Yiren's non-human chat group

Chapter 667 The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage

Chapter 667 The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage
in the dense jungle.

"Da da da da da..."

The pouring energy in his hands continued to vent backwards, and the well-known combatants escorted the only scientist among them to quickly evacuate backwards.

But as the scientist said, compared to monsters, human firearms are still too weak. Even the weakest monsters need to use heavy artillery, the crystallization of wisdom and industry, to truly solve.

As for the firearms in their hands, they are not so much weapons as they are props to facilitate human hunting and self-defense...

After escaping from the spaceship and escaping into the forest, they felt the real gap. After that, the four combatants no longer had any luck in defeating the enemy. The emotions in their hands continued to greet the eyes of the demons behind them and interfere with his progress. Speed, while he and others rushed to the nearest human settlement as quickly as possible.

"As long as we get to that place, as long as we get to that place..."

However, the ideal is very full, and the reality is very skinny. Even at the beginning, the demons behind were caught off guard by the guns in their hands, their eyes were damaged, and their movements were restricted to a certain extent.

But after a period of familiarity, the demon Zhongbian resumed its original traveling speed.

The speed gap caused by size and strength is simply not something that a hairless monkey can smooth out with its legs...

Therefore, after a tug-of-war, the five of them came to a conclusion that made them reluctant to do anything - "They must run separately!"

In the past, human beings were too weak. When faced with any existence, they needed to abandon the small and protect the big, so as to ensure the survival of the group...

In the trolley problem of whether to sacrifice one person or save two people, there was no need to choose among humans in the past.

Make the choice without hesitation. The latter is really the only criterion.Because human beings are too weak to have any cowardly thoughts...

But this weakness has undergone tremendous changes during this year.

A year ago, humans were only a meat food option that did not have much cost-effectiveness in front of the orcs, who were relatively weak among many races.

But just one year later, some human settlements have already had local conflicts with a small number of troops from the orc kingdom, and all of them have won great victories.

And there were several times when none of them had personally participated...

Success after success, victory after victory, created an inexplicable illusion in their hearts.

That is, human beings are actually very powerful, and they will no longer need to make the choice to abandon some people and keep others...

But reality gave them a solid slap in the face at this moment.

The hard facts are now tugging at their ears and roaring at them.

"Humans are still very weak——"


A big tree was broken in half by the rampage of demons, and the distance between them and the demons was a little closer.

Looking at the endless woods in front of them, and at the monsters behind them that were rushing towards them like bulldozers, the four combatants, including a strong man, came to the only one in the team. The doctor took his backpack next to him and handed everything he had to the doctor.

"This may be my last harvest. I leave these to you..."

After saying that, he walked out without waiting for anyone to react. Then he took out a round grenade he carried with him from his pocket, and then threw the paper into the demon's large paper. In the mouth...

The huge explosion sent a terrifying shock wave all around, and a white tooth was broken directly, and bright red blood continued to flow out from the demon's mouth.

However, it was impossible to kill the demon species with this level of injury. On the contrary, the intense stimulation made the demon species with no intelligence even more crazy...

The sharp thing shook the entire forest, and the strong wind carrying the stench and urgent need directly shook hundreds of towering giant trees around...

The man obviously knew that the grenades were useless, so he did not show any panic. Instead, he stood still, waved his arms, and shouted loudly to attract the attention of this monster species.

"Ugly guy, come on~ I'm here..."

While shouting, he did not forget to draw his pistol and shoot repeatedly into the demon's swollen eyes.

After discovering that the demon's attention was attracted to him, he immediately ran away in another direction...

As expected, the demon species was also fooled. It ignored the other four humans and quickly chased after the man who was running away. His mouth, which was missing a tooth, was still roaring crazily. The scarlet blood turned into mist and filled the surrounding area. , making the atmosphere here seem even more heavy and terrifying...

After gritting their teeth for a while, the other four people who escaped the disaster did not choose to help the man. After all, it was meaningless and completely failed the other party's expectations.

Without any hesitation, they turned around and continued to run in the direction of their goal. In that direction was a human arms station, where the highest level of human wisdom was crystallized...

Although there is no demon species chasing behind them, the pace of the four people at this moment is a bit faster than when they were escaping just now.

If you want to ask why, it is that they were running for their own lives before, but now they are running for the lives of their companions.

On the same track as the God of Death, whether they can save their companions depends on whether they are fast enough...

"Hurry up...and hurry up..."

With this kind of will, they made it back within 10 minutes from what should have been a full half-hour journey.

Even if their eyes are full of fatigue, even if their legs are shaking, even if their upper and lower eyelids are constantly fighting, they have not forgotten their mission...

"Nearly 50 humans were trapped at the original battlefield between goblins and forest elves, and there was also a combatant who diverted the demon species away..."

"Save people quickly, hurry up, hurry up..."

Looking at the tired four people, a person in charge of the human station here also received this mission...

"Okay, you have done a good job, just take a good rest and leave the rest to us..."

Just as he finished speaking, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded in the sky. A flying iron bird shook the air and flew directly out of the station, soaring high in the sky, overlooking the entire area. earth.

This is a reinforcement that belongs to humans, a reinforcement that belongs to technology...


the other side……

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Running fast in the jungle, the speeding man bit his lip hard, not caring at all even if his lip was broken and blood flowed into his mouth... The heavy breathing of the monster behind turned into a stream of heat and continuously burned the man's back. Back, but even so, the man's body could not feel any warmth, but was completely wrapped in the coolness.

