Chapter 437 Compensation
The chapter returns to normal before dawn.

Please understand and forgive me a lot.

In the first year of Zhenghe (92 BC), Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty lived in Jianzhang Palace. He saw a man with a sword entering the Zhonglonghua Gate, suspected that he was an unusual person, and ordered someone to capture him.The man abandoned his sword and fled. The guards chased him but failed to capture him.Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was furious and executed the waiter who was in charge of entering and exiting the palace gate.In winter and November, Emperor Wu of the Han conscripted cavalry from the Sanfu area to conduct a large-scale search of Shanglin Garden, and ordered the gate of Chang'an to be closed for search, and martial law was lifted after eleven days.Witchcraft incidents began to appear.

The wife of Prime Minister Gongsun He, Wei Junru, is the sister of Empress Wei, so Gongsun He is favored.Gongsun He's son Gongsun Jingsheng succeeded his father as a servant, arrogant and extravagant.He did not abide by the law and used 900 million yuan in military expenses of the Northern Army without authorization. After the incident was revealed, he was arrested and sent to prison.At this time, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ordered Zhu Anshi, the hero of Yangling, to be urgently wanted everywhere, so Gongsun He asked Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to let him be responsible for hunting down Zhu Anshi to make atonement for his son Gongsun Jingsheng, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty approved his request.Later, Gongsun He really arrested Zhu Anshi.But Zhu Anshi said with a smile: "The prime minister is about to harm the whole family!" So he wrote a letter to the court from prison, exposing: "Gongsun Jingsheng had an affair with Princess Yangshi; when he learned that His Majesty was going to Ganquan Palace, he asked the wizard The puppet is buried on the lane dedicated to His Majesty, cursing His Majesty, and uttering evil words."

In the first month of spring in the second year of Zhenghe (91 BC), Gongsun He was arrested and sent to prison. After investigation, the charges were true. Both father and son died in prison and were exterminated. At the same time, they also implicated the birth of Princess Yangshi and Queen Wei's husband. His other daughter, Princess Zhuyi, and Wei Qing's eldest son, Mrs. Wei, were all killed.As a result, Wei's political allies in the Han court were also lost.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty appointed Liu Quyu, the prefect of Zhuojun, as his prime minister and named him Marquis of Peng.

At this time, alchemists and all kinds of witches and witches gathered in Chang'an, the capital, and most of them used heresy magic to confuse people and do everything.Some witches came to the palace to teach the beauties in the palace how to avoid disasters, and buried wooden figures in every room for sacrifice.When quarreling because of mutual jealousy, they would take turns accusing each other of cursing the emperor and treason.Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was furious, and executed the accused person. The harem concubines, court ladies and implicated ministers killed hundreds of people...
After Emperor Wu of the Han became suspicious, he once took a nap during the day and dreamed that there were thousands of wooden men holding sticks trying to attack him.Jiang Chong thought he had a rift with Prince Liu Shi and Empress Wei. Seeing that Emperor Wu of the Han was old, he was afraid that Emperor Wu of the Han would be killed by Liu Ju after his death, so he made a conspiracy, saying that Emperor Wu of the Han was sick because of witchcraft. Caused.So Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent Jiang Chong as an envoy to investigate the witchcraft case.Jiang Chong led the barbarian wizards to dig everywhere to find wooden men, and arrested those who used witchcraft to harm people, kept prayers at night, and claimed to be able to see ghosts. The arresters were interrogated, and the blood-stained places were pointed out as the places where they had harmed people with sorcery, and they were burned with iron tongs to force them to confess their guilt.So the common people falsely accused each other of using witchcraft to harm others; the officials often impeached others for treason.From the Chang'an and Sanfu areas of the capital to the counties and countries, tens of thousands of people died because of this.

prince rises up
Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was old, and suspected that people around him were using witches to curse him; and those who were arrested and punished, no matter what the real situation was, no one dared to tell their injustice.Jiang Chong spied out the suspicion and fear of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, so he ordered the barbarian wizard Tan He to say: "There is Gu Qi in the palace. If you don't get rid of the Gu Qi, the emperor's illness will never be cured." So Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent Jiang Chong Enter the palace, go to the depths of the palace, destroy the emperor's throne, dig the ground to find Gu; and send Hou Han Shuo, Yushi Zhang Gan, Huangmen Su Wen and others to assist Jiang Chong.

Jiang Chong first started from the concubine's room in the harem, which Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty had seldom cared about. there is none left.Jiang Chong threatened: "The most wooden people were found in the Tai's womb, and there were also words written on silk. The content was outrageous and outrageous. Your Majesty should hear about it."

