Chapter 199
Sugao looks over 60 years old, with wrinkled face, long and gray hair and beard, looks very pale, but a pair of round and pure eyes, very charming, speaks with meaning, obviously knowledgeable, and has a kind attitude, even if There is no condescension in the name of a master, and he is not a charlatan.

At least you can see Liuli's perception clearly. This Master Sugao is really like a man who practiced Taoism in the mountains and fields. , should have nothing to do with him.

And it's no wonder he has so many followers, he is indeed very charismatic and thoughtful.

Of course, she didn't quite understand what Nanahara Takeshi and Sugao Mitsuru were talking about. The two sides had a lot of discussions. After listening to it for a third of the time, she fell asleep and woke up when she was about to leave. It felt like a dream.

Somi Ose was a little dazed, she was touched by the words of Mitsuru Sugao and Takeshi Qihara just now, which confirmed all the past experiences, and she wondered for a while what the meaning of her efforts in the "worldly world" was, the more she gained, the more troubled she would be. The more you think about it, the past efforts will become the shackles that bind you. It is better to "lie down", give up responsibilities and obligations, and pursue peace of mind.

She also kind of wants to get a "membership card" here, and feels that maybe she can come here occasionally to attend lectures and seek "spiritual detachment".

Takeshi Qihara also admitted that Sugao has two brushes, and he really didn't sit by the spring for eight years, but that's all for him. His three views are very stable, and it's not up to others to shake him.

He was already thinking about what to have for dinner, looked at his watch after he went out, and politely asked Huangshi Island: "Huangshi-san, can I stay here for a night?"

It was past eight o'clock in the evening, and the nameless mountain was quite steep, and the mountain road was difficult to walk. Going down the mountain in the dark is prone to accidents. Huangshi Island did not refuse, and led them to the long row of a single building on the west side of the village with a flashlight. Wooden house, said with a smile: "You can rest here tonight."

Takeshi Qiyuan looked around and found that the long row of wooden houses was not lit up, so he asked with a smile, "Is this your guest room?"

The distance between here and the village is quite far, and the daily life and practice of the "villagers" cannot be disturbed. It seems that they are separated intentionally.

"Yes." Huang Shidao nodded, didn't say much about it, picked a room at random and invited them in, lit the oil lamp and left the flashlight for them, and said with a smile, "Sorry, there is no electricity on the mountain, if You can use this if you need lighting at night. You wait a moment, I will send dinner and bedding to you."

"Thank you." Takeshi Qiyuan thanked him, watching him walk away in the dark under the moonlight, walking steadily, it seems that he has lived here for many years, he is very adaptable, almost no different from the mountain people.

Qingjian Liuli put down her bulging backpack and looked at the room.

The room is very large. It is estimated that the land here can be used freely without saving, but the room decoration is quite simple. The floor is covered with wooden floors. There is almost nothing in it, just a small handmade table and a wooden basin for washing It's just a guest room in a place of practice on the mountain, so it's reasonable to be simple.

Takeshi Qiyuan also took a look around in the dim light of the oil lamp, and found that it was simple, but it was still clean, within a barely tolerable range, so he took off his shoes and sat down at the table.

Kose Sumi also sat down at the table, wanting to rub her feet. After walking for a while on the mountain road, her feet hurt a lot, but she was embarrassed to guard Qiyuan Takeshi, and was a little hesitant, but Qiyuan Wu saw her sit up and went to see Liuli again. Move your butt over there.

"This case should have nothing to do with Master Sugao." Qingjian Liuli started flipping through the mountaineering bag to get things out as he spoke. Qiyuan Takeshi is a troublesome man. He brought a lot of odds and ends with him when he went out. He thought that he might spend the night on the mountain. Use, even the cups have to bring their own.

Takeshi Qiyuan was also a little disappointed. It would be easier to deal with Sugao Man being a charlatan, or someone who swindled the money sect, but he turned out to be a hermit who came here to seek spiritual relief. The case probably has nothing to do with him.

