Yiren's non-human chat group

Chapter 549 The Miracle Master's Travel

Xiao Yishu: "It's almost like this..."

Xiao Tailang: "Oh? So what did you do afterwards? ←_←"

Xiao Yishu: "Actually, it's nothing. _(:з"∠)_"

Xiao Yishu: "There are not many plots in Journey to the Stars, and the effective plots are only one month. ╮( ̄⊿ ̄)╭"

Xiao Yishu: "So I asked Buluo, that is, our opinions in the world of Star Journey. He said that he wanted to take a look at the Rainbow Sea with Deya and Maidang, and after accumulating some strength in the process, he would try to anchor the world. And then basically there is nothing... –_–"

Xiao Blin: "I always feel that the world of your Star Journey is extremely boring. Either you are fighting, or you are on the way to fight, and you only fought twice. (-ι_-)"

Xiao Yishu: "No way, there is only so much plot in the original Star Journey. It is obviously impossible to do more within the plot. ㄟ(▔, ▔)ㄏ"

Xiao Yishu: "And the world structure of Star Journey is indeed a bit... troublesome. Although it is not that complicated, it is indeed a big problem to deal with. (_|||)"

Xiao Blin: "So? ←_←"

Xiao Yishu: "So... Please ask another me! ()"

Shaw Brin: "..."

Xiao Blin: "Don't steal other people's lines in the game, please? (___)ノ|"

Xiao Yishu: "Eh~, skip this topic for now (~~)"

Xiao Yishu: "My affairs here are almost over for the time being, are you guys having any fun recently? _(:з"∠)_"

Xiao Blin: "No, it's quite satisfactory. I didn't recognize this world recently. It should be a very ordinary medieval magical world. _(:з"∠)_"

Xiao Blin: "The value of force here is not high. It seems that there are gods, but apart from some leftovers of power, I haven't found the real body of those gods. I went to see the demon kings that are often found in the magical world. They are probably at the level of a demigod. Recently, the Sequence Two Miracle Master in the Liver Fool sequence is creating miracles all over the world..."


In an unknown world...

"Miracle is with you and me, and those who believe in miracles are as great as the miracle itself."

"So, are you willing to use miracles to change the world and make the world glow with miracles?"

"Willing, willing~"

Looking at a pair of brothers and sisters who were dressed in linen clothes, their appearance was fairly delicate, their eyes reflected light, and a man next to the street was wearing a suit, a polite head, and a monocle in his right eye, and he stopped his spit-spitting speech with great satisfaction.

In order to convince the two little guys in front of him, he spent a lot of words.

But no matter how much he spent talking, his business could finally begin.

While feeling emotionally in his heart, the man in very formal clothes waved his arm slightly, and suddenly something miraculous happened, a square box appeared out of thin air in the man's originally empty hand.

The whole body of the box is pitch black, and the paint surface is completely sealed, only a rectangular groove is opened on the top end, which is shaped like a coin slot.

The box is very big, even if the man holds his hands tightly together, he can't hide the existence of the box at all. It's unknown how the man took out such a big and obvious thing.

However, the man obviously didn't intend to explain these things. After taking out the box, the man lifted his body slightly to the front. The two brothers and sisters smiled slightly and said:

"Thank you for your patronage, let's have a one-click three-link, and I will show you the miracles of this world."

It seemed that what Xiao Yiren said was beyond the comprehension of the two brothers and sisters. Suddenly, the two looked at the little Ant-Man in a daze. Looking at the little puzzled expression, it was obvious that they did not understand Xiao Yiren's meaning.

In this regard, he also had to directly change his mouth and said:

"Each person only needs to put in three coins, whether it's gold coins, silver coins or copper coins."

"After inserting the coin, make a wish and a miracle will happen..."

After hearing the request for money, the expressions of the brothers and sisters with bright eyes in front of them suddenly changed, and the expressions on their faces that were full of anticipation immediately became very disgusting, especially the blond sister, who looked like a beautiful girl who was forced to lift up her skirt by a pervert...

