Yiren's non-human chat group

Chapter 465 Alien master; 2 people who suddenly appeared

Xiao Yilong: "There are so many worlds in Dragon Ball. _(:з"∠)_"

Xiao Yilong: "On a recent trip, I found a Vegeta-like Son Goku, a Sun Wukong version - Son Goku, and even a Frieza version - Son Goku. 囧rz"

Xiao Yilong: "It really is a vast world, full of wonders. (@_@;)"

Mao Yiren: "Hey, what you said, we seem to have read comics or novels in previous lives. ←_←"

Grandpa Xiao: "Oh, isn't it just a story line that generates countless possibilities? I'm familiar with this kind of thing. ㄟ(▔,▔)ㄏ"

Grandpa Xiao: "Besides, some time ago, when I had no other grandpas, dinosaurs came to Earth. They gave me a more advanced teleportation gun. Recently, I am researching their new teleportation fluid. (=′ー`)"

Pai Daxiao: "Hey, the parallel diversity of people is so colorful, how can I be so pitted here. Kou Ding Yi"

Pai Daxiao: "All kinds of destruction of the Three Views and Cthulhu, I feel that I have been a little indescribable recently..(___)ノ|"

Xiao Niren: "Same as above, parallel universes with a fixed multivariate interior are really meaningless, they are just deviations caused by small differences, and it is only one or two things that remain unchanged. (*i`*)"

Xiao Niren: "It's not interesting. If you don't talk about it, you still have to travel through time and space all day long, disturbing time and space. ()"


After a few minutes of daily idleness, the chat group became quiet again.

Although most of Xiao Yiren's life is just cultivation and idle daily life, no matter how idle they are, it is impossible to stay in the chat group every day, and it is enough to make a noise once in a while.

However, the occasional explosion news can still blow up many people...

[Ding, congratulations to group member Xiao Xingxing for achieving a great cause - the unification of the universe]

[Ding, congratulations to group member Xiao Xingxing for winning the title—Emperor of Galaxy]

[Ding, congratulations to group member Xiao Xingxing for winning the title—Master]

[Ding, the multiverse has been anchored]

[Ding, the single world barrier has been lifted]

[Ding, group member Xiao Aliens exists and ends]

[Ding, the private server channel has been opened]

[Ding, alert!Alert—the multiverse world is dangerous, if you want to explore, please consider seriously]


Xiao Niren: "Fuck! Σ(°Д°;"

Mao Yiren: "Nest grass! Σ(っ°Д°;) っ"

Xiao Blin: "It really happened? Is the unification of the universe so outrageous? Σ(@)Σ(⊙▽⊙"a"

Naomi Ren: "@肖异形, this is unscientific, how did you do it? The universe is so big, there are so many galaxies, and the superclusters of galaxies alone can't turn around, and even my exponentially exploding extension can't cover a large area Galaxy clusters, how did you complete the unification of the universe? ⊙﹏⊙∥”

The general world anchor news will not cause too much vibration in the chat group, after all, isn't it the anchor world?I have strengthened it several times, so what's so surprising.

However, this time is an exception.

There is no one in the chat group who doesn't know how difficult the purely technological world of Xiao Xingxing and Naomi Ren is.

Even if you have the strength to do this thing, it may not work. You don’t need to spend millions of years to operate it. If you want it for decades, you just want to rule the universe. What a joke, so little time is not enough for you to get out of a What about the Milky Way.

Xiao Xingxing: "This is not a problem. ╮( ̄⊿ ̄)╭"

Xiao Xingxing: "@每名仁, my side is not the same as yours. Apart from the ones on the bright side in the original book, who knows how many civilizations are hidden in the dark. →_→"

Xiao Xingxing: "But the advanced civilizations here are basically on the bright side. The highest ones are the Predator civilization and the Titan civilization. (* ̄rǒ ̄)"

Xiao Xingxing: "Other civilizations have not yet developed and are in the primitive era, or they have been transformed by them and led by them. (°ー°〃)"

Xiao Xingxing: "It couldn't be easier to deal with these guys. After I captured the iron-blooded home planet and the Titan's home star, I obtained the star map of the civilization they led to birth, and then the wormhole and worm swarms all in one service. .┑( ̄Д ̄)┍”

Xiao Yixing: "Some time ago, I was just exterminating the Predator, the remaining remnants. After exterminating them, the anchor will naturally come down. ([email protected]@)"

Namiren: "..."