Liu Ju was very frightened and asked Shao Fu Shide what to do.Shi De was afraid that he would be implicated and killed because he was the prince's teacher, so he said to Liu: "Previously, Gongsun He and his son, the two princesses, and Mrs. Wei were all accused of using witchcraft to harm people and were killed. Now The wizard and the emperor's envoy dug up evidence from the palace. I don't know if it was placed by the wizard or if it was there. I can't explain it clearly. You can falsely spread the imperial decree, arrest Jiang Chong and others, and thoroughly investigate their conspiracy Besides, His Majesty is sick and living in Ganquan Palace. Neither the Empress nor the people you sent to pay her respects have been able to see His Majesty. It is not known whether His Majesty is still there, but treacherous ministers dare to do this. Have you forgotten that the Prince of Qin Dynasty helped Su Zhizhi? Is something wrong!" Liu said: "How can I, as a son, kill a minister without authorization! Why don't you go to Ganquan Palace to plead guilty, maybe you can get away with it." Liu Ju planned to go to Ganquan Palace in person, but Jiang Chong caught Liu Shi. Liu Ju couldn't think of any other way, so he acted according to Shi De's plan.

On Renwu (the ninth day of the seventh lunar month) in autumn, Liu Ju sent his disciples to pretend to be the emperor's envoys, and arrested Jiang Chong and others.According to Daohou Han, he suspected that the envoy was a fake, refused to accept the edict, and was killed by Liu Ju's followers.Liu Ju personally supervised and killed Jiang Chong, cursing: "You slave of Zhao State, you didn't think it was enough to harass your king and son before, and now you are harassing our father and son!" He also burned Jiang Chong's barbarian wizards to death In Shanglin Garden.

Chang'an chaos
Liu Ju sent his attendant Wuju to carry the talisman into the Changqiu Gate of Weiyang Palace at night, and reported everything to Queen Wei through Yihua, the chief female officer. The guard of Changle Palace.There was chaos in Chang'an City, and there were rumors: "The prince rebelled".Su Wen was able to escape from Chang'an, came to Ganquan Palace, and reported to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty that the prince was outrageous...
Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said: "The prince must be afraid, and he is angry with Jiang Chong and others, so this accident happened." So he sent envoys to call Liu Ju to come.The envoys did not dare to enter Chang'an, and went back to report: "The prince has rebelled and wants to kill me, but I have escaped." Emperor Wu of the Han was furious.After hearing the news of the incident, Prime Minister Liu Quyu fled, losing even the official seal and ribbon of the prime minister, and sent Chang Shi to report to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty on a fast horse at the post station.Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty asked: "How did the prime minister do it?" Chang Shi replied: "The prime minister blocked the news and did not dare to send troops." Emperor Wu of the Han said angrily: "The matter has been so uproar, what secrets are there! The prime minister has no Duke of Zhou." Can the Duke of Zhou not kill Uncle Guan and Uncle Cai?" Then he issued an imperial edict with a seal to the prime minister, ordering him: "I will reward and punish the rebels clearly. Use the ox cart as a cover, and don't fight with the rebels." The rebels fought hand-to-hand, killing and injuring too many soldiers! Keep the city gates tight and never let the rebels rush out of Chang'an City!"

Liu Ju issued a declaration and issued an order to civil and military officials, saying: "Your Majesty is living in Ganquan Palace due to illness. I suspect that something may have happened, and treacherous officials want to take the opportunity to rebel." Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty returned from Ganquan Palace and came to Jianzhang in the west of Chang'an City. Palace, issued an edict to recruit and transfer the troops of the counties near Sanfu, and deployed officials under [-] shi, who were part-time under the jurisdiction of the prime minister.Liu Ju also sent envoys to falsely preach the imperial decree, pardoning and releasing the prisoners in the official prison of Zhongdu in Chang'an, and ordered Fu Shide and Zhang Guang to rule separately; All the barbarian cavalry were fully armed and came to meet up.

Ma Tong, the servant, was sent by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to Chang'an. After learning about this, he immediately went after him, arrested Ruhou, and told the Hu people: "The talisman brought by Ruhou is fake, so you can't listen to him!" Hou executed him, and led the Hu cavalry into Chang'an; he also recruited ships, soldiers, and soldiers, and handed them over to Da Honglu, Shang Qiucheng, to command.At the beginning, the talismans of the Han Dynasty were pure red. Because Liu Shi used red talismans, yellow tassels were added to the talismans issued by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to show the difference.

Blood flowed into a river

Liu Ju came outside the south gate of the northern army camp, stood on the cart, summoned Ren An, the envoy of the Northern Army, and awarded the talisman, ordering Ren An to send troops.But after Ren Anbai received the talisman festival, he returned to the camp and stayed behind closed doors.Liu Ju led people away and forcibly armed about tens of thousands of citizens in the four cities of Chang'an. Outside the west gate of Changle Palace, he encountered an army led by Prime Minister Liu Quyu. The two sides fought for five days and tens of thousands of people died. The water is left in the gutters on the side of the street.The folks said that "the prince conspired against him", so people did not attach themselves to the prince, but the prime minister's troops continued to strengthen.