At least, he tried for a long time, but he didn't find anything wrong with Sugao Mitsuru.

Kose Sumi recovered a little bit from the "spiritual liberation is better than everything" at this moment, her professionalism regained the upper hand, and secretly rubbed her feet and asked Qiyuan Takeshi: "Then what is Qiyuan's plan next? Who else do you need to see tomorrow?"

She'd been to the victim's apartment, the resort, the mountain village, and the witnesses, and she couldn't think of anything else to do.

Qiyuan Wu moved closer to Qingjian Liuli again, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Master Sugao is not the only one here, I will chat with other people tomorrow, after all, it is not easy to climb up."

Kose Sumi nodded slightly, and said nothing, anyway, she has nothing to do now, she can only listen to Takeshi Qihara.

Soon, there were footsteps outside the door, and the indifferent male Takaaki Terano and another spectacled woman in her 30s came with flashlights, carrying quilts, food boxes, and two thermos bottles.

Takaaki Terano still had the same cold attitude, throwing down the bedding and leaving, it seemed that people like Takeshi Qihara had an infectious disease, and it was dangerous to get close, but the glasses girl had a gentle personality and was quite polite, she didn't leave for a while, and helped open the food box to get Meals, cups and chopsticks, and asked with a smile: "Three, see what else you need."

"That's enough, I'll trouble you." Qiyuan Wu actually asked Qing Jian Liuli to carry a whole set of daily necessities, as long as there is a clean place to lie down.

The glasses lady also felt the same way, after all, it was just a temporary stay for one night, and some basic supplies were enough.She got up and was about to leave, but Qiyuan Wu took a look, reached out and gently grabbed her sleeve, and said with a smile: "Please wait a moment, what's your name?"

The glasses girl was stunned for a moment, then she sat back and said politely, "Sorry, I'm Yuka Kitamachi, do you need anything else?"

"It's just a little strange." Takeshi Qihara asked with a smile, "Miss Kitamachi hasn't been to the guest room before?"

Kitamachi Youxiang was slightly taken aback, and covered his mouth with a smile: "How do you know? It's indeed my first time here. This guest room has just been built, and you are the first guests to stay."

Qing Jian Liuli didn't expect that people like herself would take the lead, looked around in the dim light, and found that the white walls didn't look like they had just been painted, she was slightly surprised: "Has this place just been built? Look It's been a while since you woke up!"

Kitamachi Yuka smiled and said: "There are not many people here who know carpentry and architecture. Only Arashi-san, Atsuzawa-san, Mizumu-san, and Terano-kun are busy. Well, by the way, they have been trying to build buildings since last year. A guest room, in case someone comes to visit Master Sugao, or some partners who come back to visit, have to temporarily arrange a place to live, it has been under construction intermittently, and it was barely available last weekend, and they had a little celebration at that time."

Clearly seeing Liuli, it suddenly dawned on me that this simple wooden house had been built and decorated for almost a year. It is estimated that the mountain road is difficult, but the overall frame is okay. Materials can be obtained locally on the mountain, but other building materials, such as doors, windows and glass, can be transported up. , Curtains, polished wooden floors, etc. It took a lot of time to think about it, so I kept procrastinating.

Qiyuan Wu chatting about the guest room was just an opening remark. He didn't care about the wooden house. Seeing that he had successfully entered the chatting state, he immediately asked with a smile: "Miss Kitamachi is in charge of entertaining guests. Do you know Miss Daduan Dai?"

The smile on Kitamachi Yuka's face faded slightly, and she sighed: "I don't know... Well, I should say that I haven't talked to her, but I know her. She is Iwato-san's girlfriend. I heard that she seems to have been killed."

Qiyuan Wu laughed dumbly and said, "Girlfriend? Who told this?"

"Isn't it?" Kitamachi Yuka was slightly surprised, "Iwato-san brought her to visit Master Sugao before, and I heard that they were thinking about getting married at that time."