Namiren: "Okay, okay, the situation is different, so we can't generalize..(___)ノ|"

The water in the Three-Body World is much deeper than that in the Alien World. Among other things, just taking out the singer civilization alone is enough to beat the entire Alien Universe.

Although the strength of the Predator civilization is not bad, it can directly control a large area of ​​star field and build a galaxy fortress based on several stars, but in terms of purity, they are still far behind...

Of course, the more important thing is that Alien Xiao allows wormhole technology, and the light cone does not represent everything, so the reason why the aliens can descend to all living planets in an explosive way is in it.

Xiao Xingxing: "Although I've been struggling lately, it's worth it. I finally managed to anchor this world. _(:з"∠)_"

Xiao Yixing: "I've been tired of watching these bastards for a long time. I just changed the map today. I will withdraw first. See you later..."


In an unknown world.

In a spaceship full of unknowns.

A "person" who was covered in azure blue carapace, with huge fleshy wings on his back, and a long tail that stretched out like a human spine suddenly appeared here.

And this "person" is naturally Xiao Yiren, to be precise, Xiao Yixing.

Having just finished projecting Xiao Xingxing, he clenched his fist, roughly feeling his own state, and then began to observe the surrounding environment.

This is not a spacious corridor. The floor, ceiling and even the surrounding walls are made of pure steel. With Xiao Yiren's eyesight, he can directly see the room at the end of the corridor.

There was a huge mechanical door at the door of the room, but it was not closed at this time. Xiao Yiren could see various instruments in the room through the completely open door.

The well-informed Xiao Yiren, seeing the style of these instruments and seeing the internal wiring structure through the metal shell, Xiao Yiren knew that he should come from a spaceship.

Well, a spacecraft with a fairly average technical content.

"Hey, just this technology is still running into the universe, is this coming out to give away the head?"

Withdrawing his gaze, Xiao Yiren's originally tense nerves from entering the new environment were immediately relieved, and he even complained lightly with great interest.

For no other reason, there is no danger here.

According to his field of vision observation, there are no stars that may cause danger around the spaceship, and there are no weapons inside the spaceship that can threaten him.

Even if the spacecraft self-destructs, Xiao Yiren is fully capable of self-detachment, and can even move spaceships from other universes for interstellar voyages.

It can be said that there is no pressure at all.

Of course, if there is anything here that makes Xiao Yiren unhappy, it should be...


Behind Xiao Yiren, the spine-like tail that was hanging quietly on the ground cut across the air like a nine-section whip, causing a large sonic boom, instantly blowing up a "white spider" the size of a human face that was rushing towards him from the shadows .

A large amount of dark green blood splattered on the metal floor and walls.


The moment the green blood came into contact with the metal, it shone brightly, milky white bubbles spread out on top of the green blood, and in the blink of an eye, the originally neat ground and walls immediately turned into potholes.

Glancing at the corroded and disfigured metal walls and floors, Xiao Yiren didn't pay attention to these unimportant things, but turned around and smiled faintly at a dark little thing in the darkness.

Of course, this is from Xiao Yiren's point of view, but what can be seen from the outside is only a ferocious monster with a mouth full of fangs, baring its teeth.

"When will the soldier ants of the alien race dare to commit crimes!"

The faint biological stance spread from Xiao Yiren's body surface to the surroundings, showing a faint coercive stance, instantly crushing the little thing hidden in the shadows to the ground, even struggling desperately. Can't move.

Looking at the black original alien who was crawling on the ground like an earthworm, constantly twisting his body, Xiao Yiren frowned slightly, but he relaxed quickly.