"Ah bah, liar! Mom and Dad taught us that anyone who asks us for money on the street and has no intention of giving us anything is definitely a liar."

Speaking of which, the two brothers and sisters ran away without looking back, leaving only the man in the suit with a black line on his face.

"Oh, it's such a downturn in the world, and people's hearts are not old. I am such an obvious good person who wants to give benefits, but no one believes it..."

Sighing helplessly, the man slowly took off the monocle worn on his right eye, reached out to take out a handkerchief from his breast pocket and wiped it, put the corner of his eye back on, then got up directly, turned around and disappeared in place.

On this crowded street, it must be very conspicuous for a big living person to suddenly disappear, but the man just disappeared out of thin air, but no one around noticed the abnormality here, it was really quite weird...

Apart from……

Not far away, in front of a stall selling various daily necessities such as melons, bowls and pans, a pair of blond brother and sister ran here happily.Among them, he was obviously a little taller. The older boy looked up at a blond woman who was waiting for customers to come to the booth, and said with a happy face as if asking for credit:

"Mom, mom, look there's a liar over there, trying to cheat us of money, but we saw it through, aren't we very good?"

Hearing her own children's words, the blond woman stretched out her hand to touch the faces of the two children with a gentle face, and echoed:
"Oh, where are the liars? Let me take a look."

Seeing that her mother seemed to be interested in this matter, the younger girl happily pointed her finger in the direction she ran back.

"Where is it? Where is it?"

But the blond woman looked up, but there was no one in the direction her daughter was pointing at, so she was a little puzzled.

And as if seeing their mother's doubts, the brother and sister turned their heads at the same time, and said while turning their heads:

"The clothes that man is wearing are very nice, all are black, with a golden eye, it should be very good..."

But halfway through, the words of the two of them got stuck in their throats.

Because the man who was supposed to be there has long since disappeared without a trace, and even when they glanced around, they couldn't see the man at all...

You must know that this street is very spacious, without any forks in the middle, and it leads straight to the distance. Although there are people coming and going, but with the obvious characteristics of the man before, he is definitely quite conspicuous even if he walks a few hundred meters.

"Is this a miracle?"


Seeing that the digestion progress of the potion in his panel seemed to have advanced by one millionth, Xiao Yiren couldn't help scratching his head in a daze.

"I don't seem to have done anything..."

It's unlucky to say it, and I don't know why Xiao Yiren felt that everything was not going well after he came to this world, just like the operation of acting as a miracle master and creating miracles before, in the three days since he came to this world, Xiao Yiren has not opened a business once, which is outrageous.

Of course that time just now doesn't count, Xiao Yiren clearly didn't do anything that time just now...

Since leaving the world of the Lord of Mysteries, Xiao Yiren has been preparing for his own sequence promotion.

The first is the BUG path. Due to the selfless dedication of a certain Amon, Xiao Yiren didn't even have any adaptation to this path, so he came directly to Sequence One.

Later, there are three Sequence One Extraordinary characteristics plus one uniqueness. With the help of various modules, it is only a ritual to be promoted to Sequence Zero.

After that, Xiao Yiren successfully completed all the processes from Sequence Nine to Sequence One of the apprenticeship path in multiple worlds, and even completed the ritual of the True God of Sequence Zero very easily because the starry sky of other worlds was not polluted.

In the future, among the Gou Sanjia, only the sequence of Seers has not been completed, so Xiao Yiren has been obsessed with this aspect for a while.

But it’s okay to say that in the previous part, most of the apprentice sequences can be fulfilled by going out and running around.And BUG is a free gift from Amon, without any price.

As for the tricksters and ancient scholars before, the playing conditions were basically very simple. It was nothing more than recreating history or something. For Xiao Yiren, who can see through time directly, it was not too easy. It was only when he came to Master of Miracles that Xiao Yiren really faced the troublesome role-playing task that required time and reputation.

