Yiren's non-human chat group

Chapter 575 'Ultraman' and 'Little Monster'

Shortman: "Not a huge fan of Behemoths because the goddamn little monsters just spat on me and they trampled on the house I just put down on.--"

Xiao Zhiyin: "..."

Xiao Zhiyin: "Are you an Ultraman playing installment payment?! Σ(°Д°;"

Shortman: "What's wrong with Ultraman?! What's wrong with the giant?! The giant is still a human! It's not about to live. ┴─┴︵╰(‵□′╰)"

Shortman: "Life is forced, Lina has gone to sea, what's wrong with me being an ordinary social animal!!! (〝▼皮▼)"

Shortman: "Is it fucking easy for me? (д)"

Shortman: "The earth in this ghost place is full of fucking brains and sick guys every day. They drill into the earth every day. On average, there is one little monster every three days, and one alien civilization every seven days. It's really fucking unbearable... ||Φ|(|T|Д|T|)|Φ||”

Xiao Zhiyin: "You are a giant, you can endure this kind of grievance, and you don't want to live on another planet. ←_←"

Shortman: "Fuck off, what do you know? If it's really that simple, do you think I won't do it? (`炸)"

Shortman: "Do you think I haven't run? But this little broken ball is like a fucking safe house in the devil's city. The first time I just ran out, I almost got knocked over by a golden man, That is to say, that guy didn't really mean to fight me, and he didn't chase after me, otherwise I would have confessed there. (°皮°)”

Shortman: "At that time, I had to practice for three months before I fully recovered. (`へ)=3"

Shortman: "The second time was even worse. I bumped into a nasty black lobster guy. When that guy saw me for the first time, he just started fighting. (ノ`⊿)ノ"

Shortman: "I wanted to run at first, but I couldn't run away for a long time, so I had to bite the bullet and fight him. Then I found that I couldn't move at all. ╰()╯"

Shortman: "After that, this guy used some means to control my body, and then started to go to the earth to wreak havoc. (/_\)"

Shortman: "Then he was blown up without any surprise, and then his real body ended up fighting with Max Ultraman. That guy's real body is much stronger than mine, and no one has the time to talk to me after the fight , and then I ran away again. (=TェT=)”

Shortman: "I don't understand? You are so fucking good at playing, it's useless to control my rookie body! It's really Tyson who controls Xiao Xianrou to fight boxing matches, Right?┴┴︵╰(‵ ′)╯︵┴┴”

As soon as he talked about his life on earth, Schutman seemed to open the floodgates, and it was out of control.

Although I can't see the specific image of Xiao Teman, even if I just look at the words in the chat group, Xiao Yiren who is online can still feel the strong resentment emerging from the other party's head...

Looking at it going on like this, I'm afraid this topic will get out of hand, and someone in the busy chat group will take the lead in smoothing things over.

Xiao Yimen: "If this luck is put here, I'm afraid I will become a fierce god. (ー_ー)!!"

Xiao Yidie: "There's nothing wrong with it, I don't have such a big grudge on my part. (@_@;)"

Xiao Yixing: "It's okay, it's okay, it's almost done, who hasn't had a past that can't be looked back? (/"≡_≡)="

Xiao Yixing: "Now that the golden finger is in the account, although it doesn't mean that you are directly invincible, at least you can improve the situation where no one can beat you now. (-@y@)"

Although there was still a lot of resentment in his heart, and he wanted to spit it out, Xiaotman also knew that it was useless to simply complain, so he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to complain, and temporarily dived into self-isolation.

Shortman's departure made the chat group quiet for a while.

However, when a newcomer arrives, the chat group is always the busiest time, so the awkward atmosphere in the chat group is immediately relieved, and another newcomer continues to speak in the chat group...

Xiao Zhiyin: "Speaking of which, can the group name of this ghost be changed? I always feel quite uncomfortable with this thing, full of malice is about to overflow, is there any reason?! ヽ(#`Д)ノ"

Xiao Yimen: "If it was possible, we would have changed our name to World+Xiao Yiren long ago. How could we make such trouble? Anyway, just get used to it, and don't pay too much attention to it. Chat groups and the evil taste of the world , and what you suffer. ←_←”

Xiao Zhiyin: "..."