Because there was a white fang right behind him, and I penetrated his spine directly, harvesting his life like a death scythe...

Even the man himself didn't know how long this race between life and death had been going on, and he didn't want to know.

Such strenuous exercise had already soaked his entire clothes with sweat, and the massive amounts of lactic acid were like steel nails piercing into every inch of his muscles, making his whole body numb and weak, and his eyes even started to tremble.

However, he still did not stop, and kept circling in the jungle, using various trees and boulders to intercept the footsteps of the demon species, trying to fight for himself like the fireflies in the night sky, that invisible glimmer of life. …

At a certain moment, the man stumbled suddenly on his feet, and his whole body rolled forward like a ball.

And just such a mistake caused him to take one of the fatal bites from the demon...

It's like the saw teeth of a super large crusher are on the big tree next to it. In front of the white fangs, the hard tree is like a wafer biscuit, which is directly blown into crumbs. The upper and lower jaws alternately crush it. It turned into balls and balls of sawdust.

After Hu Meng Zaoban swallowed the tree, the demon Zhu Bing changed his target and opened his big mouth to aim at the man lying straight on the ground, unable to even move.


Lying on the ground unable to move a finger, the man looked at the fangs getting closer and closer, with a hint of unwillingness and reluctance in his eyes...

His unwillingness is not because he is about to die. After all, since he was born as a human in this world, he has been prepared to die at any time. His unwillingness is just that he has not seen the true rise of mankind...

His reluctance is not his attachment to this world. After all, this world that is unfriendly to humans never welcomes a human being to stay.His reluctance is to worry about his partners...

The tinnitus caused by strenuous exercise continued to echo in his ears, and the man slowly closed his eyes.

But just when the man was about to accept death calmly, a burst of heat instantly covered his body.

The expected death did not come, but was replaced by a sticky feeling...

Opening his eyes forcefully, he saw that the terrifying giant beast in front of him was already rotten to a pulp, with blood, flesh and internal organs splattered everywhere, and his whole body was dyed red with scarlet dye...

As if he suddenly realized something, the man struggled to get up, but the sharp names in his ears kept biting his brain, making his body completely out of control. He could only reluctantly move his head and look at the sky... …

Then he saw the iron bird soaring in the sky.

The iron bird in the sky seemed to have noticed the comment of the warrior below, and immediately soared half a circle in the sky, leaving its own traces on the high sky that humans have never touched...

"Good good~"

It was clear that his throat was so dry that he couldn't open it at all, but looking at the scene in front of him, the man lying on the ground forced three words out of his throat.

The body that was crowded with pain did not stop his joyful mood at all, and tears fell from the corners of her eyes...

Humans are weak, but humans can also become stronger.

"Fly~ That glorious high sky should be the stage for mankind."

"There is no existence that is destined to be buried deep in the quagmire. The future of mankind should be the sea of ​​stars that is not disturbed by war..."


The field of vision slowly retracted from the game life zero, and Xiao Yiren also showed a strange look on his face...

"The hymn of humanity is the hymn of courage."

"I originally thought that the strongest hero would attack the weakest human being, but it seems that I took it for granted."

"The rise of a race should be driven by one or two heroes, but there should definitely not be only one or two heroes..."

"The progress of a race should never be due to the strength of one or two people. Only when everyone progresses together can the race truly rise..."

"This beautiful scenery should come to light..."

He cheerfully raised the wine glass and poured in Xinghai whiskey. Xiao Yiren took a big sip of ginger juice and drank it cleanly. The refreshing feeling floated to the top of his heart, making him feel excited...

But looking at Xiao Yiren, he noticed something was wrong. There seemed to be something strange falling behind the plane that was flying high in the sky...

If you look carefully, you will see that it is a colorful-haired Flügel with energy wings attached to his waist.

And Jibril is the one who likes to cause trouble the most among the Flügel...

Looking at the bird flying through the sky under her feet, Jibril also had a playful smile on her face.

Originally, she just felt that there seemed to be something here, so she came to take a look, but after taking a look, she really found some interesting things...

When she saw the iron bird, she originally thought it was caused by the dwarfs of the goblin species or the iron lumps of the Ex-Machina species, but after getting closer, she discovered that there were no elves on it. force response.

But there was obviously no reaction from any elves, but the weapons fired from it could directly kill a big monster species.

Although those big guys were just a bunch of ants that could be easily crushed to death in her eyes, how could she not pay more attention to such an interesting thing...

It was okay not to pay attention, but when he looked closer, he was still surprised to find that among the iron birds, the one who really controlled the flight of this thing was actually a hairless monkey.

That is, the human race that has never been recognized as an intellectual race by the other fifteen races...

Interesting, this is really interesting, isn't it?

Let the weak defeat the strong, this has always been Jibril's life creed, but even so, Jibril has never thought that humans who are completely isolated from the power of elves can actually do this to this extent...

Immediately, even if the strength of this iron bird is average, Jibril will wield the sickle and cut off the precious head of this iron bird. Such a special collection should be placed in the most conspicuous position in her collection...

But just when Jibril was about to take action, her eyes suddenly lit up.

"I'm sorry, I can't let you do this. If a high-level species were added to this game in advance, there would be some supermodels, which would be really meaningless..."


(End of this chapter)

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