Originally, Xiao Yiren didn't think about how difficult this task would be. After all, at this stage, that guy Ke Miaomiao was just wandering around the streets, getting some kind of wishing machine, strolling around and it was over.

Xiao Yiren thought that Ke Miaomiao had finished so easily, so he couldn't be worse, right?

Especially in such a magical world, the world of medieval social outlook, even pretending to be a ghost, can make some miracle rumors, but he can really create miracles, as long as he walks around the folks twice, and when he becomes famous, he will directly create some miracles that can be spread throughout the kingdom for thousands of years.

It's just that there seems to be a problem with the first step of the plan.

The people here are a bit too smart, even children are unwilling to believe his miracles, they are all iron cocks, and they are not even willing to throw out a copper coin...

There are even some rumors in some places, "If there is a liar who wears a suit and a monocle and says he wants to perform miracles, don't believe it." What's more, he is directly given the title of an unwarranted human trafficker, as a story to warn his children not to run around...

Damn, he obviously didn't do anything...

Of course, depression is depression, and Xiao Yiren didn't want to change his action plan.

This is a magical world, and Xiao Yiren can directly make those ordinary people kneel and kowtow if he just shows a little power, making them believe in miracles is simply too simple.

But why is Xiao Yiren anxious, why is he anxious, Xiao Yiren doesn't have any powerful enemies, he is eager to solve it, and he has no desire to fulfill it eagerly.The people in the chat group are not in a hurry to need help, why is he in a hurry?

Instead of rushing to improve your strength, it is better to slowly experience the process of gaining strength step by step...

"Don't worry, take your time."


Still like an ordinary person, Xiao Yiren seemed to be quite relaxed as he walked slowly on the bumpy dirt road.

Although the main task he defined was not going smoothly, it did not disrupt Xiao Yiren's good mood.

No matter where it is, as long as it is not all made of blocks, Xiao Yiren finds it very pleasing to the eye.

For Xiao Yiren, Terraria is getting more and more boring. Although there are more and more modules, the world itself is still the same, too monotonous and boring, and other worlds are more fun...

But as he walked, Xiao Yiren's footsteps stopped slowly, he turned his head slightly, and his sensitive spirit sensed the movement in a cave in the distant forest.

There seems to be a fight going on there...

Xiao Yiren didn't use magic to detect, but just stretched out with spirituality, and listened carefully to the movement inside, as if listening to the sound inside the door through a door.Xiao Yiren could clearly clear up the fight, which seemed to be a one-sided massacre.

There are clear sounds of metal colliding with stones inside, as well as loud scolding, screaming, exclamation, and grinning. Even if you don't actually look at Xiao Yiren, you can still imagine a rough picture.

"Go and see..."

For the suffering, any glimmer of hope is proof of a miracle.Xiao Yiren raised his foot slightly, and the miracle was that he lifted his figure and came directly into the cave.

But just after coming here, Xiao Yiren regretted it a little.

In this cave, not only is it pitch black, but it also smells so bad, it seems that the entire cave is made of dung, the smell is simply...

Although it feels very uncomfortable, for Xiao Yiren, it is not difficult to operate these senses.

But when Xiao Yiren saw the surrounding environment clearly, he was slightly stunned again.

There is no other reason, because the identities of the two sides in the battle are human adventurers and goblins...

Well, that's right, Goblins...

Looking at these little monsters who are less than 1.2 meters tall, ugly to a certain extent, with a circle of animal skin around their waists, barely covering their lower body, with sharp fangs, mouth full of saliva like running nose, protruding ribs, and a big belly, Xiao Yiren's mouth twitched slightly.

Xiao Yiren thinks that the goblins in the Terraria world are already ugly enough, but now he realizes that he was wrong, outrageously wrong. Compared with the group of guys in front of him, the goblins in the Terraria world are so handsome, is there any?

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