Xiao Zhiyin: "Okay, let's not mention this matter for now, I am going to rush out of my planet and go to the universe now, do you have any suggestions? _."

Namiren: "Deep space diving? There are suggestions. The first suggestion is to wait until you finish receiving the novice gift package. →_→"

Xiao Zhiyin: "I have received the novice gift pack, and I can take most of it, but according to the situation after I absorb it, most of the things are turned into pure energy after being absorbed by me. Just helped me spark brain stones. (°ー°〃)”

Namiren: "Regarding whether the world recognizes it or not, the power system and the like can be ignored. After all, most of those things are fine-tuned by the world. Since there is no problem with the general direction, then there is nothing wrong. ┑( ̄Д ̄)┍"

Gently typing, while answering Xiao Zhiyin's question and thinking about the general situation of the other party's world, Namiren paused suddenly. He suddenly seemed to think of something, and hurriedly typed and asked in the chat group.

Namiren: "@萧羽因, by the way, I suddenly thought of a question. (-ι_-)"

Namiren: "How old did you say you were? (⊙x⊙;)"

Xiao Zhiyin: "It's not too big, right? According to the calculation of human rulers on the earth, it should be about 800 miles long, [-] miles wide, and [-] miles high. Is there any problem with this? ⊙﹏⊙∥"

Namiren: "Is there a big problem?!!!ヾ(.`Д.)ノ彡"

Nami Ren: "You have to know that the radius of the earth is only about [-] kilometers. Li Baixiu spits out half of the Tang Dynasty, and you open your mouth and it is half of the earth. (`dish)"

Namiren: "If you can calculate these, do you know the maximum speed of your flight? (へ╬)"

Xiao Zhiyin: "Since there is no ruler for traveling through pre-human civilizations, I calculated all distances based on the speed of light and my own sense of time."

Xiao Zhiyin: "According to my calculations, my maximum sprint speed should be more than two percent of the speed of light, which is about seven thousand miles per second. (-ι_-)"

Xiao Zhiyin: "This speed is not slow anymore, but it is far from enough for deep space diving. My original plan was to use the gravitational slingshot of the stars to provide me with initial acceleration. But now that Goldfinger is here, in the chat group There are quite a few people who can travel into deep space. So I would like to ask your opinions. (`^)”

Namiren: "..."

Regarding Xiao Zhiyin's statement, Namiren really wanted to complain, but after thinking about it, he didn't know how to say it, so he could only directly mention his plan.

Xiao Zhiyin's body size is really too big. It can be said that there is really no civilization in the entire dark forest that dares to push Xiao Zhiyin around such a colossus that is comparable to half the size of the earth.

If it is said that Xiao is only because of deep space sneaking, the wandering Earth crew next door is probably more experienced.

Of course, if you have no experience, you have no experience, and it's not that you can't do it.

Although with Xiao Zhiyin's body shape, ordinary space battleships can at most make clothes for him, but clothes are just clothes.Anyway, as long as the engine can accelerate, everything else is an additional condition.

Therefore, after some discussions, Xiao Zhiyin's situation was decided.

Namiren: "I'm not very clear about the super-light technology version you support. I have an engine that violently exceeds the speed of light, a curvature engine that uses space curvature, and space warp technology, four-dimensional jumps, and wormhole shuttles... ..."

Namiren: "Look at which one suits your world..."


Regarding the matter of transportation, the chat group did not have too much entanglement. Although the workload required for a planet to accelerate to superluminal speed is indeed a bit overwhelming, it is not without other precedents.

For example, none of the main battleships of the four great gods in the ten-cold world is smaller than Xiao Zhiyin, and they can still travel across wormholes for interstellar navigation.