I'm used to seeing the group of stupid things in my own home, and when I look at this one in front of me, although it looks similar, but even more stupid, I always feel a little unresponsive.

Although the aliens on Xiao Yiren's side have been compensated by Xiao Yiren many times, they have reduced the weaknesses of war weapons that are easy to control. Cosmic weapons of war.

It just changed the target of the target, thereby discarding some characteristics and making up for some weaknesses, but the essence of Xiao Yiren's alien war weapons has not changed. The aliens born under his hands must strictly abide by the hierarchy system, and upgrades all depend on it. Contribution, it is absolutely impossible for the following to commit the above situation.

It is precisely because of his habit that he was in such an environment, and Xiao Yiren was a little upset just now when he was suddenly "offended by the subordinates", but it will be fine when he recovers.

The original wild alien species is not a species that has undergone layers of transformation and evolution by Titan and Xiao Yiren. They still conform to the most primitive natural selection, and only take the continuation of the race as the biggest mission goal.

If it is your own queen who is controlled, you can just throw it away and re-evolve one, just attacking a queen who is not of your own species. In this head, the melon is corroded by corrosive body fluids to the point where the brain of a stupid thing the size of a walnut is not big enough. Of course there won't be any problems.

Now that he figured it out, Xiao Yiren naturally didn't need to abuse this stupid thing. Seeing how this little thing was struggling for the survival of his own race, Xiao Yiren waved his hand in pity.

The next moment, dots of black water flew out of its azure blue exoskeleton and landed on the little black guy.

With just one breath, the little black water droplets turned into water stains the size of a washbasin, and slowly flew back into Xiao Yiren's body.

As for the little alien?What little alien?did he exist?

"Hey, are the people on this spaceship almost dead? That's a pity, the position of the alien queen seems to be turning right from here..."

Just when he raised his foot to deal with the original alien queen, Xiao Yiren's footsteps suddenly stopped in place.

Xiao Yiren raised his head sharply, his sharp eyes instantly pierced through layers of metal walls, and he cast his gaze on an inconspicuous room of this spaceship.

According to the theory, there were no people there, but now there are indeed, and there are quite a few of them.

There are twenty people in all.

"Is it a human or a Predator?"

"For the Predator, the infrared form, body shape, and physical strength are wrong. How could there be such a weak Predator? And looking at this posture, it seems that they should be lying on the ground after being knocked out, and only a few are awake."

"But if it's humans, how did they suddenly appear in this spaceship beyond my perception?!"

"Could it be that the humans in this universe have surpassed the Predator and developed a small-scale wormhole shuttle technology?"

Having dealt with Predator for so many years in his own universe, Xiao Yiren really couldn't understand what kind of virtue those guys are.

It is absolutely impossible for these guys to be Predator. Judging from the sub-healthy state of each of them, even human astronauts are probably unlikely.

But such a group of messy guys suddenly appeared in this spaceship in such a majestic way. If there is no problem, Xiao Yiren would not believe anything.

The inexplicable Xiao Yiren felt a faint uneasiness in his heart, as if something indescribable was reaching out to him.

But soon he calmed down, and his eyes regained their ferocity and bloodlust.

"Forget it, let's see what these guys want to do first. They just want to die, and I don't know who died..."


The line of sight came to the side of the 20 people who suddenly appeared.

The twenty people here are indeed "twenty people". They have different outfits, different ages, and different temperaments. It is obvious that they did not come here together.

Among these people, sixteen were still lying on the ground, falling into a coma, and only a few opened their eyes, looking at the surrounding environment in confusion.

And when everyone was still in a daze, one of the few four people who were still awake suddenly turned pale, trembling uncontrollably, and exclaimed with trembling corners of his mouth:
"How is it possible! There are twenty people this time, the highest difficulty?!"

"It's obviously just a technological horror world..."

"This is terrible, 20 people, this kind of difficulty will not appear in a sci-fi horror film like Alien that can be explained by technology, the 'lord god' must have changed the difficulty, this is terrible..."

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