Yiren's non-human chat group

Chapter 616 Abnormal Fuyuki City

Chapter 616 Abnormal Fuyuki City

"How do you feel after drinking the photographer's potion?"

"It's okay, I feel like I have some different power."

Snow raised his hand slightly, snapped his fingers, and then heard a "click~" sound, and a strange picture appeared in front of Snow.

There seemed to be two pictures in front of his immediate thoughts, one of which was a normal scene in front of him, while the other one was still, like a huge photo, placed in front of Snow.

"This is?"

The weird angle of view made Snow a little confused, and he couldn't help but focus on Snow beside him.

Xiao Yiren also gave a very dedicated explanation for this.

"Sequence eight, the photographer's ability is based on the observer's ability to spiritually preserve the picture information and reproduce it in front of him. Moreover, he can also share the picture for the target of his spiritual attachment."

"And you don't need direct contact to grant spirituality now. As long as you are within three meters, you can connect. Of course, the premise is that the other party has no means to sense and interrupt."

After hearing about this ability, Snow couldn't help but frowned.

If the observer's ability is somewhat useful, then the photographer's ability sounds a bit useless.

Teamwork might be of some use, but in Snow's current situation, this thing is really useless.

In this way, it is slightly useful to be able to impart spirituality and gain an improvement in vision without touching it, but that's about it.

This thing looks more like a detective's assistant. It can be used as a surveillance camera and can share vision for combat...

"Hey, wait, sharing vision, it seems that this thing is not useless at all..."


There are still fifteen days until the Holy Grail War begins...

Walking on the streets of Fuyuki City, Snow's eyes constantly scanned the surroundings while secretly recording information from every angle and position around him.

This is not only Snow's preparation for the performance, but also a backup for possible battles in the future.

Feeling his rapid consumption of road spirituality, Snow slowly exhaled, looked at Xiao Yiren beside him and asked:
"Since the Holy Grail War is not long ago, can I directly perform an advance summons?"

Snow has actually wanted to ask this question for a long time, but Snow thought that he had never practiced any magic before, and the magic power in his body was afraid that it could not support the consumption of heroic spirits, so he put it aside. Now he has reached sequence eight. I barely had enough spiritual energy, so I happened to remember and asked.

In response, a cat with black and white fur suddenly appeared out of thin air, scratched its ears, and said:

"You don't have to ask me about this matter at all. If you can be selected by the Holy Grail and obtain the Command Seal, then of course nothing will be a problem."

"Or if you can convince your colleagues to transfer the command spell to you, or wait until you become an editor, you can choose a fire stealer item to steal a command spell in sequence six. It will probably not be difficult to summon heroic spirits by then. "

"But as for asking me to help you get the command spell, forget it."

Hearing Xiao Yiren's merciless words, Snow immediately shivered. He looked at a sparrow flying from the horizon, stretched out his hand to catch it steadily, and then read the information stored in the other person's field of vision. video, and then waved him away again.

Seeing Snow's smooth operation, Xiao Yiren couldn't help but raised his eyebrows slightly and said in appreciation:

"Not bad, the beast trainer and the photographer are a perfect match. In less than two days, your potion has been digested by less than half. So it seems that before the Holy Grail War begins, you should jump directly to sequence six. It’s not a problem.”

Snow also nodded in agreement.

Similar to the observer, the role of the photographer also needs to be supported by a whole story line.It is obviously unrealistic for a person to find multiple complete story lines in a short period of time.

But for a group of people, this kind of thing is not so difficult.

And this group of people is Snow plus the birds, stray cats, stray dogs, and even mice and cockroaches he controls.

Through their eyes, Snow can monitor almost half of Fuyuki City. Although the story in each animal's eyes may be incomplete, piecing them together is one or even several complete story lines.

On the day he first gained his abilities, Snow witnessed the whole story of a lovelorn young man jumping off a building.I have seen glamorous employees being reprimanded at the company, complained about when they go home, and squatting in a corner smoking silently.I saw the young man on the train who was slandered as a crazy man by "Miss Qianjin" and punched him hard...

Wait, wait, wait, these are all these messy stories.

The only time wasted was that Snow selected the story materials, spliced ​​them together, and fully exported the story line. It took a while to finally get feedback.

When he first discovered this acting method, Sinuo was a little skeptical. Was he really acting as a photographer?Why does it look like you are acting as an editor? Is this considered acting in advance?When you drink the editor's potion, can you absorb it completely?
Of course, complaints are complaints, which is a good thing after all, so Snow didn't get too entangled in it. He looked at what good stories his friends had brought today.

"Let me see, a young couple went on a date, then went to the hotel to sail a boat, and finally had a big fight and broke up because there was no way to break the defense. This is really a sad story..."

"Oh, another young couple, they look good, the boy is refreshing, the girl is well-behaved, and there is another girl who is dating Huang Mao at night..."

"Huh?! Huangmao! Damn it, the tauren is crawling!"

"Also, the chief of the Mediterranean section visited the family of the section member who died suddenly and offered compensation. This is quite humane..."

"Madam, you don't want the project that your husband finally promoted to go south..."

"Fuck!!! That's how you compensate people, right?! Compensate for a life?! It's so humane! What the hell is this?! The stories told by adults are so dirty, go watch the children. Let’s play our games..."

"Well, it's great for children to play house. Two girls and one boy, it should be your parents and your son. It's not bad..."

"Brother, if you take my sister with you on a bicycle like this, she won't be angry, right? Oh, it's so scary. Unlike me, I only feel sorry for the pigeons -" "Oh my god, the smell is too strong..."

"What the hell? What the hell is this!!!"