As long as there are precedents to reproduce, there is basically no big problem.Although arming the entire surface area of ​​the planet and adding a cover to the engine is a little bit more work, but it is not unacceptable for any Dyson ball to be made casually as a Nanoren...


Although for Nanoren, a planet-level project is not too much work, but in order to ensure the quality of the product, the handover of the equipment is still scheduled for three days later.

At this moment, we still turn our vision to Shortman's side...

Although there are constant complaints in the chat group, in reality, Shortman is quite happy because of the arrival of the golden finger, especially after seeing the development of the group friends in the chat group.

In a world like Altman, when Schottman actually saw that his cheats were chat group cheats that help each other and make progress together, Schottman still harbored a kind of Venture capital, and then the mentality of gaining benefits in the later stage.

After all, according to the routine development of general chat groups, if it is a normal chat group, most of them will start with martial arts or supernatural powers or magic like Harry Potter, or spiritual recovery.

If Shortman entered the group early and wanted to gain benefits, he would naturally have to "raise" other group members first, and then he could slowly feed back to himself.

When Xiaotman first saw the chat group, he was ready to bear the humiliation for a few more years, and then turned himself into a serf and was ready to sing.

After all, even though Xiaotman was crying miserably in the chat group, he was called "the submerged dragon dancing in the gully, the weeping woman in a lonely boat", but Xiaotman was not an ordinary person without the power to restrain a chicken after all. As a dark giant, although he is easily manipulated by various bosses, it is still easy to live a good life once the light is leveled.

What little fat man, what little boy, they are completely scumbags.

It may be a bit broken in the world of Ultraman, but not necessarily in other worlds.

At that time, Xiao Teman even thought about sending dark energy to martial arts to improve the physical fitness of ordinary martial arts people, so as to obtain martial arts in the world of martial arts.

Shortman's own physical fitness is actually not bad. A large part of the reason why he has to run away when he meets everyone is that he doesn't know how to fight at all.

You can't expect the dark giant to fight the giant of light and little monsters, use monkeys to steal peaches, cut off the legs of offspring, and poke eyes, such as eye-catching operations.

Regardless of whether you have a peach or not, you can steal the non-stop. Is it useful to poke the big light bulb-like eyes of other people's children and grandchildren?To say that fighting like this under the noses of countless people, Xiaotman really didn't have the shame.

It’s different if you get martial arts. Although Ultraman can play martial arts or something, the style of painting is also good.

Of course, all these messes were nothing more than his fantasies about Goldfinger.Fortunately, after he actually got the golden finger, he discovered the golden finger.The help it can bring is much richer than he imagined before.


The world of Ultraman, the earth...

Looking at the collapsed building in front of him, Xiao Teman or Xiao Yiren's eyes remained calm, as if his house was not included in the building in front of him...

Xiao Yiren didn't lie in the chat group. Just half a day ago, because he wanted to escape from the earth many times to no avail, he gave up on himself, and simply planned to stay on the earth to eat and die, and the house he bought with a down payment of [-] was so worthless. up...

You can say that Xiao Yiren was angry, of course he was, when that guy was fighting Ultraman, Xiao Yiren shot coldly behind his back, and an unauthentic eight-point light wheel was thrown from a distance to cut off the little monster's horn.

But after the anger and revenge are over, what should Xiao Yiren do next?Then there is no need to ask?Naturally, what to do.

According to Xiao Yiren's original idea, it was to do something secretly first, and take away the damn insurance company that charged his own insurance premium, but after the little monster destroyed the building, he refused to settle the claim on the grounds of force majeure.

Then look for the little monster that trampled on his own house, was attacked by himself and cut off his horn during the battle with Ultraman, and was rescued by aliens after being defeated by Ultraman, and It has a good chat about animal life, ideals, why this building is so tall, and which road to hell is better...

But after he got the golden finger suddenly, Xiao Yiren suddenly felt that all of this was boring. He seemed to have entered the state of a sage, with no desires or desires. It seemed that nothing could touch his heart...

"Ah, I've seen through everything..."

(End of this chapter)

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