"If you say that, it can be counted." Takeshi Qiyuan didn't bother with this point too much. Duan Dai has upgraded from a nurturing lover to a formal girlfriend, and she might actually get married in the future.

He turned and asked with interest: "How long has Miss Kitamachi been here, and how do you feel living here?"

Kitamachi Yuka laughed again: "I have been here for more than two years, and I am very happy to live here! The people here are very nice, everyone works and lives together, just like a big family."

"Then what do you usually do?" Takeshi Qiyuan continued to inquire about the news, and asked with concern, "Will it be very hard?"

Kitamachi Yuka thought for a while, and said with a smile: "I mainly cook, help everyone clean up, and sometimes pick mushrooms and herbs, or learn to study. It's not hard work."

Qingjian Liuli asked curiously, "Do you still want to study here?"

Kitamachi Yuka took out a mimeographed booklet from his pocket, and said with a smile: "Master Sugao sometimes tells us his insights on practice, and also helps us resolve our troubles. Arashi-san and the others compiled some of Master Sugao's words into a book , sometimes take us to read together, think about it, and also take us to meditate together and examine our hearts."

Takeshi Qiyuan reached out to take the booklet and flipped through it, and found that it was really a bit like "the words of a sage". It also recorded a detailed study guide for yoga meditation. , with the posture of a "sage", maybe it can develop into a serious small sect.

But it's none of his business, he flipped through it and was about to hand it back to Kitamachi Yuka, when Ose Suomi reached out to take it, and began to look through it slowly, as if he was a little interested in exploring the meaning of life today.

Kitamachi Yuka looked at Ose Suomi's expression, and said generously: "If you like it, you can stay and read it slowly. I'll ask Arashi-san for another copy."

Kose Sumi hesitated, smiled and nodded her thanks, she really left the booklet, anyway, the night is boring, so it's good to pass the time.

Regardless of these, Qiyuan Wu tentatively asked Kitamachi Yuka: "Then Miss Kitamachi intends to live here forever? Have you ever considered leaving?"

Kitamachi Yuka hesitated for a moment, couldn't help but raised his hand to touch his face, but immediately shook his head and said with a smile: "No, this place is very good, I will probably live here forever."

Qiyuan Wu smiled embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I reminded you of something bad."

Kitamachi Yuka shook her head again, her smile unchanged: "It's nothing, it's over, I've learned not to care about those things."

"That's good." Takeshi Qiyuan agreed, and then asked, "What about the others, do they think the same as you?"

Kitamachi Youxiang smiled and said: "Then I don't know, but when I came here, there were only a dozen people here, and the number has almost doubled in the past two years. Maybe most of them don't want to leave!"

After she finished speaking, she hesitated for a moment, feeling that Takeshi Qiyuan had nothing serious to do, so she said politely, "Sorry, if I don't need anything else, I'll go back first, and there are other things in the village."

"Of course, I wasted your time." Takeshi Qihara got up and walked to the door, watched Kitamachi Yuka flashlight, and walked away carefully.

Seeing that Liuli was very polite, Qing saw her off with him, looked at her receding back, and asked curiously: "You said she recalled bad things before... what is it?"

Takeshi Qihara said indifferently: "Unfortunate marriage, she has many old bruises on her face, and her smile is slightly affected. It is likely that she suffered domestic violence for a long time before, and was often beaten with black nose and swollen face. The indifferent male Takaaki Terano was similar, it should be Those who fled here to hide from usury, this place is really a paradise."

"So that's how it is!" Qing saw Liuli feel bad for Kitamachi Yuka, and said with relief, "But I think she is doing well now, her smile is from the heart, she should really let go, and she should be fine in the future .”

Takeshi Qiyuan nodded, half agreeing with her words.

It's a good thing for her, but not necessarily for Dai Duan. The idea of ​​these people occupying the mountain and refusing to leave remains unchanged, and there is still a conflict of interest with Dai Duan.

(End of this chapter)

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