On Geng Yin ([-]th), Liu Ju was defeated and fled south to Fu'an Gate in Chang'an City.Sizhi Tian Renzheng led troops to guard the city gate, because he felt that Liu Ju and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty were father and son, and he didn't want to persecute him too urgently, so Liu Ju was able to escape from the city.Liu Qushou wanted to kill Tian Ren, and the censor Bao Shengzhi said to Liu Qushang, "Si Zhi is a member of the imperial court's two thousand stones, so he should be invited first. How can he kill Tian Ren without authorization!" So Liu Qushang killed Tian Ren. freed.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was furious when he heard about it, arrested and punished him, and asked him: "Si Zhi let go of the rebel, and the prime minister killed him to enforce the law of the country. Why did you stop it?" Die by suicide.Emperor Wu of the Han issued an edict to send Zongzheng Liu Chang and Zhijinwu Liu Gan to take back the queen's seal and ribbon with the emperor's decree, and Queen Wei committed suicide.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty thought that Ren An was an old official. When he saw the chaos of war, he wanted to sit and watch the success or failure. Ruhou, he was named the Marquis of Chonghe; Jing Jian, a man from Chang'an, followed Ma Tong, captured Shi De, and named him Dehou; Shang Qiucheng fought hard, captured Zhang Guang, and named him Marquis.All of Liu Ju's disciples were executed because they had entered and left the palace gates; anyone who followed Liu Ju in rebellion would be exterminated for the crime of rebellion; They were all exiled to Dunhuang County.Because Liu Ju fled abroad, he began to set up garrison troops at the gates of Chang'an...

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was very angry, and the officials felt worried and fearful, and they didn't know what to do.Huguan Sanlao Ling Gumao wrote to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty: "I heard that the father is like the sky, the mother is like the earth, and the son is like everything in the world, so only when the sky is calm and the earth is safe, all things can prosper; Only with father's kindness and mother's love can a son be filial. Now the crown prince is the legal heir of the Han Dynasty. He will inherit the great cause of the eternal world and fulfill the great trust of the ancestors. In terms of relationship, he is the eldest son of the emperor. Jiang Chong was originally a commoner, but a marketer. He is nothing more than a slave in the middle class, but His Majesty respects him and uses him to persecute the Crown Prince, and gathers a group of treacherous villains to deceive, frame, persecute and frame the Crown Prince, so that His Majesty is separated from the Prince's close relatives. If the prince enters, he will not be able to meet the emperor, and if he retreats, he will be troubled by the framing of the rebellious officials. He will be wronged alone and have nowhere to appeal. Fleeing. As the son of His Majesty, the prince stole his father's army just to save himself from being framed by others. I don't think he has any sinister intentions. "Book of Songs" says: "Green flies come and fall on the fence, A modest gentleman does not believe in slander. Otherwise, the slander will be endless, and the world will inevitably be in chaos.' In the past, Jiang Chong used slander to kill Prince Zhao, and everyone in the world knew about it. Now, without further investigation, His Majesty blamed the prince too much. The army hunted down the prince, and ordered the prime minister to command it himself, so that wise people dare not speak out, and eloquent people can hardly open their mouths. I really feel sorry for it. I hope that your majesty can relax and calm down, and don't be harsh on your relatives, and don't be bitter about the prince's mistakes Yu Huai, end the crusade against the prince immediately, and don’t let the prince flee for a long time! With my loyalty to your majesty, I am ready to sacrifice my short life at any time to be punished outside Jianzhang Palace." The memorial was handed up, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty saw In the end, he was moved and awakened, but he has not publicly issued a pardon.

Liu Ju fled east to Hu County and hid in Quanjiu.The owner's family is poor, and he often weaves and sells straw sandals to support Liu Shi.Liu Ju had a former acquaintance who lived in Hu County and was said to be very rich. Liu Ju sent someone to call him, and the news leaked out.In August Xinhai (the eighth day of the lunar new year), local officials rounded up Liu Shi.Liu estimated that it would be difficult to escape, so he went back to the house, closed the door tightly, and hanged himself to death.Among the soldiers who came to search and arrest, a man named Zhang Fuchang from Shanyang kicked open the door of the room with his feet.Shi Lishou, magistrate of Xin'an County, ran forward, hugged Liu Ju and untied him.The owner died in a fight with those who were arresting Liu Shi, and the two grandsons of the emperor were also killed.Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was saddened by Liu Ju's death, so he named Li Shou Marquis and Zhang Fuchang Marquis Title.

In the third year of Zhenghe (90 BC), the officials and the common people reported each other on the crime of witchcraft harming others. After investigation, it was found that most of them were false.

(End of this chapter)

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