say next gave her strength again.

"Among the survivors emerges a hero who can summon magical springs to heal the wounds of the land and bring life back to that shattered land."

"Later, people called her "God of Soup". "

Xinghuo took a deep breath, his eyes kept moving on Leah and the statue of the beautiful woman.Could it be that Liya, or this statue of a beautiful woman, is the so-called god of soup?

Tangquan City?Soup God?

Could it be that this city was also built by Tang God?

However, this is the ninja world, the place where Chakra gathers, not the edge of the world. Why did Tang God build a city here?

Too many questions lined up into his mind, making him frown unconsciously.

Liya also noticed Xinghuo's strangeness, but she didn't stop to wait for him, but continued her story.

"Under the blessing of Tang God, the devastated land gradually recovered, and even developed a great civilization."

"People on your side call it the "Kingdom of the Beastmen". "

Orc Kingdom?

Xinghuo read these words silently, and glanced at the two small ears on the top of Leah's head, so that's the case, is there really such a setting as orcs?

On the outskirts of the ninja world, outside the human world, there is a powerful country established by orcs.

They were originally losers under the chakra energy system. They experienced the crisis of annihilation, but under the blessing of God Tang, they realized the comprehensive revival of the race.

However, no matter how you look at this orc, it is very similar to the legendary fairy model.

To be precise, it is very similar to the immortal mode after failure.

In the original book, when Naruto is practicing the sage mode, if something goes wrong, he will be assimilated into a toad by natural energy.

Even if one successfully mastered the Immortal Mode and tamed the natural energy, one's face would still have the characteristics of an animal.

This is true of Naruto, and so is Jiraiya, but the most obvious one depends on Yakushi's pocket.

During the decisive battle, the snake tail on the pharmacist's chest was the most direct evidence.

Thinking of this, Xinghuo's mind was buzzing.He didn't expect that the cause and effect of Leah's body would involve the origin and transformation of this world, as well as the inexplicable natural energy in the original book.

When he was still on Earth, he had doubts about the immortal mode in the original "Naruto" book.

Obviously, the senjutsu chakra in the sage mode is more advanced than the normal chakra.But what is the basis for this?What is this principle?
Didn't say it.

Not only did it not say, even the details of the three major sources of the fairy model, Miaomu Mountain, Longdi Cave and Shibone Forest, were not explained much, and their specific addresses were not even clear.

Before the spark crossing, I was very confused, why is it really necessary to add another natural energy system in addition to the chakra energy system?

Is it just to let Naruto hang up?

Now, he has some clues about this question.The so-called natural energy should be the extraordinary energy mentioned by Leah, which first came to this world.

That is the energy that can turn intelligent life into beasts, and it is also the energy that can help non-intelligent life to open up their spiritual wisdom.

The ancestors of the Liya family should be the earliest native intelligent life that lived in this world.Under the influence of natural energy, they gradually turned into beasts.

The various intelligent psychic beasts that appeared in the original book are most likely native wild animals that have been enlightened by natural energy.

As for the three "immortals" in the Three Great Sacred Lands, Xinghuo guessed that their origins might not be that simple.

After all, Leah's story doesn't explain how natural energies are gathered in this side of the world.

"Still underestimated her."

Xinghuo sighed secretly in his heart, and temporarily put aside his thoughts about the immortal mode and natural energy, but asked a question that he was most concerned about now.

"Leah, are you Tang God?"

To be continued
(End of this chapter)

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