"What's going on in today's story? Isn't there a normal one?"

Fortunately, Snow's complaints did not come true again, and the subsequent story is relatively normal.Most of them are just ordinary things such as suicide, cheating, drag racing, exhibitionism, idiots, crazy critics, yanderes, minotaurs, train samurai duels, sudden death, gas explosions, tentacle monsters and the like.

"Only a ghost would treat these things as normal——"

With a speechless face, Snow only felt that he was incompatible with this world because he was not perverted enough...

Of course, Snow quickly put aside these strange stories and continued to check the situation below, but then he noticed an interesting picture among a lot of abnormal things.

It was a girl with black hair and twin tails and blue eyes.To call her a girl is actually a bit too much, she can only be regarded as a young girl.He is about six or seven years old.

Children of this age, Na Duoduo, are still around their parents, but this girl is different.In the image, she was hiding in the corner, quietly observing her surroundings, seemingly looking for something...

Seeing this, Snow couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.The girl's appearance was very familiar to Snow. There was a purple-haired lolita at home who was about 70.00% similar to her. This was obviously Sakura's biological sister Tohsaka Rin.

But the Holy Grail War is about to begin, and the Murderer and Ryunosuke Uyu are also offline directly because of Snow. There is a high probability that Tohsaka Rin's friends will not be kidnapped again. Logically speaking, there should be no reason for Tohsaka Rin. Just run around alone.

However, through the scenes edited by multiple animals, Snow could be regarded as observing Tohsaka Rin's movement route. The surrounding buildings were so familiar to Snow.The familiarity made the corners of his mouth twitch slightly.

Isn't this the way to the Matou family?
To this I just want to say, isn’t it good to be alive?Why do only two members of the Tohsaka family want to jump into the Matou family's nest? !

Of course, although Snow was speechless, he also knew that this was something that had happened in the past. He checked the time a little and found out that it happened almost half an hour ago.

After recalling the distance between Tohsaka Rin's location and Matou's house, he judged the speed of the other party and the other party should not be able to reach Matou's house at this time. Then he changed his steps and watched Tohsaka Rin's progress. While walking, he also rushed towards the return road.

Following the editing, Snow saw the entire process of Tohsaka Rin tiptoeing along the not-so-distant road, including accidentally knocking over the kitten, being frightened by the kitten's roar, and being frightened by a cat. The scene of a big dog being frightened and running away made Snow watch it with relish.

Snow didn't walk very fast. After all, no matter how disgusting Matou Zouken was, Snow had to admit that that guy was indeed a smart man.He knows who can and cannot touch.

Even if the original collar really comes to the door, then there is a high probability that something like this will happen later, that is, using hypnosis magic to hypnotize Tosaka Rin to make her achieve a situation similar to a ghost breaking a wall, or directly hypnotize Tosaka Rin to make her Go back by yourself.

In short, the possibility of Matou Zouken directly attacking Tohsaka Rin is not high, and even the possibility of being like Black Hand is not high...

Of course, having said that, Snow still wanted to see it with his own eyes...


Yes, I also came to the field of vision and came here...

"What's going on today? Why do I always feel like something is watching me..."

Looking at the map in his hand to mark his location, Tohsaka Rin cheered himself up after realizing that he was not far from his target.

But then Tohsaka Rin glanced at the surrounding environment, watched a bird on the telephone pole peck its wings, and then moved its head around, staring at the little birds here and frowning.


Of course, the strange things don't end there.

Just after she had walked forward for about a few dozen meters, she discovered that there was really no one left among the few people around her.Instead, there were a group of stray cats and dogs, either in groups or alone. Tohsaka Rin didn't even know if it was an illusion or something, but he felt that these guys were staring at him.

This inexplicable feeling really made people feel numb. They lowered their heads and did not look at these guys as they walked forward with their heads down. Before Rin Tosaka took a few steps, the road ahead was blocked by a group of stray dogs. Well, when she raised her head, she saw such a horrifying scene...

In front of him, he saw a dense group of stray animals forming a circle. Even the telegraph poles in mid-air were filled with birds of all kinds, and these animals all stared at them. In the same direction, that is Tohsaka Rin's position.


Such a strange scene made Tohsaka Rin take a deep breath, take a few steps back with a thump in his step, and finally sit down on the ground.The whole person was immediately frightened.

After all, where has a seven or eight-year-old child seen such a scene?It was pretty good not to be scared to tears.

"Huh? It seems like she really cried."

Seeing the tears in the eyes of the little girl with twin tails in front of him, Snow, who walked out of the group of animals, stretched out his fingers to clasp his face, feeling inexplicably guilty of bullying the little girl.

However, considering that because he was connected to the other party's business, what the other party saw now should still be a group of animals, Snow immediately abandoned those messy thoughts, directly controlled the other party's field of vision, and began to send this guy back.

This process is not difficult.As long as the original version thinks that he is heading towards the Matou family, he is actually returning to the Tosaka family...

Watching Tohsaka Rin leave, Snow pinched his chin and sighed slightly, why are there so many things going on every day?
And why hasn’t this damn Command Seal appeared yet...

"Oh~ If I had known better, I wouldn't have killed Ryunosuke Uyu so early."

"The observer sequence didn't really have combat capabilities until the screening. Before that, it was basically just an auxiliary. It was really impossible to deal with the old bug."

"If you can get the command spell, things will be much easier..."

Of course, these thoughts only passed through Snow's mind once, and were quickly thrown out of his mind.

Now is not the time to think about these things. Instead of waiting for the command spell that will appear when it will appear, it is better to edit, record and photograph the stories to improve your performance progress.

(End of this chapter)

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